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Your Favorite Things about your Least-Favorite Characters, and Things you Dislike about Your Favorite Characters


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No matter how much we love or hate a character, there will always be something that we dislike about our favorite characters, and something we admit we like about characters we despise. It could be a personality quirk, their combat potential (or lack thereof), or something else entirely.

This can be as serious or jocular (or both) as you want. My only request is to avoid "they're good at warming the bench" kind of responses when discussing you're least favorite units. Try to find something you actually enjoy about them.

My Least Favorite Things about my Favorite Characters:

Stahl: What can I say. Stahl is my favorite character both personality and unit wise in Awakening, and heck, maybe even in Fire Emblem as a whole. He has a kind and friendly yet clever personality and a gimmick that rarely appears, and he's always among my top performers in every playthrough of Awakening I've had so far. The downside is... he's a little too useful. I had to put a conscious effort on not overusing him at the cost of everyone else in my earlier playthroughs, and for better or for worse, he can still become a one-man army with very little effort. And as much as I'm glad that he's the only character that has a guaranteed happy marriage no matter who his wife is, I do wish we heard more about his spouse did after the game ends. Also, IS missed an opportunity of having a three way support conversation with Stalh, Kellam, and Donnel.

Kellam: It sucks that I'm one of the few people who actually get a use out of knights, since whenever I think about reclassing him, I always worry that I'll loose one of my best defense units at a time I may need him, despite how useful the skills learned as a thief are to him. I also wish that the joke about Kellam being hard to notice was pulled back a little, and that more focus was put into insightful side, as it's repeatedly shown that he has plenty of time to think. All of his endings are simultaneously funny and sad, too, except when paired with the avatar, and as I said above, IS missed an opportunity for a three-way support.

Laurent: He's tied with Stahl on being my favorite character, both personality and unit-wise. I could listen to this guy talk all day, and I love noticing the subtle differences between him and his mother. I also find Miriel to be almost ridiculously easy to pair up with someone, so that mechanically, Laurent either becomes a magical nuke as a sage or an extremely well balance dark knight. It also helps that he's among the earlier child units to appear, and his recruitment chapter isn't gimmicky, so it's hard for him to appear too late to be useful. However... he's a mage in a game were magic is a little bit overpowered, and you're provided with a few too many before child units even become available. Admittedly, some of the use I got from him comes from my lack of skill with using the dark mage class. And even though I know the true reason for why he can't appear before Miriel S-supports, I still question why he spent three to five years in a desert instead of trying to contact his parents and the Shepherds before everyone else in the story happened. For better or for worse, I also find it almost to easy to S-support Laurent and Lucina, to the point where I personally consider their pairing to be canon, and I almost wish that they could be siblings, as the dynamic of Laurent being older than Lucina despite her being born first could lead to some interesting supports. Also, why the heck did they decide to make him a verbal masochist?

Panne: She somehow made me believe that a shapeshifting bunny of all things could be a viable combatant. It helped that Panne was a beginner-friendly unit (to me, at least), and can reclass very easily once she starts loosing steam in the Taguel class. I also like how many of her supports could be read as either her not trusting humans yet or just being antisocial, and how much of her humor comes from being innocently ignorant of human conventions, which contrasts nicely (and humorously) with her otherwise serious personality. However, I'll be the first to admit that Panne does come off as a jerk in many of her supports, and it's only because I like the defrosting ice queen trope along with her backstory that I'm not as annoyed as I would be otherwise. The Taguel as a whole also come out of nowhere in an otherwise established world, with little information given about them other than their good hearing, which sucks as I am legitimately interested in their species and backstory. I also have mixed feelings about her... lack of modesty, as while it fits her character, I regret thinking too hard about whether or not she's wearing a fur loincloth, or if that's her actual fur...

Kamui: He's the most balanced character in both Gaiden and Echoes, and we finally get a mercenary character who really is in it only for the money! I also love that they kept the detail of his fear of necrodragons from Gaiden in Echoes, and the Seabound shrine encounter was among the funniest moments in the game. He also elevated to my favorite character in said game when he was the one to take out the necrodragon in my first playthrough. Sadly, however, he does suffer from a lack of supports, as I wish he had supports with Valbar and Jesse, especially since Kamui takes over the latter's position if Jesse doesn't make it. I also wished the dynamic between Valbar, Leon, and Kamui remained throughout the entire adventure, instead of appearing in all of two scenes, as they seemed like they would be a pretty humorous trio. IS could easily solve these two issues with DLC, and I sincerely question why they haven't done so. Also, he has the infamous "they disappeared without a trace and were never seen again" kind of endings.

