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Which Fire emblem game has the best cast of characters? Personality wise.


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As the title suggests, which emblem game do you feel like did its characters justice. And which Fe has the worst cast of characters?

Personally, I feel like Fe 9/10 had the best, most well written cast of characters and awakening and shadow dragon had probably the worst.


Edited by Ginger567
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I'm fixed between Sacred Stones and Shadows of Valentia for the best. Both do their characters justice in that SS had some of my favourite supports in the series that really helped develop characters you wouldn't normally expect to be like, seriously, read Forde's supports, with anyone but Vanessa, or just watch Ghast's support science. While SoV, yes lacking in the support area since most were simple chatter and IMO there were too few, looking at you Genny, the voice acting really helped. I mean look at Berkut, a for the most part, pretty run of the mill, weak villain is in my mind a stand out solely because of his fantastic voice. Bless Ian Snclair for his voice and Wendee Lee for being amazing at voice direction where were you when Fates was being voiced?;___;.

As for worst, I would say SD, but since it barely developed its characters I can't really say it had a bad cast personality wise, since like only 5 units had personality, so I'm gonna have to go with Fates, specifically Birthright. I actually quite enjoyed Awakening cast, since most had substance in their supports like Lon'qu and yes, Tharja, in any support where Robin is not mentioned, and Conquest also has some characters that I thoroughly enjoy too like Niles, Charlotte, Benny, Nyx. Actually I like everyone but Corrin and Peri in Conquest. However, Birthrights characters are just plain bland, the only exceptions being the royals sibs, minus Hinoka who I genuinely forgot existed until Warriors, Oboro, Kaden, Reina, albeit is still forgetable at times and Shiro. Pretty much everyone else is super forgetable and I honestly have no qualms killing any of them when I play Conquest, except the above mentioned, and Scarlet. Fuck she died brutally.

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If we're talking personalities then Awakening and Conquest is filled to the brim with colorful characters.

In terms of backstory and all that other stuff, I can't say since I only beat the 3DS titles.

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I'd say SoV has the best, despite the minimal support system the game did an excellent job of making everyone stand out and feel real.  I quite liked that about it.

Worst, I'm gonna go with SD, because it didn't even try with like 95% of its dudes.  Something is better than nothing (unless you're like Peri, screw Peri).  Most of SD's cast has nothing.  I feel no attachment to them at all because the game never gives me a reason to.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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3 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:


Worst, I'm gonna go with SD, because it didn't even try with like 95% of its dudes.  Something is better than nothing (unless you're like Peri, screw Peri).  Most of SD's cast has nothing.  I feel no attachment to them at all because the game never gives me a reason to.

Maybe they did that so you don't feel guilty killing off most of them for the Gaiden chapters.

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21 hours ago, Jedi said:

I'd personally wanna say that 9, 7, 4 and 15 had the best casts while 14 overall has the weakest.

I liked blazing sword cast a lot as well. Echoes cast was entertaining but most of them were just bland. 

Haven't really played pre Fe 6 games so can't say anything about Geneolgy. 

Cool choices, thank you for answering. :D

21 hours ago, Azz said:

watch Ghast's support science.

Kinda dislike him so I'll pass....


21 hours ago, Azz said:

While SoV, yes lacking in the support area since most were simple chatter and IMO there were too few, looking at you Genny, the voice acting really helped. I mean look at Berkut, a for the most part, pretty run of the mill, weak villain is in my mind a stand out solely because of his fantastic voice. Bless Ian Snclair for his voice and Wendee Lee for being amazing at voice direction where were you when Fates was being voiced?;___;.

I liked a lot of characters in sov, I mean a lot but most of them were just forgotten in the long run e.g. Cliff. And most were forgettable.

I like berkut as a villain ;-;...haha but you're right, voice acting helped a lot to personalise each character.

21 hours ago, Azz said:

for worst, I would say SD, but since it barely developed its characters I can't really say it had a bad cast personality wise, since like only 5 units had personality

I have to 100% agree with this, Archanea really didn't flesh out any character that I have absolutely no opinion of them...


21 hours ago, Azz said:

I actually quite enjoyed Awakening cast, since most had substance in their supports like Lon'qu and yes, Tharja, in any support where Robin is not mentioned.

I tend to find all of tharja's support chains crappy and utterly disturbing. XD awakening had a few entertaining support here and there but minority of them were so gimmicky that I just dislike them all xD except Henry. 

As for fates, I think the royals save it from rock bottom because most of them were pretty well done.

This was a fun read, thanks so much for responding. :D


21 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

Worst, I'm gonna go with SD, because it didn't even try with like 95% of its dudes.  Something is better than nothing (unless you're like Peri, screw Peri).  Most of SD's cast has nothing.  I feel no attachment to them at all because the game never gives me a reason to.

