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General Trails thread (Trails of Cold Steel 4 (PS4) out now).


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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

I could probably make it work. I definitely got the ram for it. But geez, you need 17 GB of free space? How big is this game? Even Xenoblade 1 and 2 aren't that big. Unless that's referring to a PC's overall storage capacity and in my case, that's "29 GB" and i put that in air quotes because of the 29 GB it has, 18 GBs are used for all the files that the PC needs to work in the first place.

But yeah, if i really need 17 GB of free space, then i'm in trouble because that means i won't be able to run it off my 64 GB USB since it can't support files that are bigger than 4 GB, as stupid as that is.

See if you can find a cheap external hard drive.

Sky was relatively small because the graphics were more-or-less 2D.  CS is a lot more detailed.

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37 minutes ago, Slumber said:

Try this:


It might seem a little sketch, but it's legit. And you'll need the 17 gigs, unfortunately.

As i feared, my PC can't run it. In terms of minimum requirements, it actually meets most of them, the only thing it lacks is CPU power. And storage space.

I'll get around to buying a PC that can run it one day once i have a job.

18 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Sky was relatively small because the graphics were more-or-less 2D.  CS is a lot more detailed.

Yeah, i get that, i just wasn't expecting Cold Steel to be 17 GB.

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On 21/04/2018 at 7:28 PM, Slumber said:

Tried to play through Coldsteel shortly after. It didn't grab me in the same ways, unfortunately. It felt like a cross between Persona and Trails in the Sky, only never reaching the highs of either. I got a dozen or so hours in and quit. Haven't really tried to go back to it, but maybe I'll get back to it some day. 

Yeah, I'll have to second that. It doesn't really accomplish much in the "school life" side and sometimes leave you wishing you could actually get the plot to advance rather than help with menial tasks or explore the same obligatory dungeon. I also don't think that being lighthearted fits with the setting for Erebonia very well, because at least I got a feeling there were much more serious things happening but the game wanted me to worry about the slice of life academy stuff.

I think it's worse than FC in that regard because FC has an increasing curve of tension, whereas CS goes from serious to light-hearted far too often.

22 hours ago, familyplayer said:

Pro Tip: play Cold Steel on PC if you can. The additional voice acting makes certain scenes much better because CS has an issue where characters will randomly not be voice acted. If you're like me, you get taken out of the moment pretty easily with that. Also insert comment about how Rean sucks here. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series!

There are still parts where this happens, but they're not too numerous. Also, I know you didn't argue that, but I don't think Rean is bad. I just think he's overall ok/average and that we have high standards due to Estelle existing.



Also, welcome to the society. It's great to see someone joining us and suffering with us due to No Export for You.

As someone who is close to finishing CS and intends to buy CS2 on its full-price (which is like 72 bucks here), I can say I absolutely love this series. That said, I really recommend you play 3rd after finishing SC because it sets up the scenario for Cold Steel, Ao no Kiseki and even mentions stuff for a possible upcomming Calvard Republic game. It is also a big send-off for the characters and has its own interesting character development (it's the game that made Kevin rise near the top of my favorite characters, even).

As i feared, my PC can't run it. In terms of minimum requirements, it actually meets most of them, the only thing it lacks is CPU power. And storage space.

Uh, just try lowering its config and get enough space to download it?

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i get that, i just wasn't expecting Cold Steel to be 17 GB.

Unfortunately, welcome to PC gaming. Developers don't like to compress their shit like they do for physical releases, and it can end up taking up a bunch of space. You get higher quality content, but chances are you won't notice it too much, since it's generally raw audio and hi-rez textures(Not more detailed, just higher resolution). This is why CS can go from 3ish GB on the Vita to nearly 6 times that on PC, though there is some actually new content and numerous improvements on the PC version from what I understand. BUT, it still shouldn't be any bigger than a PS3/360-era game, and those were compressed to fit on about 10GB discs.

