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Dimitri is an example of the tragic hero character archetype. I like that a lot. I'd rather have a flawed protagonist than someone who never makes mistakes or suffers consequences from them.

Why is Claude best lord?

Edited by twilitfalchion
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Because he's coo,l smart, and works hard to achieve his ambitions/dreams, which probably reminds me of myself. Plus he's hot.


I don't actually hate Dimitri at all, i just joke. I do like him, just not as much as the other lords in fe3h.

What was the first route everyone played in fe3h?

Edited by Emmy
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Because edelgard is hot or something.


Why are the golden deer the least popular when you can easily recruit characters from other houses?

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7 minutes ago, Emmy said:

@DragonFlames what are all the routes you've played so far?

I played all the routes available in the base game. I haven't bought the Ashen Wolves story DLC (and I have no plans to), but I have seen a playthrough of it.

7 minutes ago, Emmy said:

Also dimitri is not the best lord.

True, that's undoubtedly Claude.
I still like Dimitri, though. I don't dislike any of the lords in this game, actually.

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Why is Claude best lord?

Because he's voiced by Joe Zieja.
And he's a good character.

4 minutes ago, Emmy said:

What was the first route everyone played in fe3h?

Mine was the Blue Lions route, because blue is my favorite color. And the characters appealed to me the most, initially.
Except Sylvain. Sylvain kinda sucks.

3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Why was Black Eagles so popular when the game released?

Because Edelgard was the center of the game's marketing.

2 minutes ago, Emmy said:

Why are the golden deer the least popular when you can easily recruit characters from other houses?

That is a good question.
Though for my part, I'm not much of a fan of recruiting characters from other houses, since for me, it kinda defeats the purpose of picking one in the first place.

Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Because characters like Raphael, Lorenz, Leonie, and Ignatz [...] I don't care for them.


Will I get ninja'd again?

Edited by DragonFlames
The answer is yes.
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Because Rhea is actually, despite her flaws, a "good" character.


Why is Claude's speech at the end of VW so cheesy.



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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Will I get ninja'd again?

No, but you just did to me.

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

True, that's undoubtedly Claude. 

Why did my opinion of you just go up a lot.

Edited by Emmy
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Because Bolt axes and Annette exist.

Why were there so many posts while I was gone?

31 minutes ago, Emmy said:

And, since you asked 2 questions, who should i S support?

Edelgard all the way. Give her her happy ending. and what she clearly wants

25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

If I replay Three Houses, which route should I pick?

Verdant wind is the most fun imo, but they’re all great.

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Characters and Story, and the gameplay is really great too! That is why it is the objective best FE.

2 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

Verdant wind is the most fun imo, but they’re all great.

My opinion of you went up

2 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

Edelgard all the way. Give her her happy ending. and what she clearly wants

Ok, Dorothea can wait just a bit. I shall S support Edelgard. (Then i can become empress with her heheheh)

How can i get 30 dollars for the DLC of 3H?



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Because clearly you haven't seen Hapi in all her glory and greatness.


Do you think my sister would pay for the DLC for me?

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Do math and figure out it’s 25.

25 minutes ago, Emmy said:

Why are the golden deer the least popular when you can easily recruit characters from other houses?

They are literally the most popular one, I have no clue what you mean

27 minutes ago, Emmy said:

What was the first route everyone played in fe3h?

Mine was azure moon. Liked the characters the most. and thought Annette and Mercedes were S support material

Why did 3 of us pick azure moon first?

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Idk he's kinda a jerk in the first few hours of the game.


Why do you think GD is the most popular?

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because uhh... i don't know. I was so temped to S support her but I decided on Claude, obviously.

BTW i'm listening to god-shattering star rn


Why can't i S support Hilda, Lysithea or Petra?

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Because then they'd both be fighting over you.


Why isn't the metal version of god-shattering star in the actual game. That, for sure lives up to the hype.

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Because it would shatter the universe instead of the star, destroying the known universe.


What if Claude (Joe Zieja) is actually the one singing God-Shattering Star

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Then he’s a god shattering star.

Why doesn’t Twilitfalchion know that Yuri and Constance are also great? he’ll especially like Constance once he learns a certain fact Although I must admit after I got the dlc I did indeed S support Hapi.

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