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20 hours ago, SB. said:

Which  Reborn gym leader are you?

I'm 12, so I'm clearly Anna. Just kidding, she's not a Gym Leader. Maybe Adrienn?

17 hours ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Who is your favourite Reborn character?

What is your favourite Reborn episode?

Which is your favourite Reborn scene?

I like both Fern (the audacity!) and Taka.

Hm, I don't particularly care for multiplayer/competitive, but I liked E16 for implementing Wonder Trade + New Reborn was kind of refreshing.

17 hours ago, Paperblade said:

What's your favorite Taka moment?

Compare every Rejuvenation character to their Reborn counterpart.

I have a feeling I'll like stakataka so I'll reserve judgment for now.

No. Although Ren could have been a better rival than Fern, but then he got ruined by the 3rd gym in Rejuvenation.

12 hours ago, BBM said:

why do you play shitty pokemon hacks?

What are you talking about? Reborn and Ruby Destiny are master pieces.

That being said, it's because I don't find the official series fun any more (it feels too unoriginal/too easy). I'm particular about what hacks I play though, usually I like branching/non linear stories or the idea of a forced Nuzlocke/level cap.

11 hours ago, Shinori said:

IS reborn actually good?  Never played.

The story is pretty bad (it's based off of a circle jerk in Pokemon Online) and claimed to be based off of real events/interactions. The game play is actually quite good, and more fun than the official series; it can feel kind of bastard at times, and can be kind of hard, but it's challenging, not impossible.

10 hours ago, Grace said:

why does mafia suck?

and why does the forum software also suck

~mafia is gay that's why~

~bc it's gay~

I don't know ask Jyosua.

6 hours ago, Jaybee said:

this joke is like 5 years old now

Hi Jaybee~!


So this turned into: Ask Iris About Reborn.

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On 12/12/2017 at 10:37 AM, Magnificence Incarnate said:

Which is your favourite Reborn scene?

Oops, I skipped one. My favorite scene has got to be... uh, insert Taka scene here. Oh, I also like the scene where Fern calls Florinia out for being an emotionless robot, for some reason. On a more humorous side, I find all Corin-Route interactions hilarious.

3 hours ago, Paperblade said:

Why did you dodge both of my questions?

What's your MBTI

I did answer them. The first, I really am reserving judgment, but it's clearly the +1 point when Stakataka hears you think of them as your boyfriend. ;) The second is that I don't want to spend more time on Rejuvenation than I have to.

I'm an INFJ, but I mistyped as an INFP for 3 years (I'm fairly certain about being INFJ, now).

4 hours ago, SB. said:

What do you study?

What kind of music do you listen to?

I'm majoring in Economics but I have a fair amount of course work in Computer Science and Cognitive Science.

Uh, I'm kind of an unoriginal poser when it comes to music, but I prefer to listen to melancholic more solemn types when I'm alone; if I'm in an upbeat mood, I'll actually listen to more pop/rock/reggae stuff. Not a big fan of EDM stuff.

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5 hours ago, Propeller Knight said:

what's your absolutely favorite food ever in the world

Sushi! I love, love, love sushi. I always say that if had to choose only one food to eat for the rest of my life, it'd be sushi. It makes me sad how expensive it is---salmon sushi is the best fish.

2 hours ago, Lord Gaius said:

If you could make a Pokemon, what would it be like (typing/role/flavor I guess, no need to be super complex)

I'm thinking either a Fairy whose flavor would be 'Guardian Angel' esque or maybe another ghost type with creepy flavor (personally I like that Duskull spirits children away or that Lampert hangs around hospitals)...


1 minute ago, Refa said:

1) Why doesn't SB hate mimes?


2 hours ago, Paperblade said:

If you could delete any pokemon, what would it be and why would it be Mr. Mime?


1 hour ago, SB. said:

Why does Paper hate mimes?


