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Alice in Brexitland Mafia - Game Over


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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Is this supposed to be a joke?  Or are you insinuating that you don't believe BBM?

I wanted to see how he'd react.  I think the claim is iffy but how BBM handled it makes more sense coming from town (including his reaction), so I didn't push any further.

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Idk,  I just don't think speculating about


scum have some sort of kill that takes effect at the end of the day phase.

  is something we can reliably talk about?  Is it a scum day vig?  Is it one time?  Is it a factional kill?  Does this mean they can have their factional kill be at the end of the day instead of at night?  Does this imply multiple people have roles that perform during the day?  Is it some sort of hostile third party?  There are too many questions and ABSOLUTELY no information on page 1 outside of what BBM stated.  And he seems to have stated he can't get any more info from the hosts about it so I feel it's just something we should take note of to remember but not overly think about it at this current moment.  If we somehow come upon more information I feel we can talk about it but at the moment the only thing it would do would spark speculation and that isn't scum hunting nor does it actually help us since we can't confirm anything with regards to it.

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##Vote: Weapons for not putting his heart into his vote. I thought wagon jumping meant something to you.

42 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

so 3 townies might die first day if we mislynch then?

That certainly puts an interesting twist on things...

Not really fond of this post either. It doesn't really contribute anything (so like, why make it) but also posting "hmmm what if we mislynch and three townies die! that would sure be funny!" rubs me the wrong way on a gut level.

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like who else is claiming more information based off of bbm's role? no one has done that. I personally wanted to explain why I think it would make sense in the context of the game & why I think BBM isn't fakeclaiming. role speculation doesn't get much done but shutting it off immediately when we're like 5 seconds into D1 is a little weird.

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2 minutes ago, Refa said:

I wanted to see how he'd react.  I think the claim is iffy but how BBM handled it makes more sense coming from town (including his reaction), so I didn't push any further.

What do you think are the chances of scum coming out and making a post like that during RVS?  What would have been a 'bad way' for BBM to react?  I'm just trying to get an idea around your train of thought here.  

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see, prims's observation just now is an example why having LITERALLY ANYTHING game-related to talk about at this time even something less useful like rolespec can lead into having useful things like reads. which is why your reaction has me feeling weird.

##vote: shinori

also on that note i agree w/ prims

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1 minute ago, Propeller Knight said:

like who else is claiming more information based off of bbm's role? no one has done that. I personally wanted to explain why I think it would make sense in the context of the game & why I think BBM isn't fakeclaiming. role speculation doesn't get much done but shutting it off immediately when we're like 5 seconds into D1 is a little weird.

I never said anyone did claim more information based off it.  If people want to speculate do it.  I actually asked a bunch of questions WRT speculation.  IF you would like to speculate then take the time to answer the questions I asked.  I just don't feel it will really be helpful from a logical standpoint until we know more.  And logically speaking that means it brings more harm than good doesn't it?

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if it were later into the game I would understand but we have absolutely no other information aside from BBM's claim and peoples' reactions to it.

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I think Refa's half-assed attack onto BBM is potentially something to talk about, which is why I have questioned him about it.  He didn't vote BBM but he seemed to imply that he didn't believe BBM when he claimed.  It seems really graspy to me to even say something like "Is that a fakeclaim?"  And also overall seems really bad.  What does town get from asking BBM that?  What are your thoughts WRT Refas comment towards BBM?

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4 minutes ago, Prims said:

Not really fond of this post either. It doesn't really contribute anything (so like, why make it) but also posting "hmmm what if we mislynch and three townies die! that would sure be funny!" rubs me the wrong way on a gut level.

What bothers me more is that nothing BBM said confirmed that three townies would die upon a D1 mislynch.  It's either a bad assumption or scum.


##Vote: Arcanite

1 minute ago, Shinori said:

What do you think are the chances of scum coming out and making a post like that during RVS?  What would have been a 'bad way' for BBM to react?  I'm just trying to get an idea around your train of thought here.  

It makes sense if it was BBM's fakeclaim.  I don't think he'd make up being informed, especially 20 minutes into the day phase.  I didn't really think of how BBM would react poorly honestly, but I can see Scum!BBM being more self conscious.

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Just now, Shinori said:

I think Refa's half-assed attack onto BBM is potentially something to talk about, which is why I have questioned him about it.  He didn't vote BBM but he seemed to imply that he didn't believe BBM when he claimed.  It seems really graspy to me to even say something like "Is that a fakeclaim?"  And also overall seems really bad.  What does town get from asking BBM that?  What are your thoughts WRT Refas comment towards BBM?

Voting someone purely for an ED1 claim is dumb; it just leads to a read that can't progress.  BBM himself needs to be scummy for me to vote him.  However, if you think my case is bad in a scummy way, why aren't you voting me?

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11 minutes ago, Shinori said:

 is something we can reliably talk about? 

I mean no, not until we have more information, but do you have an alternative to what we could be talking about? Do you think Refa is scum? What do you think about the way BBM claimed his role? What do you think about Arc's post?

Is it a scum day vig?  Is it one time?  Is it a factional kill?  Does this mean they can have their factional kill be at the end of the day instead of at night?  Does this imply multiple people have roles that perform during the day?  Is it some sort of hostile third party?

