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Finished the Lunatic quest clears for the Devs Say Thanks maps. Here are the teams used (many of which are incredibly unimaginative).

Effie the Strong Lunatic quest clear:
+2 Brave Lyn (Reposition, Hone Cavalry)
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt (usual Memebow + Lancebreaker build)
5* +Atk/-Def Boey (Gronnraven+, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 2, Atk +3)
5* Olivia (Spur Atk 1)

The important part is that Boey needs to land a hit on Effie (his hit wouldn't be strong enough for WoM3 shenanigans with Effie being on the defense tile) so that during the following enemy phase, THE ENEMY Brave Lyn gets counterattacked by Boey, including receiving an Ignis.

Dark Rainbow Lunatic quest clear:
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt
+2 Brave Lyn
5* Cecilia (pretty much filler/Draw Back bot)
5* Olivia

Easiest of the Dev maps - blow stuff up with the projectile horses and use Dancer+Reposition for whoever is taking on Black Knight and Nephenee.

Alluring Four Lunatic quest clear:
+Atk/-HP Amelia (Quick Riposte 3)
5* Black Knight (Hone Armor)
5* +Atk/-Spd Effie (Brave Lance+)
ToD Henry (pretty much Armor March 3 bot)

Relatively easy - lots of baiting with Amelia and Black Knight taking the left while Effie and Henry taking the right.

Light and Breezy Lunatic quest clear:
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt
5* Xander (Swap, Ignis, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 3, Hone Cavalry)
+2 Brave Lyn
5* Olivia

This one is initially aggravating since Lissa is a problem. Make sure you use your repositioning skills.

The Iron Wall Lunatic quest clear:
Same team used for the Light and Breezy Lunatic quest clear

This one is pretty easy, even though Reinhardt almost dies to Effie due to her having DC. Sheena and Amelia get ORKO'd by Hone Cavs-buffed Xander.

Difficulty to my teams (from easiest to hardest):

Dark Rainbow > Iron Wall > Alluring Four > Effie the Strong = Light and Breezy

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Only beat the first one on all three modes so far due to only having limited time at lunch.

I used Siegbert, Tobin, Henry and Cherche for Easy and Hard. I beat the quest for Easy easily, but Hard ended up with two people dying so I changed my tactics for Lunatic.

Lunatic, I used Siegbert, PA!Azura, Henry and Cherche. I don't know what I did, but I managed to convince all the units to move exactly as I needed them to so picked them off one by one :) All survived, so I got the Lunatic quest completed, too ^.^

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Gotten these maps out of the way (No Rein, one use of B!Lyn, 3 uses of Ayra, 11 uses of Nohrzura):

Effie the Strong:
M!Robin/Sonya/Nohrzura/Y!Tiki (Arvis instead of Nohrzura in Normal)

Dark Rainbow/Alluring Four:

Light and Breezy:
Lyn/Brave!Lyn/Olivia/Julia (Gordin instead of Brave!Lyn outside of Lunatic)

The Iron Wall:

I think I'd rank Effie >> Iron >= Breezy > Four > Rainbow

Effie's map is just a brutal first map  (I has to use a stamina potion because of it alone) and everything else was so much easier. Took a few tries to get the Lunatic version of Iron Wall but it likely would have taken as much trial and error for Light and Breezy if it didn't click first try.

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These were quite easy maps. 

I used my team of:
B!ike, Delthea, B!Lyn, and Masked Marth.

My strategy was place B!Ike on a defense tile or a choke point, then let the enemy come to me. B!Ike just destroyed everyone. The Iron Wall map was so easy. B!Ike on a forest+Defense tile = no damage taken.

Map 4: Light and Breezy gave me the most trouble because of the Candlelight Lissa. Took 2 tries to get the Lunatic challenge(Let Delthea in Felicia's range, and she died).

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8 hours ago, Roflolxp54 said:

Finished the Lunatic quest clears for the Devs Say Thanks maps. Here are the teams used (many of which are incredibly unimaginative).

Effie the Strong Lunatic quest clear:
+2 Brave Lyn (Reposition, Hone Cavalry)
5*+3 +Atk/-Spd Reinhardt (usual Memebow + Lancebreaker build)
5* +Atk/-Def Boey (Gronnraven+, Triangle Adept 3, Quick Riposte 2, Atk +3)
5* Olivia (Spur Atk 1)

I like seeing your Rein/Lyn teams because it made me realize I completely forgot about my own for these. I think it's funny when I saw Effie's map my mind jumped to "Beruka can handle this" instead of horses.

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31 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I like seeing your Rein/Lyn teams because it made me realize I completely forgot about my own for these.

The first part is something I’d typically never see somebody say about Rein/Lyn teams.

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I have done easy and hard on all maps, but I ran out of stamina so I will wait on lunatic.  My Tobin and Fredrick are both happy to be used for some of these maps, I am glad I went ahead and forged their weapons so that they can smash the armor units to pieces.  

