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Bound Hero Battle: The Divine (Tiki & Nowi)


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In about 23 minutes, two sleepy dragons are going to challenge us to a battle, but without charging us stamina...


Hard & Lunatic







Infernal Enemy Data



HP: 64
Atk: 50
Spd: 25
Def: 38
Res: 26

Weapon: Lightning Breath+
Assist: Swap
Special: Bonfire (1-cd)

A: Steady Stance 3
B: Chill Spd 3
C: Drive Res 2



HP: 73
Atk: 46
Spd: 30
Def: 33
Res: 35

Weapon: Lightning Breath+
Assist: Rally Def
Special: Iceberg (1-cd)

A: Fortress Res 3
B: Dull Ranged
C: Drive Def 2

Axe Dragoon


HP: 57
Atk: 52
Spd: 30
Def: 39
Res: 21

Weapon: Slaying Hammer+
Special: Noontime

A: Bracing Blow 2
B: Hit and Run
C: Guidance 3



HP: 61
Atk: 47
Spd: 34
Def: 33
Res: 24

Weapon: Wo Dao+
Special: Moonbow

A: Swift Sparrow 2
B: Wrath 3
C: Breath of Life 3

Blue Mage


HP: 52
Atk: 47
Spd: 38
Def: 25
Res: 34

Weapon: Blárowl+
Special: Retribution

A: Fury 3
B: Swordbreaker 3
C: Fortify Def 3

Green Manakete


HP: 61
Atk: 46
Spd: 33
Def: 32
Res: 31

Weapon: Lightning Breath+
Special: Glimmer

A: Darting Blow 3
B: Windsweep 3
C: Threaten Spd 3


Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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- Keep in mind, the dragons don't have refined Breaths. That means units like Felicia and Niles, who get murdered by dragons in Arena, will do fine against these ones.

- Pay attention to the Special charges on the two dragons; if you initiate, they will hit you back with a Special.

- Guidance is tricky to predict on this map. Thankfully, the only truly scary Guidance surprise is the Mercenary with Wrath Moonbow. The Blue Mage is also a force, but since it starts in the back, it is likely to be separated from the Dragoon.

Recommend units

- Obviously, anti-dragon weapons will be very useful here.

- The free Masked Marth, Alm's destroyer-of-worlds Double Lion Falchion, the newly refined Binding Blade on Roy... These can all take care of Tiki, while also handling the Green units on the map.

- Alternatively, a Blue Mage will pick off Tiki just fine, if you'd rather conserve your Red's health.

- Julia and Deirdre are obvious picks to snipe Nowi, but on Infernal, a +0 +Atk Julia with Death Blow still needs two Spur Atks to OHKO Nowi. If you're going for a double, you'll have to eat the Iceberg, though they'll live.

Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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While Dull ranged makes the typical S!Corrin nuking a bit less appealing Flier Emblem still destroys this map. 

I also did it with Cordelia/Genny/Airzura/Eirika. This one was funnier because Genny made sure that the enemy could never reach me and also shut down that Guidance flier.

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7 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This makes me wish for Deirdre and/or Julia even more >:(

It's alright, neither of them were involved in my Infernal clear either. Now Alm, on the other hand, was (along with obligatory ToD!Jakob, PA!Azura and Genny).

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Standard Flier Emblem clear, just took the one attempt. So much for making these cost 0 stamina.

I didn't notice Guidance on the green flier, but amusingly it just made the clear easier as Nowi teleported into TA Airzura's face and died. Took me a moment to understand what just happened.

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Hard and Lunatic bonked with M!Marth, Nepenee, Julia and Sonya

Have not tried infernal yet, will likely hurt.

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Frima gave my BB!Takumi some trouble, but this one was surprisingly simple. Just alternating between shooting and retreating behind the trees. Now I want to see if I can do it with a full Takuteam (just need to promote another P!Takumi).

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Lucius is evil, man.

I took him in with Bridelia (she was supposed to take down the Wyvern Rider), HNY!Azura (she was supposed to provide Guidance and Dancer support), and Lute (she was supposed to Ploy everything with less than 40 res (turns out, everything) and take out Tiki) thinking he'd only be able to get in a little damage at a time before I'd have to start using the other two to pick off as many foes as I could thanks to enemy Guidance and how tight a group they were.

Well he couldn't touch Nowi, but he still did enough damage to the Wyvern Rider that, on the next turn, Lucius could finish them off (Bridelia instead took out the Green Manakete) and more or less trap the entire enemy team behind the treeline, where his only worry was a little damage from the Blue Mage. He more or less chipped down every enemy to one health without even meaning to, they just happened to be there when he was attacking the next target. All Azura and Lute could do was Reposition things around a bit.

I don't remember what I gave him, was it Savage Blow 6 and Pain+ or Avada freakin Kedavra?

Edited by Xenomata
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I like this zero stamina thing. It lets me experiment with more creative teams. :3 I used Lucius, Raven, Joshua, and Lukas. Joshua proves yet again that he's a god. I really want to get Wrath on him. Since I'm not interested in the coming banners, I spent some orbs on the Cooldown banner. XD Abel was my first pull. Nothing after that. Oh well. I tried. 

I think I wanna try to do an all colorless clear of this map....

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Bridal Blessings Takumi when?!

Ha, he'd definitly make it work. Everyone knows that Bridelia's power is contained in her dress.

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