mcsilas Posted December 19, 2017 Share Posted December 19, 2017 (edited) Let's face it, Odin is unfortunately one of the worst units in the games due to his stats. While he is great skill inheritance fodder due native access to Blardblade, Moonbow and R Tomebreaker, his stat arrangement is too focused on HP. His speed is average and he has an 'okay' balanced mixed defenses of 25. His greatest weakness, however, is his abyssmal Atk stat of 22- only higher than Azama. Odin's playstyle requires a lot of team support, so he's not a unit you would typically use for modes like Arena because you typically have to build your team around him. That said, if you still want to make some use of him or just want to use him out of favouritism, there's no stopping you from using him in PvE game modes where his defensive prowess would be more useful than the fast-paced ORKO-based Arena and Arena Assault. Odin really wants to get as much stats as possible, such Fury, Summoner and Ally supports to add on to his stats. Might as well have fun using Odin and either make sets that are gimmicky or are based on specific team support. Some of the options provided are a bit expensive for theorycrafting purposes, but usually Fury is a fairly cheap stat upgrade for Odin. Level 40 stats: HP: 40/43/46 Atk: 19/22/25 Spd: 29/32/35 Def: 22/25/29 Res: 22/25/29 (Bold means a difference of 4 stats) Total: 147~148 Default skills: Weapon: Blarblade+ Assist: ---- Special: Moonbow Passive A: Defiant Atk 3 Passive B: R Tomebreaker Passive C: ---- Blades of Heroic Blood (Bladetome): Spoiler Nature: [+Spd, -HP] Blarblade+ Reposition / Reciprocal Aid Moonbow / Glimmer / Astra Fury 3 / Brazen Atk/Spd 2 Desperation 3 / Renewal 3 Threaten Res 3 / Threaten Spd 3 / Any Spur/Hone skill Threaten Spd 3 / Atk +3 / Speed +3 / Panic Ploy (if using Renewal) One of the good things about Odin is he starts out with one of the best tomes in the game- the Blarblade. Being blue means he has a good advantage against the many red units in the game, and access to a bladetome means he can patch up his weak Attack stat with enough buffs. Unlike other Blarblade users, Odin can actually take a hit, so if you dislike frail LaD Bladetome users, Odin can be an alternative and can activate Desperation easier. Fury gives him a nice boost in stats, as Odin appreciates any increases to this average stats. Renewal can be an option if you prefer sustainability instead of Desperation shenanigans. Odin also has high HP for a tome user, so going with Renewal means he is less susceptible to Panic Ploy (and even fire off a Panic Ploy himself). If you have the resources, Brazen Atk/Spd 2 can make for a nice combo with Desperation. Moonbow can be used for a cheap option since Odin already has it, but for Bladetomes usualy Glimmer secures more KOs because of lower Res stats for most units in the game. Astra is an option for longer combat modes like Tempest Trials - Bladetomes should ideally have enough buffs that you wouldn't need the special and Astra would just be icing on the cake. C skill depends on your team, as Odin wants to be partnered up with someone with Hone/Fortify, a Spur or his Hone/Fortify would be great for his team. Otherwise, a combination of Threaten Res and Threaten Spd Sacred Seal can also be used for multiple rounds of combat. Nocturnal Hunting Strike (Blarrowl): Spoiler Nature: [+Atk, -HP], [+Spd/-HP] Blarowl+ (+Spd) Reposition / Swap Moonbow / Luna Fury 3 / Life and Death 3 / Brazen Atk/Spd 2 / Close Counter/ Atk/Def Bond Quick Riposte 3 / Renewal 3 Panic Ploy 3 / Threaten Res 3 / Any Spur/Hone skill / Spd Smoke 3 Close Def 3 / Distant Def 3 / Panic Ploy 3 / Atk Smoke 3 Odin's defenses actually make him a pretty interesting user of the Owl Tome. If you don't mind the positional requirements of Blarrowl, then Odin can reach respectable levels of Attack, including a nice boost to his Speed and Defenses. Plus, you can forge Owl Tomes for an extra boost, although Speed is recommended for more bulk/doubling opportunities. If using Fury / Life and Death / Brazen Atk/Spd then an Atk boon is chosen for this build as it secures more KOs, and the extra Speed from a Speed boon doesn't add any extra KOs (against vanilla units anyway) Fury's straight up boost in stats is always welcome for Odin. Renewal would have great synegry with Fury, although Quick Riposte is always useful if you want to be enemy phase focused. Life and Death sacrifices his defenses for more Atk and Spd, which nets