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Bound Hero Battle: You of the Light (Takumi and Hinoka)


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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

I don't have another Hone Fliers. I have not managed to get Hinoka despite all these banners. My luck is very bad!

Her banners are only to mock us, Hinoka is only to be summoned off focus (she has been my second ever 5*). Good luck fellow flyer tactican, she will come eventually. ;-)

@Hilda Great as always, no overly crazy tactics needed this time. Healers next? 

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26 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

Her banners are only to mock us, Hinoka is only to be summoned off focus (she has been my second ever 5*). Good luck fellow flyer tactican, she will come eventually. ;-)

@Hilda Great as always, no overly crazy tactics needed this time. Healers next? 

nah maybe i do a Nohr (Leo, Camilla, Xander, Elise) vs Hoshido run!

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8 minutes ago, Hilda said:

nah maybe i do a Nohr (Leo, Camilla, Xander, Elise) vs Hoshido run!

That would be 4 nohrian nobles against 2 from hoshido. Better let Leo bring Niles (or Odin) and Camilla has Selena (or Beruka). 

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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

That would be 4 nohrian nobles against 2 from hoshido. Better let Leo bring Niles (or Odin) and Camilla has Selena (or Beruka). 

Nah i decided to leave Leo home, because he cant watch his beloved Takumi getting hurt *winkwink*. And CorrinF is on vacation!

My god this stuff is so easy mode with a Dancer and Distant Counter lol really shows how far behind the Askar Trio is


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Faye, Fae, Ninian and Olivia stomped all over the battle. It seems like the BK clear I was considering has been done by others, and since I’m not sure if there are any other reliable ways to initiate the map with free units or 3-4* pullables (I wonder if Michalis could get any mileage here), I might just leave it at this.




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And beat Infernal in my main with Ike, Hector, Cordelia and Cherche. Had Axura at first but this was one of those times when not using a dancer was better- i came close but Axura gets cornered by Hinoka with Blazing Wind to rub salt on the wound. I mean I could've given Axura Vantage, but it was easier to just use Cherche and take advantage of flier movement

Reposition of Fliers OP

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Yeah Hector murks this map super-hard. Cleared infernal with Hector / PA Azure /Witchy Nowi / Brave Lucina. Everyone except Hector felt replaceable. (Not gonna lie--I'm not entirely sure how I would have approached this without him)

Edited by Shoblongoo
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I was going to share my strategy as soon as I finished the Infernal map (about 5 minutes after it released lol) but it was not worth it. Hector shits on Takumi and the blue mage and for the rest you can either go with 1 archer with Brave Bow+ and two dancers or use 2 archers and 1 dancer which is what I did. Klein+B!Lyn made short work of the rest while Hector went to chill in a corner after his job was done.

Oh yeah, Hard and Lunatic were done by my classic team of Ike, Nowi, Hector, Bride Lyn. This map alongside Ursula's is just a "JustuseHectortm".

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15 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

 Hector went to chill in a corner after his job was done.

Lol yep. That's what he does. Can you even imagine? ( *casually kills 2 dudes*  HECTOR: "Alright guys. Real funny. You made me drop my beer for this shit." *leaves*)

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Horse Emblem With Dancer (But really it's all due to Sigurd)

I did it first thing in the morning. First time I've done all three difficulties without having to switch around units.



  • Sigurd - +Def - Res, Fury 3, and Distant Defense 3 Seal (he probably doesn't even need this though)
  • Brave Lyn - Neutral, Free Summon version, with QP Seal, and Standard Kit + Fortify Cavalry for Sigurd
  • Camus - +1 with Spd+3 Seal, really it's the Hone Cavalry that he runs to help boost Brave Lyn
  • PA Azura - Wings of Mercy, Fortify Res 2, and Fortify Def 1 not sure if really helped at all though

Overall one of the easier Bound Hero Battles, actually all of them have been pretty average so far.

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8 hours ago, GuiltyLove said:

Yeah, I definitely could not have done it without S. Camilla. I want Minerva! 

Are you a Flier Emblem fan? I'm a huge flier fan. Why don't you add me in-game? :D My ID is 639-892-6621 

Dunno anyone who isn't a Flier Emblem fan. Emblem teams are pretty fun to run.

I somehow got two Minervas during unrelated banners. 

And sure. Added. 

