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The next legendary hero


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Going by the blessings schedule, the next legendary hero will be Earth. Given the recent Armour Emblem push and that Earth tends to be linked to DEF, I am expecting an Amoured unit. Dispite Axes being the most represented Armour unit, I still think it will be an Axe wielder too.

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I'm expecting colorless (with the fire hero being red, so there's one of each color).  Possibly Gustav (Alfonse and Sharena's father) for a specific character.  We've already had Fjorm's mom serve as our local Cornelius expy, let's let Alfonse and Sharena's parents live, shall we?  They're the only lords in the franchise whose parents are currently both alive.

So Gustav as a Bow Armor or something.  

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We got a blue infantry, green horse, I'm thinking you might be right about the armor but for the color I have no idea. I could definitely see an axe user, but we just got a legendary green so I'm inclined to think maybe a red or colorless, although I would guess that the fire character would be red. Who knows honestly. I do wonder how the new hero will tie into the plot though too.

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Hmm....I haven't given it too much thought. I guess King Gustav would be a nice addition but right now he's defending Askr from the invation while the Order of Heroes went to Nifl to....what were they going to do? I can't remember. If Chapter 3 is to see whatever's left of Nifl (and see if those who expect Gunnthrá to be free have their dream come true or be crushed) then the most likely answer is a reinforcement from Askr or some kind of super soldier/commander/hero from Nifl (or another of Fjorm's sisters, that can work too). 

I only know that there's something going on with Laevateinn and her sister which seems to be pretty kind considering that she told Laevateinn to retreat if she and her soldiers got hurt, no deaths allowed. One of those two is going to become the fire legendary hero for sure, it's just a matter of when.

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Does Gustav have a canon weapon?  I don't remember hearing one, but it would be nice for him to have some unique or semi-unique weapon type.  I fully expect Fire to be Red, so him being colorless would make sense, if they want to make him the Earth Hero.  Seeing him as a Bow Cavalry or Bow Armor would be nice to get another one of those in the pool.

I really hope they don't make the next hero a Sword or especially Sword Infantry, since that's already such a flooded unit type.

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And I spent all this time thinking it was wind and fire season. XD Whoops. Whomever we get, I hope it's a guy or they might have to change Legendary Heroes to Legendary Harems. Right now, Alfonse is the only playable male OC. He's outnumbered 4 to 1. Even if we include villain OCs, guys are outnumbered  7 to 3...unless you count Feh. Is Feh a girl? Does Feh identify as anything other than precious?

What if we got a magical-girl Feh? Instead of giving us laguz, we get an OC first. ...actually I wouldn't be too upset with that. Feh would make an adorable pudgy, mildly narcoleptic owl girl.

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We had hints of Gunnthra coming in the Intermissions, so if the next Legendary Hero is hinted at, then Gustav is the closest we have.

If they are keeping "one color type to each affinity", then most likely the Earth Hero would be Colorless. And if they also keep the movement type different, we should see a Colorless Armor/Flier. Personally, I'm hoping for a Staff Armor.

Another thought to help this is Thani's description. 
"Grants Res+3. Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Icon Move Armored.pngIcon Move Cavalry.png
Against armored and cavalry foes using bow, dagger, magic, or staff, damage from first attack received by unit during combat reduced by 30%."

It mentions armored dagger and staff users. I know this could be a "cover all grounds" type thing, but it does bring up some questions. Will we ever get a Dagger/Staff Armor?

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3 minutes ago, Lord_Grima said:

We had hints of Gunnthra coming in the Intermissions, so if the next Legendary Hero is hinted at, then Gustav is the closest we have.

If they are keeping "one color type to each affinity", then most likely the Earth Hero would be Colorless. And if they also keep the movement type different, we should see a Colorless Armor/Flier. Personally, I'm hoping for a Staff Armor.

Another thought to help this is Thani's description. 
"Grants Res+3. Effective against armored and cavalry foes. Icon Move Armored.pngIcon Move Cavalry.png
Against armored and cavalry foes using bow, dagger, magic, or staff, damage from first attack received by unit during combat reduced by 30%."