Something like a Call of Duty game can take up 50 gigs on PC in cases like this when devs are especially lazy.

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1 hour ago, Rapier said:

That said, I really recommend you play 3rd after finishing SC because it sets up the scenario for Cold Steel, Ao no Kiseki and even mentions stuff for a possible upcomming Calvard Republic game. It is also a big send-off for the characters and has its own interesting character development (it's the game that made Kevin rise near the top of my favorite characters, even).

Well, since two people are recommending that i play 3rd after SC, then i guess i'll do just that then. Especially given that, if FC is any indication, Trails games aren't that long so i could probably finish the Sky trilogy before the end of May.

I do wonder why Ao no Kiseki was never localized though. For a series that heavily revolves around the events it's set up and expects you to have played in order, it feels strange that an entire arc is legally unavailable to players outside of Japan. Reminds me of Europe and Xenosaga where the trilogy was localized in America but for some reason, Europe only got Episode 2.

Though from what i gather, it looks like i can safely skip Ao no Kiseki for now and i play Cold Steel, whenever i get the chance to. Is that right?

1 hour ago, Rapier said:

Uh, just try lowering its config and get enough space to download it?

Well, the biggest issue is the space. I absolutely need an external hard drive. I have 29 GB but my PC uses up 17 GB of it just to be able to run (i think i said 19 before but it's actually 17). Even if i delete all of the non-mandatory stuff on my PC, that leaves me with 11 GB. That's not enough to download the 17 GB that the PC version of Cold Steel requires.

At any rate, i need to get a much better PC. Xenosaga was my main motivation for that (because i'm not gonna go out and buy a PS2 and copies of the Xenosaga trilogy are a myth) but Cold Steel gives me another reason to buy a better PC (unless Falcom starts porting Trails games over to the Switch which they totally might if the Switch port of Ys 8, which i plan to pick up, sells well).

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well, since two people are recommending that i play 3rd after SC, then i guess i'll do just that then. Especially given that, if FC is any indication, Trails games aren't that long so i could probably finish the Sky trilogy before the end of May.

I do wonder why Ao no Kiseki was never localized though. For a series that heavily revolves around the events it's set up and expects you to have played in order, it feels strange that an entire arc is legally unavailable to players outside of Japan. Reminds me of Europe and Xenosaga where the trilogy was localized in America but for some reason, Europe only got Episode 2.

Though from what i gather, it looks like i can safely skip Ao no Kiseki for now and i play Cold Steel, whenever i get the chance to. Is that right?

I also thought about going straight to CS after SC, but then I was advised not to and I feel glad I didn't. While Sky's story is wrapped up in SC, 3rd feels like a nice epilogue and adds some new things on its own. Its character development department is also great.

Also, don't rush these games, please. SC is longer than FC and 3rd is about the same size as FC. Take your time to enjoy them, because I bet you will also miss these games.

Also, as far as I know, Ao no Kiseki is locked by chinese copyright law since they hold the rights for its physical distribution, or something. I wish Steam and digital media could just work through their copyright law, but at least we have a decent fan translation at 70% and probably due to arrive near the end of the year.

The thing about Ao and CS is that they happen at the same timespawn, so you have mentions about what is going on in Ao while playing CS (and vice-versa, iirc). I haven't seen that many spoilers on CS1, from what I was told, it gets blatant on CS2, but I honestly can't wait an entire year to play Ao then CS2. I'll just deal with the spoilers that come on my way and hope they're nothing major (haha, who am I kidding).

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1 hour ago, Rapier said:

Also, I know you didn't argue that, but I don't think Rean is bad. I just think he's overall ok/average and that we have high standards due to Estelle existing.

(Note: Because I don't want to poison the well, so to speak, I'll put all the discussion about Rean in spoiler text so the OP can have his opinions off of his blank experience.)


