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New Heroes Summoning Event: Genealogy (May 10 ~) - Ishtar, Lene, and Ares from Genealogy of the Holy War - (WARNING: DATAMINE SPOILERS)


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Ares: that weapon though. Still, I don't have a shortage of red swords and I'm not interested enough to pull for him. Of course, I might end up with him anyway because...

Lene: do I need another infantry sword? No. Do I really need another dancer? Seeing as the only ones I'm missing are Shigure and Vanilla Azura, no, I don't. Am I gonna pull for her anyway? Absolutely. I don't have an Olivia built and look at her, her art is gorgeous! 

Ishtar: her skill set looks interesting, but I have plenty of infantry blue mages and she doesn't look that interesting. Her c skill looks fun, but I'd rather focus on Lene. Also it might be shallow but I'm really not a fan of her art. 

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Might not be any alts in terms of character, but in terms of gameplay alt Eldigan and alt Olivia are a bit underwhelming for me. Granted I've never played the game so it's purely a utilitarian assessment. Ishtar looks decent (well, skills-wise, her art looks a bit weird) but is limited by being foot-locked.

I think it's a pass for me beyond the first round, not going to make the same mistake I did in January chasing Micaiah. Ishtar can wait for a Legendary banner, Lene is hopefully demoted, and Ares is just pitybreaker material like daddy.

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I'm going to punch a freaking wall. I blew all my orbs on the legendary banner because I figured it was a pretty sure shot that they wouldn't be releasing any characters I really loved based on previous banners, and then they freaking reveal Ares AND Ishtar?! Ugh, I'm so mad at myself now. At least my tiny bit of consolation is that I don't love Ishtar's art and that maybe we'll get consolation of Arion, Travant, or someone else cool as a TT/GHB/GC character. Then again, there's every chance they go with Manfroy :\

I wonder if the axe guy is related to Surtr. The only major FE4 characters I can think of that weild axes cannonically are Lex's family, and none of them look even remotely like him.

EDIT: I really need to read the notifications. Julius is a pretty sweet GHB. Hoping he's actually a fairly decent unit instead of them just phoning it in. I'm not hoping for him to be game-breaking, but at least give him a decent niche like his pappy has.

Also, Safeguard seems like it'll be a cool sword to give people since it should be inheritable based on its might. Imagine Arden with that.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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More Jugdral characters with no alts included are always nice to see.

  • Ares: My main interest is in that Dark Mystletainn, since Eldigan will probably be able to get it through the Weapon Refinery later.  Brazen Atk/Def is also pretty nice.  He may or may not replace my Eldigan.
  • Lene: Eh, I guess she's okay.  I might not use her in combat, but maybe someone else can make good use of her Safeguard weapon.
  • Ishtar: Hoo, boy.  That Mjölnir and Swift Sparrow 2 combo gives her +10 Speed when attacking and I'm still trying to wrap my head around that.  She looks like a pretty good unit, though her art looks kinda funny.
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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I wonder which, if any of these units will drop down.  There's no obvious candidate this time.

It's entirely possible that all 3 could remain 5*-exclusive though if any of them were to drop down, it'd probably be Lene. Safeguard is neat but is pretty situational (Draug users can easily find a use for her Safeguard+); Firestorm Dance competes with Wings of Mercy in B-slot, and we already have 2 Sword Valor units who are both 5*-exclusives. And Lene, being an infantry dancer, is going to have unimpressive BST of ~150 which makes her unattractive to whales.

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28 minutes ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

Oh wow! Super cool! Some Jugdral love and a banner with no alts.


15 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

Also no alts.

8 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I haven't played geanealogly before but I am hyped for this banner, the characters look really good, and we finally get a new standard dancer, not to mention, no alts so I don't have to worry about getting someone I already have instead of learning about a new character 

Aaand watch as Seliph gets to be the new legendary hero of this month.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

I have no idea who these characters are, so I'm passing. None of them are green either, which disappoints me. The green pool is still too small. Even if alts are needed to expand it, I'd accept that. It's currently too hard to get green summons imo.

Also going to pass on Julius. I already have his dad and he's probably very similar.

I'm going to keep saving orbs.

I'd not assume Julius will be like Arvis so fast. They wield totally different types of magic and Loptyr (Julius tome) had a Dragonskin effect while also negating crits. Unless IS goes the lazy way to make him the same as Arvis he'll probably Guard or a damage reduction in his weapon.

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4 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I'd not assume Julius will be like Arvis so fast. They wield totally different types of magic and Loptyr (Julius tome) had a Dragonskin effect while also negating crits. Unless IS goes the lazy way to make him the same as Arvis he'll probably Guard or a damage reduction in his weapon.

Well, whatever the case, since he's a mage and I'm drowning in them, he's still likely someone I don't need.

Nice that the banner has no alts though. I'd have redesigned Eldigan's son though. I watched the Japanese trailer first, so I thought this WAS Eldigan. They look far too similar, imo.