him more kills, although going this route means you have to be more player-phase orientated. Interestingly, if facing against vanilla 5 star enemies with 3 allies beside him while using LaD, he only loses out to Quick Riposte uses like Julia, Hector and Dorcas and Female Robin (although going -Def or HP +5 means he survives Robin). If you go LaD 3, Attack +3 and give him both a Summoner and Ally Support, Odin only loses to Deirdre on the enemy phase with a respectable 164 wins! Brazen Atk/Spd is a very usefull skill, giving him +7 to Atk and Spd on top of the Owl Tome boosts and any Spurs from his allies. It is a rare skill however, being currently limited to the Christmas banner. If using this skill, Vantage has better synergy as a B skill. Atk/Def Bond also has nice synergy with Owl Tomes, since Odin likes to be partnered up. You can also use Atk/Res Bond as well depending on your need, but in general the other skills offer more KOs. Close Counter is also an option, but Odin probably wants the boost from a different A skill more. C skill is very flexible. Spurs would also boost his adjacent allies (and protects them from Panic status), although Hone/Fortify works when used in tandem with other bladetomes. Panic Ploy makes use of Odin's HP stat while Spd Smoke is always a useful support for everyone on the team. Threaten Res is a cheap option that benefits Odin directly to finish off someone in the next turn. My Sword Hand Counters (Close Counter): Spoiler Nature: [+Spd, -HP] Blarblade+ Reposition / Reciprocal Aid Moonbow / Glimmer Close Counter Quick Riposte 3 / Vantage Threaten Res 3 / Threaten Speed 3 / Spd Smoke 3 Close Def 3 / Distant Def 3 / Atk Smoke 3 / Atk +3 Odin can do a Blarblade + Close Counter + Vantage combo. Unlike most other blue mages, Odin actually has decent bulk to run Close Counter. Dark Raven Retaliation (Blarraven): Spoiler Nature: [+Spd, -HP] Blarraven+ Reposition / Swap / Reciprocal Aid Moonbow Triangle Adept 3 / Fury 3 / Fierce Stance 3 Quick Riposte 3 / Breaker of choice Threaten Res 3 / Threaten Speed 3 Close Def 3 / Distant Def 3 / Threaten Speed 3 / Atk +3 / Deflect Melee 3 Enemy phase build use as a backup for Arena Assault or PvE, using Odin's bulk to bait enemy units and Quick Riposte to double during enemy phase. If you specifically want a check for a specific unit type like Red Tomes or Swords, a breaker can be used as an alternate for certain PvE maps. Triangle Adept offers the most protection against colourless units. Fury is a more general stat boost and is a good alternative if you fear Cancel Affinity. Fierce Stance, while expensive, gives him the most kills during Enemy Phase with the welcome Attack boost (in fact, it doubles his wins if Odin is is +Atk or has Atk+3). Deflect Melee is an interesting Sacred Seal option as when battling vanilla units with a HP bane and Fierce Stance, Odin only loses to Female Robin (B Tomebreaker) and PA!Azura (who has Triangle Adept and Odin shouldn't be near her anyway). Interestingly, if you switch to +Spd/-Def, Odin only loses to PA!Azura, which shoulud be fine when battling PvE since she is a limited unit. If using Close Defense, -HP Odin actually loses to Ayra when not using Triangle Adept. That said, using the cheaper Fury as an A skill pulls down his wins from 45 to 27- but he survives any vanilla unit when using Deflect Melee. Aching Blood of an Ylissean Cleric (Support/Healer): Spoiler Nature: [+HP, -Atk], [+Spd/-Atk], [+Spd/-HP] Dancer's Score+ (+Spd) / Blue Egg+ (+Spd) / Blarraven+ / Blarblade+ Reciprocal Aid / Ardent Sacrifice Moonbow / Miracle HP+5 / Fury 3 / Atk/Def Bond 3 / Triangle Adept 3 Renewal Panic Ploy 3 / Breath of Life 3 / Savage Blow 3 / Infantry Pulse / Spd Smoke 3 HP+5 / Panic Ploy 3 / Breath of Life 3 / Savage Blow 3 / Atk Smoke 3 Yes only Azama has lower attack than Odin, meaning most healers have higher Attack and can do their healing job better. However, the one thing Odin has over the healers is colour advantage! This set is more for PvE or Tempest Trials. For your weapon of your choice, Blue Egg gives him longevity especially when used with Renewal/Reciprocal Aid thanks to the 4 HP when attacking, while Dancer's Score heals adjacent allies instead. However, these options means you somehow have extra Spring Lucinas/PA!Shigures, so it's not the most practical (although still very useful and they can be forged for extra stat boosts). For a cheaper option, Blarblade is fine but you can also go the Blarraven