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What's Your Most Common Bane/Boon

Captain Karnage

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Kind of curious as to see what bane/boon seems to curse or bless you when you finally pull someone decent.

I seem to get Hp boon and Res bane on most of my 5 star units

Edited by Captain Karnage
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-Atk is my most common bane.

Here's a list of everyone I've gotten that is -Atk.

Baby Tiki
Titania (another)*
Effie (again)*
Spring Camilla
Corrin XY*
Spring Lucina
Bride Cordelia*
Bride Cordelia (again)*
Bride Lyn
Summer Robin
Summer Tiki
Summer Frederick
Rebecca (again)
Summer Corrin
Summer Elise
CYL Lucina*
Dancer Inigo*
Singer Shigure
Seliph (again)*
Cain (again)
Seliph (again)*
Eldigan (again)*
Winter Lissa
Mounted Eirika
Julia (Again)*
Legendary Ephraim
Legendary Ephraim (Again)*
Morgan Male
Chrom Mounted
Spring Sharena
Grima Robin
Legendary Ephraim (Again)*
PA Inigo*
Bride Tharja
Kinshi Ryoma
Horse Eirika (Again)
Summer Linde*
Summer Takumi
Archer Lucina
Micaiah Yukata
Rhajat (again)
Reinhardt (Sword)*


I think +HP seems to be my most common boon.

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5 out of my 38 copies of Julia are [+Spd, -Res]. (13%)

4 out of my 33 copies of Brave Lyn are [+Spd, -Def]. (12%)
5 out of my 33 copies of Brave Lyn are [+Atk, -Res]. (15%)

4 out of my 30 copies of Brave Ike are [+Res, -HP]. (13%)
5 out of my 30 copies of Brave Ike are [+HP, -Atk]. (17%)

3 out of my 12 copies of Delthea are [+Atk, -Spd]. (25%)
3 out of my 12 copies of Delthea are [+HP, -Res]. (25%)

4 out of my 13 copies of Gunnthra are [+Res, -Spd]. (31%)

4 out of my 12 copies of Celica are [+Spd, -Atk]. (33%)

3 out of my 7 copies of Tana are [+HP, -Def]. (43%) They are also consecutive copies.


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A lot of five star units I pull often tend to be perfect when they're not -Spd. Of course some of them, like Reinhardt, are perfect because of the -Spd. But I haven't noticed any other patterns. For five star units or for generic fodder and dupes.

Recently though I broke the trend of having only -Atk/+Spd Titanias. All six of my first Titanias had that same boon/bane, including the five star one I got from her original banner. But some months after she was demoted in rarity I got a 3 star copy of her at a different nature. Still sent her home just as quickly though.

Edited by Glennstavos
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-def seems to be my most common bane, as to boon I would say +atk would be my most common but I get more verity in boons so it is only by like one or two units. 

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Oh god. Mine would have to be the famous +RES -ATK or +DEF -ATK. And this is on units that don't have really good DEF or RES.

Perfect Examples of +DEF -ATK: Legault, Julia, Azura, Ishtar, Linde, Deirdre, WoT Olwen, Brave Lyn, and Legendary Lucina. Lot of Women for some reason. 

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Hmm, I looked at my list and of the summoned 5-star units, I get the following. However it's not really a fully accurate picture because that's based on the current state of my barracks, not what I've historically pulled, so it ignores the ones with usually-bad natures that have ended up being foddered or merged away. That said, I guess I'm still the anti-Rezzy.

24x Attack
22x Defense
17x HP
14x Spd
9x Neutral
6x Res

24x HP
17x Spd
16x Res
14x Def
12x Atk
9x Neutral

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I haven't count, but I'm fairly sure of all my 5* pulls attack is my most common boon. Since Hector's Legendary banner only like three units haven't been +atk (Dancer Elincia, Gunthraa, Brave Celica). I've literally a +atk curse atm.

As for bane... phew... it's a wild mix. Can't say for sure without counting. 

Funnily I have pulled just one single unit with total neutral IVs yet, and this has been like my third 5* yet (Effie).

Edited by Hecatia Lapislazuli
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I can't really look at my barracks cause that doesn't count all the units foddered off.  I think I get HP boon the most, res boon the least.  Banes are all over the place, so hard to say.  A somewhat common trend is the bittersweet +atk/-spd or +spd/-atk.  


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HP seems to be my most common bane within my typically used 5*s and a chunk of the ones that I pulled. Speed is a common boon for me which I'm very grateful for.

Also, previously I had a ton of Neutrals around when the first FE4 Gen 1 banner came around.

Edited by Emerson
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I got bored and curious...

Among all 5-star pulls:

  • [=]: 83
  • [+HP]: 339
  • [+Atk]: 326
  • [+Spd]: 335
  • [+Def]: 361
  • [+Res]: 366
  • [-HP]: 368
  • [-Atk]: 336
  • [-Spd]: 345
  • [-Def]: 324
  • [-Res]: 354
  • [+HP, -Atk]: 89
  • [+HP, -Spd]: 83
  • [+HP, -Def]: 84
  • [+HP, -Res]: 83
  • [+Atk, -HP]: 88
  • [+Atk, -Spd]: 83
  • [+Atk, -Def]: 79
  • [+Atk, -Res]: 76
  • [+Spd, -HP]: 91
  • [+Spd, -Atk]: 77
  • [+Spd, -Def]: 74
  • [+Spd, -Res]: 93
  • [+Def, -HP]: 86
  • [+Def, -Atk]: 80
  • [+Def, -Spd]: 93
  • [+Def, -Res]: 102
  • [+Res, -HP]: 103
  • [+Res, -Atk]: 90
  • [+Res, -Spd]: 86
  • [+Res, -Def]: 87

And this serves as the best proof (actually if I used my full data set instead of just 5-stars, but filtering out free units is a pain) that the probability of pulling a neutral unit is identical to the probability of pulling any other individual nature (and isn't actually a boon and bane in the same stat behind the scenes).

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It's a bit hard to tell but it seems balanced between +Hp/Atk/Def and -Hp/Res being the most common Boon/Bane for my units. If I were to guess I'd say that +Def/-Res is the most common but I'd take a while to count every unit I have to see.

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