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An Embellishing of Shadow Dragon's Plot

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So I decided to look at SD's script again, after the discussion of its writing being good. And it sure is minimalistic, which has its merits, and I can understand if you like it that way. However, it can be a little too minimal if you ask me. Take Chapter 8 for instance


“The League had reached Akaneian soil, so Marth gave himself leave to recuperate in Port Warren, a harbor town known for commerce. Coin alone kept the town free and they paid Doluna dearly in taxes to preserve their autonomy. Naturally, then, theirs was a warm welcome when the Akaneian League arrived.
Marth’s soldiers were glad to rest there, nestled between mountain and sea, but their joy was spoiled by news that the enemy was fast approaching- as harsh an awakening as a rock beneath the pillow.”

(Beginning of Chapter)

“Prince Marth, I am Caesar, and this is Radd. We are hired swords in the service of Port Warren. Grust has gathered its knights by the fortresses to the north. It’s dangerous for you to stay here. Thankfully, the eastern castle has been left almost entirely unguarded; that’s the place to strike. Please be careful, sire. We’ll be fighting with you all the way.”

Chapter End)

“Sire, it’s too dangerous to stay here. We must flee to Pyrathi. There are risks there, too- the Pyrathi king Mannu is said to be a descendant of the dragonkin, a Manakete. Still, we’ve no other recourse. We’ll just have to take our chances… Keep your wits about you, sire.”

Sure we have the enemies on the map, but otherwise we get no sense of real drama despite the game speaking of it. Marth doesn't reacts to this sudden turn of events and we don't get why he has to go to risky Pyrathi instead of Talys- the friendly island roughly equidistant from Port Warren.

And we rarely see inside the enemy's head until their chapter comes. Camus says some decent stuff in his chapter, but is it enough? I think we could get more. 

This is just my way of embellishing things. I don't write dialogue because I'm not good with that, just general ideas that sometimes turn into loose dialogue. Ideally I'd like to add Supports and maybe transfer some of my ideas from the main script into Base Conversations, but I opted not to include those since SD doesn't as is (NM's are all too short and utilitarian too).

One problem with SD as I see it is that the main cast is just Marth, Malledus, Nyna, and Gotoh, too few and too boring. I wanted to add some other mandatory voices. I chose Hardin and Minerva, since both are royals, and the former is highly important in Mystery. I also included Caeda, but I do like the alternate dialogue in SD's Epilogue if she died. A few other characters are given room for optional lines or lines others speak if they are dead.

Where possible, I tried to include references related to Mystery's plot, to the Archanean Chronicles (the four BS episodes detailing pre-SD events), and developer notes on the lore of Archanea.

Again, I'm working with the plot as is, I'm just fleshing it out more, it really isn't anything much. So here is some of what i have conceived of:

Note- where not mentioned, opening narrations are maintained.

Chapter 1:

  • Chapter 1: 
    • After three years of living peacefully in Talys, the pirates of Galder, always a threat, come in larger droves than ever before. Marth repels them, but convinced more may come, he decides to venture onto the Archanean continent and stamp out the problem at its source, as risky as this is for him, the heir to Anri, slayer of Medeus. 
    • The King of Talys, Mostyn, sees potential blooming in the young prince and encourages him to help liberate Archanea, it has been three long years under the Shadow Dragon’s yolk. Talys has been safe so far, but not even it can be kept out of Medeus’s reach forever. 
    • As the heir to the legendary Anri, Mostyn encourages Marth to begin his journey, Caeda is concerned about Marth’s personal safety. Jagen takes the in-between position, wanting Marth to wait a little longer to mature before fighting against Medeus. Marth decides he will go to Galder and defeat the pirates, there he will investigate whether he should become the world’s hero or not after crushing the pirates. Trusting in Marth’s judgement and logic, everyone agrees to it and he departs for Galder. Caeda forces Marth and her father to let her go too.

Chapter 2: 

  • Chapter 2: 
    • Landing in Galder, Marth is soon greeted by Ogma. Ogma explains to Marth that King Mostyn, concerned about the safety of his daughter and Marth, spent a good deal of his meager island kingdom’s fortunes hiring a mercenary crew for them, and Ogma says he is their leader. Ogma also relays that Grust, though unconcerned about piracy and banditry, has as per Medeus’s orders maintained a garrison force here, just in case anything exceptional were to happen. Marth’s arrival will surely trigger them to action.
    • Following victory in Galder, Marth decides to take some time and explore the port city for information about Archanea and whether he should fight back. He then hears that despite the the 3-5 (Medeus’s war began in 600, Pales fell in 602) of constant conflict, the kingdom of Aurelis continues to fight Dolhr. Even more, Princess Nyna of Archanea is said to be in Aurelis’s safekeeping. Marth knows that alone he cannot defeat Dolhr, but with Aurelis’s help he might stand a chance. Hence he decides he will join in Archanea’s liberation, and thus decides to head to Aurelis, not to lead it, only to help it out. Everyone chats about this and agree to it.
    • Ogma if alive, and Malledus if he isn’t then says that while they’re in Galder, they should spend the rest of King Talys’s offered wealth to buy more mercenaries, provisions and armaments. It’s an unwieldy, unheroic force, but such is better than facing Dolhr, Grust, Gra, and Macedon with but a few surviving knights. It is the dirt from which a fledgling hero’s army shall be made.

