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Doctor Seuss Mafia - X-Site Summer Invitational (Day 5 - *YLO)


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(2) wolfyElemina, Refa

(2) Animal MidwifeAlpha Male, Refa

(5) Animal MidwifeAlpha Male, Refa, dyachei, Donald Trump, JohnCarter

(4) Animal MidwifeRefa, dyachei, JohnCarterDonald Trump

(4) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate, LaserGuy, Omega., Refa

(4) Magnificence IncarnateSB., Refa, NaanaOmega.

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2 minutes ago, Ichigo said:

Sorry, I really can't agree with this

Iono why you cared to make this post. We already know your stance on literally anything I have to fucking say.

LITERALLY. You have not agreed with me on anything.

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Elemina said you are a lurker(more in general) and hasn't seen you as scum so I assume he's talking about your play elsewhere.

You also did hard lurk most of the first day phase.

And you're probably right. I think Ori is town.  Iono about you though @Ichigo

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I do, and I'm re-reading right now with AM's flip in mind to think of my next direction today. Dunn, sorry I should mention that you are trying to improve that aspect of your play, and did see it in the last game, which is why I'm mostly having trouble with reading you right.

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Thought your null read on Alpha was weird. Didn't quite get part of your Refa read but I think that has to do with me not reading all of Refa's posts and I missed something.  I thought your massive wall on Evan was interesting but nothing specific.

Kinda wish you had commented on Orihime more(I know you did that already this day phase shortly after).

Would like to hear more of your thoughts on Naana.  I actually made a post linking back towards where most of Naana's posts were early on in D1 when she was interacting with me a lot.  Shatt was saying Naana was frozen around that time and I can see it.

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40 minutes ago, weinerboy said:

What's popping boys night phase reading weinerboy here, it's 1:22 AM and the spirit of Mafia is ON M- oh holy fucking christ this thread is so big whyyyy

Kinda missed this honestly, the whole write walls nobody will care about or read. I've decided to just pick up from where I left off, barring the skim I was doing before previously replaced in. 106 pages is pretty hell and I feel that a lot of things that I missed in details previously are not as important especially on a recent scumflip. Sue me.

Let's get into the people I can talk about with more certainty, those who I think are the most relevant to AM's flip as they were around to bare witness and somewhat contribute to it. If you're not mentioned in-depth It's because 1) you weren't around for the AM flip much 2) I don't really know how to read you based on what occurred with her flip.

Shinori - Initial impression: Mostly good. Without reiterating points made he definitely was the one who came out smelling like a rose compared to Evan. I felt like in that disposition the scummier thing to do would to be to butt heads with Evan but instead he disengaged when see fit. I think scum would drag that on longer or perhaps feign a stronger disdain as I believe that most players whether they want to admit it or not do not like being accused as town. It's pretty universal to think you're in the right in some capacity. I looked back a bit further to see how he handled Evan before and there was nothing that stood out for me, apparently NANA was a main target there was likely just wasn't getting enough support, can understand that. With regards to the AM flip he just posted what was mostly being said about AM's scumslip when it came to Discord. Really something anyone could do as either alignment but luckily what I saw and how I feel about other players make me feel OK with this slot. Liking so far

Ichigo - I haven't really been feeling this slot much, his incessant questioning towards AM was already leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Lot of active sidelining. The pushes he made don't have enough gumption and just seems like an attempt to seem like he believes in his fake reads. I ISO'd him a bit more and when I was reading you I often felt like his intentions were vague. There was one instance that especially strike me as odd wrt AM:



Then immediately afterward:



It's like he wanted to commit to this idea of AM being town but at the same point you were believing they were Wolf/Mafia/NotTown/PleaseFuckingGodCanWeCallItOneThing only because it was the correct thing to do. Don't know why you wouldn't double down on AM being tonally town and instead throw questions at him to get him to seemingly convince town he was the wrong guy. If you have a stronger point on Marth I'm not sure why this wasn't your greater focus, because you seemed to be very interested in him and even
voted him before the day ended. Don't like

Alpha Male - For a hot minute I was confused about which AM we were talking about beacuse Animal Midlife and Alpha Male are abbreviated the same. I really wanted to like this slot for the attention and commitment to AM but honestly I think she was getting a bit mundane. I wasn't paying attention as much as I should when it came to this but there were a lot of moments (Gorf is a bit guilty for this too) where they were egging on the fact AM was obvious and not really doing much beyond that. Was definitely coasting off this fact the most, though I do think there is potential to like this slot therefore I'm mostly null on this. I wanted to mention a IGMEOU so I threw her name on here.