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8 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

More Jugdral characters with no alts included are always nice to see.

  • Ares: My main interest is in that Dark Mystletainn, since Eldigan will probably be able to get it through the Weapon Refinery later.  Brazen Atk/Def is also pretty nice.  He may or may not replace my Eldigan.
  • Lene: Eh, I guess she's okay.  I might not use her in combat, but maybe someone else can make good use of her Safeguard weapon.
  • Ishtar: Hoo, boy.  That Mjölnir and Swift Sparrow 2 combo gives her +10 Speed when attacking and I'm still trying to wrap my head around that.  She looks like a pretty good unit, though her art looks kinda funny.

Not only that, but Ishtar has a skill that gives her +6Attack on odd-numbered turns and can even grant that to allies.

She's going to be busted as heck with skills like this. :D

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Posted in the wrong thread before.



I'm so happy they chose this song for the banner, but this is such a surprise, and I don't have the orbs saved up for this banner! $h!t.

Ares and Ishtar are also like some of the only characters I've been waiting for for a long time.

I can also not express how happy I am that they kept her title as the Thunder Goddess. I was expecting a Special Cooldown Blow on Ares' Mystletainn, but a permanent Special cool down after 1 round of combat works too I guess, lol."

Were my immediate thoughts on this banner.

Edited by Ae†her
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9 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

It's entirely possible that all 3 could remain 5*-exclusive

Nah. No alts or brave heroes (farfetched are also brave heroes according to the paralogue)

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Nice banner, and Issshhhhhtar mah girl! I have 200+ orbs saved so I'll definitely try for her. Not complaining if I get Ares or Lene in the process.

2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, whatever the case, since he's a mage and I'm drowning in them, he's still likely someone I don't need.

Nice that the banner has no alts though. I'd have redesigned Eldigan's son though. I watched the Japanese trailer first, so I thought this WAS Eldigan. They look far too similar, imo.

They looked incredibly like each other in the original FE4 art as well, so this is just being faithful to the original.

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4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, whatever the case, since he's a mage and I'm drowning in them, he's still likely someone I don't need.

Nice that the banner has no alts though. I'd have redesigned Eldigan's son though. I watched the Japanese trailer first, so I thought this WAS Eldigan. They look far too similar, imo.


eltshan  aless

...you aren't wrong. Lazy sprite work at its best, folks.

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16 minutes ago, Lemmy said:

Is the unidentified axa character just weilding a silver axe?

Not sure, but I think it's a lower difficulty map. Lene doesn't have her personal sword either in that shot.

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1 minute ago, Jave said:

They looked incredibly like each other in the original FE4 art as well, so this is just being faithful to the original.

Yeah, but I think there's such a thing as being too faithful.

1 minute ago, Tybrosion said:


eltshan  aless

...you aren't wrong. Lazy sprite work at its best, folks.

See what I said above. xP

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6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Well, whatever the case, since he's a mage and I'm drowning in them, he's still likely someone I don't need.

Nice that the banner has no alts though. I'd have redesigned Eldigan's son though. I watched the Japanese trailer first, so I thought this WAS Eldigan. They look far too similar, imo.

They look far too similar because even in the original game they're like that. Some of the children in Genealogy are spitting-images of their fathers and mothers.

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13 minutes ago, Larverto said:


Aaand watch as Seliph gets to be the new legendary hero of this month.

I mean we can expect an alt from the legendary banner and the current Seliph is borderline useless so that wouldn't be too bad 

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1 minute ago, Ae†her said:

They look far too similar because even in the original game they're like that. Some of the children in Genealogy are spitting-images of their fathers and mothers.

I'm aware now. See the posts above.

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4 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

Not sure, but I think it's a lower difficulty map. Lene doesn't have her personal sword either in that shot.

Surtr has Sinmara regardless of difficulty, so that probably isn't him unless if it's like a de-powered version of him.

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Interesting. I’m not attached to anything Judgral related, so I don’t think I’ll really dig too deep into this banner. I’ll attempt for Ishtar, at the very least. Nobody here looks gamebreaking either, though it’s nice to see a new dancer coming to the permanent pool since Ninian (plus she’ll very likely be the drop).

I also agree that something seems off with Ishtar art-wise, though it might be that her face looks a little funky.

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2 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

I mean we can expect an alt from the legendary banner and the current Seliph is borderline useless so that wouldn't be too bad 

Eh. He isn't that bad. It's just that his dad is in the game. Horse as well as slightly better stat spread. Though with DC and Divine Tyrfing, Seliph can be a dangerous foe

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They released another Dancer! Since I ran out of Orbs, I guess I am spending money again. You can never have too many Dancers/Singers.

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4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

Surtr has Sinmara regardless of difficulty, so that probably isn't him unless if it's like a de-powered version of him.

Who says it's Surtr? That's clearly not him. Looks clear as day like a new OC.

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