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Sophia: Nabata Prophet


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Sophia: Nabata Prophet

Sophia is quite the odd duck among the spellcasters in Heroes, possessing a strange stat spread of decent attack, balanced defensive stats, and speed that exceeds only Arden's, with no other units being particularly comparable to her in terms of stats and usage-- for the longest time she was dismissed as having no worthwhile use, with her abysmal speed guaranteeing that nearly anyone could double her and neither defense being quite enough to compensate for that... However, for those that see the potential in the little half-dragon seer, there are indeed hidden strengths that can be played to for excellent results. Much like her FE6 incarnation, she starts with very little to work with and takes a lot of investment, but can be grow up to be pretty strong once you put the work in. 

Level 40 stats:
HP: 36 / 40 / 43
Atk: 30 / 33 / 36
Spd: 16 / 19 / 22
Def: 24 / 28 / 31
Res: 25 / 29 / 32
Total: 156~157

Default skills:
Weapon: Fenrir+
Assist: --
Special: Dragon Fang
Passive A: Warding Blow 3
Passive B: --
Passive C: Fortify Res 3

Red Robin (Raudrraven & Triangle Adept)
General Use, Arena Offense, Chain modes


Suggested IV: +Atk/-Spd*, +Res/-Spd, +Def/-Spd, neutral

  • +Atk*: 40 HP | 50 Atk | 16 Spd | 28 Def | 29 Res
  • +Res: 40 HP | 47 Atk | 16 Spd | 28 Def | 32 Res
  • +Def: 40 HP | 47 Atk | 16 Spd | 31 Def | 29 Res

Weapon: Raudrraven+
Assist: Draw Back / Reposition / Swap
Special: Iceberg / Bonfire 
Passive A: Triangle Adept
Passive B: Swordbreaker 3 / Quick Riposte 2-3
Passive C: flexible
Sacred Seal: Atk+3

Perhaps the simplest, most well-known, and easiest to build version of Sophia is one that combines the benefits of Raudrraven with Triangle Adept to serve as a specialized catch-all counter for green and grey units. Sophia's balanced defenses and serviceable Atk make her particularly well-suited to this role, since both defenses are high enough that the boost from TriAdept means that she can shrug off damage with WTA at single digits or less on both sides, while her solid attack frequently allows her to OHKO in reply, especially if she boasts an Attack boon. Any -Spd nature of Sophia works well for this, though due to the -4 bane detriment of her defensive stats, it is recommended to simply use the free daily neutral Sophia if you can't pull a -Spd nature, which will also work fine. Likewise, her Special is somewhat IV-dependant, and she will want the respective specials of Iceberg or Bonfire if she possesses a +Res or +Def nature (either works fine for +Atk or neutral natures, since their damage output is identical). 

For her B slot skill, Swordbreaker and Quick Riposte tend to be the most useful choices, with Swordbreaker expanding her offensive/player phase coverage to include the multitude of common, typically low-Res Sword-users, while Quick Riposte improves her enemy phase matchups, guaranteeing KOs on high-Res green or grey units like Julia, Deirdre, Halloween Jakob, and defensive horse-buffed units like Cecilia and Titania. Red Tomebreaker is still noteworthy for improving her matchups against red mages, who typically double and KO her otherwise (Moonbow would be the ideal special to take in this situation, being needed to land KOs on all but the Res-tankiest reds), though Swordbreaker and Quick Riposte are her best options. Her Assist and C-skill slots are similarly versatile depending on what her team needs and what the player has available; Speed-buffing skills are recommended for C-slot since she obviously has no need of them herself. 

Needless to say, this Sophia will want to steer well clear of anything blue, and should not be anywhere near the front lines of combat when she may be at risk of being initiated upon by a red unit due to her low speed making her a vulnerable target (though with Swordbreaker she can potentially facetank a single sword unit in a pinch). Be especially wary also of Innes or any other archers that may be packing Cancel Affinity, as well as speedy daggers that might wield the Kitty Paddle, such as Felicia.