I think Rean is alright in the first CS, but his platitudes and shit get on my nerves in the second game. It also becomes more noticable how badly done the bonding events are when all of them boil down to character A has an issue, Rean says a thing, problem instantly solved. Characters like Towa and the princess are the worst offenders with this. It doesn't help that his (major) development as a character is linked to Elise, another character I despise for her existence alone. They both have major issues, even more than the other characters, of telling, but not showing. If it wasn't for how much I love Sean (his voice actor) because he did a hilarious reddit AMA, I don't think I would have anything redeeming to say about him.  I pray that CSIII and IV do something to make me like him or give him development that doesn't make him feel like another bland isekai harem protag. Sorry to rant. I'm glad though that another establishes though that Estelle is and always will be best gril and is a great protag who manages to have a personality in a genre where protags tend to be lacking.

Btw, the spoilers are pretty minor in CSII as long as you don't read a certain newspaper at one point near the very end of the game where you take control of two certain characters (can't get more specific than that). That newspaper literally spells out the whole plot pretty much from what I know. Hope the OP can work it out somehow by watching the cutscenes in  vids, somehow getting it to work, etc. 

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6 hours ago, Rapier said:

Also, don't rush these games, please. SC is longer than FC and 3rd is about the same size as FC. Take your time to enjoy them, because I bet you will also miss these games.

Don't worry. Rushing isn't my intention. I'm just naturally fast-paced at doing things i like, whether it be games, books, anime, or any other form of entertainment. 


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14 hours ago, Armagon said:

I do wonder why Ao no Kiseki was never localized though.

It was never localized afaik because the Future of the Series in the west was uncertain and because Falcom pushed for CS localization before the PS3 dies. 

15 hours ago, Rapier said:

that we have high standards due to Estelle existing.

Estelle is BEstelle after all ;)

13 hours ago, familyplayer said:

bonding events

One of Falcom's Biggest Mistakes. In a series as consistent as Trails, playing ''choose your Waifu'' should not be a thing. Not to mention locking Character development behind it. Also, it makes Everyone only interact with Rean, and not with each other (which also one of the main reasons i can't stand the guy.)

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Estelle is BEstelle after all ;)

One of Falcom's Biggest Mistakes. In a series as consistent as Trails, playing ''choose your Waifu'' should not be a thing. Not to mention locking Character development behind it. Also, it makes Everyone only interact with Rean, and not with each other (which also one of the main reasons i can't stand the guy.)

Funny thing is, Estelle is good precisely because of the character development she gets. When she started, she was as generic as a j-rpg protagonist could be, but it was her growth and relationships that made her who she is right now. I don't know if the same happens to Rean, but I sure hope it does because for now he looks perfectly average and decent at everything he does.

I don't mind the "choosing your waifu" and support-esque system, tbh. I just wish it was better implemented,  had more relevance other than unlocking new tricks in fights and had more character exposition. What I actually minded was the school setting. Seriously,


There are increasing tensions in Crossbell. Erebonia itself is dealing with serious terrorist threats while tensions between the reformists and the nobles are ever increasing to the point a civil war is inevitable. We see signs of corruption, abuse of power and scheming during the field studies.

Yet for some reason the game wants me to spend time with terribly boring school slice of life that just drags.


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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

It was never localized afaik because the Future of the Series in the west was uncertain and because Falcom pushed for CS localization before the PS3 dies. 


This topic goes over it quite well, theres no PC version, so Xseed would have to make it themselves and compare the costs of doing that and proper localication would probably outweigh the sales it'd get because Trails is really niche outside of Japan.

We also currently have the fear of NISA gaining Falcom's favor and getting Cold Steel III, which might complicate things for the series as a whole and potentially mess with the consistency in terms of VAs, translation quality etc.

It's part of why I've done Trails giveaways and bought the games for alot of people, to get the word out there

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3 hours ago, Rapier said:

Funny thing is, Estelle is good precisely because of the character development she gets.