Chapter 3:

  • Chapter 3:
    • Marth decides to pass on through the Ghoul’s Teeth to get to Aurelis. Malledus offered an alternative- sail northwest past the Teeth and land east of Aurelis. Marth refused it however, for the Soothsires of the Teeth were bothering the common people and he had a duty to help them (Jagen steals one of Marth’s lines if alive). Malledus then spoke of Grust- they would never take to sea- it does not suit their cavalry, but land is another matter. Ogma (if alive, if not Jagen, if not then Marth) then spoke the Teeth are too much of an effort for Grust to occupy. Hence it should be safe from them, only bandits should pose a threat. Malledus asks Caeda what she thinks, and she responds she is concerned about Marth, but will abide by his decision, doing whatever she can to ensure his health and safety.
    • Victory in the Ghoul’s Teeth opens the way forward for Marth. Now he can step forward into Aurelis. Malledus tells him Aurelis is open plains, bandits have nowhere to hide, and the land is easy to conquer. Knowing such, is Marth ready to march forward? Marth, fearful of what awaits, nonetheless says he is. He does not wish to be hasty, he would like to take it slowly, but for the people of Archanea and those proud defenders of Aurelis he must move with a brisk pace.

Chapter 4:

  • Chapter 4:
    • Marth sees the forces of Grust arrayed before him on the vast lea. Jagen if alive (Malledus if not) reports that Grust troops occupy this area, if they do not leave soon, Grust will take notice of them. Marth asks where is proud and noble forces of Aurelis he has heard of? He is told the reports say they lay further west.
    • In that case, Marth says they will defeat Grust here and move on westward to meet with this Prince Hardin. Caeda expresses doubts about this, Ogma (if alive) calls it gutsy. Marth then asks Malledus how many Grust forces are here? Malledus says it is a garrison force, larger than in Galder but still small. Although the combined forces of Dolhr, Grust, Macedon, and Gra are great, even they cannot maintain a large presence across all of the continent. Likewise, they are mostly likely concentrating their forces in west Aurelis, to defeat the threat the kingdom poses. So being so, Marth realizes if they fight here and win, not only will the way be open to uniting with Aurelis, but it will divert enemy attention away from the noble resistors in the west.
    • Liberating the lea, Marth has made his first victory over his enemies. He then asks a local elder about the resistance out west. The elder confirms Princess Nyna, the sole survivor of Archanea’s royal family, is alive and safe there, as is the King of Aurelis. But they and hope itself would not be alive were it not for his younger brother, the dashing and mature Prince Hardin. Of peerless talent he is said to be the second coming of King Cartas, he has been the warrior who through mastery of the plains has managed to evaded capture time and again.
    • Marth feels small in comparison to Hardin, but his allies cheer him up. Marth, in humbleness, says that he shall do his part. Even if he lacks Hardin’s merit, he shall provide the fellow prince with troops, and he Marth alone, descendant of Anri, is able to slay Medeus, a task that regardless of his comparative abilities will perform to the utmost.
    • Enter Hardin and Nyna elsewhere, at night. The enemy came on strong today, they might stand a chance of breaking through their defenses soon Hardin says. Nyna then says her lord Hardin looks worse for wear than he has in the year she has seen him fight. Hardin admits to exhaustion, and troop casualties were also higher today. However, this maybe be good news. Nyna asks how so? Hardin relays that the lea of eastern Aurelis was liberated yesterday, a messenger informed his brother. Nyna asks how could this be? Hardin replies Prince Marth of Altea, the sole survivor of Anri’s lineage came from the east and defeated Grust there. Nyna expresses surprise at this, but hopes it is true. Hardin says that Anri’s heir is surely on his way, together they will defeat Dolhr and its allies.