Fenrir Awakened (Keen Raudrwolf + DD stacking)
*High Investment* General Use, Arena Offense/Defense


Suggested IV: +Res/-Spd, +HP/-Spd

  • +Res: 40 HP | 45 Atk | 16 Spd | 28 Def | 32 Res
  • +HP: 43 HP | 45 Atk | 16 Spd | 28 Def | 29 Res

Weapon: Keen Raudrwolf+ [Cav]
Assist: Draw Back / Reposition / Swap
Special: Iceberg
Passive A: Distant Defense 3
Passive B: Quick Riposte 2-3 / Guard 3
Passive C: Threaten Atk 3 / flexible
Sacred Seal: Distant Defense 3

Casting aside her standard grimoire in favor of the true power of the wolf, this Sophia gives a big ol' middle finger to horse meta and weapon triangle alike, capable of serving as an effective (if unusual) counter to top threats like Reinhardt and Brave Lyn as well as horse teams that rely overmuch on Hones and Fortifies. Keen Raudrwolf provides the all-important horse-devouring power that Sophia needs to obliterate cavalry units, of course, but the true bread-and-butter of this set comes from stacking Distant Defense in both her A-skill and Sacred Seal slots, ramping her up a whopping 12 points in her balanced defenses to hit the impressive statline of 40 HP / 40 Def / 46 Res (with a +Res nature). +Res or +HP is the ideal nature here, since with any other boon she cannot survive Reinhardt's Quickened Pulse Moonbow setup.

Quick Riposte is generally unnecessary for dealing with non-blue cavalry due to how hard Keen Raudrwolf shreds them, but allows her to effectively deal with non-cavalry attackers on defense, giving her lots of KO potential thanks to her solid Attack, and she can furthermore initiate and OHKO in many neutral melee cavalry matchups like Eldigan, Brave Roy, Siegbert, and Xander (though the OHKO on Sigurd does manage to elude her). However, Guard may also be worthy of consideration for her B-slot, even in spite of her lack of her abysmal speed, since it will at least keep her foes from charging or firing off specials against her given how easily doubled she is. 

Generally the only ranged attacks she can't really combat are Poison Daggers, Kitty Paddles, and non-cavalry Blue Tome users who can exceed 50 Atk (through any means) or who run Moonbow to muscle past her bolstered defenses on initiation. And if it doesn't already go without saying, keep her out of the reach of any melee attackers, against whom she is infinitely more vulnerable. Also important to be aware is that Keen Raudrwolf cannot ignore the effects of indirect buffs from Spurs, Goads, or Wards, so use appropriate caution when facing teams that run these skills (note that a Goaded QP Moonbow Reinhardt can successfully KO her if her Res is not buffed in equal amount by her teammates). 

Melee Mage (Close Counter)
General Use, Arena Offense/Defense


Suggested IV: +Def/-Spd*, +HP/-Spd

  • +Def*: 40 HP | 45 Atk | 16 Spd | 34 Def | 29 Res
  • +HP: 43 HP | 45 Atk | 16 Spd | 31 Def | 29 Res

Weapon: Raudrowl+ [Def] / Candelabra+ [Def]
Assist: Swap / Reposition / flexible
Special: Bonfire / Moonbow / Glimmer
Passive A: Close Counter
Passive B: Guard 3 / Quick Riposte 2-3
Passive C: Threaten Atk 3 / Atk Ploy 3 / Atk Smoke 3 / flexible
Sacred Seal: Quick Riposte 3 / Close Defense 3

A set that has become less high-investment to build than it once was thanks to Raudrowl and Close Counter being introduced as free skills, in this role Sophia somewhat resembles a Henry that trades some Defense (and Speed, for all she needs it) for Attack and Resistance, allowing her to tank both spectrums of offense with her decently-balanced bulk. Much like the others, she has little player phase utility with this build, instead preferring to tank on enemy phase and return fire with Quick Riposte.

It's not particularly recommended to forgo Quick Riposte entirely on this set, since she lacks the solid OHKO potential of other builds, though making use of her tome's effects can help if she lacks Close Defense. Guard + Quick Riposte allows her to proc her special while denying that of her opponent, which can certainly have its uses; Quick Riposte + Close Defense is also an option, albeit one that allows her low speed to be exploited to proc specials on her. Both can work and it largely depends on player preference, though running Raudrowl, grouping her teammates accordingly, and running defensive buffs alongside Guard + QR is probably bound to give her the best survivability overall. 


Edited by BANRYU
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Thank you for the analysis, I didn't think of her as a good candidate for Desperation+Brash Assault before. 

On 12/12/2017 at 8:16 AM, BANRYU said:

Also important to be aware is that Keen Raudrwolf cannot ignore the effects of indirect buffs from Spurs, Goads, or Wards, so use appropriate caution when facing teams that run these skills (note that a Goaded QP Moonbow Reinhardt can successfully KO her if her Res is not buffed in equal amount by her teammates). 

