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Debate Challenges


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Vykan your epic factor has increased like fourfold.

Not only did you say "debates", our debate also consisted of "my character is useful too".

You can't blame me for thinking of my debate after mentioning it in that way.

Huh...? I'm not blaming anyone or anything on anything but... I apologize if it came off negative? Edited by Nathan Graves
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You didn't know that I'm prognosis 4?

What are you talking about? I've followed your SDA thread for ages and lurked all the tier threads on GFAQs, of course I know you're Prog.

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Ok, re-quoting what you said:

It's not your fault, vykan has FE10 debate practice rounds against Prog and smash and whoever else every day of the year.

So then, are you saying I've had practice debates against myself? 0_o

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I was waiting for Tino to beat me in the debate we're having (Barst vs Abel in H5, I'm defending Barst) to see how well I am at this thing but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have another debate... What do you have in mind?

Edited by Levin
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H5, obviously. Nobody in their right mind would even TRY to defend Shiida on NM.

H5 eh? So be it. Choose different characters though because if it's Vyland Vs Sheeda in H5, the person defending Sheeda wins.

Actually, Sheeda >>> Vyland in NM may be possible. Not sure on this though since I never payed much attention to either of them.

Edited by Levin
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the person defending Sheeda wins.

Higher tier doesn't automatically = win over lower tier, especially not in the case of Shiida, who is only where she is for psudo-Jeigan utility. I think I can make a great case for Vyland>Shiida on H5.

Actually, Sheeda >>> Vyland in NM may be possible.

No? Vyland starts with more strength than she can hope of having at that point, and starts doubling pretty fast.

Edited by MightyZagaro
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Higher tier doesn't automatically = win over lower tier, especially not in the case of Shiida, who is only where she is for psudo-Jeigan utility. I think I can make a great case for Vyland>Shiida on H5.

No? Vyland starts with more strength than she can hope of having at that point, and starts doubling pretty fast.

... You want to try defend Vyland against Shiida in H5? You sure about this?

... 1 point. From what I'm seeing right now (FEplanet averages), Vyland's got little or no advantage over Shiida and that's only in STR. Any other advantage he may have over her disappears upon Shiida's promotion.

If you're absolutely sure about defending Vyland and saying Vyland > Shiida, I'll take you on 2 debates: Vyland vs Shiida in NM and H5.

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Just one thing: There IS a glitch that allows Lakche to use the Balmunk [look in the secrets section] if Holyn got into Ayra's pants, since that's the only way Lakche can have major Odo. I didn't factor that in at all since i was assuming Lex, but if Holyn, would that have mattered at all? If so, I probably should have argued Holyn!Lakche, sine I could have at least squeezed out a win lategame.

I also forgot to point out that Shanan wouldn't want to fight most of those bosses anyway [ishtar is too risky since Thorhammer buffs skill, and why would you WANT to kill Julius in C10 when Ishtar has the same effect, and it's way easier?] But that probably wouldn't have helped much anyway.

If you're absolutely sure about defending Vyland and saying Vyland > Shiida, I'll take you on 2 debates: Vyland vs Shiida in NM and H5.

Sure, but H5 first.

Edited by MightyZagaro
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I also forgot to point out that Shanan wouldn't want to fight most of those bosses anyway [ishtar is too risky since Thorhammer buffs skill, and why would you WANT to kill Julius in C10 when Ishtar has the same effect, and it's way easier?] But that probably wouldn't have helped much anyway.

I was just showing off that Shanan does much better against those bosses, as a way to show off his superior combat skills. I never said he wanted to fight them or not.

Plus, he could probably take on Chapter 10 - 11 Ishtar.

Edited by Shanan
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What about this though?

First have Shanan equip the Balmunk and then get him killed. Then have a character use the Valkyrie staff, but don't resurrect him just yet. Instead press the X button to view his status screen. Press the L or R button and then exit. Return to the status screen and the Balmunk should now have changed to an Iron Lance with 98 uses. If not, try again (or you could just bash all the buttons like me). Save the game and reset. The next time you load the save, you should find the Balmunk purchasable in the Vendor. Aside from Shanan, only Lakche or Skasaher with major Odo blood can equip the Balmunk.

I don't know if this has any side-effects so be warned...

Seems fair game to me as it's not going to screw your rankings over any, if there's no side effects, I'd count it.

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Using that? In a debate?

Let's consider "excellent, very good, good, bad". Shanan with Balmung is excellent, Lakche without Balmung is very good. Shanan without Balmung is good while Lakche with Balmung is excellent.

Excellent + very good > Excellent + good

You could argue that Shanan and Lakche are too different to be excellent...

30 Shanan: 59 HP, 53 might, 170 hit, 99 avoid, 43 AS, 20 def

30 Lakche: 70 HP, 56 might, 170 hit, 108 avoid, 46 AS, 19 def

Lakche: +11 HP, +3 might, +0 hit, +9 avoid, +3 AS, -1 def.

Avoid doesn't really matter since they'll be dodging like everything anyway, AS is irrelevant since they will be doubling everything, Lakche has 1 less def and the hit is the same. That leaves HP and might. Since Shanan and Lakche will be dodging sooo much, HP doesn't matter much, leaving 3 might. Since Shanan and Lakche will both be one rounding everything, might isn't very important now.

Also, glitches aren't an intended part of the game, so they shouldn't be counted as a part of the game.

Edited by Shanan
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I didn't factor that in at all since i was assuming Lex, but if Holyn, would that have mattered at all? If so, I probably should have argued Holyn!Lakche, sine I could have at least squeezed out a win lategame.

It's a glitch, so no, it wouldn't matter. If that matters in debate, then so do:

- everyone being able to use Dark magic in FE8

- the Uber Spear in FE7, as well as every other enemy weapon you can obtain with the Mine Glitch

- Fa getting unlimited Fire Dragonstones in FE6

- Forged weapons being able to rise to 255 crit in Japanese FE9

and imo those clearly should not count.


Seems fair game to me as it's not going to screw your rankings over any

Yes it does. You have to get Shannan killed, and the game remembers in your combat rank (max of 3 losses) that he died even if you resurrect him with Valkyrie Staff. And obviously you are also forced to have Valkyrie to begin with, which means you have to be in Ch9 already pretty much, and it also forces you to pair Claude, which isn't really beneficial (Fury is better off with Noish, and arguably Levin unless you pair Levin with Tiltyu, and Sylvia's subs are much better than her Claude-form kids).

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