Chapter 5:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Hardin takes to the field of battle, telling Nyna Prince Marth has arrived at last. He states he shall move forward and unite with him immediately, between the two of them, Aurelis Castle shall be free of Macedon’s oppression. Nyna expresses her worries, but Hardin bats them aside, telling her to stay safe with his brother.
    • Marth, a little exhausted from the past days of liberation and marching, is told Castle Aurelis lay in the distance. The Macedonian occupation force is acting up, but it isn’t heading towards them, it must be Prince Hardin. Marth says such is a risky move, attacking the Castle with so few forces? Marth is told that Hardin must have done this knowing that he was coming. Marth is worried by Hardin’s actions, fatigued to some degree, but as a hero, he knows he must work past this and that greater challenges await in the future. He must hurry and unite with Hardin.
    • Upon victory, Hardin and Marth meet. The two congratulate each other for doing as they have. Hardin says Nyna is safe with his brother, and that they must liberate Aurelis Castle before Princess Minerva of Macedon returns, he knows well she is a strong warrior, but she is smart, and will not try to reclaim what is truly lost. Hence they must hurry, only once Castle Aurelis is secure may they rest easy.

Chapter 6:

  • Chapter 6:
    • Hardin fills in Marth about the castle and Marth says Hardin must have missed it. Hardin replies he has, but he prefers to be out on the open plains. Hardin adds he must return the favor. He vows to assist in the liberation of Marth’s home Altea, which he has been apart from longer than he has been from his. Marth thanks Hardin, and Malledus says both forces are ready. The enemy was not expecting to lose in the field, the gates are still open and a siege is not necessary, but they must hurry.
    • Upon victory, Hardin and Marth are elated. Together Aurelis has been freed, the first kingdom to fall under Dolhr’s dominations has been liberated. Hardin then says they should present this “gift” to Her Majesty Princess Nyna, and Marth agrees. The scene changes as King Aurelis and Nyna walk towards the throne, with Nyna occupying the superior seat. Marth, Hardin, and others line the sides of the throne room in ceremonial deference. Nyna makes herself known and then formally thanks Hardin and Marth for their efforts, as well as everyone else and King Aurelis. She then states that the forces of Aurelis and Prince Marth are hereby united in defeating Dolhr, its allies, and the Shadow Dragon Medeus. Nyna asks Hardin and Marth if they agree to this, they both swear yes. Nyna then says before her are the descendants of Cartas and Anri, two of the four heroes who saved the world from Medeus a hundred years ago. And so, with a pause in her breath, she like Artemis, princess of Archanea, who bestowed the light of the world on Anri, she bestows on Prince Marth of Altea, the Fire Emblem. The highest treasure and symbol of Archanea, the mark of a true champion of justice, with it, he shall hereby lead the liberation effort bring an end to the reign of shadows. Marth, secretly surprised, nonetheless unflinchingly accepts the honor. The chapter ends on this grand celebratory note.

Marth comes off as too perfect and confident in SD as is, and he is made out to be too strong for someone with but a few surviving Altean knights in the beginning. Hence I made him a humble, self-doubting individual who needs the advice and help of others to make lead- but he isn't hopelessly weak. He'll grow into his duties later and hide any such doubts then, but for now I wanted him to be a little less self-assured. Hardin is the experienced, daring, talented veteran, and Aurelis and its Archanean Liberation Army is the real muscle behind the world's liberation. Hardin accepts his subservient position with no issues however, and Marth, despite his self-doubts, accepts his duties, even though it seems like the tail is wagging the dog here.

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> He'll grow into his duties later and hide any such doubts then, but for now I wanted him to be a little less self-assured. Hardin is the experienced, daring, talented veteran, and Aurelis and its Archanean Liberation Army is the real muscle behind the world's liberation. Hardin accepts his subservient position with no issues however, and Marth, despite his self-doubts, accepts his duties, even though it seems like the tail is wagging the dog here.


Your kind missing the point on Hardin here

the point of Hardin as a character is that he's secretly very insecure despite how idealistic and competent he is. Mystery aluded to this by mentioning off hand that he isn't exactly motivated to become King, thinking that Marth is the one for the position, and the only reason he was so motivated for the position is because he got to marry Nyna.  And the situation he got in hand isn't exactly the best as it gets - Aurelis was LOSING against Macedon, despite how well Aurelis held up compared to everything else, and despite Hardin's reputation as the guy who changed Aurelis, and capable of holding back Archanea he is losing

Comes Marth. he's the only person who answered Nyna's call(something not only Hardin and Nyna hopes for, but also the entire continent who want to see their land saved), together with aurelis they pushed Macedon back, saving Nyna and Hardin. He bears the name of Anri who at the past was the guy who previously beat the big bad. Hardin is hyped to meet this guy, and when they do meet up, he judged Marth as a person worthy of trust(because they are really the same kind of person) and the leadership is ceded towards Marth easilly

As Mystery also mentioned, while Marth was the leader of Archanea League, Hardin and the rest of the allies was the backbone, but theres nothing inherently wrong with Marth being decided as the leader - he's competent(being the difference between Aurelis losing and Aurelish holding against Macedon), he's viewed as  the savior, and above all he shows result that Hardin simply did not have

