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Twitch Plays Pokemon Mafia NOC(15p)(GAME OVER TOWN WINS)


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Post 3/5 in general felt very off to me. I feel like town!Eury would be more assertive if her scumread got guiltied, whereas it felt more like she was weighing up the possibilities instead of reacting to her suspicions being confirmed. Imo it matches the scum gameplan to rolefish Refa to see if he has another part to his role if they know that the guilty is going to be retracted as well, although I guess this part means less to you because you think Refa is scum.

Also I'm still mad about you not actually being town that game lol.

@Omega. I hope you like the thunderdome!!!

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Scum!Eury even with regards to Town!Refa wouldn't know if the guilty would be retracted though for one.  I could be doing some super terrible play or I could have misunderstood what my role result was.  Hell there is a possibility that I was a tracker and tracked refa visiting the dead person, this isn't 100% damning but it could be a potential guilty that someone could press.

Considering that I stated I used all 5 of my posts in no way shape or form does Eury know that the guilty would be retracted.  Also I think almost anyone would potentially rolefish someone who's 90% likely about to be lynched without anything else changing that from happening.

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That's fair actually. I forgot that you'd lied about your postcount, so I'll retract that part, but I think it still reads as off. When you scumread someone and then another player outs a guilty on them, I feel like their reaction should have been stronger than what it was. 

Also assuming that Refa is town, scum!Eury would probably address it awkwardly, because she would know that the guilty was incorrect, whereas I feel like town!Eury's response would have more fire behind it if they believed the guilty.

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@Conqueror Fair enough on my post structure, I'll try to be more concise, thanks for the advice. Though I'm not promising anything


4 hours ago, Refa said:

It's frustrating for me because I'm getting scumread for being right and having to defend myself from it.  Yes, I know everyone else thought he was obvious scum but it sure didn't seem that way to me lol.

Okay, so you're saying I'm townreading a consensus scumread.  The only reason for me to do that is to make me look better, right?  The nebulous goal of towncred.  The problem is, why would I only start doing this on D2 and not on D1?  Not only would this make my Evan vote look better, it'd make me look better than if I waffled on the slot D1 and only started townreading the slot after a reread on D2.

Scum!Me wouldn't be hostile in the first place, or would be hostile for different reasoning (mad that Shinori voted me for a perceived bad case) and wouldn't need to tone it down.

Elemina could say she copped me.  If Scum!Shinori claimed a guilty on me, I flipped town, and Shinori got lynched, it'd fuck over the scumteam.  I'm not that good of a player (especially in this game) that scum needs to potentially sack Shinori to get rid of me.

Man, I know this is a possibility and I sort of feel bad for it, it's just that I honestly don't see where the townread was coming from. You've said stuff like their tone is good, whereas to me it read like a bunch of "I'm dumb", you've said their Shinori progression is good, when it really isn't and then you say it doesn't read like him making excuses which is a little too wishy washy for me to recognize.

Hm, this is a fair point, except you also get towncred from slight townreading D1 and hard townreading them D1 would be very hard to believe. I admit this is a point in your favour though.

Why wouldn't you need to tone it down if scum!you is hostile for a different reason? I think my point still stands.

Though I may not completely agree on this (not every possible scumteam has Elemina/some other person without a clear scumread and these people are also not 100% likely to be believed), I can see why you think this, which was basically what this entire point was about. (That point being you townreading Shinori)

And well, guess I'm back to waffling hardcore on your slot. Reading your exchange with Conqueror, I agree with most stuff Conq says and disagree with a bunch of things you say (feel free to ask for specifics if you think it's necessary), yet at the same time I can see the thought process coming from town!you. Basically I disagree with your case on Conq at first glance (you convinced me I might need to reread them though) and I agree most things that have been mentioned pointing at town!you can point to scum!you as well and yet the overall exchange somehow made me feel better on you? *waffle waffle* Overall read still leaning scum, but not as high as before.


I'm not sure I like Shinori voting Ice Sage to be completely honest, I can get the scumread (and agree with it for the most part) but I think they're never the lynch today over Bartozio/Eurykins/someone you think is scummy that has actually made some content? I think all of their content could make sense as newb town and would rather lynch elsewhere.


Speaking of which, Eury's lack of clarity on her gamestance is bothering me as well. I dislike the slot and would consolidate here. I don't have anything to add here tbh, this is mostly a sheep + solidification of a slowly growing unease I've had over time.

Bart > Eury > Ice = Elemina = Refa 

21 minutes ago, Killthestory said:

no i meant i think eury is town.

Sorry if I missed this, but where is this coming from?

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@Conqueror Let me know if there's something specific you want me to respond too, I legitimately don't think either of us is really getting anything out of our responses to each other (or at least, it's not really affecting MY read) and it's kinda stressing me out at this point.

@SB. How confident are you in Conqueror being town?  My JB townread is just based on his reads having a lot more thought and backing behind them than his last few scum games.  IMo if JB rolled scum like five times in a row, his reads would not improve that much.  I'm not as sure about my read here because he hasn't been posting frequently enough, but I still think he looks better than half of the playerbase.  I'd rather lynch Eury because I was suspicious of her on my own anyways, and I think what you have makes sense.  What do you think about her D1 and D2 posts?  It felt like she was having trouble coming up with scumreads overall, but she had some analysis regarding me/Shinori on D1 that I thought was more likely to come from town.  That's probably my main doubt in Eury > Bartozio.