Things I like about my Least Favorite Characters:

Tharja: Despite not getting much of a use out of the dark mage class personally, I know that others have, and I can see why some people greatly enjoy using this class. Tharja also make a decent knight, with a good amount of resistance for the class in question. She's also the mother of Noire, which is reason enough to pull her off the bench and use her in a fight, even if I do feel pity for the unlucky man unlucky that she's married too.

Severa: Despite being a huge jerk and having her recruitment level as one of my least favorite levels in Awakening, she is the daughter of the most versatile first generation unit besides the avatar, and thus is the most versatile child unit besides Morgan.I also know that she received quite a bit of character development in Fates, even though that means nothing to me as I haven't actually played that game "yet."

Faye: I'm neutral on her character overall, and I actually don't dislike her. She is, however my least favorite character of Echoes cast, so... she fits the requirements for this thread, I guess. Unit-wise, and Alm's route desperately needed somebody with physic, making cleric Faye nearly a godsend, and she has a surprising amount synergy with Silque with the warp and rescue combo. Despite wishing that she had a different personality that what we were given, I do like that she seems like a small, if unintentional and thus half-baked, deconstruction of the "unrequited love/avatar-focused" characters that have appeared in the series. At the very least, her obsession isn't shown as a good thing, and there is some basis for how it came about.

Matthis: Thank you for providing useful experience to my units! And for allowing them to avenge Vyland, who you had killed earlier! And for being a lesson to the devs about how enemy recruitment shouldn't work!

EDIT: Looking at all the responses, I realized I may have overthought my original answers. If you want the abridged version:


My Least Favorite Things About My Favorite Characters

Stahl: Despite being my favorite character both personality and gameplay wise in Awakening (and maybe even Fire Emblem as a whole), it is very easy for him to become overpowered at the cost of the other units. And despite being glad that he's the only character with a guaranteed happy marriage, I wish we heard more about what his spouse did after the war. Also, IS missed the change for a three way support between Donnel, Kellam, and Stahl.

Kellam: I actually get a use out of him as a knight, so I fear that I'll loose one of my high-defence characters if I try to reclass him as a thief, despite how useful the abilities in that class line are for him. I also wish that the joke about him being hard to notice was pulled back a bit, and his more thoughful and insightful side were shown more. IS also missed the oppurtunity

Laurent: He's tied with being my favorite character in the series, both in personality and gameplay, and can become one of the most powerful magic users in the game. Unfortunately, you're already given enough powerful magic users in a game were magic is a bit on the overpowered side. I also don't understand why he spent 5 years in a desert, when he could have used that extra time to join the Shephards, or change the plot in some fashion. I also wish that Chrom and Mirel could be partners, as it could have led to an interesting and unique sibling support between Laurent and Lucina.  Also, why the heck did they decide to make him a verbal masochist?

Panne: She can come off as a jerk in many of her supports, and it's only because I like the defrosting ice queen trope, along with her backstory, that I'm not as annoyed as I otherwise would be. The Taguel as a whole also come out of nowhere in an otherwise established world, with little information given about them other than their good hearing, which sucks as I am legitimately interested in their species and backstory. I also have mixed feelings about her... lack of modesty, as while it fits her character, I regret thinking too hard about whether or not she's wearing a fur loincloth, or if that's her actual fur...

Kamui: He's the most balanced character in the game, and I love that they kept his fear of necrodragons in the remake. However, I would have liked to have seen more supports for him, especially between Valbar and Jesse, especially since Kamui takes over the latter's position if Jesse doesn't make it. I also wished the dynamic between Valbar, Leon, and Kamui remained throughout the entire adventure, instead of appearing in all of two scenes, as they seemed like they would be a pretty humorous trio. IS could easily solve these two issues with DLC, and I sincerely question why they haven't done so. Also, he has the infamous "they disappeared without a trace and were never seen again" kind of endings.