The Archaean Myth putting an extreme Emphasis on Anri is related to this. when you put things down, Cartas actually did much more things during original war than Anri. All Anri did is: putting up a shelter for Artemis, went fuck off somewhere, and comes into play at the VERY last second to save Cartas who lacked Falchion to deal with Medeus. He was basically the Gottoh Archetype of Archanean saga where Cartas is the Marth


 Marth x Lucina support discussing this is actually fantastic in that regard. As for Kris, the problem with Kris is that it forgot that, at its core, Marth is still very much a capable person and they discredit everything everyone else did so they can put all the credit towards Chris, which ironically make Hardin's false acussation a the climax of Mystery spot on



As for why Marth is confident as fuck, it need to be mentioned that unlike Hardin, Marth pretty much conquered everything in his campaign. This got brought up during Open Fire actually since despite his confidence and revenge as motivation, Marth need to develop his human side.

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30 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

 Marth x Lucina support discussing this is actually fantastic in that regard. As for Kris, the problem with Kris is that it forgot that, at its core, Marth is still very much a capable person and they discredit everything everyone else did so they can put all the credit towards Chris, which ironically make Hardin's false acussation a the climax of Mystery spot on

The only thing about Kris that I enjoyed was just the story he had with Katarina. I enjoyed the Prologue and their interaction, but I truly felt that Kris got way too much credit, and was too central to every character. Some people say that Kris was the better Avatar out of the others, but Kris really hurt Marth's character, and undermined a lot of the growth that Marth had gone through in Shadow Dragon. 

34 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

As for why Marth is confident as fuck, it need to be mentioned that unlike Hardin, Marth pretty much conquered everything in his campaign. This got brought up during Open Fire actually since despite his confidence and revenge as motivation, Marth need to develop his human side.

Marth is confident, but he always is the modest type and insists that he needs the strengths of his allies to win. The charisma is actually not just because he's a prince, but because he truly felt what it meant to be powerless when his kingdom was taken. He even called himself a craven for having to abandon his home and family, and one of his soldiers even went as far as to be the decoy for him to escape. He knew then and there how weak he was by himself. This acknowledgement of his weakness makes him truly human as well, which captures the hearts of others, who knows his limitations, but doesn't allow that to stop him as he courageously continues to fight against Dolhr, which makes others want to help him.

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Just a slight nitpick. There are only three heroes, being Anri, Cartas and Ordwin. Artemis was never one of the heroes since she never get involved in the battle, she just gave Cartas the Fire Emblem.

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29 minutes ago, Azz said:

Just a slight nitpick. There are only three heroes, being Anri, Cartas and Ordwin. Artemis was never one of the heroes since she never get involved in the battle, she just gave Cartas the Fire Emblem.

And cursed it so that Cartas can win the war. 

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1 hour ago, Azz said:

Just a slight nitpick. There are only three heroes, being Anri, Cartas and Ordwin. Artemis was never one of the heroes since she never get involved in the battle, she just gave Cartas the Fire Emblem.

I never said Artemis was one of the heroes


Also the heroes are Cartas Anri Iote and Ordwin

@omegaxis1 no by the early shadow dragon Marth is definitely overly confident. Hes not the same character by the course of SD. The Marth that everyone knew was solidified during Altea 

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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2 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

I never said Artemis was one of the heroes


Also the heroes are Cartas Anri Iote and Ordwin

Oh sorry I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the OP. Should of been more clear.

Also, would Iote be counted as one of them? I mean, he only liberated Macedon after Dolluna fell. I mean, he is certainly a hero of Archanea, but I wouldn't say he is one of the big three since he never actually helped in the fight with Medeus.

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9 minutes ago, Azz said:

Oh sorry I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the OP. Should of been more clear.

Also, would Iote be counted as one of them? I mean, he only liberated Macedon after Dolluna fell. I mean, he is certainly a hero of Archanea, but I wouldn't say he is one of the big three since he never actually helped in the fight with Medeus.

Ah what i remember is Cartas call for Arms was answeted by Ordwin and Iote. Might be wrong on that count


I dont think its really fair not to count it since hes definitely counted as one of the big hero of the original war unlike say.... Marcellus who have nothing on his name


Also adding this to the pot its kinda funny that Marth is called naive for his stereotype and i suppose this is relevant since one of OPs core point is that Hardin should have been the leader of The A League

Hardin is WAY more naive and unassuming than Marth ever did. You can't seriously tell me a guy who got depressed because, newsflash a political marriage does not fucking involve a mutual feeling of love isnt actually naive as hell. 

