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The ^ < v game


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^has a mess somewhere in the house that's bothering them

<really needs to update his fanfic after having not posted anything in 11 months

v understands the deep intricacies of waifuism

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^ Has almost certainly paired Corrin with Camilla more than once.

< (Referring to the v from the person above) Is admittedly not interested in going down that rabbithole.

v Is wondering "why Sparx?"

Edited by Dayni
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^ Is incorrect. I shall venture a guess that thou art a fan of Spyro the Dragon and that is why Sparx is thy (or is it thou?) current avatar?

< Tried out their first challenge run of Awakening today. Everyone died.

V Is a TV Troper.

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^ - presumed incorrectly. I'm blind sometimes.

< - ought to be getting double wages for today.

v - is at home. Or anywhere except the office.

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^ - is correct. I don't have a pet (for the time being).

< - is on his last hour at work.

v - might not be playing U2's "New Year's Day" on Youtube (or if he has it, a physical copy of their War album).

Edited by Karimlan
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  • 3 weeks later...

^ Is incorrect. I was playing Axis and Allies for the first time on New Years Eve/Day.

< Helped shovel their neighbors driveway today. Received hot chocolate and learned that CAD existed in the 50's and that our neighborhood used to have a creek. Also learned that he was a Vietnam veteran.

V Is wondering why I'm reusing a profile picture I had a few months back.

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^ I am now that you put the thought in my head.

< Posting on this thread for the first time, I think. I'm too lazy to check.

v Is going to have to make an assumption or ask a question in the near future due to the rules of this thread.

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3 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

^ Is incorrect. I was playing Axis and Allies for the first time on New Years Eve/Day.

^^ Which version of Axis and Allies did you play? I have 1942 and Global (1940 Europe and 1940 Pacific combined). I played 1942 with a friend once like 6 years ago, but I think we gave up at some point during the second round since it just took way too long. I have not touched Global yet, and I do not think I will do so any time soon since the time commitment to play is just way too much.

— — — — — — —

^ Does not have a signature.

< Is a little irritated by watery eyes.

v Read this post.

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^ The D-Day campaign. Is was a more recent version of Axis and Allies, and not the "8 hours to complete" full version (although that by no means meant the game was short. It still took 2 hours to complete, and that was without the extra rules).

< Learned that both Serenes Forest and Discord do not like Big Boss as an avatar, nor do they like vertical pictures.

V Has been interviewed before.

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^ Nice. I think I might try it out if I see it on sale.

< Wants to buy another board game.

v Played Advance Wars.

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^ Is incorrect, but I wouldn't refuse the opportunity to.

< Their laptop doesn't like emulators, for some reason.

V Will be a new poster on this forum game.

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^ Yes and no. As in, I haven't played it, but Purple Mages PME of Fire Emblem 8 seems fun, and it would be the first one I'd try out if I knew how to play Romhacks.

< Had one month of bad sleeping habits, and I've been paying for it ever since.

V Has read/watched at least one Lets Play from start to finish.

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^ yep gotta love nicob's danganronpa playthroughs

< can't get enough of Dave Vincent as Grima

v is still waiting on their favorite character to get into heroes

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^ Yes? No? Sort of? Heroes!Anna is already in the game, but I also want Awakening!Anna in the game, and ideally all playable and non playable Annas. It would be dream come true if Apotheosis!Anna can get in the game and have busted stats, but sadly, we cannot vote for her.

< Is hungry.

v Is also hungry.

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^^ Is only partially correct. I was reminded of the noise of several dozen plastic balls rolling around and the continuous clamping as people try to "eat" them, but I did not picture the game itself nor my playing it.

Since I was ninja'd and don't want to delete that:

^ Depends on what you mean by "relationship". Friendship? Yes. Familial love? Very much so. Romantic? You're talking to one of the few modern day celibates.

< Ironically and unironically enjoys the taguel.

V Has ninja'd me before.

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