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calling it now


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48 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

I think we are already beyond that point of worry when we can have a team of 4 Lucinas (3 Lucinas and 1 Lucina with a mask), 4 Lyns, or even 4 Robins out of a possible 5.

Plus it does seem that there are other Askr worlds separate from the ones in our own games, though it kinda feels like people want the Veronica we actually interact with rather than a separate reality Veronica.

It is weird in the sense that if you can use current reality Veronica and you replay the past maps that features current reality Veronica as the enemy, there would be two current reality Veronicas. Maybe replaying past maps does not really count since it sort of like time traveling to the past.

Maybe they can do something like Awakening where alternate reality Robin is bad and current reality Robin is good.

Current reality Veronica seems pretty damn adamant about crushing Askr though, so I do not see how she would ally with us. Maybe they can make alternate reality Veronica so evil when she invades that even current Veronica joins us or something. 

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From the story it sounds like the Askr trio need someone from Veronica's kingdom with a power like hers to defeat Surtr since he said he would kill Veronica because if her power was joined with the Askr and Nifl kingdoms powers it could stop him.  Of course when that chapter came out I was hoping for Bruno to be that person.  I happen to think Veronica is possessed by the same thing as Bruno so if he figures out a way to break his possession I am sure he will save his little sister.  At least that is how I think they will work Veronica in to being a playable unit.

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48 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

From the story it sounds like the Askr trio need someone from Veronica's kingdom with a power like hers to defeat Surtr since he said he would kill Veronica because if her power was joined with the Askr and Nifl kingdoms powers it could stop him.  Of course when that chapter came out I was hoping for Bruno to be that person.  I happen to think Veronica is possessed by the same thing as Bruno so if he figures out a way to break his possession I am sure he will save his little sister.  At least that is how I think they will work Veronica in to being a playable unit.

Maybe that is how we can get Laevatein and Loki in the future if they release a more evil villain than Surtr, then those villains can join us when an even bigger villain appears, and the process repeats.

I would love to see Surtr cry mommy when a bigger villain extinguishes that coward's Múspellflame and he gets one rounded by Fir. I want to shove his cockiness back down deep in his own throat and watch him choke and gag. Lucky bastard better be grateful he is green, because if he is anything else, his behind is going to have a taste of the Thunder's Fist.

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You... have some very strong opinions there, Mr. @XRay

Also I was a little wrong because it's Askr who opens the portals and Emblia who closes them, and Emblia was just kinda not closing them and also contracting heroes... But even still, Veronica could just say "up yours, gramps" and close all the portals because up yours gramps.

Of course she'd have to pull a Kiran and hog everyone she wants, but... I'm sure she has room.

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I mean, it'd be pretty sloppy work if they did give us Veronica CYL before normal Veronica. They'd have to come up with something like make her from the future or an alternate reality, Idk. But I'm sure we'll get her before. I'd really like it if she was a Fire Legendary Hero.

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1 minute ago, Xenomata said:

You... have some very strong opinions there, Mr. @XRay

Also I was a little wrong because it's Askr who opens the portals and Emblia who closes them, and Emblia was just kinda not closing them and also contracting heroes... But even still, Veronica could just say "up yours, gramps" and close all the portals because up yours gramps.

Of course she'd have to pull a Kiran and hog everyone she wants, but... I'm sure she has room.

Surtr pisses me off a little. He is a weakling hiding behind Múspellflame's plot armor. Without it, my Olivia would have shoved her Ruby Sword up his behind and taught him some humility ages ago.

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24 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

You... have some very strong opinions there, Mr. @XRay

Also I was a little wrong because it's Askr who opens the portals and Emblia who closes them, and Emblia was just kinda not closing them and also contracting heroes... But even still, Veronica could just say "up yours, gramps" and close all the portals because up yours gramps.

Of course she'd have to pull a Kiran and hog everyone she wants, but... I'm sure she has room.

Yeah, Veronica most likely has a fully expanded barracks by now since she just makes Heroes sign contracts to fight for her (or they're Bruno, who is her brother, or Xander, who I guess feels sorry for her) so she basically never needs Orbs. Probably also has her castle fully upgraded too.

Also, maybe they'll just have Loki be the new enemy summoner, pulling people out of the Tempest or something. That'd be a good way to keep enemy Heroes while having Veronica on our side in some capacity.

3 minutes ago, XRay said:

Surtr pisses me off a little. He is a weakling hiding behind Múspellflame's plot armor. Without it, my Olivia would have shoved her Ruby Sword up his behind and taught him some humility ages ago.

...Actually, Surtr's got some pretty good stats outside of SPD, and he was carrying Cancel Affinity 3 in Ruler of Flame, so if he keeps that, your Olivia plan would probably go up in flames as soon as you tried it.

31 minutes ago, SSbardock84 said:

I mean, it'd be pretty sloppy work if they did give us Veronica CYL before normal Veronica. They'd have to come up with something like make her from the future or an alternate reality, Idk. But I'm sure we'll get her before. I'd really like it if she was a Fire Legendary Hero.

They'll probably have Surtr betray her shortly before CYL2 drops (possibly with killing Xander to show how real shit just got), and then have her as a Story chapter reward with the following notification:

*This version of Veronica: Emblian Princess is not the special version of the character that won Choose our Legends: Round 2 in January. We'll announce more details about the Special Heroes from Choose Your Legends: Round 2 in the future.

Just so we can get that message for all of the CYL2 winners before CYL2 drops.

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2 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

...Actually, Surtr's got some pretty good stats outside of SPD, and he was carrying Cancel Affinity 3 in Ruler of Flame, so if he keeps that, your Olivia plan would probably go up in flames as soon as you tried it.

Fine, I will just use BH!Lyn and Firesweep that fat sow into bacon and feed him to his daughters.

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From what I can tell with Brave Units they seem to come from different backgrounds than their normal counterparts. After all, summoning pulls Heroes from different worlds and Askr and Embla themselves have many alternate versions (thus visitor units, multiple Fjorms and Gunnthras, etc). Likewise not all worlds have the same background ie: World of Conquest vs World or Birthright. I'm predicting that CYL Veronica will be a "Good Girl" Veronica from another dimension while normal Veronica will be the one from the story when we get her.


Also, with whatever paralogue we get, I'm imagining Veronica Prime coercing CYL Veronica into signing a contract, just like any other hero, which I find hilariously ironic.

Edited by Arcphoenix
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On 2/26/2018 at 11:17 PM, Marbels said:

we're gonna get a playable version of Story Veronica shortly before CYL Veronica. why? because every CYL Winner suddenly now has an extra unit version (Hector, Celica, and now Ephraim) within the past few weeks.

what do ya'll think?

I dunno, Veronica is heavily tied to the story, and it may not reach at that point before that. However, it sounds absurd to have Veronica playable after we can get a (likely) vastly superior version of her

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Personally I think story Veronica just needs an exorcism and a hug... And maybe a therapist. Two of the main things driving her actions in the story are her loneliness, thus her collecting of Heroes and sibling-esque relationship with Xander, and the dark influences over her, that being the voices telling her to destroy Askr. 

Granted there's probably also some duty to her kingdom we're currently unaware of beyond that, though we haven’t seen Bruno in a while. Maybe he found a cure and IS is holding off his return?

Edited by Arcphoenix
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