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9 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

I honestly don't get some of these names.

Some of the full team names don't fit in English or the translation team was either not feeling creative or felt too creative.

  1. Effie the Sturdy-Armed (as in "Effie with the arm that you can't budge")
  2. Jet Black and the Three-Colored Beauties (the word used for "jet black" is the same word translated as "black" in "Black Knight")
  3. The Most Beautiful Four
  4. Leisurely and Fluffy Daily Life
  5. Iron Wall March (not the same word as in "Armor March")
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48 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Some of the full team names don't fit in English or the translation team was either not feeling creative or felt too creative.

  1. Effie the Sturdy-Armed (as in "Effie with the arm that you can't budge")
  2. Jet Black and the Three-Colored Beauties (the word used for "jet black" is the same word translated as "black" in "Black Knight")
  3. The Most Beautiful Four
  4. Leisurely and Fluffy Daily Life
  5. Iron Wall March (not the same word as in "Armor March")

3 is either ironic or still doesn't make sense.

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Gotta appreciate The Alluring Four for a moment. Such dedication to make a team out of this one particular artist. You know those characters have different artwork between basic attacking and special attacking? So cool. Looks like they jumped right out of a DnD Player's Handbook.

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Yaaaay, done them. I was a bit wary, but I ended up finding them pretty fun :) 

I used the same units for Dark Rainbow and Alluring Four: 

Shigure, Ephraim, Narcian, Siegbert.

Light and Breezy, I used:

Summer!Gaius, Stahl, Julia, Kagero

The Iron Wall, I used: 

Cherche, Tobin, Stahl, Ephraim. 


The last one was particularly funny 'cos you just lined up and waited xD 

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I've cleared the maps and got the rewards, so that was a good boost to my orb savings for the 28th banner. I thought The Alluring Four map was pretty cool, it inspired me to build an Ogma which has been sitting in my barracks for a while now.

Edited by Zelgius
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These maps were pretty cool. I had to use like 2 stamina pots to win them deathless Never play at 5 AM when you went to sleep at 1 AM kids and had a few nasty surprises like that Galeforce+WoM Amelia. Now to wait and see where to spend these orbs.

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Time to SP grind. Thanks again, Devs!

All maps and quests took about 3 1/2 Stamina bars.

1) Effie the Strong. Team: Brave Ike, Gray, Nowi and Azura. Of them all, this was the least successful on the first Lunatic try. I was kind of intimidated by it at first, but after learning the first turn AI patterns, good positioning made it surprisingly easy.
2) Dark Rainbow. Team: Brave Ike, Gray, Nowi and Azura. I think this one took 5 tries for all 3 difficulties. Nephenee and BK were the most of my troubles, but after I got past them, the rest was no problem.
3) The Alluring Four. Team: Brave Ike, Gray, Brave Lucina and Ninian. This was the easiest of the five of them. Brave Ike took out Jagen from the left, Gray got Gunter on the right, then Lancina jumped in and tanked the other two. Side note, I really like the idea of this team. While the art style isn't my favorite, I like the different attack arts. It's more interesting than "attack portrait, but with random, colored lines."
4) Light and Beauty. Team: Brave Ike, Gray, Azura and Genny. This one sucked and it was Felicia of all people who caused me the most trouble. Thankfully Deflect Missile is a thing. It was actually useful for once. WoMelia was pretty annoying at first as well, but after I finally learned to position correctly, Gray was able to handle her pretty well. Everyone other than Effie seemed to like targeting him. I thank a combination of defense tiles, a +DEF nature and Physic Dancing for letting me complete the quests for this one.
5) The Iron Wall. Team: Brave Ike, Gray, Nowi and Black Knight. Brave Ike tanked Effie, Gray tanked Sheena, Swapped out with Brave Ike and took out Amelia and Nowi dealt with Draug, who honestly wasn't all that threatening in the first place. And BK just kind of stood there.

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I had a lot more problem with the previous Developer maps...well except for the Effie map. Seriously, screw that one.

I now know that I would never stand a chance in Tier 20 because of stuff like that.

Edited by Hekselka
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1 hour ago, Hekselka said:

I had a lot more problem with the previous Developer maps...well except for the Effie map. Seriously, screw that one.

I now know that I'll never would stand a chance in Tier 20 because of stuff like that.

Don't worry, the stats are inflated lol. They're slightly beyond +10 merge stats.

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I felt like a boss running Matthew/Inigo/Ayra/Genny for 3 of these 5 maps.

...Of course the Effie map's not included. I needed Bridelia/B!Lyn/Olivia/Soren for that one. Specifically because Soren had Lancebreaker and I needed him to squash Effie.

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The Amelia on the iron wall map was rough.  The rest was easy for me.

I was hoping we'd get more orbs.  Like that time we got daily special maps.  But oh well, I shouldn't be complaining about free orbs.  Up to 31.  If I can successfully skip X-Mas banner (assuming there's only one), I should have enough for the next legendary banner.  

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