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My Hero Academia Mafia - Game Over


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3 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

I guess its the tone. I just don't feel like they're scum.

I'm sorry that its hard to explain, English isn't my first language so that can sometimes cause a problem, haha.

Thanks, and no worries, just trying to get a feel for how you're trying to evaluate people, doesn't need to be very detailed.

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3 minutes ago, Athena_57 said:

Thanks, and no worries, just trying to get a feel for how you're trying to evaluate people, doesn't need to be very detailed.

I see then.


Also, gonna go offline shorty soon, so see ya all later in the morning.

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Have things I wanna talk but for now agreeing that Fleet's tone is pretty good. Wouldn't say I townread him just yet cuz I'm a paranoid fuck but don't want to vote him as much. Don't feel like sheeping YOLO/Refa yet on Corro but not too many spicy takes being taken. I have like one or two reads I've been keeping to myself cause I imagine they're gonna raise some eyebrows

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Varying confidence in my reads, game's a little stiff in terms of reading which sucks. I'm sheeping via read and I enjoy Refa's sass. Thinking that the issues placed onto you were overwrought and that I feel like you're being steadfast in a good way towards your aggressors.

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Just now, weinerboy said:

Might sheep you on that, what you think about Athena? Think he's trying to be the model townie in a fabricated way

I don't have strong feelings one way or another off the top of my head but I'll look him over. The way I'm looking at the game is like, we have Corrobin, Tuvy, and Tuvy2 who have been throwing votes down without much explanation which isn't scummy in itself but it makes the game feel like a crapshoot. Mackc2 who has been AFK, so it's like we have a fourth of the playerlist not communicating well and I can't get a full picture of the game. The Fleet wagon was okay but he at least showed up and is trying so I'd rather him live than any of the people I listed.

I had Kill as town for Claire's frustration and then the Boron vote and I liked how he went at Bart earlier, but now I'm wanting him to respond to me because I have a concern I'll get to when he engages. I don't think Kill/Bart are ever bros. I don't think you and Shinori are ever bros, and I kinda like the way you've been pacing yourself throughout the day in terms of making reads. I think Via's probably okay, Marth I'm leaning the same though not as strongly. FJP's case on Alette early on looked town-driven but I'm realizing he's wall-y and that I should take a closer look at his posts before writing him off. Bart's reaction to Kill was bad, Boron's post was bad (though I'm reading over Refa rn). Everyone else is varying shades of null, too many.

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15 hours ago, Omega. said:

Also, Kill, what do you think of my voting Boron?


soup, Boron's post here reminded me of some posts she made in EO3 where she was scum: 

On 3/17/2018 at 2:58 AM, Sunwoo said:

Marth, I'm not going to talk about things I don't have much thought on if I don't have anything of note to say. I voted on page fucking two -- stuff about Clarinets and Weapons had barely started. It was just Prims and Shinori putting a non-RVS vote on them, and I wasn't even around after I posted to see their response. When I posted, we were barely leaving RVS.

Vote stays because I don't like Marth's reaction to it. He's saying that my vote's only there because other people were talking about him, not because I suspect him, and is exaggerating the amount of "discussion" I supposedly dodged to make me look worse.

Literally have no idea what Omega's trying to say, or how I'm even supposed to respond to it.

I don't disagree with the basis for Prims' Clarinets vote, but I am bothered by how it's gained three votes within a relatively short span of time. I agree that at this point he should give thoughts on the game, but I'm concerned that Clarinets is also an easy vote park for scum that could also be removed without suspicion if what he says is satisfactory. I think Shinori and Weapons' votes bother me a bit more than Athena's, just because it feels like they're voting him to talk more so than they actually suspect him. Shinori why do you feel Clarinets is more vote-worthy than Weapons or Bartozio?

Also, I'm having a hard time focusing on the screen I'm so fucking tired. Will be back whenever I feel like it.


On 3/16/2018 at 7:36 PM, Sunwoo said:

Oh. I didn't realize this game had started. Sorry about that.

##Vote: Shinori

Because Shinori.


##Vote: Marth

Why is Bartozio's vote a scummy vote and not an RVS vote? Please explain.

And her post here: 

On 9/18/2018 at 10:24 PM, Sunwoo said:

I refuse to read anything earlier than page 3 from this point on. The gifs make my eyes hurt and piss me off every time I look at them.

I also just got back from work and I have a headache, and I'm not picking up anything super noteworthy from my initial two reads of the thread. Bad FE avatars' vote on Shinori doesn't feel alignment indicative to me. It reads like a new player just wanting to put a vote somewhere but neither scummy nor townie in itself. Orihime seems to be making too big of a deal about nothing, but I don't think that's necessarily scummy.

Both posts have empty observations and look like she was talking for the sake of talking like she felt pressured to make a post talking about the game but just didn't want to go anywhere interesting with them. It's more the mindset behind why she'd make the posts; I think it's likelier to come from scum than town.

Refa, talk to me about shit cuz I wanted to lynch Boron off her post but I want to see if our worldviews align at all.

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