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Not certain if this is classified as balanced or not. (Screen from the beginning of 20x)

Edit: I think I used an Angelic Robe or 2 on him, it's a 2 year old save, so I don't remember.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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My Roy on my latest playthrough:

Lvl 6 with 66 experience

HP: 42

Str: 21

Skl: 21

Spd: 21

Luck: 16

Def: 16

Res: 17

Let's see... I have a Roy at level 666 that has broken stats everywhere except his luck is far below average.

I mean, sure his HP and skl were only barely above average, but that's one sick Roy regardless. Most of that awesomeness happened before promotion and he had like 18 spd and 18 str to last him all the way until promotion.

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From my last playthrough a loooooong time ago, was given one Angel Robe and the boots (supported with Thany, boots so he could keep up) everything else was by himself @_@

My first Roy (even longer ago) however, wasn't gaining any speed or defense so I ditched the entire playthrough by Chapter 17, this is from 12x of the same playthrough (save state) and he never got past 9 speed or 7 defense even by level 20.


Edited by Jedor
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The last time I played I had a Roy similar to the first one Jedor posted. Though I dont think mine had maxed out HP naturally if he did at all.

I recalled my Roy being very average until promotion and thats when he started getting the amazing level ups... then again oddly enough in that playthrough everyone I brought into the last dungeon had maxed at least 2 or 3 stats

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  • 2 weeks later...

Roy at the end of my just completed playthrough (Normal mode S-rank). [Opened up the Epilogue in the Trial Maps to get a look at him.]


That's all natural, with the exception of the occasional dose of minor RNG manip during the early chapters when he was weak and puny. (Roy will level if I kill this enemy? *scopes out the next few RNs, makes notes, soft resets, loads suspended data, and burns undesirables accordingly*. [i never attempt for perfect levels, just a point of strength or speed if either seem to be lagging, and take whatever else comes along for the ride.])

But that's just a habit I'm in for just about all of my units when they're young and tender, and quickly abandoned when I feel they're strong enough. Nothing really Roy-specific.

Edited by Balcerzak
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