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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Plot Explanation.


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Okay, ive already beaten this game and I still have no idea what he heck half this stuff means. Can someone please explain to me what exactly are the "kingdom hearts" and all hat kind of stuff?

did I need to play  past entries to know what the hell is happening?

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Playing the past games or watching let's plays or whatever of them would help immensely in understanding the plot. I would suggest let's plays since I don't think that one can even buy 358/2 Days or Re:coded since they're out of production.

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11 minutes ago, fartboi said:

it's a fucking mess and it's really not worth it. don't worry about it too much

That was my first reaction after beating the game


combat is pretty fun, though I wish the lock on system was better.

12 minutes ago, IfIHadToPickADude said:

Playing the past games or watching let's plays or whatever of them would help immensely in understanding the plot. I would suggest let's plays since I don't think that one can even buy 358/2 Days or Re:coded since they're out of production.

Alright I might do that since I don't have access to the consoles they are on. Any youtubers you can recommend?

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Wowzers... well if you do want to try to get into the story. Get the 1.5 + 2.5 remix and play 1, play/watch cutscenes for Chain of Memories, play 2, watch the cutscenes of 358/2 Days, play Birth By Sleep, watch the cutscenes of Re: Coded, then play Dream Drop Distance.....

Alternatively, I think there is a 3-hour video on YouTube that can help explain this shit.

Personally, I tried keeping up with the story and I understand it for the most part, but I don't even know where the fuck to begin on how to explain it..... honestly, Dream Drop Distance is where I think the dumbest really gets Amplified and I pretty much stopped caring.... aside from the fact that Kingdom Hearts 3 is the next game and I've been around this long so I want to see how it ends....

Now if you don't give a shit about story and only care about gameplay. Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and Birth By Sleep is solid gameplay-wise. Dream Drop Distance is okay, wasn't super keen on it on a repeat playthrough. Chain of Memories isn't *bad*, just very different... if you like it's niche, it's a fun time... but it's not for everyone. Re: Coded is fine gameplay-wise, but's the most nothing-ish game. It just kind of exists. 358/2 Days sucks gameplay wise.

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1 hour ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

Any youtubers you can recommend?

Unfortunately I can't help much. The only Youtuber I know that played through all of the games is NicoB. If you don't like him then try looking up Kingdom Hearts on Youtube.


9 minutes ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Alternatively, I think there is a 3-hour video on YouTube that can help explain this shit.

If you do't like NicoB and haven't found any other Youtubers you like you can also find this video.

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See the "Story" section. There's also the entire story of Kingdom Hearts in 20 minutes.

If you have any remaining questions in mind you can just ask. If you want to play the games themselves, you can get 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix and 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue if you have a PS4, or you can watch a playthrough if you have enough free time. Then you can wait for Kingdom Hearts III so you can see MIKE WAZOWSKI.

Edited by Lightchao42
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5 hours ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

358/2 Days sucks gameplay wise.

As someone who started on Days and still loved the game enough to keep going both with the game and the series(I'm currently working on my third cartridge of the game so I can play the Multiplayer with my cousins, who like the game but never had the money to buy a copy), I disagree. It's not as fluid as most of the others, sure, but it still plays fairly solid compared to DDD all things considered. I'd say it's more that Days' gameplay is a touch trickier to get adjusted to if you didn't start with the game than the other games' gameplay is if you started with Days.

I had a good video I saw that explained it fairly well, let me try to find it and I'll come back.

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13 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:

That was my first reaction after beating the game


combat is pretty fun, though I wish the lock on system was better.

Alright I might do that since I don't have access to the consoles they are on. Any youtubers you can recommend?

Try watching NicoB, he played every game in the series, and a lot of people explain the plot to him, which also explain to the viewers.


12 hours ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Wait.... is this the first KH you played?


12 hours ago, DisobeyedCargo said:


Playing DDD first was...a bad idea. I know you don’t have the other consoles, but DDD is essentially Kingdom Hearts 7. The games follow a plot, and there a certain plot elements that are only explained in special books. Don’t give up on the seires though! It’s a great series, even for gameplay alone.

