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Elise S-Rank Tome Game Crash Issue? (Switch)


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I spent a lot of time and effort to give Elise the ability to use S-Rank tomes after seeing how powerful they were, I just had to make one of my favourites even stronger. But twice the game has crashed after using her Warrior Special with said tome. As the animation nears its end, the screen freezes while the sound continues playing, and then an error message comes up moments after, closing the game. And both times this happened I was nearing the end of a mission, making this even more annoying. I would really like to let Nintendo aware of this issue but they don’t make it easy as there is no prompt to send an error report like with the PS4, for instance, and their website isn’t really clear for support either, just a bunch of FAQs which isn’t what I’m looking for. My game is 1.3.0 which is the latest version. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue, and is there a getaround currently?

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47 minutes ago, sdgj1994 said:

I spent a lot of time and effort to give Elise the ability to use S-Rank tomes after seeing how powerful they were, I just had to make one of my favourites even stronger. But twice the game has crashed after using her Warrior Special with said tome. As the animation nears its end, the screen freezes while the sound continues playing, and then an error message comes up moments after, closing the game. And both times this happened I was nearing the end of a mission, making this even more annoying. I would really like to let Nintendo aware of this issue but they don’t make it easy as there is no prompt to send an error report like with the PS4, for instance, and their website isn’t really clear for support either, just a bunch of FAQs which isn’t what I’m looking for. My game is 1.3.0 which is the latest version. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue, and is there a getaround currently?

No workaround afaik aside from not using Warrior/Pair Up/Awakening specials. Those have been crashing me since Day 1. >.>
Curious as to what actually causes it. Can happily say it's never screwed me over against Velezark (which is honestly the most critical time for them because fighting it sucks), but I've no idea if that's just my luck.

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Had crashes on occasion as well, and they seem to come from warrior attacks the most. I hope that the devs fix the issue if they can as redoing maps is a pain. Only real way as Techno mentioned is to avoid using the attacks that causes crashes, but that is not exactly realistic to do on the harder maps.

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