Gorf/Donald Trump - Funny story: I was looking back at Luigi's Mansion mafia when I was scum and I remember pretending to hating Gorf for his troll behavior but it's a moot point at this rate. Gorf is gonna do what gorf is gonna do and honestly I accept that. What I wanted to know the most is if he agreed with my gut feeling on Ran and apparently looking a bit further back Gorf has been on Ran's case for a good minute, so I guess I'm interested to see what he does with that. When it comes to the point I made about AM egging it on Gorf was willing to not let AM simply be town or look like it because they had same interests. I like that, and maybe I will like him even more depending on what he has to say further about AM (the alive one) and Ranmaru.

--I went to bed about here at 3:00 AM--

Ranmaru/Elemina - A point I saw made from my other DGamer (marshy) is that Ran was being Ran earlier in the day. This definition fits like a glove and honestly my own issue is that I generally dislike Ranmaru's play up until he actually posts a readlist for me to delve into. Right now he's just been playing off the environment and I'm not really sure if it's a good or bad thing, especially because he didn't take my bait when I tried to get his attention. I'm putting him on the backburner until then and when it comes to AM he sorta just watched everything unfold and was too focused on his own interests to care. I don't particularily care for this but I don't think it's enough to make him priority. Don't like yet

Evan - After mullling it over through the night (literally) I don't know how to feel about this slot. I definitely agree with some people (Other AM, the alive one) that his sorta defense of AM was pretty grody, moreover he kept trying to cover his own ass throughout the phases. There's also the concern with throwing out that hot take about me and a couple of people that is alarming, but honestly if I'm looking at it from a partner/partner perspective I don't think he and Ichigo are aligned, therefore I'm in a position where if I think if one of them flips scum the other is pretty clear in my eyes. There was an instance earlier that Shinori pointed out where Ichigo stated that Evan's post was Bad/Gross/Shit despite Ichigo agreeing with Evan's read. This was clarified by Ichigo as somewhat untrue but the most I got out of it is that Ichigo and Evan were operating on different levels, and not just in the sense of what they were doing. If Ichigo/Evan were aligned I feel like Ichigo would've given stronger attention to Evan as he was gaining flak at the time, but in a sense he is very dismissal of him much like a lot of other people. Furthermore, Evan has also stated his dislike for Ichigo in a couple of posts, even more he was the one to vote him despite everything else going on with AM (note: I wish there was post numbers this shit would be easier to reference). Evan was also surprisingly consistent if he was prone to try and correct his mistakes, and the last post he made that Refa felt that made him no longer vigbait made a lot of sense if Evan was town, because he did mostly just read AM as null and never committed. Evan and Ranmaru are different players but their ways of gaining information seems similar, though Evan seems way more gun-ho this game. He's basically a slot that is easy to confuse scum with dumbtown, and I feel like he would be more opportunistic to get townpoints on AM instead of stating that they were mostly Null. It's like a townie that is so focused on what they were thinking they forgot about anything else. Not exactly good when it comes to working with but essentially harmless. Non-issue

Refa - So there was a slight concern with this slot initially in that if felt he was hamming it up with that one post about being mad if AM was town, but I had to agree with marshy about the way he was going about the situation was good. Really, this is a slot I want to talk with more than I want to talk about, because his interaction with Evan was more fruitful than what it seemed. It's not like he was some catalyst to decide how I felt about Evan, rather when Evan was given a chance to talk about things that weren't just 'why isn't shinori dead' he seemed actually a bit willing to reason with for a change. Like

Moving on to the slots I would deem as 'they were there but not really' -

JohnCarter, Ryanb, Naana, dyachei, Omega.

