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How do you create your endgame teams?

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I usually look up how many units are allowed for endgame and then build a team to fill that amount. Sometimes it might change if the unit I chose ends up sucking while another unit became more reliable.

Edited by Ronnie
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Usually my end team is just the team i've been running up to that point anyways. most endgames tend to have about the same number of deployment slots as most other chapters, so as long as you keep a fairly centralized team that can meet the deployment cap for most chapters i find youll always be ready. that and strong weapons.

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It's often just a "do I like you" type thing for me, and not really fully decided until almost Endgame really. Occasionally I'll do wacky stuff for the fun of it like Wil in HHM, but usually it's just whether a unit is a character I like or has good performance, they'll get used and just naturally filter out of the roster until I have to make choices.

As just a random example, when I played PoR my main units shifted around a lot near the end, Haar came in and out on a whim depending on if fliers were good for the map, and I tried my best to use Lucia even though Zihark was totally beating her (I managed to make her useful by just... giving her Wrath/Resolve in the final chapter since no one else wanted it or had the capacity for it. She killed like... two Feral One cats). Early on Boyd was a top fighter for me, and would've likely came to endgame, but he promoted early and I decided to keep him out of a chapter for whatever reason. Then sort of... forgot about him, and when Kieran came along I had pretty much no reason to bring him back in.

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I usually like the rest of the game decide for me what team I'm going to use. From my experience the team that works for the rest of the game exceptionally for you, will work at the final chapter too. If I like a certain character, I start training them, and if they work, they will reach the final chapter. There's no real other option, as some characters get benched quicker than expected.

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I typically don't plan a full team from the start, but I may have a few units in mind that I want to use on a given playthrough.

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I simply just pick one person for one weapon type and just try to make a balanced team that way using units I just like. I do sometimes check how many units I'm allowed and how many units are force deploys to make sure they are usable too.

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10 hours ago, Mark the Tactician said:

A simple question I figure I should ask...

When you create your endgame teams for the final chapter(s), at what point do you begin choosing which units to bring to the end, and what do you look at when deciding which units you wish to bring?

It depends on the playthrough. ive done so many runs of every fire emblem game that i usually determine the units im using before i even start the game. If its a new fire emblem game i go purely off design/try to train everyone if possible which sometimes isnt. 

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I don't focus so much on who I'll bring to the final battle, I focus on having a useful team for the entire game. This generally means having enough characters to fill all the unit slots in most chapters, and the final fights typically have a comparable number of unit slots.

As for who I use through the entire game, partly it depends on what kind of mood I'm in with a playthrough. Seth is certainly finding a slot on a no-grind SS run, whereas Ewan won't see the light without grind, in which case Seth may be dropped. Artur is someone I often try to train up, but if he starts falling behind, I'll bench him on a no-grind.

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If I don't have a particular strategy nor feel the need to use one, I like to go with my favorite units or just whoever are strongest at the time. I never really plan ahead for endgame, especially in initial runs

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I pick my favorites for weapon and unit types and stick with them unless they get RNG cursed then I go with whoever has better stats.  Favoritism always wins out with me, I always end up using Renning in my end team for RD even though I have other cavs who are a lot better.  Of course I am a strange person who has to have one of every weapon type user maxed out and on my end team even if axes and dark magic are not as good as other weapons in some of the games.

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Usually I use units I like throughout the whole game and that determines my endgame team. Deployment slots affect that too. I will say the most I got into planning a team was Radiant Dawn's endgame. Since that limits the unit slots a lot for that games cast. I also was influenced by general utility along with legendary weapons. So I ended up bringing Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Nephenee, Mia, Jill, Titania, Mist, Soren, Ilyana, Elincia, Gatrie, Shinon, and the required units with Leanne as my heron and the dragons. (If I had a choice the dragons and heron would have been benched and I would have brought Calil, Zihark, Geoffrey, and probably Astrid) I basically balanced out units I needed for that (tanks, mages, healers, etc) of the units I liked and also had units present to wield legendary weapons (Micaiah, Sanaki, Ilyana, and Soren for their legendary element tomes, Nephenee for wishblade, Shinon for the Double Bow, Elincia got the Alondite, even though Amiti was probably better, Mia got the Vague Katti, Sothe the Baselard, Jill got Urvan after Ike used, Ike had Ragnell, and Gatrie just had a silver greatlance)

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I choose the characters I like.

At first I try to use everyone and see if I like their personality and stuffs, if I don't like them, they got benched forever and I keep using only the ones I liked, then the ones I liked, that become the stronger for using them the most, make the final Team.

Is just me choosing the characters I like the most, that's all

Edited by SniperGYS
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Even though the only FE's I've beaten so far are Awakening and Echoes, the process for who I pick for the endgame is the same regardless: Whoever is the strongest and/or is the best suited for the level in question.

I aim to avoid favoritism no matter how petty or important the topic/subject is, and Fire Emblem is no exception. Then again, most of my favorite characters tend to be the ones that excel in combat, and whenever a character I'm not a big fan of happens to be doing better than usual, I still rejoice, as now I have an easier time unlocking more of their supports. I'm in a win-win situation no mater what!

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I usually find a group of characters I like and are varied in class and such, because I like using many different classes.

i don’t really like dropping people from the team even if I come across an objectively better unit.

and in echoes I just use everyone untill the last dungeons at which point I spend 45 minutes deciding who to bring in

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i usually just use the characters i like into the party and actually use 2-3 of them. it was the worst in path of radiance where i basically only used ike to do most things. 

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Like Tailtiu says: "Now that I've gotten to know you, I like you a lot." and "Well, I'm worried about you. So I decided to protect you."

Basically the endgame team is just units that I got to like a lot. It happened on Sacred Stones and still happened on Echoes.

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I pick characters that I like that are also at least decent in battles. When I replay the games I might rotate characters around to try out different ones, but there are other characters that are my favorites that I always put on my team.

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