100% accurate but I seriously had no opinion of them as they were so bland.

So I guess I can't even express a hate emotion to them.

21 hours ago, Ronnie said:

If we're talking personalities then Awakening and Conquest is filled to the brim with colorful characters.

In terms of backstory and all that other stuff, I can't say since I only beat the 3DS titles.

That's fair XD

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Sacred Stones, can't really explain why.

34 minutes ago, Azz said:

 While SoV, yes lacking in the support area since most were simple chatter and IMO there were too few, looking at you Genny, the voice acting really helped.

I agree she had a criminally low number of supports with just the one, and with Sonya at that, she does, however, have a more traditional support than most of the others, in that it gives insight into her character rather than just being smalltalk. So at least we have that?

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3 minutes ago, Gebby said:

Sacred Stones, can't really explain why.

I agree she had a criminally low number of supports with just the one, and with Sonya at that, she does, however, have a more traditional support than most of the others, in that it gives insight into her character rather than just being smalltalk. So at least we have that?

Yeah, I agree. I did like that her support was more traditional. I just wish she had one with like Celica or even Atlas where the whole 'I'll treat you like a little sister' would have worked better then with Celica. Not saying her support with Sonya is bad, it's actually one of my favourites, but the fact that you have to pick between Sonya and Deen and Sonya is Genny's only support, while Jesse at least has Saber if you don't pick Deen, is a bit aggravating.

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As far as the games I've played go:

FE1-no support convo's or much dialogue, so can't really judge the cast until Ive played FE12 (that one had convo's right?)
FE4-No convo's yet either, but a number of conversations. Whilst I'll agree a number of people aren't fleshed out AT ALL (hi there Beowulf), there are also some really good ones. Also, not sure if that counts, but almost all of them are properly/amazingly fleshed out in a number of manga's. If that may be taken into account to this is probably my favourite cast of the bunch, though this may not be fair.
FE5-No convo's, no supports, so can't really judge them either.
FE6-Pretty basic characters, a bunch of people I really don't care for, but some pretty good ones as well, like Yodel for example.
FE7-Probably the best cast, I like the potential of FE4's more, but that game didn't have supports. Almost everyone in this game is at least likeable and there are some really good ones as well.
FE8-Don't really care for this cast, apart from 1 or 2 exceptions. I can't point out exactly why, and if you do like them that's fine, they just don't resonate as well with me.
FE13-I like a bunch of them, though I don't love any of them. Kind of middle of the pack imo.
FE14-Easily the worst, hands down. Take all the small parts I disliked about FE13's cast, enlarge them and this is what you get. A bunch of over-the-top one-note Corrinworshippers with a few people with not properly handled potential added to the mix.
FE15-Voice acting adds a lot to my appreciation of the characters, but low amount of supports undermines that a little (though I suppose it's better than writing supports for every possible duo). As for the characters themselves, they're all right for the most part. Not a fan of the villagers though.

Total ranking: FE4 (with maga) > FE7 > FE4 (without) > FE15 > FE13 > FE6 > FE 8 > FE14
Unranked (due to lack of conversations/haven't played): Marth's cast, Thracia cast, Tellius cast

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4 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

almost all of them are properly/amazingly fleshed out in a number of manga's

Never knew Fe 4 had a manga, that would be cool to read as I haven't played the game. 

5 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

Fe 6- Pretty basic characters, a bunch of people I really don't care for, but some pretty good ones as well, like Yodel for example.

I completely agree about Fe 6, they're every generic as well much like SD, so I have no opinion of them I did like Miledy and Zeiss.

9 minutes ago, athena_57 said:


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It's a tie between Blazing Blade, Path of Radiance, and Shadows of Valentia for my favorite. Blazing Blade has a lot of good supports and some nice story scenes for supporting characters (Mathew comes to mind immediately). Shadows of Valentia, while not having supports that match up to the quality of Blazing Blade's, uses Base Conversations to make up for it effectively. Path of Radiance is the best of both worlds, great supports, base conversations and story scenes. All three games have some excellent casts.

In the middle is Sacred Stones, Radiant Dawn, and Awakening. Sacred Stones has a very good cast from what I've played, but the game feels too short for me to really get to know all of them. Radiant Dawn has the characters I love from Path of Radiance, but the new characters are very underdeveloped (I'm looking right at the Dawn Brigade). Awakening can feel a little too quirky with the character personalities, but I enjoy most of the cast regardless.

Weakest is without a shadow (Get it?) of a doubt Shadow Dragon. No supports, no base conversations, very little battle conversations, most characters get no real personality and may as well be nameless units that are used for their stats. They may be the original archetypes for the franchise, but seniority doesn't mean anything if their archetype is done better in every other game. To give credit, I was genuinely surprised by how well Marth was handled in that game, but the supporting cast is forgettable. Also Fates, which is better than Shadow Dragon, but feels like they took the bad parts of Awakening and made them worse. I do like some characters, but too many of them feel bland to make me care and some I think are outright terrible.

