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Favorite of Each Class/Category: Awakening Edition

Doodlebug Four

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Who's your overall fav in whatever terms of character, design, utility, or all 3?

Lord: Chrom or Lucina

Tactician: Robin, MaleMorgan, or FemaleMorgan

Cavalier: Frederick, Sully, Stahl, or Walhart

Mercenary: Gregor, Inigo, or Severa

Hero: Flavia or Priam

Myrmidon: Lon'qu, Say'ri, Yen'Fay, or Owain

Thief: Gaius, Gangrel or Anna

Fighter: Vaike or Basilio

Wyvern: Cherche or Gerome

Knight: Kellam or Kjelle

Pegasus: Sumia, Cordelia, Aversa, or Cynthia

Mage: Miriel, Ricken, Emmeryn or Laurent

Dark Mage: Tharja or Henry

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Lissa, Maribelle, Libra, or Brady

Archer: Virion or Noire

Taguel: Panne or Yarne

Manakete: Nowi, Tiki, or Nah

Unique: Olivia or Donnel

Edited by Doodlebug Four
Addin in the spotpass characters and renamed the "staves" group to Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line.
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Mine are:

Lord: Chrom

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Frederick

Mercenary:  Gregor

Hero: Flavia

Myrmidon: Lon'qu

Thief: Gaius

Fighter: Basilio

Wyvern: Cherche

Knight: Kjelle

Pegasus: Cordelia

Mage: Miriel

Dark Mage: Henry

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Brady

Archer: Noire

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Tiki

Unique: Olivia

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12 minutes ago, Doodlebug Four said:

Major Spoilery Spotpass Characters will be left out. Who's your fav in terms of character, design, utility, or all 3?

Firstly, the game has been out for four years at this rate, what is there left to spoil? Secondly, reclassing kind of messes this up. Thirdly "Staves" is not a class. Lastly, I'm not playing by your stupid rules, pal.

Lord: Chrom

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Sully

Mercenary: Donnel

Myrmidon: Owain

Thief: Anna

Fighter: Vaike

Wyvern: Cherche

Knight: Sumia

Pegasus: Aversa

Mage: Miriel

Dark Mage: Tharja

Staves: Maribelle

Archer: Noire

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Nah

Unique: None, both of the unique classes suck triceratops testicles.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Lord: Lucina

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Frederick

Mercenary: Inigo

Myrmidon: Say'ri

Thief: Anna

Fighter: Vaike (MVP of my first awakening playthrough)

Wyvern: Didn't really use either of them, but Cherche has a better character.

Knight: Kjelle

Pegasus: I used all three of them so it's hard to say, but Sumia ended up best gameplaywise.

Mage: Same as Wyvern, except I don't like any of them this time.

Dark Mage: Henry

Staves: Libra

Archer: Noire

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Tiki

Unique: Priam

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Lord:  Lucina (just because her high combat makes her more satisfying than the average quality of Chrom)

Tactician:  Male Morgan

Cavalier: Frederick, 

Mercenary: Gregor, 

Myrmidon: Owain

Thief:  Anna

Fighter:  Basilio

Wyvern: Cherche

Knight: Kellam 

Pegasus: Cordelia,

Mage:  Ricken

Dark Mage: Henry

Staves:  Libra

Archer: Virion

Taguel: Panne 

Manakete: Nowi

Unique: Olivia

Edited by Reality
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Lord: Chrom, not a big fan of Lucina

Tactician: Robin, Cool guy but I do love daughter Morgan a lot

Cavalier: Stahl, Chill guy

Mercenary: Inigo, My favorite character in FE

Myrmidon: Lon'qu, him and Cherche as a pair are great

Thief: Gaius, candy man is cool

Fighter: Vaike, is the only option really

Wyvern: Cherche, Probably my fav from the female cast in Awakening

Knight: Kellam, because eh with Kjelle

Pegasus: Cordelia, would be Sumia but Warriors has made me found a new love for Cordelia

Mage: Laurent, not big on the mage cast really

Dark Mage: Henry, definitely not Tharja

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: ... Maribelle I guess

Archer: Virion, not big on these two either

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Tiki

Unique: Donnel

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Lord: Chrom

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Sully

Mercenary: Inigo

Hero: Flavia

Myrmidon: Lon'qu

Thief: Anna

Fighter: Vaike

Wyvern: Cherche

Knight: Kellam

Pegasus: Sumia

Mage: Miriel

Dark Mage: Henry

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Lissa

Archer: Noire

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Nah

Unique: Donnel

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Lord: Lucina, pretty fun and powerful too.

Tactician: FemaleMorgan for her insane power.