Not to sound rude, but what is this in refrence to (the matter of fact part of it I mean). If you're trying to say that Estelle has little personality at first, I would kinda disagree. She has very distinguishable personality traits such as being quirky, hot-headed, excitable, etc., even if those are kinda generic ones. Rean on the other hand I can only describe by saying "he's a good guy who fights for his friends cares for his friends." 

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3 hours ago, familyplayer said:

Not to sound rude, but what is this in refrence to (the matter of fact part of it I mean). If you're trying to say that Estelle has little personality at first, I would kinda disagree. She has very distinguishable personality traits such as being quirky, hot-headed, excitable, etc., even if those are kinda generic ones. Rean on the other hand I can only describe by saying "he's a good guy who fights for his friends cares for his friends." 

I meant that she starts as a very basic character. She's hot-headed, quirky, impulsive and dumb, and during her journey she starts maturing to a point where she still keeps these traits (similarly to how someone who was impulsive as a kid is still impulsive as an adult, yet manages that much better than before), but her more experienced self gives us a feeling that she had plenty of character development along her journey.

SC spoilers:


She lectures Weissman, for crying out loud. She lectures Renne many times, learns how to control herself in face of a frustrating experience (when she is stranded by the mist on Rolent and misses her chance to go find Joshua asap, for example). She lectures Joshua and manages to break his ice (I swear their meeting and confession scene were one of the best scenes I've seen in any games so far). Some of the things she says and her posture in face of problems start reminding us a lot of Cassius Bright himself.

By FC I thought Estelle was just fun, but by SC I started seeing just how great a character she is.


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Estelle is very interesting cause she mature naturally throughout the whole trilogy. She still has faults and keep some parts of her immature personality but that is what make her a well written character unlike a certain....cough...Rean-kun....cough....

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So judging from the little discussion going on here, i take it that Cold Steel is good, just not as good as the Sky trilogy? At least character and story-wise (i haven't read any spoilers, i'm just going off of context clues from the non-spoiler parts i've read here). What about gameplay-wise?


Also, gonna have to vent a bit because i just finished the first chapter of SC and it involved a giant mecha centaur (which i liked aesthetically) and i had to use cheats to win because the previous fight against the dust monster thing (that has two HP restoring moves, one of which heals a decent amount) exhausted my entire item supply and i wasn't going to be able to win otherwise.

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CS gameplay is also worse. Much worse imo. While it's faster, it's way too easy and boils down to S-break spam (which can one shot Bosses <.<,  but they can also one shot you). Basically, CS Nightmare is Sky normal (or even Sky easy). They 'simplified' the Arts system (no more Quartztetris), and the status effect balance is way out of the window (they stack now..)

18 hours ago, Rapier said:

I don't mind the "choosing your waifu" and support-esque system

Honestly, i wouldn't have minded it if it was FE-like and other characters could also bond with each other. But nooo, only Rean gets that privelege <.<


While CS fails at Main Cast (half of them should've been relegated to side cast) & gameplay, the worldbuilding is still as strong as Sky, npcs and side characters are still interesting (they shine more then the main cast), and the behind the scenes/non-school stuff continues upon what was built in Sky.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

So judging from the little discussion going on here, i take it that Cold Steel is good, just not as good as the Sky trilogy? At least character and story-wise (i haven't read any spoilers, i'm just going off of context clues from the non-spoiler parts i've read here). What about gameplay-wise?


Also, gonna have to vent a bit because i just finished the first chapter of SC and it involved a giant mecha centaur (which i liked aesthetically) and i had to use cheats to win because the previous fight against the dust monster thing (that has two HP restoring moves, one of which heals a decent amount) exhausted my entire item supply and i wasn't going to be able to win otherwise.

I will admit that SC has mean as all hell difficulty. Remember Earth Guard from earlier? It's pretty much been proven to be absolutely necessary for the hardest difficulties. The beginning also has some of the toughest fights since it's just Estelle. Thankfully, things get better quickly.