Things I like about my Least Favorite Characters:

Tharja: She's a dark mage, can make a decent knight with above average resistance, and is the mother of Noire.

Severa: See the original post.

Faye: I don't actually dislike her, but she is my least favorite character in Shadows of Valentia. She's a cleric with physic on a route that desperately needed one, and the warp-rescue combo gives her great synergy with Silque. I also find her to be an unintentional deconstruction of the "unrequited love/avatar-focused" characters that have appeared in the series. At the very least, her obsession isn't shown as a good thing, and there is some basis for how it came about.

Matthias: Again, see the original post.


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I'm only going to do one for both since I only really dislike 1 character, so I decided to keep it even.

Least Favorite About Favorite Character:

Ophelia: As much as I love her, she... really is just female Owain from a conceptual standpoint. Don't get me wrong, she's not exactly the same, and those differences are why I slightly prefer her over Owain, but she's not exactly the most unique of the children units in Fates. Also, her outfit is pretty not great, but that's not exclusive to her anyways since Nyx has the same issue.

Favorite Thing About Least Favorite:

Azama: Well, if I'm being honest, he's not really that bad outside of supports. His lines range from decent to actually funny, and as a unit he's very solid. He's also a very solid unit, especially since healers in Fates don't need more then a few points in Magic to be decent anyways, and once he promotes (or reclasses) he starts doing his job pretty well. But he's still an irredeemable prick otherwise.

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I'll try to keep this short:

Nitpicks about favorite characters:

Archanea (in general): Most of them have bits and pieces about who they were/are.  I had to infer a lot of things.

Legault: He's a subtle bastard.  To the point where people miss the point.  And it's all behind supports, AND his affinity is bleh.

Tharja: The hell is she doing here?  I like her more than most of the fanbase, hence why she gets this spot.  Anyway, her outfit sucks.

Good things about bleh characters:

Cordelia: Her flaws are even more subtle than Legault's personality.  Given how in-your-face Awakening is with personality traits, this is refreshing.

Severa: Sometimes, she'll realize she's gone way too far and tone it down (Owain).

Azama: He has an amazing support chain with Mitama.

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Sounds fun. I'll give it a try.

Things I dislike about my Favorite Characters

Mozu: Too many men want her, I swear. Xander, Ryoma, Saizou and Laslow are all vying for her attention, and I can never marry her off without several minutes of the most dire contemplation. Besides that, despite finding Mozu to be one of the more simplistic yet well-written characters, I do find her joining Corrin in CQ weird. Like, I know they saved her life but I do wish there was a set of conversations between her, Kaze and possibly Shura expanding on how they felt fighting against their countrymen. More missed opportunities from IS. Also, I both like and dislike how small her eyes are. Sometimes, I find it cute as it portrays a sense of plainness but, at other times, it annoys me. 

Hinata: He has ass growths, just gonna say it. There is little reason outside of favoritism to use Hinata over either Hana or Ryoma. I'm not sure what the developers were thinking when making his stats, but I'm fairly certain he had to be the last of the first generation Samurai that was created; they had to have run out of ideas to make him viably unique. Something else that is obvious is that he lacks an adequate backstory to keep him relevant within Team Takumi. Sure, we know he's from a samurai family that served Hoshido for years, but that isn't anything substantial, in my opinion. Without something to fleshes out his personality, he is, unfortunately, the basic shounen protagonist third wheel of the team.

Things I like about my Least Favorite Characters

Fiona: I really, really don't like this character due to her stats, growths and always being RNG screwed whenever I try to use her. However, I must say that I am a huge fan of her design. that's the only thing nice i can say about her I will also say that she was squandered by the story as, outside of her requirement, there is little about her that stands out. That they made her the daughter of one of the Four Riders was something else that piqued my interest but, unfortunately, her father doesn't even have a set design. That said, outside of my bad experiences with her, Fiona is a decent character in her own right that deserved some much needed focus that she ultimately never got.

F!Morgan: She gets to have more siblings that M!Morgan.

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Ayra: She hasn't been drawn with pants on in official art after that one official artbook and like, 2 of the manga. Give her her pants back >:c

Ryoma: Inconsistencies in character resulting in unintended character issues due to overheavy player worship. I'm looking at certain S supports, here. 

