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Bored as hell.


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The forest is too quiet right now. I'd post a topic that might help liven things up, but I think most people would just call me a loser and say it was a stupid waste of a topic and their time, even though they're just wasting more of their time, posting about how it's a waste of their time, and then have to argue with other memebers about how it's such a waste of time, thus spending a whole hour discussing something that they could have simply ignored.

....What were we talking about?

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I'm bored too, but I have ways of getting rid of my boredom (hint hint: video games).

--This message has been officially sponsored by International House of Pingas.

My brain is going to puke if it has to process that word pingas again :mellow:

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How does one's brain puke? Let's find out!

PINGAS <--- Process this!

Do Advance Biology and Advance maths at College like me. You will soon find out.


Please these topics are making me depressed :(

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Perhaps. But one step at a time.

I'm having problems with Bianchi. I'm not sure what to do.

Do you two know each other IRL or something :huh:

If not you really really really stop thinking about someone who you never met...

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Do you two know each other IRL or something :huh:

If not you really really really stop thinking about someone who you never met...

I guess....

Hence why I didn't make that the subject of this topic.

Forget it. <_<

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No I meant its no point getting worked up and upsetting yourself :)

I suppose. But I see this place as a reflection of sorts to my actual life. If I'm a loser-failure here, I feel like a loser-failure IRL. Or, I AM a loser-failure IRL.

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