Hes probably the most naive and idealistic character in Archanea saga which says something with guys like Minerva around

Edited by JSND Alter Dragon Boner
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2 hours ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

Your kind missing the point on Hardin here

the point of Hardin as a character is that he's secretly very insecure despite how idealistic and competent he is. Mystery aluded to this by mentioning off hand that he isn't exactly motivated to become King, thinking that Marth is the one for the position, and the only reason he was so motivated for the position is because he got to marry Nyna.  And the situation he got in hand isn't exactly the best as it gets - Aurelis was LOSING against Macedon, despite how well Aurelis held up compared to everything else, and despite Hardin's reputation as the guy who changed Aurelis, and capable of holding back Archanea he is losing

Comes Marth. he's the only person who answered Nyna's call(something not only Hardin and Nyna hopes for, but also the entire continent who want to see their land saved), together with aurelis they pushed Macedon back, saving Nyna and Hardin. He bears the name of Anri who at the past was the guy who previously beat the big bad. Hardin is hyped to meet this guy, and when they do meet up, he judged Marth as a person worthy of trust(because they are really the same kind of person) and the leadership is ceded towards Marth easilly

As Mystery also mentioned, while Marth was the leader of Archanea League, Hardin and the rest of the allies was the backbone, but theres nothing inherently wrong with Marth being decided as the leader - he's competent(being the difference between Aurelis losing and Aurelish holding against Macedon), he's viewed as  the savior, and above all he shows result that Hardin simply did not have

The Archaean Myth putting an extreme Emphasis on Anri is related to this. when you put things down, Cartas actually did much more things during original war than Anri. All Anri did is: putting up a shelter for Artemis, went fuck off somewhere, and comes into play at the VERY last second to save Cartas who lacked Falchion to deal with Medeus. He was basically the Gottoh Archetype of Archanean saga where Cartas is the Marth


Oh dear. I guess this is what I get for not playing Mystery and reading its script over 100%.:o::sweatdrop::facepalm: But I am aware of the SD convo between Marth and Hardin in Chapter 5 (which I would have left intact since it is good). I never suggested in my embellishment above that Hardin does not approve of Marth getting the leadership position.

And I intentionally toned down Aurelis losing, not to say it wasn't, it just wasn't doing so terrible that it was "Marth Help Us!" or they die. I didn't want Marth to be a super savior. Macedon is not Medeus. But perhaps I cleaned up the losing too much, "dire but bearable straits" would be the better way to portray it.

I don't want Marth to be a superhuman genius. He can be very talented, but not singularly godly. That is unrealistic, even the most brilliant of tacticians make a mistake once in while. "Great Man History" does have some truth- Napoleon Bonaparte was inexcusably important and great for instance- but none are perfect individuals who always did right or could do right on their own (need I list Napoleon's mistakes?). 

There is something praiseworthy in those able to marshal the talent of others and coordinate it for a greater good. Marth does that, while himself having a sound knowledge of things. Malledus already exists, and adding Hardin doesn't detract from Marth. 

I did not intend to make Marth a total weakling. He knows stuff and makes a good leader on his own, Hardin is just a little better and has more actual experience fighting against Dolhr and its allies. Hardin has been fighting on for years, while Marth has been training against lowly pirates in Talys safe. Hardin also brings to Marth's side far more troops with much more experience- not unlike what happens in PoR when Ike gets Begnion's help. But it doesn't mean Ike is kicked out of the leadership. Tanith, the metaphorical stand in for Hardin we shall say, willingly and ungrudgingly obeys Ike, as does Titania (were we to call her Hardin and Greil Nyna).


2 hours ago, Azz said:

Just a slight nitpick. There are only three heroes, being Anri, Cartas and Ordwin. Artemis was never one of the heroes since she never get involved in the battle, she just gave Cartas the Fire Emblem.

I know she isn't a hero, but it was in continuance of historical precedence. Bring the legendary past into the present and all- Cartas, Artemis, and Anri- their descendants all present. The Fire Emblem passing hands- well that was me goofing up darn it! Since the SD script doesn't name who exactly she passed it to. That was stupid, and easily corrected. But it clearly puts my reputability into question.


Well here is Chapter 7. Hope it's better:

  • Chapter 7:
    • Marth and Hardin discuss their next move. Jagen says he knows not of Aurelis’s power, but will continue managing Prince Marth’s Talysian forces and leave the higher planning to Malledus, Marth, and Hardin (just a polite exit from the strategizing scene for the rest of the game pretty much). Gra is near, and so is Altea, but Marth realizes he can’t do this. Hardin is surprised, why doesn’t he want to save his homeland? Marth replies it lay directly north of Dolhr itself, and it too leaves them open to attacks from the east. Archanea is firmly under Dolhr’s control. Before they can move west, they must secure the east flank and liberate Archanea. Princess Nyna deserves her homeland’s freedom first. And for all its value to him, Marth admits Altea is no Archanea in population and resources. Liberating Archanea would provide a large morale boost and the resources necessary for a head-on fight with their foes to the south and west. Hardin, Malledus and Marth are thus all on the same page. Hardin volunteers to stay behind and defend Aurelis, someone has to and it shouldn’t be the leader of the Archanean League. Marth agrees to this. Then, in line with the opening narration, they head decide to head to the Lefcandith Valley. 
    • The scene shifts to Minerva. So Aurelis is freed, Hardin is no less fierce than when she saw him last. And what of this Marth, heir of Anri? Minerva decides to regroup to the south in Archanea, if they attack here, she must be ready. For the sake of Macedon.
    • On the battlefield, Marth and Malledus discuss the enemies before them. They question whether to press onward despite having intel saying Macedon’s Princess Minerva and her Whitewings are here. Hardin then arrives. Marth asks why he is here, Hardin says his brother gave him permission to leave, he will defend Aurelis. Although he is too old to fight, his brother is nonetheless able to command from afar and he has left some of his finest in his brother’s company. Marth says that won’t do, what if Dolhr invades? Hardin states that Aurelis matters not, his brother told him, what does matter is this army, Nyna, Marth and lastly himself, as long as they all live, the light of Archanea will be kept alive. If Aurelis should fall again so be it, we can free it again, even Grust has its military limits.
    • Hardin then says he has personal experience with Minerva, he knows she is powerful, but is confident he will be able to defeat her. He tells Marth to leave her to him, Nyna has chosen him to lead their forces. He shall be the vanguard to protect them both, and together they shall push through this valley. Malledus objects, but Hardin brushes it aside. The canyon is lined with fortresses, if things get too intense, they will pull out and find another way around to Archanea. Things might need time, but they will succeed. Marth states Malledus's reservations are founded, but they will trust in Hardin for the moment and move into the Vally.
    • Things shift to Minerva who discusses things with the generic general Harmein as in the base game- though it is added that not only Emperor Medeus but King Michalis too has put him in that position. Hamstrung by her sister being held hostage, she leaves with her Whitewings. Palla asks her commander if anything is wrong, and Minerva says it is nothing. She then tells her Whitewings they will move forward per the general’s plans, but they will not attack, only observe the Aurelian-Altean forces for now.
    • Minerva withdraws several turns in, she refuses to involve herself any longer in this effort. Palla speaks this would be in direct defiance of orders, what of her sister Princess Maria? Minerva says she would never let her sister be harmed, now let them withdraw. She has seen enough, the Archanean League might stand a chance, and she has something in mind. She asks the Whitewings, if they understand? Palla, Catria, and Est say they do and withdraw with Minerva.
    • At the battle’s end, Marth is puzzled by Minerva’s withdrawal, it seems she didn’t want to fight. Hardin says that is understandable, her brother it is said killed their father, Minerva is a woman of righteousness, if the story is true, she may disagree with her brother’s siding with Dolhr. Marth asks how Hardin knows this, he says he will say later. Hardin then asks about their next destination, Marth says it will be Port Warren. Malledus then relays that the port has via hefty tribute avoided Dolhrian occupation, as a bustling city unaffected by war, it should be teeming with mercenaries for recruiting and supplies. From there, they may sail directly into the heart of Archanea. Malledus then gives his whole Manakete lecture to Marth as in the game as in the base game.