This sentence belongs to the Fenrir Awakened built (not to Red Robin), I guess?

I'm running my Raudrraven+  Sophia without TA, because she survives a lot of Bows and Daggers anyway and is my counter to CA-Archers like Innes. If you run her Numbers (neutral 5*+0 Sophia with ATK+3, Raudrraven+, Bowbreaker 3 and Moonbow), she gets 14 wins (Lyn, Innes, Klein, Takumi, Cordelia etc) and 2 loses (Kagero/Sakura) against all +10 Archers and Dagger users. 


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1 hour ago, mampfoid said:

Thank you for the analysis, I didn't think of her as a good candidate for Desperation+Brash Assault before. 

This sentence belongs to the Fenrir Awakened built (not to Red Robin), I guess?

I'm running my Raudrraven+  Sophia without TA, because she survives a lot of Bows and Daggers anyway and is my counter to CA-Archers like Innes. If you run her Numbers (neutral 5*+0 Sophia with ATK+3, Raudrraven+, Bowbreaker 3 and Moonbow), she gets 14 wins (Lyn, Innes, Klein, Takumi, Cordelia etc) and 2 loses (Kagero/Sakura) against all +10 Archers and Dagger users. 


GACK you're right, what a dumb mistake... @___@

It's interesting to know that Raven Sophia can still do pretty well without TA. o3o Thanks for sharing hah.

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On 12/11/2017 at 11:16 PM, BANRYU said:

Red Robin (Raudrraven & Triangle Adept)

What about Bowbreaker, G Tomebreaker, and Quick Riposte? Can she actually knock out most greens and colorless in one hit? I think Quick Riposte would be a better option so she can take them all down with Moonbow in one round.

And are you going to do the waifu with melons next? Better put a ring on it before someone else does! Kidding.

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5 minutes ago, XRay said:

What about Bowbreaker, G Tomebreaker, and Quick Riposte? Can she actually knock out most greens and colorless in one hit? I think Quick Riposte would be a better option so she can take them all down with Moonbow in one round.

And are you going to do the waifu with melons next? Better put a ring on it before someone else does! Kidding.

You read the analysis, right?

And, loathe as I am to give any acknowledgement to those tired, overused jokes, yes. 

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Just now, BANRYU said:

You read the analysis, right?

And, loathe as I am to give any acknowledgement to those tired, overused jokes, yes. 

I would not rely on one hit knock outs though.

Neutral vanilla Deirdre, Julia, TOD!Henry, and Sonya all left alive without Quick Riposte. Neutral vanilla Felicia, TOD!Jakob, and Niles are left alive too. More importantly, she also leaves Cecilia [+Spd, -Def, Gronnblade, Fury, full cavalry buffs] alive.

And if you run a merged armor team to increase your score but you only have a 5*+0 Sophia, she would face quite a few merged enemies that she may not be able kill in one hit.

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

I would not rely on one hit knock outs though.

Neutral vanilla Deirdre, Julia, TOD!Henry, and Sonya all left alive without Quick Riposte. Neutral vanilla Felicia, TOD!Jakob, and Niles are left alive too. More importantly, she also leaves Cecilia [+Spd, -Def, Gronnblade, Fury, full cavalry buffs] alive.

And if you run a merged armor team to increase your score but you only have a 5*+0 Sophia, she would face quite a few merged enemies that she may not be able kill in one hit.

....all right, you make a fair point. I think I was thinking that dealing with most of those folks in a second round of combat (barring Felicia who lots of people like and thus stands a high chance of killing you with Kitty Paddle if she has it regardless) wasn't a bit deal, but now that you mention it, it definitely makes sense that eliminating them in a single round is often the more desirable outcome esp if other teammates are vulnerable to and in range of them. 

Thank you for your input and sorry for my initial flippancy, I will make an adjustment when I have the time. 

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11 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

I think I was thinking that dealing with most of those folks in a second round of combat

I generally prefer to finish things in one round of combat, since Enemy Phase units need to move back during the next Player Phase after they have done their job, so they do not get over run by other enemy units rushing towards them.

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  • 4 months later...

Anyone think a CC mixed-range rank build with like say, Candelabra+CC+QR+CD is worthwhile on her, or is that better left to Henry and Xmas Tharja?

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12 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Anyone think a CC mixed-range rank build with like say, Candelabra+CC+QR+CD is worthwhile on her, or is that better left to Henry and Xmas Tharja?