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2 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Try watching NicoB, he played every game in the series, and a lot of people explain the plot to him, which also explain to the viewers.



Playing DDD first was...a bad idea. I know you don’t have the other consoles, but DDD is essentially Kingdom Hearts 7. The games follow a plot, and there a certain plot elements that are only explained in special books. Don’t give up on the seires though! It’s a great series, even for gameplay alone.

Guess I'll have I check him out


also why does every antagonist look like Sephiroth? 

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9 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

As someone who started on Days and still loved the game enough to keep going both with the game and the series(I'm currently working on my third cartridge of the game so I can play the Multiplayer with my cousins, who like the game but never had the money to buy a copy), I disagree. It's not as fluid as most of the others, sure, but it still plays fairly solid compared to DDD all things considered. I'd say it's more that Days' gameplay is a touch trickier to get adjusted to if you didn't start with the game than the other games' gameplay is if you started with Days.

I had a good video I saw that explained it fairly well, let me try to find it and I'll come back.

Hey, more power to you!

I actually really loved Days when it came out. But revisiting it a few years later. I realized I didn't like a lot of the design decisions: different weapons drastically changing your movesets, the panel system, limited uses of magic, the way some of the spells function, NEVERLAND, SPECIFICALLY THAT ONE BOSS IN NEVERLAND... and there are other things that I think are cool in concept, but not necessarily handled the best. Like I think hanging out with the Organization is cool, especially the members teaching you the basics of combat... but I think the mission structure gets a bit dull.... and probably the most disappointing thing is that the playable cast is massive, but I didn't really feel like most of them were that enjoyable to play as. Aside from Roxas/Xion, I liked Xemnas, Lexaus, Marluxia, and Larxene.... and I just really found that disappointing because I actually like every member of Organization XIII aside from Saix.

Limit breaks were flashy and cool, and I do like the accessory rings you can equip.... also Organization Moogle has a nice aesthetc and I think the overall story is enjoyable.

And I do think DDD has issues, I find the issues to be less bothersome in terms of gameplay. Aside from Flowmotion (while fun to travel with, breaks any sense of difficulty in terms of platforming and is a bit intrusive in combat) and what I think are kind of sucky bosses, I feel like most of the gameplay flaws can be worked around. Even the Drop gauge isn't *too* annoying to deal with since Drop Me Nots exist.... granted I don't really think the Drop Gauge adds to the game.

Overall, I'm not trying to say you're wrong. I'm just expressing why I feel this way towards the game.

I would love to watch the video if you find it




@DisobeyedCargo That question is kind of funny. 2, Birth By Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance kind of explain why.


Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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From a Famitsu Weekly interview with Tetsuya Nomura -

FW: You are the one who writes out the plot for all the titles of the series, so when writing up the story what do you focus on above all else?
Nomura: Making it “surprising.” While I’m writing out the plot, if things seem that you can predict the outcome on your own, then I think of a different, unexpected development.

KH is the definition of Kudzu Plot. I expect KHIII will vainly attempt to clean things up, but I doubt people will look back on KH and say "Yeah, that was a very sensible story."

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6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Try watching NicoB, he played every game in the series, and a lot of people explain the plot to him, which also explain to the viewers.



Playing DDD first was...a bad idea. I know you don’t have the other consoles, but DDD is essentially Kingdom Hearts 7. The games follow a plot, and there a certain plot elements that are only explained in special books. Don’t give up on the seires though! It’s a great series, even for gameplay alone.

I actually started with DDD first as well and I was able to follow the story surprisingly well. Partly by reading those little summaries the game gives you, but mostly because I just decided to tune out and not mind the details when the game started to become stupidly complicated.

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18 minutes ago, Sasori said:

I actually started with DDD first as well and I was able to follow the story surprisingly well. Partly by reading those little summaries the game gives you, but mostly because I just decided to tune out and not mind the details when the game started to become stupidly complicated.

Yeah, I gotta give credit to DDD. At peast, it tried to explain the previous games.