    • The scene then shifts to Grust, earlier than the end of the battle above to be precise. Camus informs his King Ludwik that Aurelis has been liberated. Ludwik responds says they must conquer Aurelis immediately, they cannot upset Emperor Medeus. Camus says he understands this, and with support from Gra is preparing to fight in Aurelis again. But more importantly, it appears that the newly formed Archanean League has headed southeast, it must be attempting to free Archanea. Your Majesty, please grant me leave and allow me to chase down Prince Marth and his Aurelian allies, Dolhr will be most pleased if we are able to accomplish such. Ludwik then speaks, sorry, but Dolhr told him not to let you Camus leave the country whatsoever. Forgive me my greatest general, but I cannot let you leave. Camus says he understand. Ludwik then grants his request to pursue up Prince Marth’s forces immediately, all resources the Kingdom of Grust has are at his disposal. Ludwik’s dialogue bears signs of weakness, such as a stutter perhaps, but no bitterness- he is a good man at heart.
    • Camus leaves his king’s audience, following him is Lorenz, who was quietly in attendance. Camus asks Lorenz to go to Archanea in his stead. Lorenz turns this offer down, why must he obey His Majesty? You alone could bring a swift end to Archanea. Camus says Lorenz is more experienced than he is, even if truth be granted that he, Camus the Sable as he has become known, is superior. Lorenz is no certainly slouch, he too is the pride of Grust. Lorenz then asks if Princes Marth and Hardin are such a threat, why not join them against Medeus? You did- . Camus then interrupts Lorenz. I already tried to escape my collar, I did what I could. Should I struggle again, I will suffocate (be executed). And don’t forget the Prince and Princess are being “cared for” by the Dark Pontifex. Lorenz then utters little more than a “but” only for Camus to sternly rebuke him. His Majesty King Ludwik of Grust obeys Emperor Medeus, and I obey King Ludwik. Would you have me defy him!? As a man of so many years Lorenz, I’d expect you to know the history of our land better than I. 
      • For the hundreds of years when Grust was a remote province of the Holy Kingdom of Archanea, it was ruled by royal governors. These governors were supposed to obey Archanea, and at first they did. But so far from Pales, the governors found themselves free to skirt their duties, and so they began to live like kings. It is in the blood of us Grustians to fight, and once we saw the luxuries the governors were amassing, we coveted them. It didn’t have to turn out this way, but it did. One day, a general in the governor’s service, envying what he had, killed the governor in cold blood. He then took the position for himself, and Pales turned a blind eye to the murder. Pales turned a blind eye to much of what happened in the following centuries, as long as it got its tax revenues. General after general overthrew each other and engaged in their own wanton fit of violence and hedonism until they too were dispossessed. Stability, imposed by Archanea or by some miracle of internal dynastic succession, was always temporary. King Ordwin brought an end to this vicious cycle, he suppressed the Grustian martial instinct and got the generals and advisors to heel. Since then, the day of independence from Archanea and from the rule by disobedient brutes, Grust has known peace and prosperity.
    • Would you have me disobey His Majesty and set a precedent that could return Grust to its dark age? His Majesty is weak, but he has sired children, so as long as we obey Dolhr, Grust’s royal line will endure. And so as long as Grust’s military is intact to serve the royal lineage, one day, a king may come who will wish to see Dolhr overthrown. The generals of that age as strong as us will be able to overthrow Dolhr, and they’ll do it without ruining Grust. For now, Dolhr is a fair master, we provide the forces that staff much of its empire, we pay a little extra in taxes, offer some servants to Medeus, and acknowledge dragonkind’s superiority, that is all. The Kingdom of Grust and its people can bear this, they cannot and should not endure bloodshed of time past ever again. Do you understand Lorenz? Dumbstruck into silence by Camus’s words, Lorenz agrees, he will go on and stop the Archanean League. Camus says he has already sent a messenger to the garrisons to the distant east, hopefully they’ll be able to buy you some time.

