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New Legendary Hero: Eirika


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1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

Just curious, why do you guys think Hector and F!Grima were better received as a legendary hero based on like/dislike ratio? The gap between alts was a lot more in Eirika's case and Eirika did not have so many alts either? 

The number of likes pretty much is constant at about 5,000 for every English video starting with Robin's. Marth's is understandably the only one with significantly more. You can expect Eirika's trailer to also get up to around 5,000 within the next week or so.

Dislikes I typically attribute to knee-jerk reactions and will probably cap out faster than likes.

That is to say, dislikes will increase at a faster rate, but over a shorter period of time, meaning the like-to-dislike ratio will be lower immediately after a trailer's release than it will be after a few more days.

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10 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Hm... OG Ephraim received the Flame Siegmund as a weapon evolution in the Weapon Refinery... Do you thing this can happens with OG Eirika too, of her receiving Storm Sieglinde in the Weapon Refinery?

Maybe. It would be very different for sure, as it would completely transform her role. I'm not sure if the default Eirika has a good enough offensive spread to make adequate use of it.

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13 hours ago, eclipse said:

I had my issues with mage Eir, but that's because I'm VERY partial to Knoll.  It could've been any other non-dark magic character with that tome, and I would've reacted the same.  The fact that it was Eir was merely an unfortunate coincidence.

In contrast, I'm glad to see her here.  Ephraim gets his Siegmund upgraded, so Eir should get Sieglinde upgraded.  The horse is cool, too, since it's reminiscent to her FE8 promotion.


I had issue with being an alt, but yeah I also felt it should have been Knoll who came with Glepnir.  Being the only dark mage the player can use, aside from if you raised Ewan a certain way.  

Yeah both Ephraim and Eirika are great representations of their promoted class in their legendary forms.  I really think they did a great job, in addition art is excellent.


Edited by Lewyn
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1 hour ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

If there really is only four more Legendaries left, then I'm predicting Male Corrin as a colorless infantry dragon for November, Micaiah as a colorless infantry staff unit for December, Celica as...something, for January, and Roy in February.

Don't think they're going to limit themselves to 16 representatives. They wouldn't be able to fit a representative for each game this way. Alm/Celica, Sigurd/Seliph, Leif, Roy and Micaiah are protagonists that have yet to receive the Legendary treatment.
Never mind that Book 3 might introduce more OCs that IS needs to make money off.

If the rule of two really applies here we might look at 8 more Legendaries at minimum.

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10 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

@The Priest You forgot Eliwood and the rest of the Fates royals. There’s also the unlikely possibility of Rowan, Liana, Al and Itsuki to get “legendary hero” treatment as well.

Eliwood and the Fates royals would violate the rule of two though. We already have Lyn and Hector for Blazing Blade and there is Ryoma for Fates which doesn't leave much room for either Xander or Corrin (with Xander being more likely as he is the Nohr representative).
Of course that is if the rule of two actually applies but it has yet to be broken.

Also I would disregard anything from other spin-offs for now because IS doesn't even acknowledge them. Otherwise we would have been able to vote for them in CYL over all of those generic bosses like freaking Brigand boss.

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8 minutes ago, The Priest said:

Eliwood and the Fates royals would violate the rule of two though. We already have Lyn and Hector for Blazing Blade and there is Ryoma for Fates which doesn't leave much room for either Xander or Corrin (with Xander being more likely as he is the Nohr representative).
Of course that is if the rule of two actually applies but it has yet to be broken.

Also I would disregard anything from other spin-offs for now because IS doesn't even acknowledge them. Otherwise we would have been able to vote for them in CYL over all of those generic bosses like freaking Brigand boss.

What is this “rule of two” do you speak of? Is this yet another “pattern” theory? Goodness gracious, I thought those died a while ago. Eliwood is the actual main character from FE7 so just doing Lyn and Hector is a disservice of sorts. 

“IS doesn’t even acknowledge them”. The Cipher developers would like to have a word with you. If anything, Cipher is actually doing a much better job at representing the franchise. FEH is seriously behind in that department. 

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Just now, Lord-Zero said:

I thought those died a while ago.

New ones always pop up. It's the internet, what else were you expecting?

1 minute ago, Lord-Zero said:

Eliwood is the actual main character from FE7 so just doing Lyn and Hector is a disservice of sorts. 

While I agree, Lyn and Hector have their fanbase, with the latter having reached immortality in Heroes.
Plus Eliwood isn't popular at all and it would be almost comical if he manages to get one before Roy.