route, to protect him from bows/daggers/staves damage. Extra protection from Poison Daggers would be nice, especially when combined with Triangle Adept. Since this is more of a support set, -Atk can be taken for maximum survivability. Renewal is the cornerstone of this set as he swaps HP wth allies. HP boon can be chosen to give the best 'heals' with Reciprocal Aid. Extra HP+5 are nice, cheap options to make his 'healing' powers better. If going for the super HP route, Panic Ploy/Infantry Pulse can be chosen as a C slot as 50-55 HP is great for inflicting Panic status or buffing Infantry allies. Otherwise, Breath of Life can suffice for a cheaper C slot. C slot and Sacred Seal combinations are interchangeable- you could go with Breath of Life stacking with Dancer's Score, BoL and BoL Sacred Seal or you can go the damage route with double Savage Blow. Or mix and match and have Breath of Life in one slot and Savage Blow on the other slot. Atk Smoke is also a nice SS to make your teammates survive longer. For the A slot, if not using HP+5, you can use Fury as it always has nice synergy with Renewal giving him good survivability. Triangle Adept for more specialised tanking and for use with the Raven tome while Atk/Def Bond is a rare option but has good synergy with Dancer's Score and Breath of Life stacking since you want to be close to your allies. Special skill can be Moonbow for cheap, quick burst although Miracle can be chosen to survive lethal blows and activate nicely timed Renewal activations. Warper Warrior: Spoiler Nature: [+Spd, -HP] Blarblade+ Reposition / Reciprocal Aid / Ardent Sacrifice Moonbow / Glimmer Defiant Attack 3 / Fury 3 / Brazen Atk/Spd 2 / Atk/Def Bond 3 Escape Route 3 Hone Attack 3 / Hone Speed 3 / Spur of your choice / Breath of Life 3 Breath of Life 3 / Atk +3 / Hone/Fortify/Spur SS of your choice A gimmicky option that relies on being 50% or under health. He's already crossed worlds before, so let's have even more fun warping! Reciprocal Aid/Ardent Sacrifice is there for controlling your health without facing battle. That said, Odin usually has the bulk to survive attacks so getting to 50% or under through battle is still feasible. Because he will be next to an ally when using Escape Route, a Hone/Fortify/Spur skill will benefit his partner (although he wants his partners to use a Hone/Fortify to power up his Blarblade). Brazen Atk/Spd has nice synergy due to the health requirement of Escape Route. Alternatively, Atk/Def or Atk/Res Bond can be used when you are adjacent to an ally, although the rarity of the skill is something to consider. For cheaper A skill options, Fury boosts are always nice while Defiant Attack is a gimmicky option that gives him +7 Atk when in Escape Route health threshold. This also frees up his allies' support skills, so they can run Hone Spd or a Fortify instead. If an ally has Def Tactic with the right conditions, this will give Odin a nice +6 Def boost as well. Alternatively, Breath of Life can be a nice support option for his allies, since he will be adjacent to his partners and can heal them up in a pinch. Panic Strike: Spoiler Nature: [+HP, -Atk], [+Spd/-Atk] Blue Egg+ (+Spd) / Blarblade+ Reposition / Reciprocal Aid Moonbow / Bonfire HP+5 / Wind Boost / Earth Boost Renewal / Poison Strike Panic Ploy 3 / Savage Blow 3 / Atk Smoke 3 / Infantry Pulse HP+5 / Panic Ploy 3 / Savage Blow 3 / Hardy Bearing 3 A support option that focuses on dealing splash damage and spreading Panic status with Panic Ploy. The idea is to get the enemies' health as low as possible to help your teammates. Indirect damage is the name of the game, so -Atk can be safely taken as a bane. HP+5 is the easiest A skill for this set, although if you want to go for the even more gimmicky route, you can go Wind Boost to make Odin harder to double or Earth Boost as a cheaper Boost alternative (since Wind Boost is 5 star locked), making Odin more defensive on the physical side. If going the Earth Boost, Bonfire can be an option for burst damage. Renewal is taken if you don't want Odin to initiate combat and be more focused on firing off Panic Ploys from the backline. This gimmick is great for disabling Quick Ripostes on the enemy team but be careful of Vantage. Thus, it's important to have someone with Hardy Bearing to shrug off Vantage users (although alternatively, Odin can use Hardy Bearing if he relies on initiating such as using the Blue Egg + Poison Strike combo) Brash and Brazen Body Blow: