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You knew it was coming.

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An archetype has been renamed.


And it's nowhere near as bad as it looks. It's just one letter less, and still pronounced the same way (I know this; I use the spelling "ei" in one of my names). Of course, that doesn't change the fact that a lot of you are probably going to be annoyed beyond reason.

Oh, and this one is from Nintendo of Europe's page for the game. http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/games/...agon_10089.html

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I'm not annoyed, they can call him Jaden, Juga, Jeiganzo or whatever. To me, he'll always be Jeigan the crappy prepromoted paladin and every1's favorite beginner's trap. FE Shadow Dragon will always be FEDS until another game comes to change that >_>

Edited by Boo
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Huh. This is quite possibly the most positive reaction I've seen to a name change. Of an original fanslation, no less. Everywhere else I go I see people who "want to kill the translators". Over a change in two letters, even, which is completely ridiculous, if you ask me. >_>

Because it is, every1 who uses a translation patch should already know that the translation was FAN-made, obviously there's gonna be some changes when it's localized. I prefer to use the names from Fan translations as I've gotten used to them (not to mention that I just prefer fan translation) but fight about how stupid localized names are? It's just stupid.

Although I do see why you thought there'd be negative reactions, those reactions started as soon as the first batch of screens where shown.

Edited by Boo
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I'm Jeigan's biggest fan, and I couldn't care less about NOA changing a few letters in his name. There's no sense in getting riled up over something that I can't control. I can still call him Jeigan if I want. =/

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Looks like I have to pernounce him as "Jay-gan" instead of "Jee-gain" now. Otherwise, nothing to be angry at. I'd only get mad if they name Linda something like Agatha or Gertrude or some other name sounding like an old or fat chick.

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Jeh - E - Gah - N is how the katakana shows his name, so Jagen (assuming the pronunciation is Jay-Gun) is actually pretty accurate.

Edited by Rei
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I'm Jeigan's biggest fan, and I couldn't care less about NOA changing a few letters in his name. There's no sense in getting riled up over something that I can't control. I can still call him Jeigan if I want. =/
This is NoE, there is no word about what NoA translates it into. Edited by Nintenlord
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It's the European version, and Macedonia is a real country in Europe. They probably don't want to cause any trouble by happening to have an enemy nation have the exact same name as a real life nation.

That being said, NoA will probably try to promote the "family friendly" deal out of their hat again, so they'll either use NoE's translation or make a variation of the existing one.

Edited by The Blind Archer
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No, lack of supports and...I have a whole post....I'll quote it later.
Gosh dang, you people. Lack of support conversations isn't going to ruin FEDS. I played the Japanese import with no understanding of what characters are saying, and still love and replay the game.

They even added conversations to the game, which while they aren't the support system, is still a method of conversation between characters.

Edited by FE3 Player
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I just realised I'm less than a month away from playing this... Awesome.

Go Jagen, you craptastic tank.

you can't imagine how much i'm hating you right now


it must be nice to be the first ones to get a game released for a change

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Gosh dang, you people. Lack of support conversations isn't going to ruin FEDS. I played the Japanese import with no understanding of what characters are saying, and still love and replay the game.

They even added conversations to the game, which while they aren't the support system, is still a method of conversation between characters.

This. While supports are indeed nice, there's enough script and conversations in the game to get a general vibe out of the characters. Already near the end of my third playthrough. <3

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