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The Everyday Life of Heroes - Official FEH Manga (with translations)! Ch. 100!!! (10/23)


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14 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I mean Lon'qu did lose against Masked Marth. So his senses saw through the disguise. You're gonna have to do better than that Linde

Also Forrest when IS? Oh and Reyson as well so they can form a whole team.

Which FE is this Forrest person from? (Shame on me if I've watched/played it and just don't remember, unless this person just didn't strike me as (apparently) a feminine dude.)

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2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Which FE is this Forrest person from? (Shame on me if I've watched/played it and just don't remember, unless this person just didn't strike me as (apparently) a feminine dude.)

Fire Emblem Fates, and is Leo's child who has a love for tailoring and textiles. 



One of the greater child characters as well personality-wise and he's all about being true to your interests


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14 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Fire Emblem Fates, and is Leo's child who has a love for tailoring and textiles. 

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One of the greater child characters as well personality-wise and he's all about being true to your interests


Ahh, right. I never played Fates, so it's no wonder I forgot about him. Yep. He fits the bill.

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45 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

One of the greater child characters as well personality-wise

No one can top Dwyer. Dwyer is the best kid in Fates, and it’s impossible to make me change my mind on the matter. Forrest is up there too, though.

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59 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

And coming up next on The Adventures of Lon'qu and Kiran the doo-doo brain, Kiran thinks he has finally figured Lon'qu out... and puts him on a team of muscly muscle men.


Playable Bruno confirmed?

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Nice try, Lyndon.

I do like the implication that she kept the cloak as a mark of pride for surviving that ordeal. Probably useful for picking up groceries without being eyed left and right.

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2 hours ago, X-Naut said:

Nice try, Lyndon.

I do like the implication that she kept the cloak as a mark of pride for surviving that ordeal. Probably useful for picking up groceries without being eyed left and right.

Well with a cloak like that you’re bound to get some suspicious looks

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9 hours ago, Hilda said:

I wonder how Lonqu would react when surrounded by the likes of Camilla, Aversa and Kagero. hm...

Swap out Kagero with Loki.

That would drive him bonkers. It brings me back to Loki's release and the Forging Bonds that came with it. It was really creeping me out, Loki's need to constantly let me know that her body was mine. No one in real life exists like that. 

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3 hours ago, Zeo said:

Swap out Kagero with Loki.

That would drive him bonkers. It brings me back to Loki's release and the Forging Bonds that came with it. It was really creeping me out, Loki's need to constantly let me know that her body was mine. No one in real life exists like that. 

Agreed, except that people like that do exist. It's just that they're not mentally stable, perhaps having come from an abusive place where that was what they had to do to survive. And, well, breaking their minds because of it. Could also come from other mental illnesses, even if said illness is simply a case of severe obsession (which I think is at least part of Loki's case.) But, of course, no one's going to help her achieve mental health in this game, and instead will be encouraging her behavior as harmless for the sake of those who want to fantasize about someone with this sort of mental trauma without having to deal with the damage and baggage that comes with it.

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12 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

But, of course, no one's going to help her achieve mental health in this game, and instead will be encouraging her behavior as harmless for the sake of those who want to fantasize about someone with this sort of mental trauma without having to deal with the damage and baggage that comes with it.

I mean, I haven't yet seen a psychologist's office that you can even take her to in Askr (or any of the other worlds you've been to), so it's not like there's much you could do about it anyways.

Unless there is magic for it, most fantasy worlds I've seen don't really have institutions for mental health other than asylums to keep them away from less disturbed people.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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9 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I mean, I haven't yet seen a psychologist's office that you can even take her to in Askr (or any of the other worlds you've been to), so it's not like there's much you could do about it anyways.

Unless there is magic for it, most fantasy worlds I've seen don't really have institutions for mental health other than asylums to keep them away from less disturbed people.

The behavior could be portrayed as messy, undesirable, and unhealthy, in order to encourage people to see people with this problem as what they are: people who need help, rather than desirable objects. And that's the very least of it, for the player's sake, and for the sake of people the player encounters in real life who may have this problem. Gently discouraging the behavior and proving that it's okay/safe to not behave in such a way, while encouraging more healthy mannerisms are steps that the characters can take in helping the likes of Loki, Tharja, and Aversa recover from the respective mental ailments. The issue is that, as they are, they sell a lot better than if they were healthy. That, I think, is the main reason why it won't happen.

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56 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I mean, I haven't yet seen a psychologist's office that you can even take her to in Askr (or any of the other worlds you've been to), so it's not like there's much you could do about it anyways.

Unless there is magic for it, most fantasy worlds I've seen don't really have institutions for mental health other than asylums to keep them away from less disturbed people.

The most I can think of is hexes (Tharja and Henry come to mind for example) and potions (Corrin). Or in Treehouse's case, blindfolds and imagination.