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31 minutes ago, Sasori said:

I actually started with DDD first as well and I was able to follow the story surprisingly well. Partly by reading those little summaries the game gives you, but mostly because I just decided to tune out and not mind the details when the game started to become stupidly complicated.

Well I pay MORE attention to stupidly complicated sections 

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4 hours ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

I actually really loved Days when it came out. But revisiting it a few years later. I realized I didn't like a lot of the design decisions: different weapons drastically changing your movesets, the panel system, limited uses of magic, the way some of the spells function, NEVERLAND, SPECIFICALLY THAT ONE BOSS IN NEVERLAND... and there are other things that I think are cool in concept, but not necessarily handled the best. Like I think hanging out with the Organization is cool, especially the members teaching you the basics of combat... but I think the mission structure gets a bit dull.... and probably the most disappointing thing is that the playable cast is massive, but I didn't really feel like most of them were that enjoyable to play as. Aside from Roxas/Xion, I liked Xemnas, Lexaus, Marluxia, and Larxene.... and I just really found that disappointing because I actually like every member of Organization XIII aside from Saix.

I assume you mean Treasure Box Satan Ruler of the Sky? It's easy…if you're playing Xigbar in Mission Mode and can thus can actually hit the retarded thing while it's doing its ridiculously-fast-for-a-slow-flight thing. I just loaded up on a bunch of magic casts and threw a bunch of those at it during those moments while playing Story Mode.

Thanks for being civil about it! I'll go ahead and explain my reasoning as well.

I found the Panel System(and by extension the moveset alteration and limited magic) an interesting concept because it made resource management more important and allowed for a more personal touch to customization. While I wouldn't especially appreciate it in every KH because I don't think that level of swapouts fits Sora or Riku, I felt it managed to somehow fit for the Organization, plus as someone who found he prefers strategy games it was a touch that helped me personally get into the game as it was a little easier for me to manage than the other games' handling of how to equip all the things…and it meant they could hide Dual-Wield Roxas in Mission Mode without your average player stumbling across it easily, so it was a cool little easter-egg for me. Probably my only issue with the Panel system was that once you got Block and Counterattack, there was almost no point to having anything else because you just wait the enemy out, block, trigger counterattack, repeat, though Halloween Xion did a good job of forcing you to come up with a different strategy. I do agree some of the spells should have functioned differently, though - Aeroga in particular was broken as crap just as a 'give me some space' throwout. I also agree playing as the Organization should have been handled better, especially considering they're locked to Mission Mode and you have to progress so far in the story just to play as freaking Xion(who can I also whine has nothing unique about her save she just gets an upgraded Kingdom Key if you set up the panel combination for Dual-Wield Roxas), not to mention Riku, Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Sora. Speaking of, Sora's unlock condition also drives me nuts - full-complete literally every mission in the game? That means, among other things, Dust Flier, and if you're playing on Expert…not interested. On the other hand, the Organization playability did a decent job of expanding on the playstyle of each member and managed to carve out an albeit small niche for each member, with only one guy getting shafted by game mechanics, Zexion, thanks to the limited magic casts. Also Demyx being almost completely garbage was great because it meant you could challenge yourself by forcing yourself to play him(until you realize you can just spam block-counterattack with him too). I also really loved the ring that made your max HP be 1 but doubled your EXP for the same challenge reason.
Overall, though, I think my favorite part of Days was the story. You're not playing as some kid who falls into a black hole, wakes up with a giant key in his hand, and goes YOLO I'm gonna go on a trip with a talking duck and dog to find Riku and a mouse because friendship is magic and forget my mom, you're playing as a kid who gets up, goes to work every day, and just tries to figure life out, and that felt much more relatable to me at the time.

The video was for the on-topic storyline explanation for @DisobeyedCargo, not Days in particular. It's been a while since I watched the whole thing, but it's a fairly decent explanation for only an hour. Here it is, though it was made before 2.8 happened and so you'll need to find someone else(and probably play KHuX) to help figure that mess out.

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