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The epic fricken' band of epicness

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I shall show you all my skill with butter.

*grabs toast and butters it*

Edd, Ed, 'N Eddy themes song starts to play.


Talk about MINDLESS cartoons.



Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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let's see...

What should I wear?

... sunglasses definitely... some coolio bandana thingy... don't know where to put it though... some cool rock shirt... flare jeans (as I pretty much always wear)... I guess that's it...

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let's see...

What should I wear?

... sunglasses definitely... some coolio bandana thingy... don't know where to put it though... some cool rock shirt... flare jeans (as I pretty much always wear)... I guess that's it...

Say hello to Robert Plant...'s niece. XD

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we could call the band...

THE HEINOUS THREE-NESS!!!...and friends...



Not that I can come up with anything better, it was hard enough coming up with endofsilence! especially since my brother thought it up

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I don't get it.. :huh:

Ed, Edd, 'N Eddy is a hilarious show.

Ed, the "special" character in the show always has buttered toast, and screams "Butter Toast!!"

Not funny in typing, but the show is funny.

You aren't mindless, but butter and toast reminded me of that show.

@Freohr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTaOvzZKRxA. A song by Led Zeppelin.


Robert Plant is the dude singing the song.

Note: Robert Plant doesn't wear sunglasses though. XD

Edited by Ocelot the Viper
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