It mentions armored dagger and staff users. I know this could be a "cover all grounds" type thing, but it does bring up some questions. Will we ever get a Dagger/Staff Armor?

Maybe Gustav could be an armored staff user.  I suppose dagger is a possibility, but daggers don't seem a regal enough weapon for a king.

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I think they may avoid introducing another green OC since Fjorm and Guunthra are already confirmed to be in the next Legendary Heroes Banner - probably in every Legendary Heroes Banner. With how seasonals get re-run in these banners, they've got three green seats filled already on months where they can't avoid having a green from each seasonal banner being represented. 

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1 minute ago, Glennstavos said:

I think they may avoid introducing another green OC since Fjorm and Guunthra are already confirmed to be in the next Legendary Heroes Banner - probably in every Legendary Heroes Banner. With how seasonals get re-run in these banners, they've got three green seats filled already on months where they can't avoid having a green from each seasonal banner being represented. 

Fjorm is Blue, so if they added another Green, that would still be 2/3 Greens, but I still think they'll try to vary the colors up a bit.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Fjorm is Blue, so if they added another Green, that would still be 2/3 Greens, but I still think they'll try to vary the colors up a bit.

I'm talking about how two seasonal banners get re-run in each banner. Using the next two as an example - Summer Ylisse and Summer Nohr, the greenies are Tiki from the former and Xander and Elise from Nohr. So either this month or next month will have two green seasonals in one banner. Those two plus Guunthra and another green OC makes four, it's too many unless they plan on making these banners include more units or if they plan to switch up how seasonals get in. 

Also where are people getting the Gustav name drop from? Never heard of this supposed father character.

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An armored dagger user as King sounds really out there but I could see Gustav being an armored staff user.

imo, assuming Nifl has more royals, they’ll probably just make the earth and subsequent fire legendary heroes another of Fjorm’s siblings and then move on to other kingdoms for more legendary heroes.

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1 hour ago, Clogon said:

Earth tends to be linked to DEF

Legendary Hero stat boosts are linked to the character and not to the element. Wind is normally Spd, and water is normally Res, but Fjorm and Gunnthra have their boosts switched for their elements.


20 minutes ago, Lord_Grima said:

It mentions armored dagger and staff users. I know this could be a "cover all grounds" type thing, but it does bring up some questions. Will we ever get a Dagger/Staff Armor?

It's a cover all grounds thing so that they don't have to change the text if and when cavalry dagger users, armored dagger users, and armored staff users are implemented. Translation of new and modified text strings costs money, even if it's the same string as elsewhere. It's best to get it right and future-proofed the first time and never have to touch it again.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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11 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Also where are people getting the Gustav name drop from? Never heard of this supposed father character.

It was mentioned in the latest chapter, the first part actually. I think Anna talks about Gustav defending home, and Alfonse longingly replies, "Father..."

Edited by Rafiel's Aria
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8 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

An armored dagger user as King sounds really out there but I could see Gustav being an armored staff user.

imo, assuming Nifl has more royals, they’ll probably just make the earth and subsequent fire legendary heroes another of Fjorm’s siblings and then move on to other kingdoms for more legendary heroes.

Water and to a certain extent Wind make sense for an Ice Kingdom, but Earth and especially Fire don't really fit for an Ice motif.

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Just now, Rafiel's Aria said:

It was mentioned in the latest chapter, the first part actually. I think Anna talks about Gustav defending home, and Alfonse longingly mentions replies, "Father..."

Well, there go all my jokes about Alfonse's estranged father Alfonso.

Also, the other OCs are gonna be girls, come on guys. Why do ya think they all mention their sisters? Why do you think people ignore Alfonse? It's not for his stats, that's for sure.

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1 minute ago, mcsilas said:

If an armored dagger doesn't sound regal enough, maybe it could be like the Golden Dagger in Echoes but he can use it to throw icicle daggers or something

Maybe he's an armored dancing dagger. And Alfonse wasn't longingly remembering his father, but he was wondering how he managed to get out of the castle. The poor king is mostly there in the head, but he sometimes suffers Don Quixote-esque delusions. He wears about as much armor as Hawkeye and horrifies the Muspell armies with his death drops.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Water and to a certain extent Wind make sense for an Ice Kingdom, but Earth and especially Fire don't really fit for an Ice motif.