Navarre: Actually I just like him bc he's pretty and his personality isn't much in my taste at all---that being said, he has a lot of points to work with and it would not be hard to really flesh out what he's got, if they'd only tried.

Minerva: Can't reclass to berserker resulting in loss of Hauteclere usage at the end of FE12 Lunatic. 

Least Favs:

Sain:  At least on paper, on average, he's supposed to be a good unit.

Corrin: Useful for killing shit really dead. I enjoyed using them as Dread Fighter.

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Lyn: I rather enjoy her story segment but after that she's not really important to the plot. She still has an awesome team dynamic with Hector and Eliwood, but she's more a tagalong than the other two. Her outfit is also a bit fanservicey.

Micaiah: She's a little too okay with some of the things Daein does, such as the Laguz hunts. Sothe calls her out on it, but one wonders how she can be so devoted to a nation that has such glaring flaws.


Corrin: He's a good and flexible unit that can actually use the hybrid classes well. F!Corrin has some cute designs and I like having a manakete lord (even if the story does nothing with this).

Xander: Story!Xander is an inconsistent garbage person, but Support!Xander has some of the best supports in the game that show him to be a mature and loving brother.

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Camilla: The repeated treatment of treating Corrin like her dog gets tiring. 

Tharja: The treatment about Noire could have used a better explanation.

Peri: Her voice in English and in Japanese.

Inigo/Laslow: Could have been a better unit in Conquest.

Least favorites:

Yarne: He has a decent design.

Joshua: Good myrmidon, better than Marisa.

Zelgius/ Black Knight( RD version): I like his role in part 3.

 Fernand: He got fleshed out in the DLC.


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Marth: His FE12 incarnation is just...really weak, and it's a stark contrast to his SD version, which is superior in every way.

Roy: He isn't a good unit, such as the extremely late promotion.

Caeda: Her hair had weird flipping animations in Warriors when she wasn't even moving. She isn't as relevant in the Archanean games as she ought to be, though this is due to their lack of characterisation, if you get me.

Tiki: She didn't bring Xane along in Awakening. Her skirt is too short, I guess?


Corrin: Has a couple of good supports, like with Kaze.

Ike: His one moment with Reyson about punching Oliver in the face...his Smash incarnation. Idk what it is, but I actually like Ike in Smash.

Cordelia: I like present!Cordelia's reaction to Severa, she seems really mature and understanding.

Takumi: I really like his official art. He looks better than he does ingame.

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Soren - he's got a few quotes that go too far and really just enter preaching mode, like when discussing humanity in that port town. 

Takumi - too prickly in a few supports. Though not the fault of his own, he also gets thrown under the bus in Conquest.

Lucina - should've had a more involved role in the story. I believe that's a complaint against Niime as well.

Virion - too much of a creep in a few supports.

Least favorites

Corrin - female Corrin has fantastic hair and I like the combination of sword + dragon stone (and staff/tome).

Camilla - good color scheme.

Peri - I've always found her design to be fitting of who she is.

Xander - great supports.

Alm - funny observations in the English version.

Faye - cute design.

Karel (FE7) - actually interesting in Binding Blade.

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Least favourite thing about favourites:

Ike: His little to no characterization in Radiant Dawn.

Soren: uhh...nothing tbh. Haha!

Takumi: His hatred towards Azura..I guess?

Hector: Gameplay, don't get me wrong he's an amazing unit but his accuracy....ugh.

Zelgius: His reasoning for killing Greil was bs. Tbh.

Favourite thing about least favourite characters:

Tharja: She's a D.mage I guess. Mages are my favourite class.

Peri: Her....hair striking! 

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Bad things about favorites

August: Not playable. Game softpedals his stay with Lifis' group despite it's humanistic stance elsewhere. 

Jagen: His greatness is bogged down a little by tutorial dialogue. Also he's effectively phased out of the story by FE3/12 C11 

Alan/Arran: I like him only  because he represents intelligent gameplay design.All Jagen's should fall off even Marcus lasts too long I have no conception of a personality from him at all. 

Eliwood: The Harken and Lowen supports are lame compred to his other ones. FE7 is also my least favorite GBA game gameplaywise. 

Garcia: Difficult to say. I like all 5 of his supports and his recruitment chapter. I guess that Hero Crest's being super limited in early epriham route is a downside. It is unfortunate that due to lack of base convo /etc he doesn't say anything about the war ever again after that 1 chapter. 