Spoiler Nature: [+Atk/-HP] Blarblade+ Reciprocal Aid Moonbow / Glimmer Fury 3 / Brazen Atk/Spd 2 Desperation Threaten Spd 3 / Threaten Res 3 Brash Assault 3 This set relies on being 50% health or lower to activate the Desperation + Brash Assault combo. Thus, +Atk/-HP is taken for maximum damage and faster Desperation activation. You are guaranteed the double when Brash Assault is activated so more points in Atk would be good to secure KOs. Reciprocal Aid offers a safer option to go to the desired HP threshold, while Fury buffs up his stats while also helping you reach the needed HP to activate Desperation/Brash Assault. If you can get it, then Brazen Atk/Spd 3 is perfect for this build as it gives Odin +7 in both Atk and Spd when he is at 80% or below. Even better is that this buff is immune to the Panic status, and he can stack the +4 Hone Atk buff on top of the Brazen buff. Add in the other buffs to his bladetome and he can be pretty decent in battle now! Hone/Fortify support is greatly appreciated to buff up his Bladetome. Threaten Spd/Threaten Res is a more self-focused C skill which aids him in the next battle to enemies unfortunate enough to be in the Threatened area. That said, this set is very weak to Panic Ploy, so exercise caution when in low health and make sure to pay attention to your positioning. Dark Dragon Deluge (Anti-Dragon Debuffer): Spoiler Nature: [+Spd/-HP], [+Spd/-Atk (if using Panic Ploy)] Blarblade+ / Blue Egg+ (Spd) Reposition Moonbow Fury 3 / Speed +3 / Triangle Adept 3 Watersweep Panic Ploy 3 / Atk Smoke 3 / Spd Smoke 3 / Breath of Life 3 Speed +3 / Atk Smoke 3 / Panic Ploy 3 / Savage Blow 3 / Phantom Speed 3 Tired of the rising popularity of buffed Dragons? Here is a gimmick set for Arena Assault use, where the focus is getting as much speed to deny Lightning Breath dragon users from counterattacking. Most dragons are slow- Female Corrin is usually fast enough to avoid the Watersweep but she's not as common (and will usually be used for Dark Breath+ instead of Lightning Breath+ although I guess there's Distant Counter) - even then you can stack on your speed with Fury and/or double Speed +3. This set also capitalises on Fae being the only green dragon- even though Odin wouldn't want to battle a green unit like Fae, Watersweep can do chip damage/break Quick Riposte sets, then an ally can position Odin away from Fae's enemy phase attack. Panic Ploy can also be useful, not only when reversing Fortify Dragons buffs, but also for general Hone/Foritfy buffs. If we're looking at unmerged breath units, only Fae and Nowi have more HP than neutral HP Odin. Blue Egg+ can be an option to keep Odin's health up and activate Panic Ploy better (and more Speed always helps), although being a rare limited weapon is unfortunate. The Smoke skills are useful for mass group debuffing, however, they are rare 5* locked skills although the Attack Smoke Sacred Seal can suffice. Breath of Life is a cheaper group support C slots (other than Hones/Spurs) and can help teammates who are having trouble taking damage against Dragons. Savage Blow is also an option but only useful if you either have a teammate with Hardy Bearing/doesn't fear Vantage or for disabling adjacent enemy Quick Riposte users (which to be fair, is a common option used for Dragons). Triangle Adept is an option for the Tikis - because you lose your ability to double because of Watersweep, this gives Odin extra punch/protection when battling the Tikis. Edited January 8, 2018 by mcsilas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatManThree Posted December 19, 2017 Share Posted December 19, 2017 Woah I knew he was bad, but not THAT bad! What even are those stats?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XRay Posted December 19, 2017 Share Posted December 19, 2017 I would also recommend a Raven build for Odin. M!Robin is obviously the best Blárraven mage since that is his niche, but if you ever need a second one for Arena Assault, Odin is your guy, just in case you run out of Rauðrraven and Gronnraven mages. I am not sure if there is any other practical niche for him to fill that is more forgiving of his low Attack. 4 hours ago, CatManThree said: Woah I knew he was bad, but not THAT bad! What even are those stats?! His sword hand twitches from carpal tunnel probably. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaden Posted December 19, 2017 Share Posted December 19, 2017 (edited) On 12/19/2017 at 10:16 AM, CatManThree said: Woah I knew he was bad, but not THAT bad! What even are those stats?! It's what happens when you dump everything into bulk only to realize that you're a regular ranged infantry who only has 147 stat points to go around. Anyway, @mcsilas, any reason why most of the builds recommend +Atk for Odin? Going from 22 attack to 25 attack is still low attack. At the same time, -Atk is pretty crappy too when he drops down to 19 attack. I also don't agree with this: On 12/19/2017 at 7:08 AM, mcsilas said: Unfortunately to really squeeze out the most potential from Odin, you'll need expensive skills like Panic Ploy but I guess if you're using Odin, you're doing it because you love the guy enough to give him a couple of rare skills. Odin's pretty cheap to build when he comes with one of the best tomes in the game, so there's not much of a reason to replace it with any other tome when others use them better. For example, M!Robin by default is a good Blarraven mage and Reinhardt is also a capable Blarraven mage if you don't want to use Dire Thunder or want to supplement your three other Reinhardts on your Reinhardt Emblem team. Reinhardt is essentially Odin if he swapped his attack and speed and lost 5 points in HP from being a cavalry mage. -raven mages are generally enemy phase, so Reinhardt does not care about his low speed when he can smack colorless units and reds with his high attack. Anyway, I digress. -blade tomes get massive attack bonuses from field buffs and for the most part, it fixes Odin's low attack. -blade mages want either very high attack to OHKO anything they fight or high speed so they can double. +Spd Odin has 35 base speed which is good enough. Given Odin's high bulk, Fury 3 will pair nicely with him and that's a pretty common skill if you can get Hinata or have a spare Eldigan and he can still make do with Fury 2 from Bartre and Jagen if you don't have Eldigan or Hinata and don't want to spend 20k (more) feathers on him. +Spd Odin with Fury 3 has 38 Spd and 43 HP, 28 Def, and 28 Res bulk. You would need 43 speed or B Tomebreaker to double him and he doubles anyone with <= 33 speed unbuffed. In terms of taking hits, it would take 71 total and 50x2 to kill him physically or magically. Since I'm not going to advocate -Atk being his bane, with -HP (40 HP) he will drop to 68 total and 48x2 and -Def or -Res (22 base +3 from Fury 3) would drop him to 68 total and 47x2 for his weaker stat. -HP would weaken his ability to run Infantry Pulse or Panic Ploy if you want, -Def is weird case of Odin naturally has average defense which is uncommon for mages, so if you want a mage with average defense, then don't go for -Def, and -Res would make it rougher for him to fight other mages, but mages tend to hit hard regardless. Point is that Odin's high bulk would let him survive hits some of the other mages might not be able to where his high speed would prevent him from getting doubled easily and let him double more units. Other than an assist and allies with field buffs, Fury 3 is probably the only thing he needs going. For his B-skill, Desperation works with his high speed, Renewal works if you want to leverage his high bulk even more by giving him higher sustain, and -breakers are always helpful. C-skills are up to what the team needs, so you can slap whatever you want on him. Also, considering that resistance is generally lower than defense, Odin would be able to get more damage from Glimmer and Astra, Bonfire/Iceberg, and Ignis/Glacies if you want to replace his Moonbow. I'd need to check with Draconic Aura and Dragon Fang, though. So, an example build would be something like this: Spoiler Boon/Bane: +Spd, -HP, -Def, or -Res Weapon: Blarblade+ (default) Assist: Draw Back, Reposition Special: Moonbow (Default), Glimmer, Bonfire/Iceberg, Astra, Ignis/Glacies, Miracle A-skill: Fury 3 B-skill: Desperation 3, Renewal 3, R Tomebreaker 3 (default), flexible C-skill: Flexible Sacred Seal: Flexible Total Stats: 40/38/38/28/28 (+Spd, -HP) 43/38/38/25/28 (+Spd, -Def) 43/38/38/28/25 (+Spd, -Res) TL;DR: Other mages outdo him in pure offense, but he doesn't need much if you want to invest in him. Edited January 8, 2018 by Kaden Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ae†her Posted December 20, 2017 Share Posted December 20, 2017 (edited) He's so bad I even mentioned how bad he is when I did m own other hero analysis. Edited December 21, 2017 by Logos Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcsilas Posted