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Good class for Atlas

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He... wasn't a great unit for me. I read somewhere that Cavaliers are good on Celica's path, so that's what I went with, though he still wasn't perfect. He had high attack, but nothing else, so he couldn't double or take a hit that well.

So, Cavalier makes him a semi-viable glass cannon, I guess. I don't know about other classes though.

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Go for Archer. His high point is that he's incredibly strong once trained, often times doing more damage with one shot than some characters do with two, but with his abysmal speed and skill, he's not well suited for direct combat and he really needs Curved Shot from the iron bow. He's really good once you get him trained up though, and he can even OHKO Mogalls eventually.

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Archer is imo his best option. Even before getting Hunter's Volley with the Killer Bow, he's able to do a decent amount of damage to literally every enemy assuming you hit (Arts from other lesser bows will help with that but I'd say try and go for Killer Bow asap), and ohko fodder with ease, and once he gets Hunter's Volley he's able to seriously kill every enemy in the game from full health barring the final boss and some postgame. I do mean literally every enemy and boss, post game is pretty tough to ORKO because HP stats just get pretty ridiculous sometimes.

Mercenary is really good as well, since he definitely likes having the classes base speed increase. You could say that Celica's side already has too much Dread Fighters, but that's like saying you have too many Paladins in FE GBA. You literally can't, they're that good of a class, especially considering the high amount of swords over other equippable weapons as well as the lack of a weapon triangle. Plus, if you go down Merc, you can always reclass to something else later. Merc is probably the best option if you're doing post game stuff since you can loop.

Special mention to Mage Atlas for being meme.

Edited by Emerson
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His AWFUL speed and skill are the only things holding him back from being a great unit, and none of the other class options adequately utilize his strengths while addressing his weaknesses.

On top of this naturally high ATK makes him fit a role that the other Mercs in your team might have trouble fitting, since they can often have a hard time gaining ATK to really be offensively powerful. Atlas doesn't have this problem, really, due to having a massively high base ATK, and the best ATK growth of the Mercs.

Yeah, Celica's group gets a lot of Mercs, but it's the best class in the game. There's really nothing holding you back from picking this beyond wanting more variety, which is a bit of a mistake in Gaiden/SoV.

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1)Mercs- Dread Figher is OP. You can never have too many of them.

2)Archer- Archers are great in this game, and his high ATK will do quite a lot of damage from faraway.

3)anything else. I made him go down the Soldier path, and while he was decent, mobility was a problem. The other 2 classes, cavalier and mage, have the same issue as well. Celica's map terrains aren't cav-friendly and sages have low movement like generals. Plus, you can have too many magic users (they're not like dread fighters)- Celica, Mae, Boey, Genny, Nomah, and possibly Sonya. Although archers may have mount issues in these maps, at least they can still attack.

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45 minutes ago, athena_57 said:



On a more serious note, I'd say merc to patch up his biggest weaknesses. He'll never be really good though.

Funnily enough when I first played the game I used him as fodder for witches 

sounds like I'll go Merc then

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Mercenary or Archer. Those are the two best classes you can put him in, as the former fixes his speed and accuracy problems and leads to the best class in the game, and with the latter, you're given another archer to work with in a game where they are actually good, and while he may not hit or double much, anything he does hit will hit like a truck. He excels at both, so it can depend on outside circumstances for determining which class you should put him in (i.e. if leon is doing fine, but Saber/Kamui are just getting by, then it would be a good idea to make Atlas a mercenary. If your mercs are great, but Leon isn't fufilling his role to the best of his ability, making him an archer isn't a bad idea).

Atlas can work surprisingly well as a mage, since spells have a set hit rate and thus ignore his poor skill, and his high HP means that he can cast a high level spell without problem. However, he only gets one offensive spell, Saigette, and while he can use it well, there are much better mages on Celica's route.

Don't make him a cavalier or soldier, as the desert and swamp maps aren't kind to the former, while the latter has the same problem, with the added issues of low mobility. Heck, on a side note, I highly recommend giving Valbar the Villagers Fork as soon as you can, so he can actually contribute on those maps. He keeps his high defense and growth rates regardless, so he'll fill the niche of being a tank no matter what class you put him in.

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His strength works well with the mercenary class once he can catch up: the promotion bonuses cover his weaknesses well. 

Archer is probably the best niche though: archer accuracy is a concern, but the only other option is Leon and Atlas can fill in really well, especially if you decide to go with the Killer bow. Being mounted in swamp maps might be a concern, but it's not a likely occurrence.

Mage does eventually give some yucks with Rescue, but he's unlikely to benefit much from it or other classes.

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I made him a Mage in my playthrough, he has a lot of hp, the fact that enemies have no res makes him a huge nuke especially with Sagittarius, and he learns Rescue when he promotes to Sage. It's not as bad as everyone thinks but it's probably not optimal, but hey, It's Atlas. Atlas isn't optimal in general.

Edited by Mega Koopa X
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Archer, because he's built perfectly for abusing the killer bow. You don't care about speed when you're doubling everything with hunter's volley--you just want just enough skill for a reliable hit rate and super-high attack for one-rounding with your doubles and crits. Atlas with the killer bow in Echoes basically plays like Reinhardt with the Dire Thunder in Heroes. It doesn't matter that he's slow and squishy. He has a horse, he hits like a truck, and he doubles everything without taking counterattacks between the first and second hit. That makes him really, really good.

Edited by Shoblongoo
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Mercenary or Archer. He will never have SPD problems as a Mercenary even with his mediocre growth. 10 SPD makes him capable of even doubling gargoyles.


As for Archer, he migth not hit much and might end up having problems leveling, but if he hits, it will hurt.

EDIT: Well, lucky you then for picking Merc and acidentally saving, since Merc isn't a bad choice. his STR is on the level of Myrmidons.

Edited by DiogoJorge
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His gimmick is that he has really high strength, and average in literally everything else aside from res which he has a 0% growth of.

He is best put as an archer, turning him into a long ranged nuke, or a dreadfighter, where he can quite literally two shot "The Creation" when equipped with an ilwoon.

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