Calill: Some days I love the comic relief, some days it is too much.

Good things about least favorites

Lewyn: I can stand him during Chapter 7. Sety and Fee trying to grow up to be unlike him is pretty great in gen 2.  Still doesn't save him from being the lord god of exposition and literally planning everything that happens to Celice since his birth.

Manfloy: I think that his conversation with Alvis in chapter 5 is good, but everything else he does -especially in gen 2 - is some saturday morning cartoon villain shit. (except in manga) I still can't get over Chapter 2 implying that the Kurth/Manaann assassinations were done independently of the Lopto cult, but chapter 3 and especially chapter 5 backpedal into having the lopto cult influence them directly.

Mae: I used Mae for all 5 Squad Assaults in FEH because I'm not allowed to summon Blue Mages and had no other option. FEH's voice lines are so much less annoying than SoV

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Things I like about characters I don't like:

Ike: His promoted design in FE9.  Just that one, though

Robin: He's a mage lord!

Corrin: ...I guess they're a good unit?

Tharja: Her support with Nowi

Camilla: Her backstory has so much potential, also she's alright in Crown of Nibelung

Peri: ...She fed my army once, and they were happy.  Honestly, my problem with Peri isn't so much Peri herself as it is how the rest of the world reacts to her.


Things I dislike about characters I like:

Roy: Roy needs more show, less tell.  Roy's character is quite nice as revealed in his supports, but in general some things are simply told to us and we don't really get to see them.  Seeing more of what we're told would be nice.

Wolt: Since Rebecca was no more than a vaguely mentioned wet nurse to Roy in FE6, it'd be nice if her relationship to Wolt and Roy could be expanded later, in general, I'd simply like to see more backstory relations being fleshed out since they're a bit barebones in FE6.

Micaiah: Why is she so shoved aside later in the game?  That's sad, I'm sad.  Also the reveal of her being Sanaki's sister is kinda anticlimactic.  

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Things i dislike about my favorites

  • Roy: His late promotion. Also seeing stuff like his inferiority complex being integrated in the story would be nice instead of having him just talk to Merlinus
  • Azura: She was a victim of Fates' bad writing. At least her Supports are great.
  • Leo: Same as Azura but Fates' bad writing didn't affect him as much
  • Soleil: the entire controversy surrounding her.
  • Alm: A little bit too perfect
  • Celica: she becomes a damsel-in-distress
  • Sophia: she's one of the worst units in FE6

Things i like about my least favorites

  • Sigurd: He has the most flaws of any Lord
  • Tharja: Her Christmas outfit in Heroes is cute
  • Rhajat: She's a somewhat better Tharja
  • Peri: Her hair is nice. Her Personal Skill works well with Galeforce.
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Pent: Why isn't Pent involved in the event of binding blade? His country is on fire and the presence of dragons give Pent plenty of room to nerd out. I can't see any reason for him to stay out of the conflict

Tormod and Muarim: I really don't like it how they stayed out of the war. Its out of character for them to have stayed away and it misses a lot of potential interesting moments. Freeing the Laguz is their life's work but Tormod is best friend with Sothe and he has at least some sort of relation with Sanaki yet they did nothing. They didn't defend the Laguz, didn't try to talk to Sothe and didn't save Sanaki either.

Siegbert and Forrest: The deeprealm is the only real negative thing about these two but sadly its a black mark big enough to drag down their entire character through the mud. The two would be better off if they were non canon additions. 

Least favorites

Garon: For all his awfulness Garon actually has an amazing design. Its kingly, its intimidating and the grey skin gives a small clue about him actually being dead. 

Severa: I like how she actually learned to behave as a decent human being when she returned in Fates

Python: He occasionally has some funny remarks. 

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Favorite: Camus/Sirius/Zeke: Despite his stellar combat, excelent storyline over way too many games (Edit: Camus standalone game when?), and glorious hair I have two issues with my dude Camus.

A: Pick a name you fuck.

B: Boning a resprite of the lady friend that he wants to bone, but cannot bone.


Least Favorite: Est: She has the best triangle attack-lead line in Echoes?

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3 hours ago, joshcja said:

B: Boning a resprite of the lady friend that he wants to bone, but cannot bone.

