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Husbando/Waifu mafia Day 3!


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11 minutes ago, Aizen said:

@Sham I'll be around if you need me.


2 hours ago, Aizen said:

What did you want Sham to talk with you about? Scumreads? Townreads? Certain players? You know for a hero I assumed you'd be much more clear in your intent. Perhaps you're not as mighty as you first thought.


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27 minutes ago, Marisa Kirisame said:

@Sham are you super cutie brownie townie? I wanna trust you because your thought process and way of dealing with information is much like mine! Are you sure you're not a witch who ahs put a hex on me? I feel like we can help each other out if you explain a bit more what you don't like about Nemu and while I don't want it to become a theme I can more in detail about Estelle? Consider it a duet!

Okay! I don't know any hexes, by the way, I'm not good with that stuff!

I have a bad feeling about Nemu because she just feels so... nonchalant! She's yet to post an opinion or thought process I felt genuine conviction from. Switching back from Violet to me because Violet would be AFK is weird; I can see doing that if her vote on me held any weight but Nemu never really insinuated she was looking for anything from me, so there's no reason to keep a vote down on me as it's not making me feel pressured at all (I'm not scared of weak voteparks). In a way I wonder if she didn't want people to think she was fishy for voting the person who just went AFK.

Right now I'm "cemented as her secondary scumread" because of All Might's case but there's no push or anything said to me or about me beyond that. There wasn't any push on me or Ochako initially when she thought we were a good place to look for scum, just some offhand remarks about us. She loves to question people and talk but never has any passion about her actual reads! It's like she's just trying to look busy. I can understand with the Violet vote since I'm in the same boat there but I've been one of the more active posters, so no excuse.

I actually have some new thoughts on Estelle after re-reading page 10 but I wanna hear more of what you and Aizen have to say about her first.

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2 hours ago, Aizen said:

First part is decent the rest isn't. Just a very bland parrot of what the rest of the thread has said and oh look more people glancing at Violet/C2 

Tell me more about this. First part is something that's NAI for me, I could easily say that as scum so I'm not sure why you think that part's particularly townie. As for the latter, easy to just shade me and say I'm parroting a read, what do you actually think about what I brought up?

2 hours ago, Aizen said:

Good and correct observation. I dislike how almost everyone jumped on C2/Violet when they made those long posts. They're awful lynches that shouldn't be on the table right now. It's much too risky. I doubt both are scum with posts like that at the same time. Along with both having only 1 post the info we get on that lynch is awful and if they flip town we'd basically be back to square one. Think for a moment before you place your vote down foolishly.

Okay, I'm not following this. What's awful about those lynches and why are they risky? C.C. made one post and it was objectively awful (haven't digested VE yet). We get info from lynches by pushing people and seeing how the wagonomics turn out instead of pussyfooting on people and saying oh maybe tomorrow we'll deal with them. I agree that both probably aren't scum at the same time! So why not push a bit and see where that goes?

But actually I want to try something else first since I took a quick look at the people I was voting with.

7 hours ago, Estelle said:

As for why C2's post bothers me more than Violet's, Violet's post may have had borrowed logic but at least she seems to have read the entire thread and considered the other options. C2's Ochaku vote has pretty much the same logic, she says she feels like Ochaku should be contributing more and then votes her. Notice: it's as if she didn't even read the rest of the thread. Why is she so confident voting when she hasn't even caught up on reading? Should we really be giving C2 a pass for this vote just because her read has a quote in it? She spends a lot more time coming to inconclusive reads on Olivier than she does on explaining her vote.

The main issue here is that she's only posted one time. I'm going to leave my vote there for now but from here on out I'll be primarily looking at players who are contributing a lot more currently.

##Vote C. C.

Posting only one time isn't remotely alignment indicative, @Estelle why is this your main issue with C.C.? Agree with C.C. wasting time on coming to inconclusive reads, but why should not having finished reading prevent people from making confident votes? I think C.C's vote was bad but this reeks of overexplaining and the reasoning doesn't hold up anyway. Was anyone giving C2 a pass just because her vote used a quote?