Cavalier: Frederick, for helping me greatly when starting the game.

Mercenary: Inigo, crazy powerful with Olivia as the mother

Hero: Flavia, she's cool I guess.

Myrmidon: Say'ri, love my female myrmidoms 

Thief: Anna, greed money thief.

Fighter: Vaike, he's okay

Wyvern: Cherche she is a kind physical powerhouse

Knight: Kjelle, I don't see another option here

Pegasus: Cordelia, a talented knight and one of the best units in the game 

Mage: Miriel, she's okay I guess.

Dark Mage: Tharja, she's the reason I play Fire Emblem

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Maribelle, strong healer with galeforce acesses.

Archer: Noire, I like my shy daughter.

Taguel: Panne, Yarne just annoys me.

Manakete: Nah, funny is the the opposite from her mother.

Unique: Both I like them for different reason.

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Lord: Chrom

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Stahl

Mercenary: Severa

Hero: Flavia

Myrmidon: Owain

Thief: Anna

Fighter: Vaike

Wyvern: Cherche

Knight: Kellam

Pegasus: Cordelia

Mage: Laurent

Dark Mage: Henry

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Lissa

Archer: Virion

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Tiki

Unique: Olivia

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lord- not a fan of either

Tactician- M Robin

Cavalier- Stahl

Mercenary- Gregor

Myrmidon- Lon'qu (not much of a competition here)

Healer- Marribelle

Hero- Flavia

Archer- I don't care for Virion though his supports ARE really funny.

Fighter- Bassilio

Dark Mage- Henry

Mage- Laurent

Wyvern- Cherche

Thief- Gaius

Pegasus- Cordelia (she usually has better def and str of the 3)

Unique- Donnel

Taguel- Panne

Manakete- Nah


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Lord: I can't choose between Chrom and Lucina. I love both for different reasons

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Sully

Mercenary: Inigo

Hero: Flavia

Myrmidon: Say'ri

Thief: Anna

Fighter: Basilio

Wyvern: Gerome

Knight: Kellam

Pegasus: Cordelia

Mage: Ricken

Dark Mage: Henry

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Libra

Archer: Noire

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Tiki

Dancer: Olivia

Villager: Donnel

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I'll do this one as well.

Lord: Lucina; Chrom has a relatively less painful life, I think, even if he had a dickhead father who died not long into his life.  Things just seem easier for him than for Lucina.

Tactician: FemaleMorgan; I think I honestly prefer the daughter over the father.

Cavalier: Frederick; Frederick, please, you're too good a Jeigan.  Sully has some nice supports with some characters, though.  Like with Sumia.  Didn't really think they'd get into the kinds of conversations they did.  Walhart deserves mention for... being a better villain than the others, I guess.

Mercenary: Inigo; I like them all to some extent, but Inigo has the best DLC interactions, and Severa's a huge dick to poor Cynthia.

Hero: Flavia; I'm honestly not sure why this isn't just classed under merc (both come from that class line), but I guess I'll go with Flavia simply because I haven't even acquired Priam.

Myrmidon: Owain; that joke where he shouts "Radiant Dawn!" and then tells his sword hand that "this is no time for games!" sold me on this guy entirely.  And I truly love the reasoning behind his theatrics.

Thief: Anna; I think I like Gaius well enough, and Gangrel's a charming villain (never got him through SpotPass), but I like our little mascot.  She's different from her previous incarnations, sure, but I still like her.

Fighter: Basilio; how can the Vaike beat this Feroxi oaf?  He took a blow from friggin' Walhart!

Wyvern: Cherche; I like Ms. Gender Roles who is secretly a dragon too over Discount, Defeatist Batman.

Knight: Kellam; only because his supports with Donnel didn't emphasize his stupid gimmick much, I guess.  Also because I didn't really explore much of Kjelle's character/don't remember it.  I just know that there's sometimes some... suggestions between her and Severa.  Like, I almost think some of the devs secretly shipped these two.  Probably the second most common non-canon ship, being beaten by the obvious Cordelia x Chrom.


By "non-canon", I mean that they actually can't be paired together romantically without mods, FYI.

Pegasus: Cynthia; I don't know, I just warmed up to her after the DLC.  What was once an annoying brat became an endearing gal who just tries so hard to be as great as the legends behind her mother.

Mage: Laurent; could he have possibly been more real in his supports with his dad?  I like Miriel well enough, but Laurent feels like more of a character.

Dark Mage: Henry; I actually like Tharja, but Henry's simply great.

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Maribelle; how can any troglodyte beat this gal?  Okay, she's super squishy and can be difficult to train up if you're already rolling with Lissa, but... she's worth it in several ways.  Brady's nice, too.