Hey, SoV already dealt with this and Tatiana is certainly different from Nyna.

As for favourite things about things about units I don't like and visa versa:

Peri: She's more usable than quite a few Conquest units.

Canas: Certainly not the winner for Dad of the year.

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Pros for the least liked:

I don't think I actually hate any of the cast of Fire Emblem series. Corrin is the exception to how I usually feel.

I honestly feel like their only redeeming factor is how of a unit they are & their support with Azura which is incredibly subjective.


Does Garon count when it's really not him? I only like his designs as a final boss.


Nitpick/Cons for Favorites:

Awakening's Avatar: I usually adamant about their accusation on being a Mary Sue, but their shilling can be somewhat annoying. However, when you suffer no casualties for your entire campaign, you're probably going to warrant a praise or two.  Plus being a Mary Sue isn't synonymous with being a bad character. I get tired on how many times people disguising it as a criticism when it really they're just bashing on them


Chrom: Why does Chrom have a limited support system? I'm not exactly bummed out that I can't have him hook up with Nowi but is there a reason why he can't be with Miriel? Of course it is flat out impossible for him to be with Cherche, but that his loss.


Lyn: I'm making more of a big deal than it really is, but I got really annoyed how easily she gets restrain in the Dread Isle chapter. I have no real reason believe to she should be easily that subdue. Granted, Uhai releases her soon he restrains her, but I'm just really tire on how many times an action girl has to be the damsel in distress.


Azura: This one is more serious. She has to go through Conquest's incredibly bad writing. At times I feel like she's too much a satellite character to Corrin but that usually pays off by being a good foil character to them.


Which goes hand to hand with how she's related to Corrin. Good God, this is most incest theme I've seen in any media. Could the writer really not contain his incest fetish?


Lucina: After finally getting B!Lucina in Fire Emblem Heroes, I personally feel like Lucina is at her worse when keeps talking about Chrom. Her gushing about her father can be endearing at times but after seeing B!Lucy in FEH it can be annoying. It's understandable that she greatly misses her deceased father, but her constantly comparing Chrom to herself makes it feel like she isn't allow to be her own character. Hell, InSyst sometimes reinforce this by having her in Chrom's shadow when it comes to PXZ 2 (minuscule in this game) & FEW by making her a clone of Chrom. Not help how she's also a clone of Marth in Smash 4. At times, I feel like InSyst think Lucina is just waifu material when in reality she's so much more than that. Then again I find inferiority complex towards her father being one of the most engaging things about her in general.

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What I dislike about the characters I like:

Takumi: His reasons for being harsh to Azura are never properly explored. The Birthright Drama CD seems to give some hints to the explanation, but it's still not enough.

Charlotte: Her design is awful. I know that it fits her gold-digging nature, but I think she exposes too much skin with that look.

Conrad: Though a likable character on his own, his role in the story was pretty lackluster. All he was for most of the story was a walking deux-ex-machina. The circlet has gone missing? It's okay, Conrad has it. Celica is about to be killed by a landslide? It's okay, Conrad will jump in to rescue her.

Forsyth and Python: I guess it's more of a story complaint, but I really wish they had some dialogue during the scene when Tatiana was playing that guessing game over who the Deliverance captain was. Yet, for that to happen, they needed more story appearances, so I guess this is ultimately a case "if only they did more in the main story."

Chrom: I think the trust and friendship he develops with Robin was a bit too quick.

Lute: In some supports, she comes across as too harsh, like the C-support with Ross.

What I like about the characters I dislike:

Miriel: Together, the glasses and the witch hat make her look charming. She also made a solid duo with Stahl in one of my Awakening playthroughs.

Faye: She has a really cute design, one of my favorites out of all the Echoes character designs. She also makes a really good Cleric.

Fernand: His portrayal in the DLC was pretty good. If only he acted more like that in the main story, that would've helped him be truly a sympathetic character. He also has some great voice-work for a villain. The line "You took all that I believed in and trod it into the mire" was well-delivered.

Peri: Her cotton-candy colored hair fits her design considering her childish demeanor. She also a fantastic set of supports with Laslow. Admittedly, I initially liked Peri because it was the first and only supports I read of her when I first played Conquest.

Elise: Her portrayal in Birthright was great.

