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@Tediz64--as per the earlier discussion; I went to a maid cafe when I was in Taiwan, just out of sheer curiosity of what the fuck is a maid cafe? (I guess the closest thing we have to that in America is Hooters. Not quite the same thing--but its a restaurant men go to for lousy, overpriced food purely to oggle flirty, costumed serving girls. Similar concept.)

The clientele was entirely young men in their late teens/early twenties. Doing exactly what you what you would suspect. And of course the girl's were trying to be extra cutesy and flirty with them for big tips.

...Except that I was there with my wife. Which apparently is a big no-no at the maid cafe. I got the impression from the looks I was getting (moreso from the clients then the girls) that this was a major breach of cafe etiquette. You don't go to a maid cafe if you have a wife or girlfriend and you fucking never bring your girl with you--they didn't seem quite sure what to make of  that. (I was also the only white guy in the place and very obviously a tourist; maybe that was it)

w/e. The girls served us in costume and did their thing. It was--interesting.

I tried to order an adult beverage, which Taiwan is usually pretty liberal about (the drinking age is 18), and found out that none of the maid cafes do that anymore because they had WAY too many problems with customers getting--handsy--after a few drinks. But BYOB is allowed.


...then a few days later I was in Tokyo, and I heard that the maid cafes in Akihabara are some next-level shit. Figured what the fuck--probably never gonna do this again. Lets check it out. 

(This time I brought my own Sake)

Well the first difference I noticed between the Taiwanese maid cafe and the Japanese Maid cafe is that the Japanese maid cafe had a giant fuck-off bouncer keeping his eye on the customers. And a list of rules + grounds for removal and/or bans from the establishment displayed prominently on the front door:

1) No touching the girls
2) No asking the girls for their email, home address, or phone number
3) No approaching the girls after their shifts  

From which I surmised that the maid cafes in Tokyo had a MUCH bigger problem with maid-infatuated clients...misbehaving...

The cafe itself wasn't that different from the one in Taiwan. The biggest difference seemed to be that the guys were way more into, and acting like these waitresses were their legit girlfriends. 

I also saw some--older--gentlemen, partaking of the venue. Which I had not seen in Taiwan. 

The whole thing seemed super sketchy, tbh.

Anyways. I had enough of the maid cafes. The food wasn't that good. My wife has costumes of her own if I'm ever so inclined. And no beer-on-tap makes me a sad tourist.  

Neat little experience though. I'll try almost anything once. 

WEIRD FACT: They have Hooters in Tokyo. Which I did not know and was surprised to learn.

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American exports at its finest, eh?

Edited by Shoblongoo
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...Why do we have these threads, again? 


^Well, you're situation sounds bittersweet. Hope it gets better.

Edited by Alistair
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So, what are common men's fashion trends y'all don't get? I personally don't get boat shoes... mostly because the people I've seen wearing them don't wear socks.

And that's gross.

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4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

The whole thing seemed super sketchy, tbh.

Although I did hear that, for the female versions of such places at least, sometimes its psychologically helpful for the hosts. Japan not being very openly emotional and all in relationships, having to work as a host/ess can potential in some cases help bring someone towards a more intimate and healthier life in relationships.

But I doubt that is true of the cafes as a whole.

Did you happen to stop in one of the cat cafes while you were at it? Or are you not a cat person?

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2 hours ago, Alistair said:

So, what are common men's fashion trends y'all don't get? I personally don't get boat shoes... mostly because the people I've seen wearing them don't wear socks.

And that's gross.

I totally do this with this old, unused pair my grandfather had before he died, but only when I drive places without shoes. Like, if I go to the beach and then I need to go to the store on the way home, they're ready for me in my car so I can just throw something on and not get kicked out of the store when I just need some milk or whatever. Otherwise, nah, I never wear 'em. I don't get sweaty feet or anything like that so they're not getting gross or anything (except for the sand)

Dudes wearing boat shoes + no socks + khaki shorts + polo shirt + backwards baseball hat is generally the douchy bro uniform around here though

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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Did you happen to stop in one of the cat cafes while you were at it? Or are you not a cat person?