We don't know any of these things I realize that (though I doubt it's a third party, do you really think there'd be a third party in this game?)

 There are too many questions and ABSOLUTELY no information on page 1 outside of what BBM stated.  And he seems to have stated he can't get any more info from the hosts about it so I feel it's just something we should take note of to remember but not overly think about it at this current moment.  If we somehow come upon more information I feel we can talk about it but at the moment the only thing it would do would spark speculation and that isn't scum hunting nor does it actually help us since we can't confirm anything with regards to it.

okay. so who do you think might be scum right now? let's scumhunt. I just find it interesting that you shut off BBM explaining he knows mafia has a daykill, is all--that's another reason why I voted you.


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Refa's question @ BBM kinda bugs me too don't get me wrong. I assumed he was being facetious, but the way he's explaining himself now is admittedly not what I expected.

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Via I am glad you like my observation but it is unnerving to me that you're using it as a vote pivot without really factoring it into your general reads despite apparently agreeing (eg you don't talk about how this compares to what you have on Shinori). It looks like a weird form of buddying.

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More frustration, really.  What's the point of your entire role being informed if you barely know anything about what you're supposed informed about?  Thanks, SB.

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1 minute ago, Prims said:

Via I am glad you like my observation but it is unnerving to me that you're using it as a vote pivot without really factoring it into your general reads despite apparently agreeing (eg you don't talk about how this compares to what you have on Shinori). It looks like a weird form of buddying.

I'm admittedly not used to being very active earlygame and I'm kinda all over the place right now, depending on shinori's answer to my questions I was actually probably gonna voteswitch but I'm really self-conscious about spamposting and worried I'm posting too much already 

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Seeing as how people can respond to BBM without entirely speculating pointless stuff: As proven by Arcanites comment, I ask again, why does speculating this help from a logical standpoint?

I don't fully get your vote on me here Via.  You're voting me because I'm attempting to stop discussion I guess?  However if anything I've asked multiple questions, including some to do with BBM's role.  I don't entirely see how I would be seen as attempting to stifle discussion in that sense.  Especially since we can still see how people react to BBM and further than that we can even see how people react to me stating that I feel speculation is bad.  If anything I've furthered discussion without us wasting a few pages speculating multiple questions that cannot be answered.

Preview edit:

@Refa: Not voting you because even though it's extremely graspy it seems weird imo.  I see no reason town would ask BBM this from a logical standpoint but I also don't see scum as asking something like this?  Especially Scum!Refa, I would assume he's smart enough to know it's graspy reasoning and wouldn't aim to draw needless attention to himself.

@Propeller Knight

1: I think the way BBM claimed is townie in my eyes.  Refa's attack towards BBM was scummy but I don't see scum!Refa acting in this manner, however I do feel it's the scummiest thing that's happened so far.

2: There was a third party SK in that other anonygame, which was 13 players.  So I think it's possible, especially if this game is 'role madness'.

3: At the moment I feel Refa is the scummiest, not just for his comment towards BBM but also his comment/vote on Arcanite.   Primarily this:


What bothers me more is that nothing BBM said confirmed that three townies would die upon a D1 mislynch.  It's either a bad assumption or scum.

Seems very nitpicky?  It's generally logical to say that if multiple deaths happened on day 1 they would most likely be town.

So for now I'm gonna do this:  The vote on Arcanite feels weak to me and nitpicky and his attack on BBM was bad.


##Vote: Refa

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##vote: arcanite


my mom put me in a really bad mood i have to go

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

so 3 townies might die first day if we mislynch then?

That certainly puts an interesting twist on things...

Especially since this says "might", Refa's wording seems to imply arcanite said 3 townies "Will" die which makes Arc's post look worse than it actually is.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

so 3 townies might die first day if we mislynch then?

15 minutes ago, Refa said:

What bothers me more is that nothing BBM said confirmed that three townies would die upon a D1 mislynch.  It's either a bad assumption or scum.

Just for clarification on what I mean so you can see both posts together.  There is a blatant difference in stating "Three townies might die" and "Arc said three townies WILL die."

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##Vote: Arcanite

Works for me. I don't really find Shinori scummy as I think he was trying to move the game along / look into his own suspicions so I can't fault him for not offering a better alternative to role speculation.

Want Weapons to post again though! The "eh" sounded indifferent to me and obligatory RVS wagon hop + disappearing act seems like the easiest way for scum!Weapons to start the game.

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1 minute ago, Shinori said:

Seems very nitpicky?  It's generally logical to say that if multiple deaths happened on day 1 they would most likely be town.

No, I don't think you understand.  I'm not bothered by the townies part.  It's moreso that nothing about BBM's role confirms that it can happen on Day 1 or that it's separate from the factional kill.  I did misread how sure Arcanite was which definitely weakens my case, but that post is still what bothers me the most.

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6 minutes ago, Prims said:

Want Weapons to post again though! The "eh" sounded indifferent to me and obligatory RVS wagon hop + disappearing act seems like the easiest way for scum!Weapons to start the game.

Maybe wait for than 30 minutes after your initial vote then lol.  How would you expect Weapons to act as town?  I thought it was weird that he didn't react to BBM's claim, but wasn't sure what to make of it.

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