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...My last post with Mustard's about halfway done...no harm in starting something else.

FEDS. I wanna defend Wendell. Against SOMEBODY. dun care who.

...Anybody? Or should I just wait until Colonel comes back?

Edited by Norton Sez What?
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...Chainey didn't tell you over IM? He IMd me about it a couple weeks ago, no idea why he didn't return the message.

Cav Nabarl turned out better than I thought and looking at stats there really isn't any way I can downplay his earlygame ability and better lategame so I pretty much just have to say screw it and forfeit it, sorry.

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For I haven't played FE10, how about Mordecai vs. Lethe? They're very close to eachother on the current tier list, aren't they?

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For I haven't played FE10, how about Mordecai vs. Lethe? They're very close to eachother on the current tier list, aren't they?

Only thing between them is Stefan, and I even question that.

You open?

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Tellius game sounds fun.

If it's FE10, I call dibs on Aran.

I've never had a chance to debate you here.

I don't want to do a DB vs. GM's debate, so how about Aran vs. Jill/Laura/Micaiah?

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Tellius game sounds fun.

If it's FE10, I call dibs on Aran.

I've never had a chance to debate you here.

I don't want to do a DB vs. GM's debate, so how about Aran vs. Jill/Laura/Micaiah?

Why do you try to pick fights with me? Fir vs Klein can't have made us this bitter.

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Tellius game sounds fun.

If it's FE10, I call dibs on Aran.

I've never had a chance to debate you here.

I don't want to do a DB vs. GM's debate, so how about Aran vs. Jill/Laura/Micaiah?

Why do you try to pick fights with me? Fir vs Klein can't have made us this bitter.


I'm not picking a fight with you, I just want a new opponent.

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I can't help but think we're both the most unserious people ever.

Know what? Fine. Aran vs. whoever you're going with. As long as it's not Fir vs Klein, I just want that to goddamn end.

You open?

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I can't help but think we're both the most unserious people ever.

Know what? Fine. Aran vs. whoever you're going with. As long as it's not Fir vs Klein, I just want that to goddamn end.

You open?

You don't care who you go against?

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I can't help but think we're both the most unserious people ever.

Know what? Fine. Aran vs. whoever you're going with. As long as it's not Fir vs Klein, I just want that to goddamn end.

You open?

You don't care who you go against?

Of those three? No.

I would HOPE you would choose between those three, as they're reasonable. You suddenly wouldn't switch on me and choose someone like Tibarn, would you?

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I can't help but think we're both the most unserious people ever.

Know what? Fine. Aran vs. whoever you're going with. As long as it's not Fir vs Klein, I just want that to goddamn end.

You open?

You don't care who you go against?

Of those three? No.

I would HOPE you would choose between those three, as they're reasonable. You suddenly wouldn't switch on me and choose someone like Tibarn, would you?

Tibarn vs. Aran it is.

Jk, I'll pick one of those three.

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I can't help but think we're both the most unserious people ever.

Know what? Fine. Aran vs. whoever you're going with. As long as it's not Fir vs Klein, I just want that to goddamn end.

You open?

You don't care who you go against?

Of those three? No.

I would HOPE you would choose between those three, as they're reasonable. You suddenly wouldn't switch on me and choose someone like Tibarn, would you?

Tibarn vs. Aran it is.

Jk, I'll pick one of those three.

Lol, could sum up Aran and Tibarn like this.

Aran's going along being ok, then Tibarn shows up and fucks his shit up.

The end.

God, I hate the royals...

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I know I won't do well and I'll likely lose but I want to give this a try. I'd like to do a non-Ranked FE6 debate. Assuming the the Echidna Route is taken. I'd like to fight with Gonzales and going against a character in the same tier as him using this list: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14515

I'm not choosing Gonzales because he's at the top tier; I'm choosing him because I like him.

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I know I won't do well and I'll likely lose but I want to give this a try. I'd like to do a non-Ranked FE6 debate. Assuming the the Echidna Route is taken. I'd like to fight with Gonzales and going against a character in the same tier as him using this list: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14515

I'm not choosing Gonzales because he's at the top tier; I'm choosing him because I like him.

I wouldn't mind taking this. I'm fairly inexperienced with this too, so it should be a better matchup. Lugh okay?

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I know I won't do well and I'll likely lose but I want to give this a try. I'd like to do a non-Ranked FE6 debate. Assuming the the Echidna Route is taken. I'd like to fight with Gonzales and going against a character in the same tier as him using this list: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=14515

I'm not choosing Gonzales because he's at the top tier; I'm choosing him because I like him.

I wouldn't mind taking this. I'm fairly inexperienced with this too, so it should be a better matchup. Lugh okay?

OK. This is with NO Ranks at all considered. But still the standard debating rules of no abuse. Can I open? I'll post my opening tommorrow if I have time. I may not because I'll be pretty buisy. I'll have it done no later than in one week.

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Can this also be a part of it? All Gaiden Chapters visited, and assuming the game was completed up to the Final Chapter instead of Chapter 22.

Should we go with the Illia or Sacae Route? I'm thinking Sacae since it's more common for Sue and Shin and Sue to be in use than Thany and Tate.

Also, can this be for Normal Mode?

I'll open when I have time.

Edited by luigi bros
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Ilia is generally easier, but if you want Sacae I don't mind.

For this I was kind of hoping for Hard. Especially since I don't know if anyone gathered enemy stats for Normal. Gonzales gets HM boosts too, so it probably is a good idea. The tier list also assumes Hard, it would probably shift around a fair bit for Normal.

Take your time.

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We'll assume all Gaidens are gone to and the Final Chapter is reached.

I'll go with Illia. This is assuming the Route with Echidna and Lalum is taken.

I've played Hard mode once. I don't know much about it. I think it's better for Normal Mode since that way neither get HM Bonuses. Gonzales and Lugh are both generally considered good, so I think they'd be in the same tier.

I'll open in maybe half an hour if I have time. It's good to know that you're OK with it taking a bit of time.

Just to clarify this is the special rules:

Normal Mode

Lalum Route

Illia Route

Acceass to the final three Chapters

No Ranks considered

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Can you open? I saved my opening and lost it by mistake and I don't have the energy to redo it. Can you open instead? It wasn't even that good so I'll see how you do it as an example. Take your time.

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