Huge cat person and yes I did. 

12 hours ago, Belisarius said:

hooters in america has garbage food i cant even imagine how bad it would be in japan. i thought they were better than that.

A good beer pairing helps (hot wings and beer go together like biscuits and gravy). And their burgers are fine. But come on--nobody goes to Hooters for the food.

14 hours ago, Motendra said:

As for me, I officially graduated college some days ago and am now going through unemployment! YEAH!

Welcome to a place called the real world. Its a dick-and-a-half.

What was your field of study? Any plans for post-grad, or just looking to jump straight into the job hunt?

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4 hours ago, Shoblongoo said:

Welcome to a place called the real world. Its a dick-and-a-half.

What was your field of study? Any plans for post-grad, or just looking to jump straight into the job hunt?

You can say that again

I studied International Business. Which admittedly was on a whim, but i don't mind the cultural intelligence gained from it. It's to my belief that experience matters more than just credentials (ugh) and as such, I'd rather rack up on exp before pursuing any kind of grad school. It's on the table though

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On ‎31‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 9:25 PM, Shoblongoo said:

WEIRD FACT: They have Hooters in Tokyo. Which I did not know and was surprised to learn.

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American exports at its finest, eh?

Man, I wish I had someone like that in my life...

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4 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Man, I wish I had someone like that in my life...

A Hooters girl? Pretty achievable, just go to Hooters

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On 3/29/2018 at 12:35 PM, Shoblongoo said:

...you sir just lost 2 man points...

Image result for manliness checklist

I beat you!!! I got 24 points. (You made me read pages 2 thru 14) and now I'm taking names! xD oops I meant to quote @Shoblongoo

Edited by Tediz64
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On 3/29/2018 at 10:01 PM, Shoblongoo said:



Alright. Here's one you can't cheese with a red neck and a blue color, and that doesn't exclude the gays. (you've actually got a bit of an advantage this time)

Image result for time for all the naughty things you've done

If I did my math right, the  highest possible score is an 84.

Score-to-beat is a [70]. 



Ah man. I was just shy of the 70 score to beat. I got 67....one of the only questions i have is why is a picture of an electric chair next to this list? sure it says you'll do time but nothing about getting the death penalty.

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reflecting back on my post i realize i brought back an old part of the thread back to the recent pages when it should have stayed back there because mostly everyone has been long past moved on from those posts. So....uh....yeah i'll just again shut up and lurk sorta since it's fun.

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13 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

A cute Japanese girlfriend.

I know, I'm mocking your sexism and fetishized racism

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4 hours ago, Johann said:

I know, I'm mocking your sexism and fetishized racism


What kind of SJW bullshit is this? How the hell does me liking Japanese women equate to sexism and racism?

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2 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

What kind of SJW bullshit is this? How the hell does me liking Japanese women equate to sexism and racism?

Not to call you a sexist or racist necessarily, but I mean come on dude, when you say shit like "I wish I had a cute Japanese girlfriend" in response to a Hooters picture isn't helping your case. Liking Japanese women isn't wrong, but fetishizing them is sexist and racist and shows you don't really respect them either as Japanese people nor as women. When you fetishize them, you're seeing them as mere objects to fulfill fantasies, not people.

I'm telling you this as someone who has an active dating/social life. If you actually want anything even close to a relationship, you have to actually care about who the women you meet are instead of seeing them only as somebody to fuck or jerk off to

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33 minutes ago, Johann said:

Liking Japanese women isn't wrong, but fetishizing them is sexist and racist and shows you don't really respect them either as Japanese people nor as women. When you fetishize them, you're seeing them as mere objects to fulfill fantasies, not people.

I'm not fetishising anyone though.

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10 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

I'm not fetishising anyone though.

*rubs eyes*

On 6/1/2018 at 4:51 PM, NinjaMonkey said:

Man, I wish I had someone like that in my life...

19 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

A cute Japanese girlfriend.

what do you know, they're still there

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