Note: not reading the thread isn't scummy either. I've looked at 2 partial ISOs so far and I've only skimmed the rest. It'll stay that way until I have some more time in a few hours.

##Vote: Estelle

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12 minutes ago, Sham said:

I actually have some new thoughts on Estelle after re-reading page 10 but I wanna hear more of what you and Aizen have to say about her first.

Do share. I like hearing thoughts, it looks like maybe you saw the same thing I did.

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13 minutes ago, Refakitty³ said:

Tell me more about this. First part is something that's NAI for me, I could easily say that as scum so I'm not sure why you think that part's particularly townie. As for the latter, easy to just shade me and say I'm parroting a read, what do you actually think about what I brought up?

I assume sham left or has no questions so I'll just answer Refa. (And this site is bugging again)

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Aizen, I had posted opinions about Estelle that I wanted you to respond to in the post where I pinged you. Even though Estelle is high in your list, there's nothing in your posts that makes me understand why you flip-flopped on her so hard.

Refa, you're probably going to be disappointed, unfortunately.

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14 minutes ago, Refakitty³ said:

Tell me more about this. First part is something that's NAI for me, I could easily say that as scum so I'm not sure why you think that part's particularly townie. As for the latter, easy to just shade me and say I'm parroting a read, what do you actually think about what I brought up?

You could yes but you don't gain much as scum for saying it and trying to help get someone engaged unless the sole reason is to pocket said player. This being an anon game that's much harder to do so I found that towny. For the latter you didn't bring up anything that wasn't already said.  That's why it's a parrot read. 


16 minutes ago, Refakitty³ said:

Okay, I'm not following this. What's awful about those lynches and why are they risky? C.C. made one post and it was objectively awful (haven't digested VE yet). We get info from lynches by pushing people and seeing how the wagonomics turn out instead of pussyfooting on people and saying oh maybe tomorrow we'll deal with them. I agree that both probably aren't scum at the same time! So why not push a bit and see where that goes?

But actually I want to try something else first since I took a quick look at the people I was voting with.

I don't think votes on them should go there unless you plan on lynching them. They both made 1 post that was on the lackluster side of content yes you get info for people being on the wagon but we could get much more for voting elsewhere. Besides, I have a confident scumread that I want to push more. There's an off chance both C2/Vio are town so I'm going to let them keep posting the fact everyone jumped on both of them (and the fact it looks like they'll get chainsaw lynched) is not a good feeling.

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2 minutes ago, Sham said:

Aizen, I had posted opinions about Estelle that I wanted you to respond to in the post where I pinged you. Even though Estelle is high in your list, there's nothing in your posts that makes me understand why you flip-flopped on her so hard.

Refa, you're probably going to be disappointed, unfortunately.

Ah I misunderstood I thought you wanted to ask me questions.  Let me go back and grab your comment. (This site not having an iso really is a pain in the ass.)

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4 minutes ago, Aizen said:

You could yes but you don't gain much as scum for saying it and trying to help get someone engaged unless the sole reason is to pocket said player. This being an anon game that's much harder to do so I found that towny. For the latter you didn't bring up anything that wasn't already said.  That's why it's a parrot read. 

I don't think votes on them should go there unless you plan on lynching them. They both made 1 post that was on the lackluster side of content yes you get info for people being on the wagon but we could get much more for voting elsewhere. Besides, I have a confident scumread that I want to push more. There's an off chance both C2/Vio are town so I'm going to let them keep posting the fact everyone jumped on both of them (and the fact it looks like they'll get chainsaw lynched) is not a good feeling.

Fair enough to the first point, but eh I disagree with the concept of parrot reads, esp since I came to the conclusion myself. But you don't know that, so I'll drop it.

Well, I do think C.C.'s a good lynch target for the day. I can see where you're coming with the last point I guess. Your confident scumread is Nemu, right? I'll take a look at them later too.