Camilla: She has a fantastic set of supports with Niles. If only more supports delved into how the sibling wars changed her.

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Severa/Selena - For some reason there's something about a Tsundere that gets to me, and so I like her a lot, but good heavens, she really ought to tone it down a touch. Plus her slightly ridiculous outburst when Owain and Inigo suggest she use a Lance in Hidden Truths.
Cordelia and Caeldori - Never have been able to explain why I like these two, but I know that I dislike that Cordelia's Supports don't change even slightly after she or Chrom gets married, and as for Caeldori, her constant self-deprecation when it comes to comparing herself to her father is a bit of a turnoff, not to mention that she's Cordelia without Cordelia's Chrom obsession, which is like the only part of her character they actually build on in Awakening, and hence Caeldori feels like less than a one-note character.
Henry - There's a time and place for everything, and Henry doesn't understand this one bit, and he's actually kind of awesome for it. However, I think they took his personality a touch too far…but that doesn't change my cross-game headcanon of Henry+Peri(think about that kind of marriage for a bit).
Camilla - I actually like Camilla because of the untapped potential she provides for a good background and worldbuilding setup for Fates, plus her gameplay usage. On the other hand, the outfit, lack of actual background, and the fact that they've consistently degenerated what little actual personality she had through Heroes and Warriors are all not cool.

Least Favorites:
Niles - Why is the only Gay S-Support option the weird freak who can't stop throwing suggestive language around? There were clearly better choices, and yet we got Niles, who makes it seem like they were just trying to look progressive, hence his place as Least Favorite of Conquest. On the other hand, he's pretty much the only character in all of Fates with an actual background, and his Support chain with Felicia is quite enjoyable. Warriors also gave him a chance to look less like a freak, so that definitely improved my thoughts on him. EDIT plus I discovered the Niles-Caeda Support Conversation and almost died laughing.
Iago - Much though I'm sure we all hate him, considering they intentionally gave him nothing likable, I do have to admit the man is a fairly masterful strategist when they're willing to let him be one, such as the illusions where they thought the Wind Tribe members were Faceless(and the Wind Tribe members probably thought your party was Faceless), or manipulating Corrin all throughout Conquest. Really, he had potential that they intentionally squashed in favor of making him a fairly generic mustache-twirler.
Miriel - I really don't like Miriel. I haven't been able to figure out why. However, I do appreciate her logical curiosity, and the fact that she's willing to be proven wrong. Poor Stahl in their C-Support, though.

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On 12/28/2017 at 11:28 PM, Zangetsu said:

Awakening's Avatar: I usually adamant about their accusation on being a Mary Sue, but their shilling can be somewhat annoying. However, when you suffer no casualties for your entire campaign, you're probably going to warrant a praise or two.  Plus being a Mary Sue isn't synonymous with being a bad character. I get tired on how many times people disguising it as a criticism when it really they're just bashing on them

Lucina: After finally getting B!Lucina in Fire Emblem Heroes, I personally feel like Lucina is at her worse when keeps talking about Chrom. Her gushing about her father can be endearing at times but after seeing B!Lucy in FEH it can be annoying. It's understandable that she greatly misses her deceased father, but her constant comparing Chrom makes it feel like she isn't allow to be her own character. Hell, InSyst sometimes reinforce this by having her in Chrom's shadow when it comes to PXZ 2 (minuscule in this game) & FEW by making her a clone of Chrom. Not help how she's also a clone of Marth in Smash 4. At times, I feel like InSyst think Lucina is just waifu material when in reality she's so much more than that. Then again I find inferiority complex towards her father being one of the most engaging things about her in general.

On 12/28/2017 at 11:28 PM, Zangetsu said:


As for Robin's hero praise, I noticed Flavia seems to do a lot of it, and considering she wants to recruit Robin, it would make some sense to butter em up.

And, yeah, I am also annoyed that they try to put Lucina in Chrom's shadow (ironic since she ends up outshining him anyway).

That said, my biggest nitpick with Lucina is the Marth disguise.Though it is somewhat negated by my theory that she at least didn't go full disguise mode until coming back/preparing to come back.

For Robin, my biggest nitpick is Robin actually being held back by the avatar thing. Let's face it, Robin is a terrible avatar, and I'd rather they just chuck that aspect and give us two characters in the form of male and female Robin.