I haven't properly played Mystery of the Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War, Thracia 776, and Binding Blade to judge their characters.

Edited by Chconroy
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39 minutes ago, Ginger567 said:

Kinda dislike him so I'll pass....

Ghast's Support Science should actually be given a look. I also had a bad impression since he was insulting Awakening and I love Awakening. But after some other videos of his, they were really good. His Support Science actually really gets you to see a new perspective of characters and might even make you like them more.


Personally, I found myself able to feel for Awakening characters far more, so Awakening is the one for me. The worst one would have to actually be Shadow Dragon. Let's face it, the lack of supports the the story not allowing enough interaction with the other cast members made it REALLY hard to know any of them. 


7 minutes ago, Ginger567 said:

Never knew Fe 4 had a manga, that would be cool to read as I haven't played the game. 

I recommend Oosawa's FE4 manga. Really awesome manga. And it made me love the ships that the author had with it.

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Tellius has the best to me, no question! So many of the characters are so well done and enjoyable, both personality AND design wise. And Ike is one of my favorite vg characters ever. <3

Worst is Fates imo, with Awakening as a close second there (and Frederick isn't the only reason I don't rank this one right up with Fates as worst, I just think Fates's cast is overall THAT bad).

Edited by Anacybele
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Best is probably PoR. Base+Support conversations added a lot of depth to the characters.

Worst is from the games where characters were given very little dialogue, so FE1-3 (and their respective remakes) FE4 and FE5.

Edited by UNLEASH IT
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Tellius is my favorite overall cast.

My least favorite casts are FE7 and 8.
I dislike a lot of FE7's cast and I just don't care about many people in FE8

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I think the best cast is easily the Tellius cast. With the exception of the newbies introduced in RD they really do win out in about every area. They get to be in two games which means they can show off their development, they got a good number of supports and base conversations to get their character across and the two games have lots and lots of battle conversation. 
The characters starring in two games is used really well. Old supports from Path of Radiance are shown to have actually led to something. Tormod and Sothe have a very strong bond in RD after their support chain in the last game and despite how they started in POR Lethe and Jill tell each other they will always be friend if you have them fight. Tauroneo even has a battle conversation with Calil merely because he had a support with her husband. 

Shadow of Valentia and Blazing sword are high up there as well. The Valentia characters just have so much charm and I like how the Blazing sword characters are such a carried bunch. 


Shadow dragon has the worst cast for me. Its got a couple of good characters but the cast is dominated by blank slates and blander versions of archtypes that we already seen done much better so many times by the time Archenea made it to the west. If they aren't Hardin then the villains never say or do anything interesting so in terms of character there's just nothing there for me. 

Fates gets a dishonorable mention. I would never say its got the worst cast because its got enough strong characters to elevate the cast but it does have the biggest amount of absolutely awful characters. Peri, Garon, Iago and the Awakening clones are among the worst characters Fire emblem has to offer and other characters like Xander or the Fates kids are severely misused. 

I'm not to crazy on Binding blade's cast either. Its got a lot of strong characters but also to many characters who just bore me to tears.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Best would either be Path of Radiance or Sacred Stones. PoR has both supports and base conversations that really add a lot to the characters. SoV has this too, but in a smaller quantity, which is why I think they deserve an honorable mention, but not the best. Sacred Stones also has a fairly fleshed out cast, and every character has their backstory and motivations.

For worst, Shadow Dragon hands down. No supports or base conversations. Doesn't help that the art makes everyone look bored the majority of the time.

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Am I the only person that didn't really feel any emotional connection to any fe9/10 characters other than Stefan, Tormod, and Muarim?

I think Fe15 or 8 is the best cast, and seem to be in the majority regarding this.

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While SoV's cast was small, i think it worked to it's benefit. Smaller cast meant that the writers had more time to flesh out characters and even if you end up with some one note characters like Faye, the overall cast is good and the fantastic voice acting helps.

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for me the best cast of characters would probably come out of genealogy of the holy war or shadows of valentia. i see a lot of people saying the tellius games on here but for me there's lots of good characters but there's way too many shitty characters for me to actually pick it for best characters and the genealogy and SoV characters are generally better. I also really liked the Thracia 776 characters. worst characters would probably be shadow dragon if we're talking blandest cast but if we're talking just out right bad no game had more characters that i absolutely hated than fates. the game had characters i like but there were some god awful characters and it gets a ton more points in the shit character category just for having corrin in the game.