I can also swear I once remember a healer offering to use her staff on someone's head once, though it was almost certainly sarcasm.

As for an actual professional? Nope. We haven't seen one yet iirc.

Edited by Arcphoenix
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42 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

The behavior could be portrayed as messy, undesirable, and unhealthy, in order to encourage people to see people with this problem as what they are: people who need help, rather than desirable objects. And that's the very least of it, for the player's sake, and for the sake of people the player encounters in real life who may have this problem. Gently discouraging the behavior and proving that it's okay/safe to not behave in such a way, while encouraging more healthy mannerisms are steps that the characters can take in helping the likes of Loki, Tharja, and Aversa recover from the respective mental ailments. The issue is that, as they are, they sell a lot better than if they were healthy. That, I think, is the main reason why it won't happen.

If I wanted a sermon, I'd go to church.

There are three things that I think are wrong with your assessment, though:

  1. You make the assumption that their obsession is a mental illness that requires treatment or at least medical attention. This comes from my own experiences that I don't want to get into.
  2. You make the assumption that their obsession is legitimately an obsession and not just an act. I'm fulling willing to take a bet that Loki is just being a troll and behaving like this for her own amusement.
  3. You ignore the fact that it is also possible to portray such afflictions as things that people can live with, that don't prevent them from living (or trying to live) normal lives and function as "normal" human beings.
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20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If I wanted a sermon, I'd go to church.

There are three things that I think are wrong with your assessment, though:

  1. You make the assumption that their obsession is a mental illness that requires treatment or at least medical attention. This comes from my own experiences that I don't want to get into.
  2. You make the assumption that their obsession is legitimately an obsession and not just an act. I'm fulling willing to take a bet that Loki is just being a troll and behaving like this for her own amusement.
  3. You ignore the fact that it is also possible to portray such afflictions as things that people can live with, that don't prevent them from living (or trying to live) normal lives and function as "normal" human beings.

I wasn't trying to "give you a sermon" but since this is clearly beginning to get into territory that's offensive (to you, and therefore potentially to others), I'll go ahead and shut up now. (And since tone is implied over text, I'll clarify that I'm doing this respectfully and calmly.)

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1 hour ago, Mercakete said:

The behavior could be portrayed as messy, undesirable, and unhealthy, in order to encourage people to see people with this problem as what they are: people who need help, rather than desirable objects. And that's the very least of it, for the player's sake, and for the sake of people the player encounters in real life who may have this problem. Gently discouraging the behavior and proving that it's okay/safe to not behave in such a way, while encouraging more healthy mannerisms are steps that the characters can take in helping the likes of Loki, Tharja, and Aversa recover from the respective mental ailments. The issue is that, as they are, they sell a lot better than if they were healthy. That, I think, is the main reason why it won't happen.

Just to hop in, Aversa's issues were an almost direct result of Validar's tampering, it was pretty obvious to most players I talked to that her case wasn't her fault and that she was more to be pitied(though that does require you to complete The Wellspring of Truth so I understand if not everyone got that), and she actually does end her story rather normally if my memory of her unmarried Ending serves.
As for Tharja, it can be argued that that isn't technically her fault either since as far as we can tell it was carryover from Rhajat's relationship with Corrin. If you want to pick on someone, I'd say Rhajat is the better choice - even considering Corrin saved her life, her exact words are “I owe you my life. All of it. Every hour, every day, until the end. You've got my full attention. I'll watch you like a hawk on a mouse. Forever and ever—until one of us is no more. And maybe then some.” which could reasonably be stated to be overdoing it a little. Ignoring the weird Robin thing, Tharja's actually pretty normal - or even overall a good person - all things considered if you read her Supports, especially when you look at her conversations with Gregor or Libra, though there is that one Support chain where she's talking to thin air so I guess that is a little weird, and you have the moronic Father-Noire Support chain that someone should have been fired for.
Loki, meanwhile, is just plain weird - I'm still trying to cope with the fact that I say Loki and think Marvel Loki but I'm seeing Fire Emblem Loki on my screen, it's weird to me that this Loki is female even though it's technically still an accurate portrayal of Loki in his original form - he is the mother of Thor's horse, after all. I'm also not entirely certain Loki won't turn out to be a guy after all at some point, since that would be a suitably disturbing plot twist for the end of Book 3 or even Book 4, then there's the fact that I think Loki just has a serious hard-on for the Summoner and that's part of her weirdness when talking directly to you.

Not trying to get on your back or anything, I just happen to disagree with your examples and thought I'd explain my point of view. Sorry if you find any of this an offensive way to look at it for whatever reason. I will say Camilla is definitely a mishandled character with an actual mental issue, though, especially after watching the video ghaast did covering her Supports.

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