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The worst voice lines


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Xander's everything in Warriors is pretty bad, but I think my least favorite is Noire's insane laugh, particularly when using Japanese Audio - she sounds mentally retarded, not angry, insane, or anything else it was supposed to sound like.

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Setsuna's "Look a butterfly." It kills the mood, especially if you're about to kill someone. I get the sillyness of Setsuna's laziness, but that just kills it for me.

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

"To wiiing, my brooothaaars!" -had me laugh for quite a while. Sorry, Tibarn, but this cost you a few badass points in my book.

To be fair, that scene is one of those "so terrible its amazing" type of things.

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1 hour ago, Nanima said:

"To wiiing, my brooothaaars!" -had me laugh for quite a while. Sorry, Tibarn, but this cost you a few badass points in my book.

Hoooold! Hoooold I say!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gotta respect the classics. 

Also, while Alm's voice actor is generally great, just like the overwhelming majority from Echoes, I never understood his "...okay" crit quote. Like, he doesn't sound sad or anything, just like he can't be assed. It's so out of place to me.

Didn't Mia also have a line in Heroes that pretty much went "wuannA spuaAAaR for a BiT?"

Edited by Thane
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11 hours ago, Thane said:

Didn't Mia also have a line in Heroes that pretty much went "wuannA spuaAAaR for a BiT?"

I swear, mia's voice in heroes isn't near as bad as that one line (it's all together certainly not great mind you) but when she was revealed and that line was played I was like 'what the heck was that'

Though I do like that they went through the trouble of getting her original VA, much as I don't like her, I find that touch to be rather charming.

Edit: something weird happened

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7 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

Though I do like that they went through the trouble of getting her original VA, much as I don't like her, I find that touch to be rather charming.

That was the meme banner, so it was probably deliberate. It's honestly pretty damn funny. 

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This doesn't belong in Debates. ;/

Worst IMO are a tie between the entirety of RD, Camilla's battle grunts in Warriors, female Corrin's voice in Warriors, one of Robin's lines in Warriors ("I knew you'd do that"), and Nowi in Awakening.  Each of these got on my nerves in different ways.

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For me, it will definitely be Rolf in RD. That voice is just... no. He sounds like some kind of geriatric man rather than a child. Definitely the worst overall, for me. 

If he ever comes to Heroes or if Tellius ever gets voices remakes, I hope he gets treated a lot better.

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Was I the only one who though RD at least gave Skrimir, Sephiran and Ashera decent voices? Sephiran's suited his character, and Ashera's was adequately stern, unemotional, and mature. Skrimir was a little deep, but not totally out of place for him, and lastly I think Shinon was okay. Misaha didn't sound bad either for her one scene.


Surprised to see nobody brought up Greil in PoR though. Doesn't he have meme-worthy line too? This said, his actual dialogue in said scene and the way he physically acted as the scene happened was good.

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Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Was I the only one who though RD at least gave Skrimir, Sephiran and Ashera decent voices? Sephiran's suited his character, and Ashera's was adequately stern, unemotional, and mature. Skrimir was a little deep, but not totally out of place for him, and lastly I think Shinon was okay. Misaha didn't sound bad either for her one scene.


Surprised to see nobody brought up Greil in PoR though. Doesn't he have meme-worthy line too? This said, his actual dialogue in said scene and the way he physically acted as the scene happened was good.



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I don't really have any in particular, though I'm sure there are some from fates that I don't remember. Also, I know this was brought up before but the voice acting in PoE and RD... I love those games but... oooo the voice acting is spicy.

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Kiragi's retarded laugh. "Uhuhuh-huhuhu-hu."
Azura's retarded laugh. "HahAhEhahiHAhEHAHA!"
"wE'vE gOT tRoUBle!" - Felicia
"You're gonna need STI*voice crack*TCHES!" - Oboro
Hinoka "crying"
F!Kana "crying"
"TH*voice crack*IS ENDS NOW!" - M!Kana
"I'm feelin' lucky!" - Percy
"Oh, THAT'S *voice crack* IT!" - Hinata
"Well, now I'm hungry." - Effie
"You're so CUTE!" - Camilla during the BR cutscene

Hinoka and Corrin's English everything


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