Archer: Virion; L.A. Noire is great too, but I love the archest of archers, and it's a shame that he seems to get flak for being a dandy (I mean flak from fans, not within the game).

Taguel: Panne; not too big on either, but I think I like Panne more.

Manakete: Tiki; I like this iteration of Tiki more than her loli version, so fite me.  And I like her more than pretend child and actual teenager.

Unique: Donnel; I hate his dumb memes, but I like him as a character.  Just some fella lookin' to find his place in the army.  Stars in his eyes, and wanting to pay Chrom back for what he did for not just him, but also his family.

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Lord: Chrom or Lucina - I just prefered him.

Tactician: Robin, MaleMorgan, or FemaleMorgan - Robin was epicly powerful and simply a good unit.

Cavalier: Frederick, Sully, Stahl, or Walhart - I didn't care for any of the Cavaliers, but Walhart was really powerful and I managed to get him to max stats in one file.

Mercenary: Gregor, Inigo, or Severa - Gregor was never all that great, and Sever just barely inched out Inigo in terms of usability.

Hero: Flavia or Priam - They came so late I never bothered to use them, though I chose Flavia for cool personality.

Myrmidon: Lon'qu, Say'ri, Yen'Fay, or Owain - Very close tie between her and Owain, though I did S-support Say'ri, so I feel I am obligated to choose her.

Thief: Gaius, Gangrel or Anna - I killed Gaius and didn't use Gangrel.

Fighter: Vaike or Basilio - He also came too late, but at least he was useful and more funny. Sorry Vaike!

Wyvern: Cherche or Gerome - Neither of them were good units but Cherche inched out as a bit better.

Knight: Kellam or Kjelle - Kellam was fun and good.

Pegasus: Sumia, Cordelia, Aversa, or Cynthia - I forgot Cordelia existed half the time, and Sumia always performed well.

Mage: Miriel, Ricken, Emmeryn or Laurent - None of the mages turned out that well, but Muriel would be the best of them.

Dark Mage: Tharja or Henry - I killed Tharja my first run and Henry was altogether a good mage.

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Lissa, Maribelle, Libra, or Brady - Lissa outperformed everyone.

Archer: Virion or Noire - Virion wasn't very useful.

Taguel: Panne or Yarne - I didn't care for either of them, but Panne was a bit better.

Manakete: Nowi, Tiki, or Nah - All of them were great, but I prefered Nowi.

Unique: Olivia or Donnel - You can never go wrong with a refresher.


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Lord: Lucina. Chrom isn't bad or anything, but Lucina is a bit more interesting. I'd prefer if she were a second generation lord rather than a time traveling lord, though. (So more like Seliph than she already is).

Tactician: Robin is the best unit in the game. Morgan has the potential to be better in postgame but I don't play that stuff.

Cavalier: I like Stahl a lot. Frederick's probably the best unit of the bunch just because of his utility.

Mercenary: Severa never let me down when I used her. Lon'qu!Severa was a lot of fun. Plus, twintails are great.

Hero: Can't I say Severa again? I didn't use either of those units.

Myrmidon: Lon'qu is the only one I used of these when I played Awakening. He's alright.

Thief: Anna's awesome. Has lategame usability in case you don't want to level Gaius, and she's Anna.

Fighter: Never used either one. Basilio's a decent semi-Gotoh I guess.

Wyvern: I haven't had much success with Cherche. Panne makes a great Wyvern Lord though.

Knight: I thought Kjelle was the only armor knight? :^) (I'm sure people have already made this joke)

Pegasus: Cordy's awesome. Sumia is certainly not bad, though.

Mage: Never used any of these kids.

Dark Mage: Tharja has better availability (so she can solo more maps basically)

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Maribelle is cute. Cute!

Archer: Noire is also a cute. Plus she's a neat unit.

Taguel: Panne if I can reclass her. Taguel are terrible.

Manakete: Tiki is honestly insane in a non-optimized (so no grinding/skill farming/etc) playthrough in my experience. Dragonstone+ is a good item.

Unique: Olivia because lol Donnel are you serious


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Lord:  Lucina

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Frederick

Mercenary: Inigo

Hero: Flavia 

Myrmidon: Lon'qu

Thief: Gaius

Fighter: Vaike 

Wyvern: Cherche 

Knight:  Kjelle

Pegasus: Cordelia

Mage: Emmeryn

Dark Mage: Henry

Cleric/Monk/Troubadour line: Lissa

Archer: Noire

Taguel: Yarne

Manakete: Nah 

Unique: Olivia 

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Lord:  I like both of them

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Stahl

Mercenary: Severa

Hero: Priam

Thief: Anna. Not that her "competition" amounts to much, with Gaius just being inferior and Gangrel needing chapter 25 cleared.