Note that the Grustian history is my own created world-building, given nothing on SF says much about Grust's past or just why Camus is so loyal, so I took this void and chose to fill it in. I wanted to give Camus a better reason for being a Camus than idealistic knighthood, and there are historical precedents for what I describe. 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Mind Aurelis was definitely losing pretty badly. They were lasting stupidly long sure but when Marth arrives Hardin and King Aurelis is basically on the corner of Aurelis iirc

Also Anris descendant isnt present. Dont mind me i have a fetish of reminding people about that ;laughs

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Well yeah, Marth is descended from Anri's brother since Anri died heartbroken, unmarried, and childless- a pretty sad fate for a legendary hero. So Anri is less the legendary father and more the legendary uncle (which isn't half bad). At least his sorrows didn't create the world's largest sculpture garden.


Well here is Chapter 8:

  • Chapter 8:
    • Marth and the Archanean League are in Port Warren, Marth can scarcely believe in the bustling city he sees, so peace, so unaffected by the war. Marth says it is tempting to yield to its pleasantries, but he won’t and he mustn’t, the world is in a precarious state which needs him. Hardin offers to take care of military matters with Malledus, their leader looks like he could use some rest. Marth says he doesn’t, and that it appears to him Hardin, who has been fought doggedly for years, needs it more than him. Hardin responds that he feels better shuffling troops than being idle in peace. He’s become all too used to a constant state of battle, the idea of tranquility makes him restive and anxious he is afraid to say. Marth responds that is all the more reason to need calm, but he will not push the matter any further. Hardin then asks Marth if he would see how Princess Nyna is faring, the town’s aldermen have treated her to a tour of the port and its frivolities.
    • The scene then shifts to Caeda and Nyna, accompanied by Caesar and Radd whom the port had hired to be their local guides and protectors. They have spent some time together being entertained. Nyna thanks Caeda for accompanying her, and asks what Talys is like, Caeda respond with delightful details. When Caeda asks the same of Archanea to Nyna. Nyna answers the question much the same, yet admitting she has seen less of her realm than she should. For as the lone heir to holy Archanea, she has lived something of a sheltered life. Nyna then asks how is it she fights, and Caeda responds that a little persistence made her father yield, but it helps she is but the princess of a frontier kingdom, and not of the heart of the world. Nyna then says that in spite of her kingdom’s status, that it is her desire that they may forge an enduring friendship of equals. Caeda agrees, and then notices Marth is coming their way. Marth on arrival asks how Her Majesty Princess Nyna is doing, has Port Warren eased her sorrows, stress and fears? Nyna responds it has done so, but it would not have been so r were it not for Princess Caeda besides her. Marth then notices Caeda and thanks her for accompanying Nyna. Caeda then responds it that in this army of men, it does them both well to converse with another lady. Marth says he will not inquire into what they were discussing then, and is about to offer them any assistance they may require, only to be interrupted.
      • If I wanted to let Caeda truly die instead of being part of the unkillable main cast, then in such a scenario, this scene is greatly altered. Marth arrives to check on Nyna sooner and they exchange a rather different set of dialogue than that between Nyna and Caeda. It would start with discussion of Altea and Archanea and what they are like, but then it would turn to discussing Talys and Aurelis, the places to which these refugee royals fled. Included in this would be mention of the dead Caeda, and Marth would then, say that Hardin yet lives for Nyna. Which implies that Marth thinks, wrongly of course, but which Nyna doesn’t say because her feelings are mixed and she doesn’t want to harm Hardin, that Nyna is romantically beholden to Hardin. Nyna would hesitantly play along with this and say that is true. With news that follows stopping Marth from politely inquiring into the hesitation he senses.
    • Jagen, or Wolf if alive, then comes over to Marth with urgent news. Grust has been spotted north and west, they are here for us. Marth tells Nyna to get to safety and leave the fighting to them. Getting to Hardin, he says the force ahead is bearable, but determined and moving quickly. Already they have occupied the naval fortress that overlooks the port, they must liberate it immediately. Marth is dismay by the pace of the enemy’s advancement, but keeps cool while hurrying to prepare for battle.
    • Seizing is not really winning here. As Malledus relays that massive Grust reinforcements are on the way, led by none other than General Lorenz, one of Grust’s most senior and respected commanders. Hardin tells Marth to hurry, get Princess Nyna and all their of men that they can aboard any all and ships and set sail for Talys immediately. Marth is a little shaken, and Nyna notices and speaks about it. Marth responds by telling Nyna to do as Hardin says and get to sea on posthaste. Nyna then departs obeying Marth’s plea. Malledus then says that is well and good, but his lord need flee immediately too. Marth then speaks, but what of Hardin? Hardin says he will be the rearguard, this peninsula is easy to defend, he’ll hold as long as he can and then escape. Worry not, the Coyote will not be skinned. Marth says he understand, Caeda then comes to Marth and away they depart together.
    • Aboard a boat, Marth stares back at Port Warren, silently and despondent. Nyna says there is little they could do, they did not know Grust would strike them so furiously. Marth then speak, not again. A champion he is not, not when twice he has ran away, abandoning countless soldiers who trusted him to their deaths. He must bear this, as he will that he has besmirched the glorious Fire Emblem that he has been entrusted with. Marth then asks why Princess Nyna had not passed the Fire Emblem to Hardin who sheltered her for the past years. Nyna says she had her reasons, including that it was Anri, not Cartas who could slay Medeus and ultimately save the world. Caeda then consoles Marth, he has proven himself a champion so far, but he is still a young warrior, the battle is not yet over, her father can shelter them for now. (Were Caeda to be permanent killable, this line would pass to Malledus.) Malledus then adds that wars ebb and flow, this is an ebbing, but Archanea will prevail, led by him, Marth, the sole individual who may, and must, bear the Falchion and the Fire Emblem. Marth thanks his allies for their support, the future is not yet lost, no matter how he feels at this moment. If he falters, the League's morale will suffer for it.

This is more of a second draft actually, since originally I had Marth taking up Hardin's offer of going off to relax, and then going to enjoy the port with Nyna and Caeda in a lighter moment of the plot. I changed this because I felt it was out of place. I don't mean to be incredibly serious, dark, or sad, but I feel SD shouldn't have lighthearted moments in its narrative. Supports in an ideal world yes, but not the narrative, as dull as that might seem to some. Hardin is no pink haired perky teenage girl (unless you drink some Rainbow Potion first- that stuff does have funky side effects once you get past the +2s), nor Marth, nor Caeda, nor anyone else in the plot. Thus I revamped the scene to a moment where Nyna gets to speak with Caeda and the men aren't involved at all.

Marth was originally going to be more flustered when he hears Grust is moving in, and he was supposed to be much more openly emotional when they have to retreat. But cooler thoughts later made me realize that was going too far, from the extreme of no reaction stated in the OP, to an excessive one. Marth can not burst into tears and yet still give off a sense of sorrow, his heart both tempered and hammered by the fact this is the second time he has had to flee by boat.

The intention behind the bit of Hardin dialogue in the beginning about being restless when not engaged in military operations wasn't to make him fatally flawed. Only to say he is a warrior at heart, and wouldn't be the ideal peacetime ruler (but not the worst either). Marth on the hand is by implication more suited for peacetime rule than he.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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