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How do I start a YouTube channel?


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I’ve been thinking of trying to start a channel for awhile, for talking about video games (probably mostly Fire Emblem, but other games as well) and tropes and stuff (something like Overly Sarcastic Productions or Lindsay Ellis’ videos since those were my inspiration, except with video games instead of literature or films). I already made the channel just to post my recording of the GHB infernal clear, and I want to do something more with it. Is this a good idea, or are there already too many youtubers doing the same thing? If it’s a good idea, what should I do; I don’t know what to start with.

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By all means, go for it. Bear in mind that you'll need two things to make a channel garner any kind of success: meaningful/unique content and charisma. If the content of your video has already been said more effectively by other people, then there won't be much of a demand to see what you've created. Fortunately, there's a lot of unexplored area in Fire Emblem and other games, so depending on what you want to say, you might be the first voice on Youtube to say it. Presenting is a performing art, and I don't know what kind of experience you have with performing, but bear in mind that the same concepts that make a good performance on stage, etc generally apply to Youtube as well.

Do you have experience creating videos? Since you're alone, you're in charge of writing, performing, recording, editing, and promoting your work, which can be a bit daunting, but all of these can become developed skills over time (which, even beyond your own channel become marketable). You'd probably want to put links to your work anywhere that is appropriate so that people can find out about it, as well.

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Have internet that is superior to Australian Internet. Also, make sure your hardware is up to date and in order. May be worth investing in some external hard drives as well as to back up your work.

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Is there a certain topic on YouTube where you just think "why isn't there something like this?" or "I rather do it this way" then by all means go for it.

I would say that the biggest thing a YouTuber needs is organization. How frequently will you upload and what time(s) will you upload? Planning a schedule is important, because people like to know about when they can expect you.

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