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1 hour ago, Sham said:

Estelle taking so long to come up with reads was bad, so I wrote about that,

But it's not bad Estelle expressed they're new and even if they weren't new some people get reads slower than other players. They can't all be as quick as you ms idol so I don't see the issue with lack of/slow scumreads.

1 hour ago, Sham said:

Overall I don't like the framing of Estelle's return post where she votes C.C., it reminds me of scum going "sorry I got off on the wrong foot with everybody, here is a mediocre case as a peace offering". She even admits her C.C. suspicion came late and I don't think her response to All Might's post there is good enough to drop pressure like he did there because what else was she really going to say as either alignment?

I will admit that post did confuse me a little with her calling Nemu scum. I don't mind the vote itself but her reasons are much more different then mine as I can see C2 as Nemu's partner but I don't think that was Estelle's reasoning. Do you think scum Estelle says her reasoning is late and acts the way she is? I find it on the side of slow towny in a fast game state. 
A large part of my townread is Estelle tone and play feels like someone trying to solve and she called out the Nemu comment about C2/Vio before I could so her mindset matches mine. I think if she really was this new scum player she'd be getting coaching instead of some of the posts she's making.

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It seems there is much to be caught up on. My assignment has been completed, so I shall turn my attention to the inquiries presented. Please allow ample time for the assessment- even I have my limits in how much and quickly I can type and deliver letters to people.  I will do my best not to disappoint- it would do my Major great injustice if I left my squad wanting or a command unfinished.

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13 pages? An ambiguous short time until D1 ends? Plenty of discussions and well elaborated posts for me to read? School work + projects + work related things occupying me as well? Little time for chilling and playing videogames? Well, you know what they say.


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so, uh, I asked Shinori if we could just forget about this whole Mafia thing and go play Monster Hunter / 100% Orange Juice and he laughed at me. 

Oh well.

So... how much time do I have left? I don't want to read everything while we have like 6 hours or so for the deadline. If that's the case, I'll focus on what the most recent discussion is all about.

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I will be working on the situation in order as I will be reading through the letters at hand. If there is something that is overlooked, please write back to me and I will be as prompt with the response as I can manage.

First letter comes from Nemu here.

1. I may have made an error in assuming Estelle's experience (or in this case, lack thereof). They did not come initially as an inexperienced initiate, but that would give room for the performance (at the present time my first analysis report being written) that was witnessed. I would weigh it in mind and would be willing to note differently on the squad member given the information.

2. Estelle/Ochako interactions - This is actually somewhat of a challenge to gather intel on, for the following reason: Lack of interactions and communications and intel from both parties regarding the other party.

- Notions of Estelle looking at Ochako -

A. Comment wrt scrutiny based on outside intel that does not necessarily pertain to in-context (game) situation. Does not hold much of any weight at all in terms of considerations.

B. States the same read, and as far as I can read into it, there is no further in-depth concerns regarding Ochako.

- Notions of Ochako looking at Estelle -

None, as far as I could find within their data.

This slightly concerns me, as it comes off as the two parties either handwaving someone (in the instance of Estelle looking at Ochako) or outright ignoring the other person (Ochako looking at Estelle). The latter holds potential wolf habits (both actually do, but the latter feels worse than the former), as some tend to not think about actually trying to case an ally that is next to them and may sometimes forget to speak of them entirely. I cannot say if this is actually the case that is unfolding, but it is a report that should be taken note of and held in consideration when regarding intel and interactions being scanned.

3. I may have actually forgotten about Marissa during the initial report. That would be an error on my part. Was partially due to the timeframe in which the report was made. I will be forming a report upon the squad member within the next series of reports, as there is (as you stated) definitely intel to be considered and a report completed.

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1 hour ago, Refakitty³ said:

Tell me more about this. First part is something that's NAI for me, I could easily say that as scum so I'm not sure why you think that part's particularly townie. As for the latter, easy to just shade me and say I'm parroting a read, what do you actually think about what I brought up?

