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Lowen's Solo Run in FE7 Normal Mode

Soviet Cut

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A Certain Nino Using Boi did a experiment where they were trying to prove if Rebecca's good or not. Because every playthrough is biased/RNG different, the results are different for everyone. But since I have nothing to do (besides waking up 5 am every day and coming home 8 pm), I decided to do a similar experiment, but using Lowen. The Rules are simple:

-I'm playing Eliwood Normal Mode, maybe I will play the other modes if possible

-I can't use any character which is not Lowen for fighting, when Battle Preparations screen is present, I can only bring Lowen and the main Lord (Eliwood in the actual case) and forced development characters (Lyn/Hector in some chapters, Nils/Athos in the final chapter), but those are not allowed to fight. I'm still thinking about using Nils in the final chapter since he's forced and the only thing he does is refreshing a unit (in this case Lowen).

-If a chapter is clearly unbeatable without using extra characters (the second part of Light is the only chapter I can thing about it but Battle Before Dawm is elegible)

-Lowen is using all stat booster that I can found for obvious reasons

So, without further ado, let's get started.

Chapter One (Eleven): Taking Leave:

The tactician's name is Horse, and he has Fire Affinity, the same as Lowen's.5b5de34e8996f_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877469642.png.4a607dd199b255465c5598d55cb5bd84.png

Obviously since this is Fire Emblem, the first chapter is about bandits attacking villages, so we have to help.5b5de38f660e2_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877561132.png.15f52fb579e1fc600da65916d2513178.png5b5de3a30af7f_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877626511.png.2040ae51585eb218f9d7102178d5bc69.png Our Swift Knight brings alongside him a green haired random girl and Horse, who's going to fatigue Lowen to death (After playing thracia for two weeks, some things just stick in your mind, I though Marcus could trade with Eliwood and Lowen in the same turn).

Because this is ENM, Marcus brings Steel weapons, which are going to be used by Lowen. Lowen brings a sword made of Iron and some Javelins, which aren't that useful right now.5b5de4a0ebcf1_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877792204.png.b18b012a9c28c52b52b022cc50fe86ce.png Missing a lot and taking a lot of hits, this just feel like Thracia all over again. 5b5de4f34d9e8_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877802973.png.8cc49c32b0add5ac89efad38d273f7da.png5b5de4fe69b11_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877909908.png.c452772ad74d6f66c7ef173eeabe8620.png5b5de51b33c25_FireEmblem(U)!_1532878009632.png.a197216578c07096fb2139161bcbbee9.png

Lowen's level ups are: Level 3: HP; Level 4: HP, Defense and Speed; Level 5: HP, Level 6: HP and Skill. Lowen used the Dracoshield and Energy Ring, so he's pretty tanky already.



I sold Eliwood's rapier for some extra gold and bought some vulneraries.5b5de75b8d395_FireEmblem(U)!_1532878627337.png.21422f72deaea521f4c3aea0e934b410.png

The boss of this chapter is easy, he's not even worth screenshotting but I've already done that.


Kill count: 2 Units (Bartre and Dorcas)

5b5de7e8db9bb_FireEmblem(U)!_1532878111423.png.23cb9a328687c541b9b5298ba6715651.png5b5de7ebabb0c_FireEmblem(U)!_1532877933806.png.cfb86f335df10534056fa175f99d46b5.png Dorcas' death quote is sad, really. Bartre is a big fat liar.

Next chaptee is coming soon, so turn in for the next Lowen's battle.










Edited by Soviet Cut
Misplaced images (mobile crap)
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dude, this is ENM. of course lowen can solo it. ANYONE could solo ENM because its, frankly, piss easy. if you wanted to prove that a unit was distinct, then you should play on HHM. and lowen is a FANTASTIC unit, so there is no point in this. ah, whatever, you do you man.

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1 minute ago, (s)ad touch said:

dude, this is ENM. of course lowen can solo it. ANYONE could solo ENM because its, frankly, piss easy. if you wanted to prove that a unit was distinct, then you should play on HHM. and lowen is a FANTASTIC unit, so there is no point in this. ah, whatever, you do you man.

This is actually a good idea. 

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HHM might be tricky for solos given the number of staff users lategame. You might want to attempt EHM instead as it gives Lowen access to an energy ring and a steel lance/sword early on.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

HNM might be doable, though.  EHM is ENM with worse experience gain.

HNM should honestly be fine. HNM is basically ENM -2 Eliwood chapters and +5 Hector chapters, with all other changes being fairly minor in comparison to HHM (biggest differences I can think of is Limstella gets Bolting and the Ch. 22 boss is in a corner).

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