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I sometimes use Tanith in PoR if Jill gets screwed, because I hate leveling up Marcia (she always misses >_>), and she was always great.

In Radiant Dawn she is okay, but not great. Her strength and defence is nice, but her speed is meh and her HP is bad. And she can't hit enemies reliably at the beginning.

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I found her bearable. Nothing compared to Elincia or Marcia, who are just plain awesome. She is far better than Sigrun though.

I found that she works best in combination with the poor, underlevelled Dawn Brigade in Part 4. Marcia weakens them, Edward finishes them. MOVE ON.

On a side note, her Seraph Knight costume looks fantastic.

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Tanith is probably my favorite Seraph Knight. Marcia's never turned out very good for me, Tanith is a lot easier to get up there.

The only thing the Seraph Knights have going for them over other flyers, though, is the triangle attack, which takes at least 2 + Elincia to get off. I prefer Jill and Haar over Marcia and Tanith. That's just me, though.

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I prefer Jill and Haar over Marcia and Tanith. That's just me, though.

I do too. Jill and Haar have more strength and defense and about the same speed for most of the game. They also have stronger weapons (axes FTW) and they're not weak to bows.

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