Okay, I'm not following this. What's awful about those lynches and why are they risky? C.C. made one post and it was objectively awful (haven't digested VE yet). We get info from lynches by pushing people and seeing how the wagonomics turn out instead of pussyfooting on people and saying oh maybe tomorrow we'll deal with them. I agree that both probably aren't scum at the same time! So why not push a bit and see where that goes?

But actually I want to try something else first since I took a quick look at the people I was voting with.

Posting only one time isn't remotely alignment indicative, @Estelle why is this your main issue with C.C.? Agree with C.C. wasting time on coming to inconclusive reads, but why should not having finished reading prevent people from making confident votes? I think C.C's vote was bad but this reeks of overexplaining and the reasoning doesn't hold up anyway. Was anyone giving C2 a pass just because her vote used a quote?

Note: not reading the thread isn't scummy either. I've looked at 2 partial ISOs so far and I've only skimmed the rest. It'll stay that way until I have some more time in a few hours.

##Vote: Estelle

I didn't say I thought she was scummy because she only posted once. I was referring to what I've mentioned several times now, which is that since she's only posted once there's not a lot to go off of. The fact that the three leading wagons right now are all players that haven't said anything in over 24 hours is not a good thing. I promise once I get done with my work I'll do some more analysis so I can learn more about the actual threats, I think you all should do the same. Refakitty in particular feels off to me, I'll explain more about why in detail but in short I think it's kinda weird that his main scumread is C2 but he's going after everyone else who scumreads C2 at the same time. Be back in an hour or so.

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6 minutes ago, Estelle said:

I didn't say I thought she was scummy because she only posted once. I was referring to what I've mentioned several times now, which is that since she's only posted once there's not a lot to go off of. The fact that the three leading wagons right now are all players that haven't said anything in over 24 hours is not a good thing. I promise once I get done with my work I'll do some more analysis so I can learn more about the actual threats, I think you all should do the same. Refakitty in particular feels off to me, I'll explain more about why in detail but in short I think it's kinda weird that his main scumread is C2 but he's going after everyone else who scumreads C2 at the same time. Be back in an hour or so.

Oops, I actually misread that part of your post; thought you were saying that was the main reason for your vote. That actually changes my read on you quite a bit. Will need to look at things a little more before I change my vote.

My main scumread was C2 but that doesn't mean I'm not open to exploring other options. Where am I going after other people who scumread C2?

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On 28/08/2018 at 11:10 PM, Cú Chulainn said:

Hey So since I have a history of being mislynched in anon games, I wanted to claim this information right away. I have a very scummy role. in addition to that, I have mod-given confirmation that there IS a hostile third party in this game. If claiming this gets me killed or whatever (by some role looking for me or some shit) then so be it, because I don't see the town benefit in keeping this info private.

Bolded is the story of my life, except for Mafia in general. Also, interesting stuff brought up.

On 28/08/2018 at 11:37 PM, All Might said:

2. in anon games i've found people who are awkward and overdue roleplaying to have a pretty good track record of being wolf

Please tell me you are kidding.

All-Might seems wishy-washy but it's page 2 and RVS, so...

On 28/08/2018 at 11:37 PM, All Might said:

talk to me like a person

animes are confusing. attributed rain's awkward ass entrance to aizen, but since aizen immediately jumped to rain's defense, doesnt seem like w/w. if im pushing rain i dont want to be cross universing yet and pushing aizen whos roleplaying bugs me in general

... What are you talking about? Awkward ass entrance, Aizen jumping to my defense...? Do you realize my only post was made at page 1 and I've been off this game for that long?

So, it's page 4 and there's a wagon at me for people whose reasons are pretty much "hey I'll sheep All Might's wagon, sounds fun!". That was an ok excuse during RVS phase. Not so much for page 3 and 4.

Ok I'll go eat something now.

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