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Senepian Scars Anti-Thievery Measures


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Well, that's one way to defeat an ancient evil entity that spans the course of time and space...

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Well, since this thread was a flop, it was in Far From the Forest, and I desperately need a safe public space online where I can upload "proof of concept" files that prove that I'm the original owner of the story "Senepian Scars", I suppose this thread will have to do.

I'd rather not make a brand new thread for this in the writing section, since posting all my "proof of concept" files in a brand new thread is bound to get a lot more thieves than editing my "proof of concept" files in an old thread. I mean, new writing threads get a lot more attention (and potential thieves as a result) compared to an old flopped thread that has attachments edited into it.

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Legal Notice:

This post has had "proof of concept" files edited into it on the day of August 1, 2018, proving that I, Randoman/Evastio am the original owner and writer of the story Senepian Scars. I have edited proof of concept files in this thread as an anti-thievery measure and as a way to prove that I am undeniably the rightful owner and writer of the story Senepian Scars.

Time Stamp: August 1, 2018,  2:15 PM(UTC 5:00 Summer)

Ep 1.docx

Ep 2.docx

Ep 3.docx

Ep 4.docx

Ep 5.docx

Ep 6.docx

Ep 7.docx

Ep 8.docx

Character Bios.docx

Character Designs.png

Edited by Randoman
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