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I had Felicia do most of the work for this one, it was fun.

  • Seashell+ for the extra damage
  • She has a S Support with Eirika
  • QP seal, Iceberg, and DEF ploy to help her one round Takumi



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@Hilda i love this.


i forever stand by tank meta here's my clear (also i recorded this while listening to the radio in my car before work so enjoy the  Sting or mute it pls)

also @Fei Mao i love your Felicia

Edited by wizzard of soz
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11 hours ago, Lord-Zero said:

They’re just there so people fight to get the orbs. If you want a “challenge”, try the battles with the “low tier units” such as Odin, Fir, Virion and Raigh at 3* with their vanilla kits.

IS should keep the Valter-esque difficulties far, far away. 


...I mean, it's not like I came in with a full team of whale-built +10s and said 'lol this was too easy IntSys should make it so non-whale scrubs can't win'. I feel like Valter's Infernal map was what Infernal should be - crazy rough, forcing people to either improvise and adapt or, if just in it for the orbs, turn to the dark side of full horsies for an easy victory. I feel this is more true now that it's clear that BHBs are going to be re-run, so nobody's permanently missing out on orbs.

Besides, there have been two boosts to player power since Valter. They should be tuning the highest difficulties higher now to make up for that, because those boosts aren't whale-exclusive.

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Refined Askrtrio Battle with less skill inheritance involved and less heavy seals involved.
Only going to least seals and inherited skills needed, the rest is all Vanilla on those units.

Assist Reposition [3* Barst/Selena]
B: Bow Breaker 1 minimum [3/4* Setsuna]
Seal: Deflect Magic 1 (minimum for him to survive teh red mage)
The Seal makes it so the Red mage attacks wrys instead of one shoting Alfonse. Distant def 1 seal works too! the red mage hits Alfonse for 20x2 so with distant def 1 he would survive the attack too.

B: Wings of Mercy 1 minimum [3* Palla/Frederick, 4* Cain]

Assist Reposition [3* Barst/Selena]
C: Hone Atk 3[4* CorrifnF/Mathilda/Olivia]
Seal: Def +1 is not needed
If you dont have a hone atk 3 on Anna, pls give her a Spur atk seal 1 or give her Spur atk 3 otherwise Alfonse fails to ORKO Takumi, Threaten Defense 2 works too

B: Wings of mercy 1 minimum [3* Palla/Frederick. 4* Cain]
Seal: Atk Ploy 1
Please not that Wrys has to be prolly +RES natura or the Raven Red mage will kill him prolly, if you have a neutral RES IV slap +3 RES A skill on him. -RES Wrys = you get rekt. Please note the Red mage NEEDS to attack Wrys for his slow attack to take effect (-6 SPD) so Sharena can double him. So if you underbuff Alfonse with distant def/deflect magic seal and the red mage goes to attack Alfonse you need a way to kill the Red mage with Sharena then!


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12 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Her banners are only to mock us, Hinoka is only to be summoned off focus (she has been my second ever 5*). Good luck fellow flyer tactican, she will come eventually. ;-)

She was my second too, but she was a focus unit. I pulled her in a summoning session on the wrong banner though (I was trying to get one of the siblings on the first sibling banner).

Also, followed the yorotsuruu strat for infernal, and as for Lunatic used armour emblem (Hector stronk), though my units included Sheena, Effie and BK (Effie was a poor choice though, and nearly caused a loss as she couldn't defeat Hinoka at 4* without a Goad Armour from Hector.

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I re-recorded my clear again because my previous run skipped all of the map animations. 

Note: Hinoka reaches 40 Speed on initiation after Hone Fliers boost so Camus needed 45 Speed to double her. Hone Cavalry and Goad Cavalry puts him at 46 Speed. He does have an extra 2 speed to spare from his S support with Cecilia though

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I was happy 'cos I cleared this with Bunny Chrom in my team :D 

Of course, the other members were Ike, Hector and Shigure, so it's not like I just used random units, but still... yay Bunny Chrom :D 

I'd share my strat but I honestly can't remember. Hector took out Takumi and the blue mage (he had a +3 Atk Seal), Ike swapped with him to take out the axer after powering up Chrom enough to take out Hinoka. And then I think Ike took out the red flier and a combo of Chrom and Shigure took out the red mage. I think. 

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