Edited by Arthur97
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L' Arachel - I pretty much only use her because I like her personality and her interactions with Rennac and Dozla, also the Troubadour/Valkyrie class is one of my favorites to use in general. Though if you are going to play SS efficiently, L'arachel is a waste of time to train because Troubadours got nerfed (base Movement went from 7 to 6), she comes with a D in staves, and you probably already have Moulder/Natasha/Artur who are much better. So essentially, you pretty much have to spend quite a bit of time (considering you need to Staff spam) to get her up to speed.

Setsuna - Love her absent-minded personality and her view on life (also she is probably one of the only characters in BR that had a non-cliche/boring personality). She also has the added benefit of passing her offspring a good amount of Speed. Though her problems lie in her growths and the fact that Takumi exists, she's also a terribly outclassed unit in Revelations.

Charlotte - Even though she is a gold digger with good intentions... still doesn't change the fact that she's a gold digger. Though I like her 2-faced personality.

Kieran - Doesn't seem like someone I'd like to be around honestly due to his very exuberant and flamboyant personality, he's also kind of arrogant at times in his supports with Rhys and Oscar. Though he is one of the best units in PoR (imo) and is decent in Radiant Dawn. Also, Axes aren't my favorite weapons to use just because I prefer Higher Acc/Lower Dmg to Lower Acc/Higher Dmg.

Least Favorites

Meg - The meme of FE10. She has wonky growths and terrible bases (like why is her DEF growth so low and her Lck so high?). Though she seems pretty down to earth on the very few conversations involving her (like the one with Zihark).

Faye - Now she's pretty unpleasant lol... As shown with her supports with Silque. Though she is a solid Cleric since she gets Physic and Anew.

Amelia - Had a bad time training her since she just kept dying (leading to some rage moments), though she makes a killer Paladin if you eventually get her there.

Est - She needs to stop getting kidnapped, though she becomes a pretty solid unit if you decide to train her since she can surpass Palla (and possibly Catria).

Takumi - He was an ass to everyone (like why did he randomly hate Azura) though he's possibly one of the best units in Fe14.

Shinon - Same reason as Takumi, except he was an ass to Ike because of his pride. Though I like how he showed a softer side when he chose to mentor Rolf and he's also a really good unit in Radiant Dawn (though he sucks in PoR).

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3 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

For Robin, my biggest nitpick is Robin actually being held back by the avatar thing. Let's face it, Robin is a terrible avatar, and I'd rather they just chuck that aspect and give us two characters in the form of male and female Robin.

How are they a terrible avatar? I haven't seen anything that makes them any worse than the likes of Yu Narukami & such


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13 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

How are they a terrible avatar? I haven't seen anything that makes them any worse than the likes of Yu Narukami & such


I have no idea who that is, but Robin is a terrible avatar because they have too much of their own personality.

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Micaiah and Tauroneo: Why were they so submissive to Pelleas in part three and didn't bother inquiring why he went to war suddenly? 

Least Favourites

FE10 Ike: Ike's presence in chapter 3-13 is very intimidating, far more than any FE villain and facing off against him fills you with a real sense of dread. Also his conversations with Aimee are very funny. 

Edited by Icelerate
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Charlotte: I haven't went through all of her supports, but why in the world do you have Troubadour as a Heart Seal? It makes no sense given her 0% magic growth.

Oboro: The only Spear Fighter that comes as that class. 

Noire: Olivia gets a pass because she's a dancer, but why do you reveal your breasts when you are so freaking shy? Also is the daughter of Tharja.

Corrin: The fact that I like her only because she's my main in Smash.

Niles: How in the world do you shoot a bow when you have an eye-patch? Also is the father of one of my least favorite Fates kid.

Roy: Terrible unit in his game and terrible character in Smash.

Cherche: The fact her kid is basically Batman, but on a dragon. Also why does she wear that outfit into battle? 

L'Arachel: I don't mind Est archetypes but when you make them a healer, you better expect me to grind like hell and waste my time just so I can use them. Also is totally not a sailor scout.

Least Favorites:

Arthur: His Japanese name is a clever reference to a king who was unlucky.

Tharja: Dark Mages are one of my favorite classes, and is the mother of Noire.

Camilla: Comes as an interesting class.

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