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A very... generic introduction.


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Greetings. I'm Roderick, a generally decent enough guy with a bizarre attitude at times. I've been thinking of joining the Forest of Serenes for a good while now, and I guess this is my attempt at tiptoeing onto the waters.

What will I do in this not-so-shallow pond? I'll probably lurk around the hacking community. I've had some hack ideas for a while, and have even (secretly) tried to execute some of them.
Other than that, I was thinking of doing some Screenshot LP's, just for the hell of it. Seems like fun. Plus it gets me exposure, which is always kind of a nice thing.

So... The question some of you might have pondered... How do I fit in the FE-fandom?
Well, I started with Awakening, but as I ventured into the """""Elitist""""" grounds, I learned I enjoyed the GBA titles (specifically Blazing Sword) a LOT more than Awakening, so I turned from a newbie, to a newbie with an oldie mind... Or, something like that.

I prefer the older games, but the newer ones are still great, even if they have... glaring, issues at places... cough cough, Fates's Story, cough cough, Echoes Gameplay, cough cough...

So yeah, good to be here, and I'm ecstatic for any and all encounters in this Jungle of Herons and Crows... And some other bird analogy I can't think of right now.

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actually, most intros arent as self-aware of how annoying it is seeing accounts that never get used introducing themselves.

well, welcome to the forest, im at the moment really active, and kind of like going to all the intros i see, as, often, i get to meme on the newbies by reccomending them to play thracia 776 since its notorious for being brutal to play blind.

i have to get going, to other parts of the site, so toodles.

edit; im back, forgot to call you a nerd.

hey nerd. 

bye nerd.

Edited by (s)ad touch
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A TRUE elitist would know that Echoes is from Gaiden, which is from Kaga, which means that it's great!  Right?  :P:

Anyway, welcome~!  Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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Welcome Roderick! I got my start with old and mid-era Fire Emblem, and now I'm just kind of all over the place. I agree about the story for FE: Fates, and Echoes had a lot of complexity removed from what I've heard, which doesn't sound good to me as I think the traditional level of Fire Emblem complexity is closer to the right level, allowing for a nice feeling blend of strategy and calculation.

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