Fighter: Basilio. Patrick Seitz FTW.

Wyvern: Cherche

Pegasus: Cynthia

Knight: Kellam

Mage: Miriel

Dark Mage: Henry. Tharja's poor skill and luck hinder her on the battlefield.

Cleric/Priest/Troubadour line: Lissa. And Maribelle. And Emmeryn (yes, I count her as among these; she has the Mage skills, but her base class is Cleric - also of note, her staff rank is maxed out at A as opposed to her Tome rank, which is C)

Archer: Noire

Taguel: None. The class is awful, and both Panne and Yarne annoy me.

Manakete: Tiki.

Unique: Olivia.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lord: Chrom, Lucina sucks and Chrom seems like a pretty cool dude

Tactician: Robin

Cavalier: Stahl, great unit, also the type of guy you could just chill and hang out with

Mercenary: Gregor because he's a savage

Hero: Flavia

Myrmidon: Lon'Qu

Thief: Gangrel because I kinda liked him as a villain and I wish he would have had more time in the plot and I wish the Plegia arc would have been longer

Fighter: Both, they're two of my favorite characters in the game

Wyvern: Cherche is hot and a good unit

Knight: Kellam is a savage

Pegasus: Aversa, decent villain and hot as hell

Mage: Miriel for being the female young sheldon and an intellectual who only watches high IQ intellectual shows like rick and morty, young sheldon, planet sheen, and family guy

Dark Mage: Henry is a savage

Healer: Brady is a savage, one of the only second gen units I'll go out of my way to use in a normal run. One of my favorite characters

Archer: Virion

Taguel: Panne

Manakete: Tiki

Unique: Donnel is a savage

On 11/30/2017 at 8:04 PM, YouSquiddinMe said:
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Lord: Lucina. Chrom isn't bad or anything, but Lucina is a bit more interesting. I'd prefer if she were a second generation lord rather than a time traveling lord, though. (So more like Seliph than she already is).

Dark Mage: Tharja has better availability (so she can solo more maps basically)

Unique: Olivia because lol Donnel are you serious


henry will always be superior to tharja and donnel can solo more maps than tharja if you've got $2.99. don't compare lucina to seliph either, seliph is on another level bro, infinitely better character and way more broken

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6 hours ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

henry will always be superior to tharja and donnel can solo more maps than tharja if you've got $2.99. don't compare lucina to seliph either, seliph is on another level bro, infinitely better character and way more broken

I don't care.

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On 11/30/2017 at 8:04 PM, YouSquiddinMe said:

Dark Mage: Tharja has better availability (so she can solo more maps basically)

You might want to explain this, since I highly doubt someone who has poor skill and luck can legitimately be expected to solo maps any time soon...

12 hours ago, edgelordweeaboo said:

henry will always be superior to tharja and donnel can solo more maps than tharja if you've got $2.99. don't compare lucina to seliph either, seliph is on another level bro, infinitely better character and way more broken

Guess what? So can anyone else, except they don't need to go through the period of suck that Donnel does, and they also don't need undue preference for a Second Seal to function either. And I agree, Seliph is on another level... of bland, that is.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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2 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

You might want to explain this, since I highly doubt someone who has poor skill and luck can legitimately be expected to solo maps any time soon...

I knew you were trolling the whole time. This confirms it.

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1 hour ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Henry's poor speed hinders him far more.

I won't deny that Henry's speed is an issue, but at the same time, I think Nosferatu being broken means nothing if you whiff or die to a critical hit, after all (it doesn't help that Luck and Skill are practically mutually exclusive in terms of pair up bonuses, with only Villager providing both). Ergo, I find it easier to deal with Henry's speed issues than Tharja's tendencies to whiff (if she's not using fire or wind magic) or randomly die because some grunt got a critical in on the grounds that I could just give him a speed pair up if it's that much of a problem, whereas I can only address one of Tharja's two failings with a pair up (either I give her a better chance of not instantly dying, or I fix her hit rates, but in general, I can't do both).

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On 1/1/2018 at 4:10 PM, Levant Mir Celestia said:

You might want to explain this, since I highly doubt someone who has poor skill and luck can legitimately be expected to solo maps any time soon...

Guess what? So can anyone else, except they don't need to go through the period of suck that Donnel does, and they also don't need undue preference for a Second Seal to function either. And I agree, Seliph is on another level... of bland, that is.

i don't like using donnel but he's a savage. also seliph more bland than lucina lul

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