January 8, 2018 Author Share Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) @Kaden That's fair, I did originally think +Spd would be good for him, but I guess I got distracted with alternative builds when he could work with just his normal Blarblade as well. Added it in anyway and your note about Fury :) That said, I was playing around with the calculator and I noticed for the Blarrowl build (when adjacent to 3 allies and if using Fury/LaD/Brazen Atk/Spd) that +Spd doesn't score any more KOs or protect him from any more losses compared to +Atk. The +Spd forge is an option for the Owl tome anyway, which is +2 compared to the Atk boost of 1. Otherwise, +Spd is good when not using Fury/LaD/Brazen Atk/Spd for the Owl set. That said this is just against vanilla sets, I haven't really tested against practical builds (is there a site where I can mass test common builds?) but I feel like Odin should be more geared against PvEs anyway. Also for the Brazen/Brash Assault build, +Atk is used because when Brash Assault activates- you double anyway so the extra damage would be good. Edited January 8, 2018 by mcsilas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ice Dragon Posted January 8, 2018 Share Posted January 8, 2018 Since this thread is back at the top and in the radar, I'd like to put in a few cents. With [+Atk] (Blarblade+, Life and Death 3 / Atk/*** Bond 3) and the absolute maximum from C/S-slot field buffs currently available now that Tactic skills exist (+6/4/6/4), Odin can actually hit 69 Atk, which is pretty good. Sure, that's way more investment (on his team and not himself) than pretty much any other unit, but it's an option. Though just to reiterate how terrible Odin is, vanilla neutral Siegbert with Hone Cavalry buffs has 66 Atk on player phase. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcsilas Posted January 8, 2018 Author Share Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) 4 hours ago, Ice Dragon said: Since this thread is back at the top and in the radar, I'd like to put in a few cents. With [+Atk] (Blarblade+, Life and Death 3 / Atk/*** Bond 3) and the absolute maximum from C/S-slot field buffs currently available now that Tactic skills exist (+6/4/6/4), Odin can actually hit 69 Atk, which is pretty good. Sure, that's way more investment (on his team and not himself) than pretty much any other unit, but it's an option. Though just to reiterate how terrible Odin is, vanilla neutral Siegbert with Hone Cavalry buffs has 66 Atk on player phase. This got me thinking, if Odin goes for Life and Death, theoretically either Close Def/Distant Def can patch up the Def/Res drop in enemy phase, right? (-5 Def/Res, but +6 from either melee or ranged damage) Although you'd have to choose what you want to be protected from more: between melee vs ranged attacks. (It's kind of like the decision if you want a -HP, -Def, or -Res bane..) I assume Close Def is slightly favoured because he can't attack back? Also I'm just going through other A skills and would Flashing Blade be a good A skill for +Spd Odin? I mean it could probably work with the anti-Dragon Watersweep build and I guess Odin is reliant on special attacks for burst damage... Edited January 8, 2018 by mcsilas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ice Dragon Posted January 8, 2018 Share Posted January 8, 2018 8 minutes ago, mcsilas said: This got me thinking, if Odin goes for Life and Death, theoretically either Close Def/Distant Def can patch up the Def/Res drop in enemy phase, right? (-5 Def/Res, but +6 from either melee or ranged damage) Although you'd have to choose what you want to be protected from more: between melee vs ranged attacks. (It's kind of like the decision if you want a -HP, -Def, or -Res bane..) I assume Close Def is slightly favoured because he can't attack back? Are you ever going to leave Odin in a position where he can't attack back? 9 minutes ago, mcsilas said: Also I'm just going through other A skills and would Flashing Blade be a good A skill for +Spd Odin? I mean it could probably work with the anti-Dragon Watersweep build and I guess Odin is reliant on special attacks for burst damage... Kind of shaky. With Blarblade, the fastest he'd be able to get a special skill off when running Watersweep is his third round of combat, which is kind of pathetic for a build with boosted special charge rate. Honestly, it'd make a bit more sense on a Blarowl build, but that gives up Close Counter or a skill