2 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

The Cipher developers would like to have a word with you.

And Heroes doesn't give a dime about Cipher, so my point stands.
They had their chance to include spin-off characters when Warriors was released but the celebration for that were only maps.
Cipher's OC had somewhat legimate reasoning to be included in CYL because of the Echoes DLC but even that didn't happen, so as much I want Randal it's not going to happen in the foreseeable future..
TMS has all sorts of complication with it technically being an Atlus game and having very little to do with Fire Emblem aside from characters.

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2 hours ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

If there really is only four more Legendaries left, then I'm predicting Male Corrin as a colorless infantry dragon for November, Micaiah as a colorless infantry staff unit for December, Celica as...something, for January, and Roy in February.

It seems to apear they are also mixing up the movement types:

Legendary infantry we have gotten: Ike, Fjorm, Marth, Lyn and Lucina
Legendary Flyer we have gotten: Ryoma, F!Grima
Legendary Cavaliers: Ephraim, Eirika, Gunnthra
Legendary Armorers: Hector and Tiki

If we dont count Gunnthra and Fjorm (because i think the direction for Legendary heroes shifted in the beginning of the year) then Infantry is done and 2 Cavalier 2 Armorers and 2 Flyers are left to join. Wouldnt be surprised if the next Legendary hero is a Healing flyer just to dethrone Mia as a flying healer.

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I can assume we get reruns from Robin Abyssal and Lyn will have her first Abyssal map. Maybe they'll surprise us and add and Ephraim LHB at the same time! Maybe they'll surprise us even more and Ephraim and Eirika do the first BLHB (Bound hero legendary Banner).

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49 minutes ago, Lord-Zero said:

@The Priest You forgot Eliwood and the rest of the Fates royals. There’s also the unlikely possibility of Rowan, Liana, Al and Itsuki to get “legendary hero” treatment as well. 

I would murder a small child for Dragon Lord Al. Or Jemmie or Warren for that matter.

But yeah, my two biggest hopes for a legendary in the near future are Eliwood and Seliph. Both are in desperate need of an upgrade with Seliph being in the worse spot of the two.

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What in the everliving hells happened while I was doing Better Things with my life?

I'm going to lock this and read through everything.

EDIT: That took longer than expected.  My apologies.

@Ice Dragon So, what are your thoughts on a Slaying Edge+?

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Right now, my entire hope for this banner is that it means that Eirika, Hector (Thunder Armads), Brave Lyn (Swift Mulagir), Marth (Exalted Falchion) and maybe the general-pool-summonable Tikis (Divine Mist) get their Legendary versions' weapons via refinery update to start Book III.

Pulling Eirika would be neat, but I'm not gonna bother with this banner since Flying Nino isn't on it and I need the Orbs to fail at getting Loki/Kliff on their banner right now. Still, she looks neat, so hopefully I'll get her on one of her reruns.

Just gonna pull the free pull, hopefully a Red, probably get a Raigh or someone else who will disappoint me (or regular Eirika, who would disappoint, but only because she wouldn't be the legendary version), and go back to trying for Loki/Kliff.

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1 hour ago, eclipse said:

So, what are your thoughts on a Slaying Edge+?

If you're running both Slaying Edge+ and Lunar Brace, the cooldown modifiers negate each other, resulting in having the base cooldown.

Assuming Eirika is doubling the opponent, this results in equal or worse Special activation than Storm Sieglinde as long as Storm Sieglinde's positioning restrictions are met because the -1 cooldown from Slaying Edge+ is identical to the +1 charge from Storm Sieglinde's first attack.

This means that a Special with a default 2 cooldown will always activate on the second hit. However, if you're instead looking for a Special activation at the beginning of the next round of combat, Storm Sieglinde can charge a default 4 cooldown Special whereas Slaying Edge+ can only charge a default 3-cooldown Special.

The primary reason you'd want to run cooldown reduction over increased charge rate is to be able to perform an instant Special activation on every round of combat, typically paired with Wrath or Special Spiral, neither of which Eirika has access to due to being cavalry. Furthermore, due to Lunar Brace, it's even harder to get that instant activation.


Personally, I think Lunar Brace builds really only work well with Storm Sieglinde or Brave Sword+. Anything else slows even Moonbow to be too slow to activate in one round of combat. If you're looking for a nuke on the second round of combat, I'd go for Storm Sieglinde since it can charge a Special Skill faster than any other weapon.