Paperblade actually meant to say Jynx, but didn't want to seem like a racist, so he went with her whiter counterpart Mr. Mime. 

In terms of design, I dislike Klink/Klang (I haven't played past Gen 5, really). In terms of wow this Pokemon is annoying, probably Unown because no one wants to catch all 26+ and then have shitty Pokemon to battle with.

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2) Is Pokemon Reborn actually good?

3) What's your favourite Pokemon generation and why?

4) What's your avatar from?

5) Why do you like Hyouka so much?

6) Why is your username Iris?

7) What's your favourite word?

8) What do you think about THE DARK AGE OF SERENES FOREST the forum upgrade?

9) What games have you been playing recently?

10) TOP TEN FAVOURITE POKEMON GO!!!!? (it's a question because there's a question mark dammit)

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21 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

Any other really good Pokemon hacks you'd recommend aside from Reborn?

For RPGMaker, I like Pokemon Desolation and Pokemon Alabaster (both are works-in-progress, and still early on), but I'm liking what I see so far. If you want to go for 

For GBA ROM hacks, the only completed hack I liked was Ruby Destiny: Life of Guardians (don't take the plot seriously, again). For up and coming hacks, I think Pokemon LIFE and Pokemon Mirage of Tales are pretty fun. I also enjoyed Ash Gray and Adventures: Red, from memory.

Play Edge Rising and Snakewood if you want to laugh at all the fake edge.

18 minutes ago, Refa said:

2) Is Pokemon Reborn actually good?

3) What's your favourite Pokemon generation and why?

4) What's your avatar from?

5) Why do you like Hyouka so much?

6) Why is your username Iris?

7) What's your favourite word?

8) What do you think about THE DARK AGE OF SERENES FOREST the forum upgrade?

9) What games have you been playing recently?

10) TOP TEN FAVOURITE POKEMON GO!!!!? (it's a question because there's a question mark dammit)

2) Yup. I recommend it. Don't take the plot too seriously, and it's a good ride. If you need tips, I'd ask Paperblade.

3) I joke that I'm a dirty genwunner and raged over the 20th Pokemon movie. Just kidding. My first Pokemon game was Ruby when I was maybe 7 years old, so Gen 3 has a soft spot in my heart (I played Gen 1 and 2 shortly after). I think I had the most fun playing Gen 3 (because my siblings still played, and I was the only one who got a DS, so I experience Gen 4 and Gen 5 by myself). I played a lot of hours on Gen 4, and while I think Gen 5 has the best standalone games, my interest in official series Pokemon waned around then.

4) Here.

5) I don't. This was a pre-Erased Iris, so now Erased is my new favorite that I'll rewatch once a year (also go watch it now)!


Where people think it's from!

Where it's actually from!

That's a page from my favorite manga as a fourteen year old (Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning), one of the symbols was the Iris meaning the "happiness of the believer"; I'm not religious at all, but I like the concept of it in this manga.

7) Serendipity. Also, ha! Go move to the UK. 

8) they changed it now it sucks!!!! (siriusly tho)

9) I have to finish Reborn E17! I want to play Yggdra Union (PSP version, I beat the GBA version long long ago) and Riviera eventually. I played Yugioh GX Tag Force 1-3 for the memes, and that was funny.

10) Uh. Pikachu is #1, but the rest aren't in any particular order (I refrained from choosing evolutionary lines, but I like the lines I chose): Magikarp, Dratini, Blaziken, Eevee, Gengar, Gardevoir, Roselia, Marill (my favorite evolutionary line, tbh), Larvitar, and Mimikyu gets a spot even though I haven't played Gen 6.

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1) Why do you like Erased so much?

2) Best Eeveelution?

3) Why did you think you were an INFP for so long and why did it change?

4) Why does every Pokemon hack maker want to be an edgelord?

5) If SFMafia were gym leaders (like in Reborn) who would they be and which type would they be?

Edited by SB.
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6 hours ago, Iris said:

4) Here.