Both dya and John were already on AM and all dya really did was solidify her opinion on AM based on the posts I've seen from them. This is concerning to say the least, because it's just extra padding to someone who they possibly knew they were gonna flip scum. JohnCarter is ??? to me because I read his posts like they were saying things but not saying anything. Ichigo apparently doesn't like him so there could be some cool developments there based on what Ichigo does. Naana is apparently a target to people but yeeahhh not reading back that far wanna see what Ran does with that too. Really interesting end day where a lot of people who were involved with AM's death or around it were already planning ahead to the following day regardless of what she flipped. I don't believe all scum were on the wagon bussing her, so if I had to make assumption on who my guess on would be dya/AM at the absolute worst. I'm interested to see what people say about Naana too because she was also on AM's wagon.

MARSHY what the fuck u doin nibba im waiting for you to play this game im not reading you till you start chugging the bodytrain on someone. i do like that you're thinking Ichigo though so maybe we can both be thuggin' this game

##Vote @Ichigo

Let's start here for today

I dont really like the hedging on shinori. I think they are likely town, but it feels like you're giving yourself an out.


do like the ichigo read


Alpha male is prob town and they were also a counter to animal at some point


your read on DT feels empty


you also hedge a bunch on evan.


the read on refa feels pretty level 1 - i think that 1 post plus trying to get other wagons, etc makes them more likely to be scum.


obviously dont like your reads on JC or myself.

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10 minutes ago, Shinori said:

Iono why you cared to make this post. We already know your stance on literally anything I have to fucking say.

LITERALLY. You have not agreed with me on anything.

You've had one stance all game

Your second one is that 'Refa is suspicious'

He's town


We know what your first stance isInsert other media

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23 hours ago, Iris said:

(1) Red RyuMello
(1) Donald Trump: Magnificence Incarnate
(1) ShinoriEvanManManMan
(1) JohnCarterAnimal Midwife
(5) Naanamoonbird, manti, Elemina, Shinori, Red Ryu
(5) Animal Midwifedyachei, JohnCarterDonald Trump, Ryanyb, Alpha Male
(5) Magnificence IncarnateSB., Refa, NaanaOmega., Orihime
(1) Omega.Shattiel
(1) IchigoLaserGuy
(1) moonbirdIchigo

(2) Not Voting: Fable, weinerboy

With 24 alive, it takes 16 to hammer or the person with the most votes at deadline will be lynched. You have ~3 hours until deadline at 6/19, 10 pm EDT


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23 hours ago, Naana said:

@Elemina I was using a posting gimmick in team mafia, and that was a meme of a game.

I am 9 pages behind.

23 hours ago, Naana said:

##vote Animal Midwife

22 hours ago, Naana said:

oh please.  I've been preparing to switch to am for hours.  I have played with her enough to know when she is scum getting rung up at eod.

21 hours ago, Naana said:

how much time?  What is the votal?  Do I need to claim?

I also made a post near the end of the last day phase commenting on how the bolded doesn't look quite so true.

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Just now, Shinori said:

I also made a post near the end of the last day phase commenting on how the bolded doesn't look quite so true.

i find it a little alarming he was so against my thoughts when talking about AM as scum. it doesnt really ring true with the things you quoted

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JC read was essentially nothing, he was there and I didn't care either way about what he was saying. When it came to you I was attributing something that scum might do behaviorally though I do admit I did not look at context nor how you handled the day prior, so it's not a masterstroke or anything I just generally like getting out my thoughts if I do have them

I don't understand what you mean by hedging on this context, but I would assume you mean 'wishy-washy'

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Just now, weinerboy said:

JC read was essentially nothing, he was there and I didn't care either way about what he was saying. When it came to you I was attributing something that scum might do behaviorally though I do admit I did not look at context nor how you handled the day prior, so it's not a masterstroke or anything I just generally like getting out my thoughts if I do have them

I don't understand what you mean by hedging on this context, but I would assume you mean 'wishy-washy'

yes, not willing to commit to a read

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