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Favorite Fire Emblem Villain?

Dr. G

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42 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

What does Awakening have to do with Radiant Dawn or Sephiran in particular?

Outrealms. This cheap little idea makes all possible outcomes possibly true. There are likely, in the what to human comprehension would be an infinite number of worlds, some worlds where Sephiran died, others where he lived. If the Infinite Regalia DLC and Tiki's convo there is correct, which I heard someone once say is her talking to a Marth that failed to save the world, then there are even worlds where the outcome defies what is actually possible in the games. Meaning there might be a world where Ashera was able to unleash her second judgement and thus Ike and everyone not Branded was turned to stone/killed and Sephiran's plan went to full completion.

In yet another world, Micaiah could have survived the second judgement being Branded and raised an army of Branded with Stefan and Soren and 10 years later with grown Aimee and traitor Zelgius by her side went on to slay Ashera. Maybe Ike took Greil's "stay in Gallia and forget Daein" message as he lay dying to heart and actually opted not to escort Elincia to Begnion. Or in another Sephiran was present the moment Misaha was about to be assassinated and took the hit intended for her, or he learned of Micaiah's existence much earlier and changed his mind about genocide.

But I'm getting into fanfic territory at this point.


22 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

He's not my absolute favorite but I really like Lekain and think he deserves a mention. What sets Lekain apart is that he's a really human villain. He's not out to destroy the world, exterminate humanity, revive some dark god or even rule the world. Lekain is just your average corrupt politician with the average goal of corrupt politicians. He's such an important villain not because he has those grand schemes but because he merely happens to be a really powerful player in the strongest nation. 

His character is also nicely balanced. He has the same snootiness that makes the other senators more like joke characters but he tones it down to just an amusing level of arrogance and he does get portrayed as a cunning and threatening opponent.  Even when his prominence falls he's still the most important enemy of a lot of mayor characters, like Sanaki and her crew, the bird tribe and even Sephiran himself. 

True, he's pure evil, a little over the top at times, but thankfully not as bad as Valtome (best diplomat ever, how in the world wasn't Elincia persuaded to help him after he said he take her throne?) or Oliver. He can show restrain and be down to earth serious, he cuts to chase on Sanaki not being the true Apostle and Misaha's murder. The artbooks also suggest he was the mastermind in the Senate behind the Serenes Massacre, which is impressive since he'd have been a politically young ~30 at the time. And the Massacre is at the heart of Tellius's troubles- heck you could say Lekain spawned Sephiran with his ambition (which is what I think you meant).

Interestingly the Japanese Extended Script says Yune sensed doubt and unhappiness the moment before he died. My gut reaction to this is preferring that he'd had been 100% content with his vile ways. Because a little unhappiness does nothing to redeem him for his evil. On the other hand, its a bit of justice that this wicked Senator never fully delighted in all of his villainy and suffered a little for it all the time.

Plus having him alive in P4 is good since he is a villain wholly rooted in concrete physical human affairs, while Dheginsea, the BK, Ashera, and Sephiran all ascend to personal, philosophical, and theological issues. It's like Xenogears, you need Bishop Stone, Shakan, and Ramsus to balance out the abstract nightmare of Krellian and more grounded but still rather complex Miang and Grahf. Early on at least, since both Shakan and Stone are like dead long before Disc 1 even ends.


42 minutes ago, Icelerate said:

Exactly. I think Lekain gets way too little credit for being a good villain. Not all villains should be morally grey or sympathetic. Unlikeable guys like Lekain are there so that you have someone to vent out your anger on. Lekain's plans and manipulative nature is very deep and his racist and arrogant worldview is believable considering how religions can change as time goes on and according to Begnion's religious beliefs, he can do no wrong. I'm thinking people don't think he's a great villain due to him pulling out the blood pact out of his ass but he's certainly the type of person to use such methods so it doesn't make him badly written. 

The Recollections state that the Senate fought to establish the Apostle's rule in Begnion vs. the Laguz leaders when the Kingdom of Begnion was in the civil war that led to the Empire's establishment. Without the Senate, the Apostles may have never have been the Empresses of Begnion in the first place. So from the beginning, even if the Apostle was theologically and politically above the Senate indisputably, the Senate had certainly carved out a justifiable reason for its existence and claims to major political and theological clout. If only this detail had been included in RD.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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