Her Close Counter build is apparently phenomenal, according to the tiering staff at Gamepedia. It's apparently strong enough to get her (and Henry) tiered as high as original Tharja, Katarina, and Celica. The build they're using to tier her runs

[+Def, -Spd]
Raudhrowl+ [Def] / Candelabra+ [Def]
Bonfire / Glimmer
Close Counter
Guard 3
Atk Ploy 3
Quick Riposte 3

and is basically a weaker, but more mobile version of Winter Tharja. It's basically the build you're proposing, but with Atk Ploy in the C slot instead of Close Def in the Sacred Seal slot, freeing up her B slot for Guard to prevent her from turning into a Special battery for the opponent.

I would love to try this build myself, but unfortunately it requires either Raudhrowl+ or Candelabra+, both of which are on characters that are prioritized for merging instead of skills.

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10 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Her Close Counter build is apparently phenomenal, according to the tiering staff at Gamepedia. It's apparently strong enough to get her (and Henry) tiered as high as original Tharja, Katarina, and Celica. The build they're using to tier her runs

[+Def, -Spd]
Raudhrowl+ [Def] / Candelabra+ [Def]
Bonfire / Glimmer
Close Counter
Guard 3
Atk Ploy 3
Quick Riposte 3

and is basically a weaker, but more mobile version of Winter Tharja. It's basically the build you're proposing, but with Atk Ploy in the C slot instead of Close Def in the Sacred Seal slot, freeing up her B slot for Guard to prevent her from turning into a Special battery for the opponent.

I would love to try this build myself, but unfortunately it requires either Raudhrowl+ or Candelabra+, both of which are on characters that are prioritized for merging instead of skills.

ahh excellent. I thought as much but it's good to hear it confirmed. Probably not worth it to run Close Def over Guard then (with QR moved accordingly), huh. 


I'm thinking about removing her Brash Desperation set as well. Blade tomes kinda feel like yesterday's news, and I'm not sure there's much point in building Sophia that way considering Lilina is just as common now and does better at it without or ESPECIALLY with Forblaze + its refine. 

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Alright, I went ahead and removed her Brash Desperation set (there are plenty of more effective alternatives to this nowadays) to replace it with the Close Counter build (conveniently pretty easy to build now that Canas and Takumi have both been made F2P-available), so she should be all up to date. 

Time to finally get going on the updates for Merric @3@

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21 hours ago, BANRYU said:

Alright, I went ahead and removed her Brash Desperation set (there are plenty of more effective alternatives

I think it is fine to keep it, there is nothing wrong with giving other players more ideas. Brash-Desperation might not be the best set, but it is something a lot of units can run.

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  • 1 year later...

Sophia has been given new life and a new neck with her Resplendent Version~ I've been theorycrafting a lot of builds for her, so I thought I'd show some off~

The build I'm currently going with is an Astra Tank build with double Naga


For the sake of it, here's a max investment build with SS and +10 DF~


I recommend a T4 Stance Skill on Sophia, as she's quite slow and can greatly benefit from having the Guard effect. Combined with her Prf Eff and a defensive Stance Seal, Greens and Colorless will be ting tinging for days and she absolutely has the capacity to tank Blues with the right support (L!Eliwood, Kaden, M!Corrin, etc.). We're going with Res boosting Stances to work with her huge Defense stat thanks to the double Nagas. If you're running an Atk boon, you can probably get away with Warding Stance 4, but extra Atk is always appreciated in my experience. DD4 is also another option which allows her to Dull her opponents and open up her B-Slot to something else, which I think you always want in AR if you can manage it. 

QR is perfectly fine for a budget option and the one I'm using, but at her fullest potential, she probably wants Lull Atk/Res so she can both tank better, and have easier retaliation against her opponents. Otherwise, I still think Dull Ranged is always safe for AR.

Atk Smoke needs no real explanation, just there to help her tank more. Truthfully, she could also run Pulse Smoke to be at her peak performance, but with any kind of Guard, she doesn't really need it unless she's going to be an IP counter.

Seal can also be flexible.You can swap out the 2nd stance for DD3 or QR so you can still retain your ability to double while running the Lull.

@XRay's alternative builds for rearranging effects between the Skill slots.

