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General Trails thread (Trails of Cold Steel 4 (PS4) out now).


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20 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

I'd say there's probably more demand for AO given it's more important to the overarching story than Zero is.

Thing is, i bet Ao will make 0 sense without Zero. It's like playing SC without FC. Which is a no no

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4 hours ago, Anomalocaris said:

I'd say there's probably more demand for AO given it's more important to the overarching story than Zero is.

Actually Zero is more important to CS3 and 4 than AO is overall (AO is still key but not as much).

Although the 15th anniversary game is looking to be 3rd/AO/CS2 for it's main context.

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14 hours ago, Jedi said:

That'd be Zero no Kiseki, which it's funny the current AO translation is much further along in it's editing and such than the Zero one (although that one was leaked early soooo yeah).

Ao's is further than Zero's? The later's is on 80% (or so says the post that was last updated in January). That's cool.

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I just write it here.

The release date of Trails of Cold Steel 2 is set. It will be 6th June for US and 7th June for EU/Australia. Somehow I was so set on tomorrow... Oh well, I can wait another month. It is still not how long others had to wait on the Vita version.

Can't wait to play it, at least I know that I can use Sara more in my party. Which I am really looking forward too. Undisputed choice for me. xD 

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So it seems as if Millium got a new English va.

I wish her the best, since this is the game where Millium gets some more focus. She has her work cut out for her.

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Well this is a surprise. The series has had VA changes before but it was mainly just for Trails in the Sky characters (for example, Olivier has two different VAs, one for the Sky trilogy and one for the Cold Steel games). I do wonder what promoted the change for Millium's VA but it's a welcome one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't mean to be a harbinger of bad news, but Nippon Ichi Software is doing a little badly right now. And by a "little", I mean they have to water down the stock price to get revenue to pay the employees because they otherwise can't.

Without NIS, there can be no NIS America. NISA is doing this game's translation. Point is obvious.

I'd hopeful to think Cold Steel 3 is under contractual obligations to be finished. But I'm not sure Dokomaki Jonosuke and Joe Doe the employees would be in the mood for turning rising sun runes to rainy isle runes for Cold Steel 4 if they weren't getting the money needed to buy some conveyor belt sushi and dollar menu fries.

Although it is possible NIS could be bought up and become a "brand" within a bigger company- like Atlus was.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't mean to be a harbinger of bad news, but Nippon Ichi Software is doing a little badly right now. And by a "little", I mean they have to water down the stock price to get revenue to pay the employees because they otherwise can't.

Without NIS, there can be no NIS America. NISA is doing this game's translation. I'd hopeful to think Cold Steel 3 is under contractual obligations to be finished. But I'm not sure Dokomaki Jonosuke and Joe Doe the employees would be in the mood for turning rising sun runes to rainy isle runes for Cold Steel 4 if they weren't getting the money needed to buy some conveyor belt sushi and dollar menu fries.

Although it is possible NIS could be bought up and become a "brand" within a bigger company- like Atlus was.

I hope they survive in some way, shape, or form.  I adore the translations, especially the treasure chests!

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Well, NISA should be safe for now, not sure about later tho. There were rumors about them having to downsize, but their Product marketing manager confirmed they are fake.

4 hours ago, eclipse said:

I adore the translations, especially the treasure chests!

Are you talking about Trails' Treasure chests? Those were done by Xseed, the ones who localized Trails up unitl CS2. Although most of their People who worked on Falcom games left already afaik.

Edited by Shrimperor
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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd hopeful to think Cold Steel 3 is under contractual obligations to be finished. But I'm not sure Dokomaki Jonosuke and Joe Doe the employees would be in the mood for turning rising sun runes to rainy isle runes for Cold Steel 4 if they weren't getting the money needed to buy some conveyor belt sushi and dollar menu fries.

I feel like the localization for Cold Steel 4 is also in the works considering how tied together it is with CS3.  But yeah, with NIS being in a bit of trouble, there is the unfortunate possibility. Then again, they can always transfer back to Xseed. Worst case scenario, CS4 gets the Sky 3rd treatment and isn't localized until 10 years after it's release.

18 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Are you talking about Trails' Treasure chests? Those were done by Xseed, the ones who localized Trails up unitl CS2.

And despite that, they aren't in the Cold Steel games though that's because you can't interact with the treasure chests in Cold Steel and onwards. A shame, since those treasure chests were amazing.

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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Then again, they can always transfer back to Xseed

thing is, the Xseed people who worked on Falcom games aren't there anymore, they already left.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

CS4 gets the Sky 3rd treatment and isn't localized until 10 years after it's release.

oh god, please no

Well, i would be fine with delaying Cold Steel if it means we get Ys 9 earlier, but i doubt that will be the case

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

And despite that, they aren't in the Cold Steel games though that's because you can't interact with the treasure chests in Cold Steel and onwards.

It was because Falcom finally fixed their Potato code they used in Sky xD. Also, blue chests in CS2 do have the treasure chests messages^^

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished with Trails of cold Steel 2. Damn did I rush through the game xD It came out here last Friday. But still need to do the second playthrough to prepare my save file for Cold Steel 3. And think about Zero and Blue if I just read through it or find a playthrough. But now I can take my time, still some months left...

And now I read about the "bad news" DX Sometimes I wish that the games would be not too focused on carrying over the save files instead pick some choices at the beginning. I know it adds much but dang.. Cold Steel 3 even needs the second playthrough from cold Steel 2 for some things... and I am not a fan about forced NG+ runs. Well I could also leave it. But something would be missing...

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From what people are saying (and from what garbled google translate results seem to corroborate), NIS had a massive stock sale and has quintupled the executive pay-cap.

Seems like they're a sinking ship and the higher-ups just want to grab as much loot as they can before it's sunk.

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I have played first two chapters of SC yet (prologue and 1) and I can tell already that I like it more than FC's earlygame. Actually it started with the intro theme which has been most of my absolute favorites so far, an earworm! The music feels more mature overall. Of course the gotten characters still share the same traits as in the prequel, but Estelle is definitive in a different role now (of course I do not mention why) and I can already see it. 

Also another main thing why I like SC's earlygame is having access to a full party which was not the case in prequel until lategame. Having a full party gives more flexibility and back up. Having only two party members against (optional) bosses was a huge issue I had in FC. 

Overall I am enjoying SC so far! 

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11 hours ago, Rosalina said:


The title must be fixed because these dates of release are wrong / outdated. 

Oh i didn't even realize it. Thanks for letting me know.

Why did i think September was the 6th month?

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New info on the game after Cold Steel 4 has started to drop I will put it in spoilers for obvious reasons. But it sounds like 2 entirely new protagonists, a Crossbell supporting cast with some Sora and Sen. Some possible Nayuta involvement might be there as well. 




Some folks are theorizing this game is in Leman State.

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