14 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

Man, I know this is a possibility and I sort of feel bad for it, it's just that I honestly don't see where the townread was coming from. You've said stuff like their tone is good, whereas to me it read like a bunch of "I'm dumb", you've said their Shinori progression is good, when it really isn't and then you say it doesn't read like him making excuses which is a little too wishy washy for me to recognize.

Why wouldn't you need to tone it down if scum!you is hostile for a different reason? I think my point still stands.

I'm not sure I like Shinori voting Ice Sage to be completely honest, I can get the scumread (and agree with it for the most part) but I think they're never the lynch today over Bartozio/Eurykins/someone you think is scummy that has actually made some content? I think all of their content could make sense as newb town and would rather lynch elsewhere.

It just didn't read like Scum!Randa to me.  I really don't know how to explain myself more on this front, because it's not like I was super confident in my townread on the slot, but I still didn't want to lynch the slot at the end of the day.

I don't think Scum!Me would need to tone it down, is more what I'm saying.  Honestly, I can't remember the last time I played scum and genuinely got mad, so it's hard to argue this point.

Shinori's vote on Ice didn't bother me because he said he'd be ISOing Eurykins and Bartozio IIRC.

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Oh, work has finally ended. Fucking finally. 

Can anyone tl;dr what's actually going on though/anything I personally need to address (Saw my own name amongst others in the voting list stuff, so assuming comments were said towards me that I'm not aware of currently)? Gonna be cooking for a bit, and then other matters, so it's either that or probably a 10+ hour wait for any sort of real content.

Be back in a bit, assuming I don't blow up the kitchen.

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56 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

I'm not sure I like Shinori voting Ice Sage to be completely honest, I can get the scumread (and agree with it for the most part) but I think they're never the lynch today over Bartozio/Eurykins/someone you think is scummy that has actually made some content? I think all of their content could make sense as newb town and would rather lynch elsewhere.

5 hours ago, Shinori said:

I'll be frank I do not want Ice alive around *YLO, albeit we are far(I hope) from that point in time at the moment so I don't think Ice needs to be voted right now and I'm fine with lynching someone else after I get caught up but Ice needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.


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I actually don't get why that statement was really made.  You don't like my vote, yet agree with the scumread for the most part but just don't want to lynch them.

This seems like something I would do to defend a buddy while bussing said buddy.

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1 hour ago, Refa said:

@SB. How confident are you in Conqueror being town?  My JB townread is just based on his reads having a lot more thought and backing behind them than his last few scum games.  IMo if JB rolled scum like five times in a row, his reads would not improve that much.  I'm not as sure about my read here because he hasn't been posting frequently enough, but I still think he looks better than half of the playerbase.  I'd rather lynch Eury because I was suspicious of her on my own anyways, and I think what you have makes sense.  What do you think about her D1 and D2 posts?  It felt like she was having trouble coming up with scumreads overall, but she had some analysis regarding me/Shinori on D1 that I thought was more likely to come from town.  That's probably my main doubt in Eury > Bartozio.

I'm like... 80% sure Conq is town right now? I'll kinda take your word on the JB thing for now because I didn't read his posts much last game. Imo Eury's Day 1 was fairly null because I know that she struggles with reads early on, but I don't think her Shinori stuff on there was particularly telling reading it over again now. I think Eury genuinely was confused about early Shinori being stylistically different from other games (same tbh) but it's possible that scum!Eury wasn't sure what stance to take on him. I don't think her push on you was bad, but it's pretty picky in terms of details and tbh I didn't really see it going anywhere.

@Shinori Tomorrow is probably MYLO if we mislynch here. I get that having Ice in *YLO is scary, but is this just because he's new or because kind of inactive? Because Bart and Eleminia who hasn't posted in forever are both scarier slots to have there imo because Ice at least reads like town to me.

54 minutes ago, Eurykins said:

Can anyone tl;dr what's actually going on though/anything I personally need to address (Saw my own name amongst others in the voting list stuff, so assuming comments were said towards me that I'm not aware of currently)? Gonna be cooking for a bit, and then other matters, so it's either that or probably a 10+ hour wait for any sort of real content.

I have a case on you, which you should probably read! I won't  be able to respond to anything until morning though.

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6 hours ago, Refa said:

His only substantial one.

But it's not substantial.  When asked to explain why it's substantial, you can't do it; you just bring up WIFOM about how scum!Randa wouldn't drop it.

Your read on Randa is faked. As I outlined in my case, D2 you said you had reread and found Randa's Shinori progression good, which implies it is new information, when it was the basis of your D1 read.

6 hours ago, Shinori said:

I'll be frank I do not want Ice alive around *YLO, albeit we are far(I hope) from that point in time at the moment so I don't think Ice needs to be voted right now and I'm fine with lynching someone else after I get caught up but Ice needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

This statement undermines the case for me, because I feel something similar about many players in the game. It's impossible to get anything more than a gutread on them.

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