5) I don't. This was a pre-Erased Iris, so now Erased is my new favorite that I'll rewatch once a year (also go watch it now)!


Where people think it's from!

Where it's actually from!

That's a page from my favorite manga as a fourteen year old (Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning), one of the symbols was the Iris meaning the "happiness of the believer"; I'm not religious at all, but I like the concept of it in this manga.

7) Serendipity. Also, ha! Go move to the UK. 

9) I have to finish Reborn E17! I want to play Yggdra Union (PSP version, I beat the GBA version long long ago) and Riviera eventually. I played Yugioh GX Tag Force 1-3 for the memes, and that was funny.

10) Uh. Pikachu is #1, but the rest aren't in any particular order (I refrained from choosing evolutionary lines, but I like the lines I chose): Magikarp, Dratini, Blaziken, Eevee, Gengar, Gardevoir, Roselia, Marill (my favorite evolutionary line, tbh), Larvitar, and Mimikyu gets a spot even though I haven't played Gen 6.

4) I actually watched that, I just forgot about it haha.

5) I've already watched and complained about Erased!  Uh, whoops.

6) But Vicious told me there was nothing to believe in, nihilism ho.

7) I will now that net neutrality is getting fucked.

9) You should play Riviera, it's pretty good IMO.

10) I think Mimikyu is from Gen 7, actually.

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7 hours ago, SB. said:

1) Why do you like Erased so much?

2) Best Eeveelution?

3) Why did you think you were an INFP for so long and why did it change?

4) Why does every Pokemon hack maker want to be an edgelord?

5) If SFMafia were gym leaders (like in Reborn) who would they be and which type would they be?

1) I think that Erased will stay as one of my favorites for a very long time. There are obviously flaws (it's not a completely faithful adaptation; they cut out some important backstory elements from the manga) and changed the tone of a lot of events, kind of like revisionist history. I like the anime in tandem with the manga (the anime's music makes some of the feel-good moments better, but the story is better in the manga). That being said, what I like the most about it is probably contained to a few episodes; I find Kayo Hinazuki's family situation to be pretty realistic and I love how it was feel-good and turned out for the better. I identify a lot with Kayo, and her having a happy ending evoked a lot of emotion in me. It's very hopeful.

2) People will try to tell you it's Umbreon, but we all know it's Espeon.

3) When I first took the MBTI, I took an online test (16personalities) which focuses more on the dichotomies instead of the functions; though I was all right with planning, I was pretty disorganized in terms of workspace (cluttered backpack, room, etc.), and thought "wow, no way I can be a J"! When I was in college, sharing out MBTIs were popular, and I didn't quite identify with all the INFPs I met (although there were some similarities) and then I did a deep dive on the functions. I think that people mistype because they have a limited understanding of the test (and more importantly, the 8 functions associated with it).

4) Because people conflate edge with good writing, sadly. Also Ame started a trend when she first released Reborn, and now every Pokemon Essentials game is just as edgy if not more.

5) Not sure why you had to clarify *Reborn* Gym Leaders instead of just regular Pokemon Gym Leaders, unless you're implying we could be the next Pokemon Essentials Edge game. I'll get back to you on this (maybe).

1 hour ago, Refa said:

4) I actually watched that, I just forgot about it haha.

5) I've already watched and complained about Erased!  Uh, whoops.

6) But Vicious told me there was nothing to believe in, nihilism ho.

7) I will now that net neutrality is getting fucked.

9) You should play Riviera, it's pretty good IMO.

10) I think Mimikyu is from Gen 7, actually.

5) Refa has no heart, confirmed!

6) Wow, you're the anti-Undertale; 0 determination, no Hopes and Dreams for you!

9) I will, but I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay style. I like Yggdra Union (though it's full of bull shit, wrt difficulty).

10) Well I haven't played past Gen 5 (and at that, haven't beaten Black), so not surprised I messed that up.

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