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FE1 - Caeda, that one mage, no one else applies

FE2 - Almost no one applies

FE3 - They try some stuff with the wolf guard, and a couple other things, but it doesn't really go that far.

FE4 - I really really hate the way the 90% of the female characters are portrayed in this game. Characters who go through dramatic beats are pretty good, but get all their charertization in blocks at the begining/end of the generations. Many minor charthers are essentially unchanged by the war and end the game (or pre-barhara) with no development- they were just loyal. Finally I guess I have to give a shoutout for Levin The most problematic charather of all time . Whose best qualitiy is convincing his children to try to avoid his example to avoid becoming like him, and leading to the two most moral gen 2 characters.

FE5 - Fairly  bad, only Leif and a couple people like his strategists and the Magi group get characterization. It's weird considering the extended charethrization that some of the chapter bosses get, but recruitable charerthers are really hurting, both because there's a price to pay for having good infantry axe users of having no dialgouge outside of recruitment and start of chapter stuff to tell you that they're recruitable and the excuses that the developers came up for charthers not participating in the larger war when the story catches up to Genealogy at the end are really hollow. Some characters contradict themselves (toleration of Lifis by people who know the extent of his crimes, etc).

FE6 - People directly connected with Bern or who lose family members/parents/FE7 relatives are good. The other people, much like the story itself- just seem to be picked up while wandering around and don't REALLY have much to define them as belonging to Elibe and this war in particular rather than any generic fantasy setting.

FE7 - This game has a very popular cast of charathers, but whenever I think of FE7, I think of it as just the story of Eliwood/Hector/Ninian(someone is conspicuously absent) And while I like some of the characters dependent on them (eg matthew), because of how much the game tries to do- it really wants you to pay more attention to plot points (bern/black fang/morph backstory) than to characterization. 

FE8 -  What I liked about the characters in this game, is that they are believably tied to the geography of the setting. Garcia and Ross are a good example - games like PoR, RD, and Awakening's use of "villagers" is pretty nonsensical by comparison. The same aplies to Gerik's  band operating out of Jehanna not only because "sand kingdom is thematically appropriate for mercenaries" but because of their ties to Joshua. I would say that Lute/Artur are the most "out of nowhere" characters. 

FE9 - The initial mercenaries are all given pretty involved stories, although Gatrie/Rhys don't really amount too much. The Laguz party members are okay, although more the cats +Reyson, Ulki/Janaff never amount to anything more than Tibarn's chaperones. Daien/Begnion charathers (recruitable and NPC) tend to be the best. The weak link in PoR  is most of the other recruitable party members (mia , Illyana ,  zihark , devdan , camill , largo , sothe , stefan) Really aside from Jill and Volke - almost every human recruited after Ike becoming leader of the mercenaries and the end of the oliver arc has at best a tenuous commitment to the larger conflict.  The only exceptions are the people you enlist who were already involved in a military (Tanith, Elincia's retainers)  Some of them are okay charatherwise or add to the setting.... but I never really believe in their motivations for helping out in this current war. And others seem like they did some "spur of the moment" act of samartanism and then are pretty much confused as to why they keep following you.

FE10  - Dawn Brigade don't do much charatherwise. The Crimean Knights gives us a lot of the best stuff in the story. Some of the Greil Mercenaries make interesting advances on where they were at the end of FE9. (Mostly the ones that were good to begin with) while some other returning charathers continue their career of being excess baggage Ilyana

FE11 -  Marth is given much more charatherization, other people not so much.

FE12 - The assasin's are all fun to interact with - maybe the game stops short of going as far a like FE7's Black Fang, but we get the idea. The 12th Platoon are surprisingly believable as trainees, but don't come up much later. Jagen is the real star of the show in ways that could not be imagined in FE3. However, the game still suffers from its bloated cast, and the majority of units don't amount too much. 

FE13 - GIMMICK HELL - but seriously, most of the characters are given things to redeem them if you look into their support chains. This works in some cases. In others (Kellam/Gaius) it really doesn't work and the joke never ends. 

FE14 - The supports in this game have their advocates, but even ignoring Corrin- stuff like  Revelations!Xander are still really, really bad.  I really have to dock it more points because of how essentially all non-retainer non-royal are  treated with no regard for their unique origin regardless of which country/tribe/etc it was once you get past their recruitment.  Also has FE13's problem with running jokes into the ground.

SOV - I like this game's cast the most. The actual plot, and like the leads I don't care for as much, but really I thnk that the prominence of base dialogue>supports went a long way in making people feel involved - sure FE13 and Telius had some good base conversations, but they didn't take as central of a role as these did when judging characters.. 


SOV > FE9 > FE10 > FE4 > FE8 > FE7  > FE13 >  FE14 > FE6 > FE12 > FE11 > FE5 > FE3 > FE1 > FE2

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