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List of Character Stats *Updated* Lv.130

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Hello everyone! I made a chart of every playable character (DLC 1 included) and their level 99 stats, skills, etc. I will update this list at some point once I get all of my characters up to the new level cap of 110. I hope this helps out.


If there are any errors, point them out so I can correct them.


12/27/17 Edit: Updated the chart with every character's level 110 stats. I also corrected the staff availability to certain characters and Tiki's HP at level 99.

2/17/18 Edit: Added Lv.99 & Lv.110 stat data for the characters added in DLC 2 (Navarre, Minerva, Linde). Also reordered the tables to be in alphabetical order and changed several terms. Added Lv.130 stats for every character (Shoutout to Taikira_Naerani over on GameFAQs https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/204209-fire-emblem-warriors/76328262).


Edited by In-Sain Arcane Birdbrain
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With DLC 2 (Shadow Dragon) now being released, I added Navarre, Minerva, and Linde's stats at Lv.99 and Lv.110. In the near future, I will have data for every character at the new cap of Lv.130. Although no one responded last time, feel free about asking questions, found mistakes, or any suggestions to the chart.

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15 minutes ago, Folt said:

You know, the movement thing for the Peg. Knights and the Wyvern Rider characters could simply be called Flier. Wing Clipper/Bows on your Weakness charts could simply be called Wingslayer as well.

Thanks for pointing this out. The reason I had differentiated Peg. Knights and Wyverns was because it wasn't until a later revision that I added the weakness section to the chart. Since Wyverns are weak to dracoslayer in addition to wingclipper, I wanted to make it clear who was weak to what back then. With the category added, I didn't think about obsoleting the flier types. :>_<:

Edited by In-Sain Arcane Birdbrain
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2 minutes ago, MrPerson0 said:

Level 130 stats for everyone: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/204209-fire-emblem-warriors/76328262

Tiki dragon stats in an image on the second page.

Well someone beat me to the punch :dry:. Thanks for pointing this out though, I'll compile this hunk of numbers into my easier to read chart.

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Noticed you don't have the Dragon!Tiki stats for Lv. 99. Here you go:

  • Str: 99
  • Mag: 81
  • Skl: 69
  • Spd: 87
  • Def: 121
  • Res: 124

HP and Luck is unchanged.

Also, a suggestion, for Frederick and the Wyverns, in the Weakness section; have their weaknesses listed as Plate/Mountslayer and Draco/Wingslayer if you're worried about space. That way, you can simply input the actual movement stats (5 for infantry, 6 for Human!Tiki, 8 for Dragon!Tiki, 10 for Frederick, 15 for the other horse units, and 20 for the fliers) in the movement section.

Edited by Folt
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Question regarding the Personal Weapon column: Does it count the DLC? I'm asking because Tiki, Caeda and Anna should all be on the same page. They all have personal weapons obtainable in History Mode if you have DLC 2. (Or are you counting Tiki's amiibo but otherwise ignore DLC 2 weapons for non-DLC characters?)

I think this column is ultimately going to be all yes. DLC 3 will give Awakening characters their weapons.

Also, Fred is weak against armor effectiveness in addition to mount.

EDIT: I think you may have misspelled Iote's Shield.

EDIT: HP doesn't go beyond 999? That's disappointing.

Edited by nocturnal YL
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24 minutes ago, Etheus said:

Looking at those stats, I had a thought. Since Tiki attacks with both Str and Mag, would giving her a statflip stone allow her to attack with both her def and res instead? That would be a pretty large damage bump, especially in dragon form.

Yes, she would attack with both Defence and Res. She'd take a noticeable hit defensively though.

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Man poor Tharja, just kind of mediocre.

Also I never noticed that Tiki had 6 move as a human. What different does that translate to in game relative to 5 move, anyway

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On 9.4.2018 at 11:20 PM, r_n said:

Man poor Tharja, just kind of mediocre.

Also I never noticed that Tiki had 6 move as a human. What different does that translate to in game relative to 5 move, anyway

5% faster than 5 Mov characters.

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