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1-2 Range Swords Poll


1-2 Range Swords  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Method of 1-2 Range Swords Do You Prefer?

    • Levin Sword (Shadow Dragon, Gaiden/Echoes, etc.)
    • Sonic & Runic Swords (GBA, Path of radiance)
    • Wind Edges (Radiant Dawn)
    • Throwing Swords (Awakening, Fates)
    • I want a new method! (State your method below)
    • None

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Fire Emblem has tried many methods of giving 1-2 ranged swords, from the Levin Sword and other magic swords, to swords that emit sword beams and swords that are thrown overhead and straight forward like a spear. Which method is your favourite, do you want a new method, or do you think they should give up trying to include 1-2 ranged swords?

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I think Fates's method of handling 1-2-Range Swords was the best since it put Swords on more equal footing with Lances and Axes in terms of decent, easily accessible combat in that area.  That said, I think I would prefer such swords in future games run more along the lines of boomerangs or kukri.

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Whatever gives me a sword equivalent of Javelin and Hand Axe, which in this case is both the Radiant Dawn and Fates version. Fates was a bit better in this regard, though, since Wind Edges in RD couldn't be forged for whatever reason.

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I'm voting for the Fates/Awakening way mostly because i don't like sword beams and think Magic Weapons shold run in their own cathegory, all types having them. But really, for me to actually apreciate them they wold need to be made more aestheticaly pleasing like the one @Von Ichipathacai mentioned.

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Radiant Dawn/Fates are the only games to even put a semblance of effort into making a sword equivalent of a hand axe or javelin and putting swords on even ground with axes or lances in that department.

I find the throwing kinda silly looking though, so aesthetically I prefer the Wind Edges to the Kodachi.  Mechanics wise I prefer the Kodachi but that also applies to Fates Hand Axe/Javelin vs the rest of the series versions of Hand axe/Javelin, I appreciate those weapons getting a massive nerfhammer any day.  

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I believe Skallagrim's video on the topic has been posted enough times here, but in case you're still curious:



I agree with the Awakening/Fates method, even if I've only played the former. It allowed swords to counter the very common hand-axes and javelins, without having to be given an arbitrary magic function.

With that said, a throwing a sword wasn't a common occurrence in history, meaning that it could break someones suspension of belief if no one blinks an eye at the practice in the world of Fire Emblem. That, and I don't believe there are any historical swords dedicated to throwing, meaning they would have to design it themselves, which has the potential of looking odd or goofy.

Since combat arts are returning, and some of them could be interpreted as low-key spells, I could see an attack like this being reasonable:

http://kupogames.com/wp-content/uploads/throw.gif (sorry you have to click on the link, but the damn gif won't work for some reason)


I can also see projections/telekinesis being an excuse for being able to attack at 2 range (think Kenshi from Mortal Kombat), at the cost of it being limited to a specific character or class, and not being exclusive to swords.

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I voted in favor of magic swords.

I honestly find the idea of throwing a kind of silly- possible, yes, as Hawking provides evidence for, but a sword simply isn't the sort of weapon you take multiple of into battle with the intention of throwing some of them. For that, someone more like a throwing knife would be the best parallel to hand axes and javelins, assuming that hidden weapons don't return in future games. A throwing knife I found particularly interesting was the African mambele, which is longer than what we might imagine a dagger to be while still decidedly being a throwing weapon.

That being said, I think the rarer usage of magic swords is better than having common 1-2 range options. I don't necessarily agree with the idea of balancing swords to lances and axes this way- I feel they should be given their own advantages, and even then, there are plenty of sword-wielding units that are considered quite good.

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Wind Edges hands down, because I love the idea of emitting sword beams. I have Zephiel, Ike, and BK to thank for that. I want wind edges to return, so long as they fix their god-awful accuracy. Seriously, 60, 50, and 55 hit? FE6 axe levels of accuracy? On swords!? Absolutely not. Never do that again, IS. (Even though I once read that their hit rates were swapped by mistake)

Throwing swords in Awakening was a little weird to me. Amatsu I could understand. In fact I would surmise it's made to be thrown like a javelin, since that's how myrms/swordmasters throw it (and Ragnell...) and only they can wield it. Throwing Ragnell on the other hand... was just wrong. Ragnell emits sword beams, I expect to see as much (Smash was forgiven. Until Cloud happened...)

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They should just create a sword that is double the normal length, And therefore having the 1-2 range

Since I've only played Fates, I'm completely biased towards throwing swords.

But the idea of throwing swords itself is quite odd. I mean just imagine, You shoot someone with a bow and then in retaliation they throw their sword back, I'd be quite confused.

Edited by MyLuckyHaiku
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I really like the Wind Edge line of swords. I like the design of the sword, the animation is very pleasing, and I would like to see that again. I just would rather they not have so few uses. I will also add that I would like to see the return of the other elemental swords, in FE4 (Genealogy of the Holy War) you had a magic sword for every element (Fire, Thunder, Wind, Light, Earth AKA the Nosferartu Sword) And I would like to see this done again, but maybe like with the wind swords of Radiant Dawn you have upgraded versions of each one. Similar to other 1-2 range weapons i.e. Handaxe to Shortaxe to Tomahawk. Moreover it seemed you didn't need much magic at all to wield these swords effectively, so that too was really nice, which is also true of the Wind Swords of Radiant Dawn.

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15 hours ago, thecrimsonflash said:

Wind edges hands down, they are the most aesthetically appealing 1-2 range swords in the series.

sonic/levin/rune/light brand/ind sword belong in their own class of magic weapons if you ask me.

This sums up my entire feelings on the topic pretty well. Nothing wrong with Light Brands or Rune Swords, but they're not exactly the Hand Axes or Javelins of the Sword type.

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On 9/6/2018 at 4:40 PM, Von Ithipathachai said:

I think Fates's method of handling 1-2-Range Swords was the best since it put Swords on more equal footing with Lances and Axes in terms of decent, easily accessible combat in that area.  That said, I think I would prefer such swords in future games run more along the lines of boomerangs or kukri.

Speaking of, one of the enemy only 1-2 weapons in Fates was a kukri.

On the subject, I'd prefer the Radiant Dawn or Fates method of handling ranged swords (though admittedly, throwing your sword is a pretty ridiculous idea; then again, we are talking about a series that had hand axes act like boomerangs in most installments). Those were the only games that had ranged swords without arbitrarily having them be magic swords.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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  • 5 weeks later...

Ranged swords just feel wrong to me. Lances have their throwable counterparte, and axes sort of, but since swords are short ranged combat weapons, it makes no sense to me for them be 1-2 range. They were mostly used as sidearms in real life anyway.

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