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8 hours ago, Magical CC said:

Estelle is very interesting cause she mature naturally throughout the whole trilogy. She still has faults and keep some parts of her immature personality but that is what make her a well written character unlike a certain....cough...Rean-kun....cough....

The problem with Rean isn't Estelle. It's Joshua. Because Estelle is in a whole other category.

My feelings about CS are more mixed than on SKy so far (CSII). It has some really great moments, but also extremely bad ones. (CS do everything to make you leave the game on the first few chapters, seriously.)
It also comes from the most disjointed way of telling its story.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

So judging from the little discussion going on here, i take it that Cold Steel is good, just not as good as the Sky trilogy? At least character and story-wise (i haven't read any spoilers, i'm just going off of context clues from the non-spoiler parts i've read here). What about gameplay-wise?


Also, gonna have to vent a bit because i just finished the first chapter of SC and it involved a giant mecha centaur (which i liked aesthetically) and i had to use cheats to win because the previous fight against the dust monster thing (that has two HP restoring moves, one of which heals a decent amount) exhausted my entire item supply and i wasn't going to be able to win otherwise.

Avoiding spoilers, yeah, they're more basic than the Sky trilogy characters. Do have in mind that I've only played CS1, though. They are good, but the best you will get from them is an exposition time where they're relevant/show character growth, then they return to being mostly unimportant and sidetracked whenever they're not forced into the limelight. It's a huge difference from Agate, Kloe or Tita. I also blame having loads and loads of characters since FC has... what, 5 other characters that join your party eventually? Meanwhile, Class VII is 9 members-long, and I'm excluding characters who join your party temporarily.

Gameplay-wise, it's faster paced and more intuitive than Sky's (you don't need X, Y and Z sepith values to use art A. Now the own orb you equip tells you the art you're going to learn from it, as well as other changes. For example, Scent on CS makes you easier to detect, states that you will get Aerial, Dark Matter and some other art that I forgot right now, whereas Scent on FC-3rd gave you sepith values and made you easier to detect). Its system also allows you to perform special actions with other chars during battles depending on their link level (for example, link level 2 allows for a dual attack, link level 3 allows for a finishing blow and so on). Really, it's easier and more intuitive than it seems.

That said, the game isn't bad. It's just not the best the Trails series has to offer in terms of story and writing (its story is good but its writing is questionable). It's solid gameplay-wise and OST-wise it's Falcom. As for graphics, sometimes they look good, sometimes it feels like I'm on Station Square from Sonic Adventure DX and you see models overlapping each other.


The statement that S-breaks win the game for you automatically is also a lie. There are enemies which are pretty much damage sponges even to those attacks. S-breaks actually come in handy for the status effects that will save your butt if you time them well. You can mostly play normal and abuse S-breaks, but going full Leeroy Jenkins at later points of the game or in harder difficulties will just earn you an early grave.

As for the dust creature (iirc it's a Dust Devil), I cry every time I remember a certain quest that has you fight 5 of these and they call more of their kin along with other allies. Oh, and they also inflict status effects, are huge damage sponges AND heal 1/3 of their lives. It's worse than the King Penguin fight on FC by far. Yes, you can use equipment that makes your life way easier, but guess who didn't save before that fight? Exactly.

12 minutes ago, Tamanoir said:

The problem with Rean isn't Estelle. It's Joshua. Because Estelle is in a whole other category.

It also comes from the most disjointed way of telling its story.

Uh..... what does Joshua have to do with it?

Also, I agree about the way it tells its story. Its story is very interesting but it will push the school setting slice of life down your throat.

1 hour ago, familyplayer said:

I will admit that SC has mean as all hell difficulty. Remember Earth Guard from earlier? It's pretty much been proven to be absolutely necessary for the hardest difficulties. The beginning also has some of the toughest fights since it's just Estelle. Thankfully, things get better quickly.

Then 3rd introduces status effects such as insta-kill, heal (you heal rather than deal damage) and other nasty stuff that can get you a game over in a blink if you don't pay attention (I used La Teara while with deathblow once because I didn't think it'd trigger the instakill if I just used my turn to heal. Mistakes were made).