that boosts his stats, but it does give him access to Bonfire or Iceberg in a single round of combat. But I still have trouble imagining him actually dealing enough damage to do something with Blarowl's low Mt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcsilas Posted January 8, 2018 Author Share Posted January 8, 2018 @Ice Dragon Fair points. And yeah that's true- I keep forgetting the whole not doubling part of Watersweep as well. Hmm I might do a Keen Blarwolf counter-killer build for AA/specific PvE- I mean he has the bulk to even survive Cecilia/Gunnthra (if I did the calcs right). He won't KO back even with Quick Riposte, but should leave enough damage for teammates. Might work with Distant Def and maybe even Close Counter. Out of the cavalry, only Titania straight up counters him. I just wish Guard was a Sacred Seal or something, because Odin really wants Quick Riposte for extra damage/special charges. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Othin Posted January 8, 2018 Share Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) edit: wrong thread Edited January 8, 2018 by Othin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaden Posted January 14, 2018 Share Posted January 14, 2018 On 1/7/2018 at 11:00 PM, mcsilas said: but I feel like Odin should be more geared against PvEs anyway. I built my Odin to counter the Black Knight during his TT since I knew he could take physical hits more easily than the other blue mages and that he would be able to double him as well. Anyway, you could slap T-Adept 3 on Odin and have him be an overkill, anti-red mage and call it a day. T-Adept Odin was my "if you need a cheap counter" suggestion for Celica's TT a while back since Odin already comes with Blarblade and R Tomebreaker. Here's a link to it: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mcsilas Posted January 16, 2018 Author Share Posted January 16, 2018 @Kaden That's fair. It kind of overlaps with the support build (or even the Blarraven build) although I'll probably make a simpler build. Also now that the Quick Riposte seal has been released, Odin can actually run Renewal or a breaker of his choice for the B slot as well as get the double attack during the enemy phase. At the very least the Renewal option is good for long modes like the TT. Will have to figure out how to configure the sets sometime soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoblongoo Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 (edited) Odin is actually really good now... Sacred Forge patch made him a legitimate offensive support hero. Weapon: [Eff] Odin's GrimoireAssist: Reposition / Swap / Drawback Special: MoonbowPassive A: Life and Death 3Passive B: Def/Res Link 3Passive C: Spur Att/Spd 2, Spur def/res 2 [w/e] Sacred Seal: Drive Att, Drive Def, [w/e] ....the only bad thing I can say about this set is that Bridal Sanaki is currently the only source of inheritance for Def/Res Link 3. Which means you need to have a rare seasonal unit on hand as sacrifice fodder for the key skill that makes this set so outrageously good. But if you have a bridal Sanaki to sac and you can build this set--there is absolutely no reason to ever run anything else. This is Odin's bread-and-butter. And it is, in a word, potent. The Crux of the set is of course [Eff] Odin's Grimoire + Def/Res Link. Which when run together, instantly delivers a +6/+6/+6/+6 buff to both Odin and an allied hero, when one targets the other with a swap/reposition/drawback skill. (thats good. thats really good. Thats there are maps where I wil bench my +10 Reindhart because I want to be running this as my blue tome user instead good) Odin himself is capable of using these buffs to great effect on offense when repositioned by a teammate, with Odin's Grimoire still behaving like a ~blade tome and converting the buffs to increased damage. ...or he can sit back and take a more supportive role of repositioning + buffing his allies ...or with dancer support, do both in a single turn. Life & Death brings Odin's statline to where he wants it to be for a ~blade offense player phase nuke. (his def and res aren't anything to write home about. And he can still rely upon his surprisingly solid HP to take an odd hit or two. C Slot and Sacred Seal are best used for improving his support utility with more buff stacking IMO, but are non-vital to the set and can be flexibly changed up as needed for particular maps and teams. _________ Seriously guys. Odin is