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Ninian, Oracle of Destiny

Ice Dragon

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Ninian, Oracle of Destiny

Among dancers, Ninian has the lowest Atk stat, trading it for the highest HP stat. However, as a breath user, she has access to the versatile Lightning Breath+ and can provide Fortify Dragons support for and receive Fortify Dragons support from other breath users.

Level 40 stats:

HP: 39/42/45
Atk: 21/24/28
Spd: 30/33/36
Def: 20/23/26
Res: 23/27/30

Total: 148~150

Default skills:

Weapon: Light Breath+
Assist: Dance
Special: [none]
Passive A: [none]
Passive B: Escape Route 3
Passive C: Fortify Dragons / Fortify Def 2


Standard dancer (Triangle Adept / Fury)
General use, Arena offense, Arena defense


Nature: [+Spd, -Res] / [+Spd, -HP]

Lightning Breath+ [Spd]
[flexible special] / Aether / Moonbow
Triangle Adept 3 / Fury 3
Wings of Mercy 3 / Swordbreaker 3 / Blaze Dance 3 / Gale Dance 3
[flexible passive C] / Fortify Dragons
[flexible Sacred Seal] / Speed +3

This build is the standard dancer build focused on providing dancer support while being able to take a hit in case of an emergency.

Like most support unit builds, +Spd is the preferred boon to avoid being double attacked. The preferred bane is typically -Res, though -HP can also be used to preserve her magic bulk if she is using Triangle Adept.

Lightning Breath+ gives Ninian the most versatile combat option due to being able to counterattack regardless of distance. A Spd refine brings her up to a very respectable 39 Spd.

Ninian's special skill is generally going to be unused because she will typically be staying out of combat. Aether can be used for boosting score in the Arena. Moonbow has the shortest cooldown and is generally more versatile than Glimmer.

Triangle Adept 3 allows Ninian to avoid being killed by any red unit that isn't using Cancel Affinity and any Falchion user that isn't using Cancel Affinity and cannot perform a follow-up attack. Fury 3 can be used to boost her general bulk.

Ninian's passive B skill is flexible. Wings of Mercy 3 is typically her best support option, allowing her to teleport to any ally with low HP to use Dance. Swordbreaker 3 allows her to survive all Falchion users and kill many of them on the counterattack despite her low Atk. Blaze Dance 3 and Gale Dance 3 give her additional support options.

Other options:

  • Quick Riposte 3 guarantees her a follow-up attack on her counterattack for additional damage output.
  • Ninian's default Escape Route 3 allows her to teleport to any ally after she has taken enough damage herself. This, however, can be difficult to pull off.
  • Geyser Dance 3 can be used to provide defensive support.
  • Renewal 3 can be used for passive healing, making use of Ninian's high HP as a source of HP for allies with Reciprocal Aid.

Steady Breath dragon (Steady Breath)
General use, Arena offense, Arena defense


Nature: [+Atk, -Def] / [+Atk, -HP] / [+Res, -Def]

Lightning Breath+ [Res/Spd]
Steady Breath
Quick Riposte 3
[flexible passive C] / Fortify Dragons
Distant Def 3 / Resistance +3 / Panic Ploy 3 / Speed +3 / [flexible Sacred Seal]

This build is the standard Steady Breath dragon build. Ninian has a decent base Res stat and access to support from Fortify Dragons, allowing her to be used as a tank against magic-based opponents and target their lower defensive stat due to her refined breath weapon.

Lightning Breath+ is used for is built-in Distant Counter, allowing Ninian to counterattack against enemy tome users. A refine of Res gives her additional magic bulk and damage on Iceberg, but a refine of Spd can be used to prevent being hit twice by faster opponents.

Iceberg is used for its cooldown of 3, which is increased to 4 due to Lightning Breath+. Combined with Steady Breath, Iceberg will always activate on Ninian's follow-up attack on enemy phase.

Quick Riposte 3 guarantees a follow-up attack against the large pool of fast magic users.

Distant Def 3 increases Ninian's magic bulk and further boosts Iceberg's damage, but Resistance +3 can be used as a substitute if Distant Def 3 is already used on another unit. With her high HP further boosted by a refined weapon, Panic Ploy 3 can be used to weaken boosted tome users who typically have lower HP and receive a smaller HP boost from their own refines. Speed +3 helps avoid being hit twice by the fastest of mages.

Other options:

  • A Def refine can be used to help Ninian better take hits from physical units because Steady Breath also helps compensate for her lower base Def. Ninian prefers a bane of -HP in this case.
  • Atk Ploy 3 can be used in her Sacred Seal slot to take advantage of her high Res when using a Res refine on her weapon.

Windsweep debuffer (Dark Breath+)
General use, Arena offense, Arena defense


Nature: [+Spd, -Atk] / [+Spd, [flexible bane]]

Dark Breath+ [Spd]
[flexible special]
Darting Blow 3
Windsweep 3
[flexible passive C] / Fortify Dragons
Phantom Spd 3

This build focuses on using Dark Breath+ to debuff opponents. Ninian has the second highest Spd among breath users, falling short of Corrin by 1 point, giving her the ability to use a Windsweep build to debuff while also providing dancer support when debuffing is unnecessary.

Note that it is also possible to use an enemy-phase version of this build with skills focused on improving Ninian's bulk and/or Distant Counter; however, note that any opponent that moves in the same phase after applying Dark Breath's debuffs will no longer be affected by the debuff on player phase. This means that an enemy-phase debuffing build works well against opponents using Rally skills where the attacker moves last, but is less effective against opponents using mobility assist skills where the attacker moves first.


Edited by Ice Dragon
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