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44 minutes ago, Rapier said:

Gameplay-wise, it's faster paced and more intuitive than Sky's (you don't need X, Y and Z sepith values to use art A. Now the own orb you equip tells you the art you're going to learn from it, as well as other changes. For example, Scent on CS makes you easier to detect, states that you will get Aerial, Dark Matter and some other art that I forgot right now, whereas Scent on FC-3rd gave you sepith values and made you easier to detect). Its system also allows you to perform special actions with other chars during battles depending on their link level (for example, link level 2 allows for a dual attack, link level 3 allows for a finishing blow and so on). Really, it's easier and more intuitive than it seems.

I think i might prefer that over Sky's Art system. I mean, from what i gather here, it's mostly the same but being able to know which Arts you get up-front as opposed to having to look through the Bracer Notebook (which has a lot of pages) is a plus.


2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

and the status effect balance is way out of the window (they stack now..)

Speaking of stacking, i've been wondering because i haven't been able to figure this out but if i use Estelle's Morale Craft to buff everyone Strength by 20% and then Zane uses Distend (or was it Composure) to buff his Strength by 30%, does that stack? Or does it override it? 

2 hours ago, familyplayer said:

I will admit that SC has mean as all hell difficulty. Remember Earth Guard from earlier? It's pretty much been proven to be absolutely necessary for the hardest difficulties. The beginning also has some of the toughest fights since it's just Estelle. Thankfully, things get better quickly.

Yep. The prologue in SC was harder than in FC. Not by much but i'm also playing on Nomal. But like, that dust monster boss wasn't hard, it was just tedious and i still expecting some more tedious fights as i progress. I don't know how had the mecha centaur was because i cheated on that. 

I'll probably use this thread to post my full thoughts on SC once i'm done with it.

44 minutes ago, Rapier said:

As for the dust creature (iirc it's a Dust Devil), I cry every time I remember a certain quest that has you fight 5 of these and they call more of their kin along with other allies. Oh, and they also inflict status effects, are huge damage sponges AND heal 1/3 of their lives. It's worse than the King Penguin fight on FC by far. Yes, you can use equipment that makes your life way easier, but guess who didn't save before that fight? Exactly.

Oh boy, if i ever get to that quest, i'm just gonna cheat on it. I'm not putting up with that.

That reminds me, SC doesn't have this problem (yet) but FC does and that that, the boss could be in the next room and you wouldn't know it. There were plenty of times where i didn't save because i didn't know it was coming. I was also using the "enemies get weaker with each retry" option but still. SC puts those recharge stations in the room before the boss so i know when to save and prepare.

44 minutes ago, Rapier said:

Then 3rd introduces status effects such as insta-kill, heal (you heal rather than deal damage) and other nasty stuff that can get you a game over in a blink if you don't pay attention (I used La Teara while with deathblow once because I didn't think it'd trigger the instakill if I just used my turn to heal. Mistakes were made).

Oh joooooooooy. Like, even though i now know how to manipulate turn order and stuff thanks to the tips you guys have given me, i still don't like the bonus system. Personally, it's a small blemish on a great battle system. Unless these aren't bonuses but the way the bolded part is worded makes it sound like it is, because i know heals can crit if you use it during a critical bonus.

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1 hour ago, Rapier said:

The statement that S-breaks win the game for you automatically is also a lie. There are enemies which are pretty much damage sponges even to those attacks.

errrm, I finished CS1 and 2 both on Nightmare. With the right buffs and Quartz combination, you can pretty much finish any boss fight with S-crafts. Especially in CS2. I don't even need op combination like Taurus + Domination to do that. (Taurus + domination Laura or Millium is topest of the keks).

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

it's mostly the same

not really..



^how the system works in CS. Quarts either give stats or Arts (with some some rare quartz giving both). There is no more Quartztetris or customization with different Quartz combination and how they work with each other. 