The only time I think Storm Sieglinde doesn't work is if you're trying to use Eirika as an enemy-phase unit where it is much more difficult to activate Storm Sieglinde's effect. However, as long as you're using Lunar Brace, the only way to get Eirika to consistently land a Special during every round of combat is to run Slaying Edge+ and Moonbow (or any other Special with a default 2 cooldown).


If you drop Lunar Brace, you can build her just like pretty much any other sword cavalry, though it would seem to me to be a waste to drop the skill.


As my final thoughts, I think the developers did a really good job of tying in Storm Sieglinde with Lunar Brace. Lunar Brace's cooldown penalty pretty much ensures that most inheritable weapons are inferior to Storm Sieglinde since only Brave Sword is capable of matching the charge speed of a weapon with a built-in Heavy Blade-type effect. And Storm Sieglinde's massive 19 Mt ensures that pretty much any other weapon will fail to match in raw damage.

This post turned out way longer than I intended it to be.

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@Ice Dragon Issue is that my units are never that far apart, so she'd basically have a 19 MT weapon.  If she has the right combination of durability and speed, I might be able to run a sorta-budget build with Swift Stance and Flashing Blade.

Or I can be really stupid with a Wo Dao+ and Noontime.

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24 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Interesting note is that Eirika is the first female sword cavalry, I never noticed that group was so male dominated. 

wow. that's kinda cool.
and yah now that i am thinking about it. most of the calvary i have are mages (whom are women minus Reinhardt: (Olwen (blue + green), SM!Eirika, and L'arachel)
and still no bow-knights :(

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43 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Right now, my entire hope for this banner is that it means that Eirika, Hector (Thunder Armads), Brave Lyn (Swift Mulagir), Marth (Exalted Falchion) and maybe the general-pool-summonable Tikis (Divine Mist) get their Legendary versions' weapons via refinery update to start Book III.

Would Swift Mulagir really be any better though? It seems a lot more suited to baiting, where as Brave Lyn in hardcore PP. The rest would be nice if just for alternative options, even if Hector would still probably just run BA because that weapon is disgusting.


54 minutes ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Interesting note is that Eirika is the first female sword cavalry, I never noticed that group was so male dominated. 

Huh, well damn. I feel like there should be more. Isadora when? Who else is a good candidate? I can't actually think of many. Midia'd probably be lance. Midir is bow. Amalda is a possibility, but I could also see them making her a staff unit. Maybe Cecile?

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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

Interesting note is that Eirika is the first female sword cavalry, I never noticed that group was so male dominated. 

I noticed it last night, too~ I was struggling to think of some 3-4* female Cavs that didn't use Lances before I realized there were really none who used Swords~ And isn't Titania the only one who has an Axe (unless someone is escaping me)?

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14 minutes ago, bottlegnomes said:

Huh, well damn. I feel like there should be more. Isadora when? Who else is a good candidate? I can't actually think of many. Midia'd probably be lance. Midir is bow. Amalda is a possibility, but I could also see them making her a staff unit. Maybe Cecile?

Mist is a good candidate.  Her promoted version is cavalry sword.  So if we get a Mist alt, we might get another one.

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2 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I noticed it last night, too~ I was struggling to think of some 3-4* female Cavs that didn't use Lances before I realized there were really none who used Swords~ And isn't Titania the only one who has an Axe (unless someone is escaping me)?

Titania is the only one. 
Cherche, Beruka, Camilla, Minerva - flying Axe. 

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49 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

wow. that's kinda cool.
and yah now that i am thinking about it. most of the calvary i have are mages (whom are women minus Reinhardt: (Olwen (blue + green), SM!Eirika, and L'arachel)
and still no bow-knights :(

You didn't get Brave Lyn?

3 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

I noticed it last night, too~ I was struggling to think of some 3-4* female Cavs that didn't use Lances before I realized there were really none who used Swords~ And isn't Titania the only one who has an Axe (unless someone is escaping me)?

There's very few axe cavalry, so it's not too surprising that women are underrepresented.  Cecille would work as a sword cavalry, if she ever makes it in.

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7 minutes ago, eclipse said:

You didn't get Brave Lyn?

There's very few axe cavalry, so it's not too surprising that women are underrepresented.  Cecille would work as a sword cavalry, if she ever makes it in.

duh. thanks. :) 
there aren't more bow knights. 
Astrid would work as well. (for axe). 

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