Eh, I didn’t really think wind was all that fitting for an ice kingdom and Gunthra doesn’t really have anything that connects her to wind outside of Blizzard I suppose so I don’t really think it’s impossible even if it is ill fitting.

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4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Water and to a certain extent Wind make sense for an Ice Kingdom, but Earth and especially Fire don't really fit for an Ice motif.

Earth in many magic systems controls the motion of inanimate, solid materials both in the form of bulk motion and internal wave motion (gravity and flora are sometimes also included). Ice is an inanimate, solid material.


9 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

Also, the other OCs are gonna be girls, come on guys. Why do ya think they all mention their sisters?

There's a decent probability that Fjorm and Gunnthra have at least one brother based on Gunnthra's tap quotes.


7 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

If an armored dagger doesn't sound regal enough, maybe it could be like the Golden Dagger in Echoes but he can use it to throw icicle daggers or something

Remember those huge pillars of ice Fjorm conjured up in the Book 2 Opening? Those are actually Gustav's daggers.

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3 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

Eh, I didn’t really think wind was all that fitting for an ice kingdom and Gunthra doesn’t really have anything that connects her to wind outside of Blizzard I suppose so I don’t really think it’s impossible even if it is ill fitting.

Fire could be a blue fire user. That somehow gives freezing burns. Because magic.

Earth, maybe someone with an Ice Hammer thay causes avalanches?

@Rafiel's Aria no wonder Alfonse looks so expasperated all the time

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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Water and to a certain extent Wind make sense for an Ice Kingdom, but Earth and especially Fire don't really fit for an Ice motif.

You could make the case for Earth possibly. Not a strong one, but cold barren earth sounds sufficiently chilly. The Personage of Permafrost, the Terror of the Tundra could very well exist.

I say this partly influenced from Arc Rise Fantasia, which made Ice magic a secondary element, obtained from having Water and Earth on a character. (Wind + Water = Thunder, Fire + Earth = Dark, and Fire + Wind = Light in the same game.)

Also, according to Shin Megami Tensei's compendium entries, however reliable they are, the Aristotelian elemental system defines: Water as Cold + Moist, Fire as Warm + Dry, Air as Warm + Moist, and Earth as Cold + Dry. So Water and Earth aren't total opposites. And in Golden Sun, which I know you might have some familiarity with due to your prior Sheba avatar, Venus/Earth is neutral to Mercury/Water & Ice (and I'm guessing influence from GS made you say this, because Mercury and Jupiter/Wind & Lightning have a positive affinity for one another- brought up owing to the Jupiter and Mercury Lighthouses being lit before Mars causing Prox to suffer from extreme cold).

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My guesses are:

Gunnthrá and Fjorms implied sister(depending on who she is) since they're a royal family of sisters.

Laevateins sister (again depending on who she is)

Or King Gustav (depending on his relevancy in the plot which looks brief)

Edited by Blade Lord Lyn
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10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

There's a decent probability that Fjorm and Gunnthra have at least one brother based on Gunnthra's tap quotes.

Oh I'm sure they'll spare one or two of the twelve Elvigar names on brother characters.

Whoops, they died valiantly in battle. But really, who wants to meet Slid? 

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7 minutes ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

Laevateins sister (again depending on who she is)

Or just Levatin. Her "i am the blade" speech in chapter 3 sounds a lot like she does not really belive what she is doing, but is attempting to justify it to herself ("i was only following orders" is the classic self-justification for people who know deep down they are doing horrible things. Often, they convince themselves themselves to believe it so that  they can sleep at night). Of course, when a character's actions are all based on cognitive dissonance like that in fiction, it is often a set up for them to become a good guy after they realize that what they are doing really is wrong. THat being said, FE loves its camus archtypes, so i might be wrong. Note how none of the villagers who inhabit the village from chapter 3 were killed. This could just be an excuse for the story to delay going to nifil, but it could also mean that Levatin is not really evil, because if the was the game would have had her kill the villagers here. All this being said, she would probably be a fire hero, and not necessarily the next hero

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