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of stacking, i've been wondering because i haven't been able to figure this out but if i use Estelle's Morale Craft to buff everyone Strength by 20% and then Zane uses Distend (or was it Composure) to buff his Strength by 30%, does that stack? Or does it override it? 

in Sky they don't stack, they override each other.

In CS (and afaik Crossbell) buffs stack up to 50% however

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh joooooooooy. Like, even though i now know how to manipulate turn order and stuff thanks to the tips you guys have given me, i still don't like the bonus system. Personally, it's a small blemish on a great battle system. Unless these aren't bonuses but the way the bolded part is worded makes it sound like it is, because i know heals can crit if you use it during a critical bonus.

Without spoiling, those effects are only on certain places, and relatively late in the game. So, don't worry to much.

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There are pros and cons in CS's gameplay


1. Crafts have been buffed to be more useful where before about one or two were really good and the rest were useless.
2. Arts have been nerfed. No longer can you earth guard until you win.
3. Link related stuff makes you feel strong and cool.
1. Crafts are now too OP with arts being useless in comparison. Why just damage the enemy in a line after a wait time, when I can do just as much damage in one turn, while also applying a delay to their turn? S-crafts also got too powerful. Not in CS 1, but in CS 2, they're stupid OP. Who needs to even face a boss when I can one-shot (at max health) them within 10 turns while taking no damage?
2. Delay game is too relevant. Most of the time, you don't want to even give enemies or bosses a chance to attack. Even if a character can't delay things with their crafts, they can get quartz to do so. But only for physical stuff. Most party member tier lists just have people who are fast and delay first, and magical guys who do neither last.
3. Bosses having a percent chance to get a status is very RNG heavy. I need to delay the boss, but he only has a 20% chance to get delayed. Better pray to Anna.
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3 minutes ago, familyplayer said:

There are pros and cons in CS's gameplay


1. Crafts have been buffed to be more useful where before about one or two were really good and the rest were useless.
2. Arts have been nerfed. No longer can you earth guard until you win.



3. Bosses having a percent chance to get a status is very RNG heavy. I need to delay the boss, but he only has a 20% chance to get delayed. Better pray to Anna.

I don't think arts have been that nerfed. There are some monsters with tons of HP and physical resistances that just sponge your hits unless you use arts. Also, you can't just Earth Guard until you win, but it doesn't really matter that much: You can use Emma's Crescent Moon Shell skill which reflects magical attacks and have someone use Adamantite Shield (aka Earth Guard but just for physical attacks). There: You're as invincible as you were when you abused Earth Guard on Sky (although it's not as OP as Grail Sphere, which takes the cake for brokenness)

Oh, and there's a healing art that targets everyone from your party, cures KO and recovers all HP at the same time (Seraphic Ring). Can't have something more broken than Emma using Crescent Moon Shell, then someone using Adamantite Shield and having Seraphic Ring as a backup if things go wrong.

About 3..... yeah, especially on the final fight.


You have two attempts to cure yourself during the entire battle. Your hopes lay on using the craft that halves damage and that has a chance to counter an attack. If you're lucky, you will trigger it and counter. If not, you'll keep taking damage like a sitting duck, wasting turns and pretty much spending 90 CP for nothing.


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47 minutes ago, Rapier said:

I don't think arts have been that nerfed. There are some monsters with tons of HP and physical resistances that just sponge your hits unless you use arts. Also, you can't just Earth Guard until you win, but it doesn't really matter that much: You can use Emma's Crescent Moon Shell skill which reflects magical attacks and have someone use Adamantite Shield (aka Earth Guard but just for physical attacks). There: You're as invincible as you were when you abused Earth Guard on Sky (although it's not as OP as Grail Sphere, which takes the cake for brokenness)

As I mentioned, they're nerfed, but what makes them so bad really is just that they can't compare to the craft game you can do.

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