good now. Edited December 4, 2018 by Shoblongoo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XRay Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 22 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said: Life & Death brings Odin's statline to where he wants it to be for a ~blade offense player phase nuke. (his def and res aren't anything to write home about. And he can still rely upon his surprisingly solid HP to take an odd hit or two. C Slot and Sacred Seal are best used for improving his support utility with more buff stacking IMO, but are non-vital to the set and can be flexibly changed up as needed for particular maps and teams. I would just run Death Blow and use him as a one shot nuke since he is not running Desperation. If the player is tolerant of risk, the player can run dual Brazens and let him take a hit on purpose. He will reach 85 Atk (25+16+6+24+7+7), or 84/86 if you run Death Blow 3/4 and 83 for Life and Death. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoblongoo Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 (edited) 13 minutes ago, XRay said: I would just run Death Blow and use him as a one shot nuke since he is not running Desperation. If the player is tolerant of risk, the player can run dual Brazens and let him take a hit on purpose. He will reach 85 Atk (25+16+6+24+7+7), or 84/86 if you run Death Blow 3/4 and 83 for Life and Death. Plausible. The loss of +5 speed from LaD is significant though. LaD can ironically improve Odin's capabilities on defense as well as offense. As +5 spd helps more than -5 def/res hurts when +5 spd is the difference between getting doubled and not getting doubled (a healthy Odin that is not getting doubled can eat most attacks without getting outright one-rounded; an Odin that is getting doubled, not-so-much) Edited December 4, 2018 by Shoblongoo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XRay Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 3 minutes ago, Shoblongoo said: The loss of +5 speed from LoD is significant though. LoD can ironically improve Odin's capabilities on defense as well as offense. As +5 spd helps more than -5 def/res hurts when +5 spd is the difference between getting doubled and not getting doubled (a healthy Odin that is not getting doubled can eat most attacks without getting outright one-rounded; an Odin that is getting doubled, not-so-much) That is true, although it depends on what score range you are in. Odin neutral +10 can reach 42 Spd (36+6) and that is enough to avoid doubles in the score range from 726+ onward in my opinion. In that score range, most units generally run SP builds rather than performance builds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shoblongoo Posted December 4, 2018 Share Posted December 4, 2018 6 minutes ago, XRay said: That is true, although it depends on what score range you are in. Odin neutral +10 can reach 42 Spd (36+6) and that is enough to avoid doubles in the score range from 726+ onward in my opinion. In that score range, most units generally run SP builds rather than performance builds. Probably also depends on whether you're using +att or +spd as your IV, now that I think about it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ice Dragon Posted December 6, 2018 Share Posted December 6, 2018 Odin has more than enough bulk when fully buffed and enough punch to solidly run a Close Counter set that works on both phases: Odin [+Spd / Atk, -HP] (Odin's Grimoire [unique], Glimmer, Close Counter, Quick RIposte 3, Close Def 3) orOdin [+Spd / Atk, -HP] (Odin's Grimoire [unique], Glimmer, Close Counter, Guard 3, Quick Riposte 3). This is a more combat-oriented build, as opposed to the more support oriented builds with Def/Res Link. The missing buffs can be provided with Def Tactic and Res Tactic, both of which are currently available as Sacred Seals, on a mixed team. Or just run a second unit with Def/Res Link. Unfortunately, we don't have a Rally Def/Res+ yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hilda Posted December 8, 2018 Share Posted December 8, 2018 I actually went with: Close Counter, DefRes Link and the swift stance seal that gives 6 Spd when being attacked. gives him enough speed to avoid doubles and double back. I like it so far. Currently he is paired ip with Laegjarn and Leg Lucina. Although i wish Lucina had a different color. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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