Buff Nullification: Close/Distant Def
Special Nullification: Stat/Stat Stance

Buff Nullification: Lulls, Dulls
Special Nullification: Guard
Doubling: Quick Riposte

Buff Nullification: Panic Smoke
Special Nullification: Pulse Smoke

Sacred Seal
Doubling: Quick Riposte

Here's pretty much the Double Eir Light Season version of the same build~


Pretty much the same as before, balancing out that high Res with the physical Stances in their place. DD3 or QR also work here, too. I would also consider Bracing Stance 4 when that's eventually released for a complete tank build.

And I'm including this disgusting idea from @daisy jane


Remember when I said Sophia was slow? Well, imagine you had Double Peony and the rest of this foolishness going on?~ This isn't even considering Spd buffs, her initiating, and Peony's own Column Drive effect. Her Spd can potentially reach the 60s if you play your cards right and why would you not want to with this build?

Even with L&D4, her Defenses are still not all that bad, and with Spd this high, she shouldn't be getting doubled as it is. I can't speak from experience with this setup but those numbers show Sophia definitely has some nuking potential.

Draconic Aura can be replaced with Ruptured Sky for something more premium or Iceberg if you want to stay budget.

Alternative Player Phase builds from @Ice Dragon

1 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3 / Life and Death 4
Desperation 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

2 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Spd Smoke 3 / Res Smoke 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse
Swift Sparrow 2

And for a Close Counter build meshing together some of the build ideas from both @Ice Dragon and @XRay


Can also potentially run a Lull, Close or Distant Defense, and the eventual Bracing Stance Seal.

Edited by Landmaster
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10 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Sophia has been given new life and a new neck with her Resplendent Version~ I've been theorycrafting a lot of builds for her, so I thought I'd show some off~

For all the Enemy Phase builds, I would go with Distant Def on the Sacred Seal slot especially since she is not running Close Counter.

12 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

For the sake of it, here's a max investment build with SS and +10 DF~

12 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Here's pretty much the Double Eir Light Season version of the same build~

I do not think any Enemy Phase build is complete without Quick Riposte or get Spd stacked like crazy if they are a super tank. In my experience, being able to double is crucial to killing things in one round of combat to limit the amount of damage inflicted on the tank. If the enemy is left alive, they can initiate again with Dancer/Singer support.

In my opinion, I think it is best to run Stance on A, Lull on B, Atk Smoke on C, and Quick Riposte on Sacred Seal. That covers Special nullification, buff nullification, and doubling, the three most important effects a tank should have.

Alternatively, if we want to rearrange the effects between different slots, here are a list of skills that we can use to mix and match for each slot.

Buff Nullification: Close/Distant Def
Special Nullification: Stat/Stat Stance

Buff Nullification: Lulls, Dulls
Special Nullification: Guard
Doubling: Quick Riposte

Buff Nullification: Panic Smoke
Special Nullification: Pulse Smoke

Sacred Seal
Doubling: Quick Riposte

29 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Remember when I said Sophia was slow? Well, imagine you had Double Peony and the rest of this foolishness going on?~ This isn't even considering Spd buffs, her initiating, and Peony's own Column Drive effect. Her Spd can potentially reach the 60s if you play your cards right and why would you not want to with this build?

Even with L&D4, her Defenses are still not all that bad, and with Spd this high, she shouldn't be getting doubled as it is. I can't speak from experience with this setup but those numbers show Sophia definitely has some nuking potential.

If she is going to be a nuke, she wants Rauðrblade and Desperation. It would drop her Spd by 10, but she can sustain her combat performance and get much higher Atk in return. No matter how nice that bulk is, a properly built tank will annihilate her if she does not run Desperation. If the first or second tank does not kill her, the third or fourth tank will if she does not have Desperation.

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I also suggest the Distant Def Sacred Seal over both Warding Stance and Sturdy Stance. Without Close Counter, it's better to focus on dealing with ranged opponents instead of trading that for extra stats against melee opponents, especially since you're overcompensating for the stat that you aren't getting from the Mythic blessing.


For the player-phase build, I think you'd be better off running Ruptured Sky instead of a 3-cooldown Special. If you are going to run a 3-cooldown Special, it would be better to run Swift Sparrow 3, Iceberg, and Time's Pulse instead of Draconic Aura since Iceberg scales better off of buffs.

I'd run one of these builds:

1 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3 / Life and Death 4
Desperation 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

2 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Spd Smoke 3 / Res Smoke 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse
Swift Sparrow 2

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

For all the Enemy Phase builds, I would go with Distant Def on the Sacred Seal slot especially since she is not running Close Counter.

I do not think any Enemy Phase build is complete without Quick Riposte or get Spd stacked like crazy if they are a super tank. In my experience, being able to double is crucial to killing things in one round of combat to limit the amount of damage inflicted on the tank. If the enemy is left alive, they can initiate again with Dancer/Singer support.

In my opinion, I think it is best to run Stance on A, Lull on B, Atk Smoke on C, and Quick Riposte on Sacred Seal. That covers Special nullification, buff nullification, and doubling, the three most important effects a tank should have.

Alternatively, if we want to rearrange the effects between different slots, here are a list of skills that we can use to mix and match for each slot.

Buff Nullification: Close/Distant Def
Special Nullification: Stat/Stat Stance

Buff Nullification: Lulls, Dulls
Special Nullification: Guard
Doubling: Quick Riposte

Buff Nullification: Panic Smoke
Special Nullification: Pulse Smoke

Sacred Seal
Doubling: Quick Riposte

If she is going to be a nuke, she wants Rauðrblade and Desperation. It would drop her Spd by 10, but she can sustain her combat performance and get much higher Atk in return. No matter how nice that bulk is, a properly built tank will annihilate her if she does not run Desperation. If the first or second tank does not kill her, the third or fourth tank will if she does not have Desperation.


10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:


I also suggest the Distant Def Sacred Seal over both Warding Stance and Sturdy Stance. Without Close Counter, it's better to focus on dealing with ranged opponents instead of trading that for extra stats against melee opponents, especially since you're overcompensating for the stat that you aren't getting from the Mythic blessing.


For the player-phase build, I think you'd be better off running Ruptured Sky instead of a 3-cooldown Special. If you are going to run a 3-cooldown Special, it would be better to run Swift Sparrow 3, Iceberg, and Time's Pulse instead of Draconic Aura since Iceberg scales better off of buffs.

I'd run one of these builds:

1 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3 / Life and Death 4
Desperation 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

2 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Spd Smoke 3 / Res Smoke 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse
Swift Sparrow 2

I don't know why I forgot about DD3 Seal. Definitely can go with it, too and QR in the Seal. I'll edit to mention those, as well.

I didn't know what was best for a complete CC build other than QR. What would you guys suggest?

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3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I didn't know what was best for a complete CC build other than QR. What would you guys suggest?

The same applies. You want Special nullification, buff nullification, and doubling on the remaining B, C, and Sacred Seal slot. Since Sacred Seal slot only has the doubling option, I recommend putting Quick Riposte there. For the B and C slot, you pick where you want buff nullification and Special nullification to go where. I personally lean towards Lull on B and Pulse Smoke C, since Guard has an HP threshold while Lulls do not.

20 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

2 effective cooldown:

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Spd Smoke 3 / Res Smoke 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Raudhrfox+ [Spd]
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse 3
Swift Sparrow 2

Ruptured Sky
Swift Sparrow 3
Lull Spd/Res 3 / Lull Atk/Spd 3
Time's Pulse
Swift Sparrow 2

Even with her high bulk, I am not sure how practical it is to run a Player Phase unit without Desperation. While Enemy Phase units do not hit too hard on their first non-Special retaliation, they still hit a good chunk of HP off, and I do not think Sophia can keep that up over a battle.

I guess it might be fine for Røkkr Sieges.

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16 minutes ago, XRay said:

Even with her high bulk, I am not sure how practical it is to run a Player Phase unit without Desperation.

That's what Eir and the Healing Tower are for. Also the reason I slashed in Lull Atk/Spd as an option.

With Lull Atk/Spd, Raudhrfox, and maximum investment, she's sitting at 47/48 effective defenses before buffs and nullifies enemy Atk buffs. With Ardent Durandal and +6/6/6/6 buffs, she'll have 59/60 defenses which is kind of absurd for a player-phase unit.

But in general, these are basically all just trading survivability for more firepower and are more of a "how much can you get away with" situation.


43 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I didn't know what was best for a complete CC build other than QR. What would you guys suggest?

Close Counter builds are a bit weird right now for non-armors. You don't have access to Dull Close or any tier 4 passive A skills, and Guard has a rather strict HP restriction, unlike Special Fighter. I haven't run the numbers, but the best I think you can feasibly get is something like

Eternal Tome [unique]
Ruptured Sky / Iceberg
Close Counter
Guard 3 / Quick Riposte 3
Quick Riposte 3 / Close Def 3 / Distant Def 3

Switch out Close Def / Distant Def for Bracing Stance once it's released.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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