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New Event Schedule! (Nov-Dec)

Diovani Bressan

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Something that should be noted is that the only banners to have a FB so far was Awakening, Brave Heroes, Conquest and Farfetched 2. I wouldn't get my hopes up for Archanea or Thracia. Would be cool for Thracia tho as I'm a huge fan of that game. Alas, FBs are associated with highly profitable banners as of right now

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We have six new banners coming:

  1. Nov 13th - New Power : This banner will have the unit who received the new weapons and refinements in Version 2.11;
  2. Nov 15th - BHB Corrin and Kana : Male Corrin and Female Kana are the stars of this BHB, so what will be the 3rd unit? Female Corrin? Azura? Camilla?
  3. Nov 20th - New Heroes : After the Adrift Banner, I don't know what theme this banner will be...
  4. Nov 23rd - Heroes with Vantage : We had a Vantage Banner last year, but since then we got new Heroes with this skill, like Ishtar, Sword Reinhardt and Mia.
  5. Nov  27th - Legendary Hero : What can be the next Legendary Hero? We will get a new Legendary Hero, since the next banner already have 4 Heroes confirmed? I believe so, since we have a LHB in the same day, although it could be Lucina's or Ryoma's LHB.
  6. Dec 1st - Heroes with Ward Skills : We have 4 types of Wards Skills: Cavalry, Fliers, Armor and Dragons... I don't believe we will have Ward Armor in this banner, since the only unit who has this skill is Draug and we can get this skill at 4*. From the 5* exclusive units, Blue Olwen has Ward Cavalry, Male Grima has Ward Dragons and Minerva has Ward Fliers.
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9 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

Something that should be noted is that the only banners to have a FB so far was Awakening, Brave Heroes, Conquest and Farfetched 2. I wouldn't get my hopes up for Archanea or Thracia. Would be cool for Thracia tho as I'm a huge fan of that game. Alas, FBs are associated with highly profitable banners as of right now

Since Forging Bonds was introduced in July, it's been each month's second main banner, whatever it is. I don't think there's any real pattern. Even the claim of it suggesting a 4-character banner is out now.

In any case, I'm standing by my prediction that the second November banner is FE2. That's kind of overdue for a banner: only things that have been longer are FE1 and FE6, which is weird considering how recent FE2's remake was.

1 minute ago, Diovani Bressan said:

@TheWill IS should starts Book III this month, since we have the Christmas Banner and New Year Banner coming in December/January. The first New Heroes Banner of December will be Version 3.0, but the next 2 will be the Special Heroes Banners.

We don't know for sure whether or not Christmas and New Year's will be two separate banners again. If they are, the New Year's banner will probably be a bonus not on the regular schedule, like it was last year.

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We will have a Grand Hero Banner with the next New Heroes Banner, but it's not confirms that the next banner will be a three unit banner and the GHB unit will be 4th unit in the Forging Bonds event, since both Ylissean Travelers and Nohrian Dusk had GHB units...

I am curious about the Three Heroes Quests... I hope to see some good units.

What if... the Forging Bond is about the Legendary Heroes of the November Banner? Both Legendary Banner and Forging Bonds start in the same day. It would be interesting to have Lucina and Grima working together, with Ryoma in one side, and Gunnthrá on fire in the other, similar to the previous Forging Bond event.

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37 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Aether Raids quests...

Yes. Why are getting Arena quests of all things when this new mode just came out?

Also, i'm really hoping for Caeda to be in the 3HQ.

Edited by RexBolt
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Apparently, the “Heroes with Ward skills” actually refers to “Blessings” Sigurd, CYL Lyn, and CYL Ike have (Crusader’s Ward, Sacae’s Blessing, Beorc’s Blessing) and not the Ward Type skills.

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Apparently, the “Heroes with Ward skills” actually refers to “Blessings” Sigurd, CYL Lyn, and CYL Ike have (Crusader’s Ward, Sacae’s Blessing, Beorc’s Blessing) and not the Ward Type skills.

According to the japanese schedule i presume? How many other charcters have it?


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3 minutes ago, RexBolt said:

According to the japanese schedule i presume? How many other charcters have it?

Only these three. Apparently, the “Ward” used in the name of the banner is the same word as used in the names of those three skills.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Apparently, the “Heroes with Ward skills” actually refers to “Blessings” Sigurd, CYL Lyn, and CYL Ike have (Crusader’s Ward, Sacae’s Blessing, Beorc’s Blessing) and not the Ward Type skills.

This makes a lot of sense. While Warding Blow and Crusader's Ward are in the summoning pool,  stance and breath are legendary and seasonal locked. At least I think they are atm. It's just H'Sakura and L'Ike respectively at the moment I think

Edited by Arcphoenix
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2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

Only these three. Apparently, the “Ward” used in the name of the banner is the same word as used in the names of those three skills.

I can confirm.

The Japanese schedule uses the word "加護" (kago) as the skill type, and this word is only used by Sigurd's Crusader's Ward (聖騎士の加護, seikishi no kago), Lyn's Sacae's Blessing (サカの加護, Sacae no kago), and Ike's Beorc's Blessing (ベオクの加護, Beorc no kago).

At least, I'm pretty sure none of the other personal skills in the standard summoning pool have this naming scheme (Double Lion and Ostian Counter don't, at least).

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Event wise all the major events seem to be there, which is good. And I didn't expect anything new to come up on the schedule first.

As for summoning I am excited for the legendary banner and it's good to see that the banners that are gone before that aren't that interesting to me.

Also looking forward to the GHB unit, to see if they keep up with the good free units they've been doing lately.

Edited by Azuris
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Hmm I have a feeling that Gen 2 Awakening units will be the new heroes mentioned in the schedule. It'll be fun to see if I'm right, but of course, my preference would be FE9 (as unlikely as I think that is, given the FE10 banner coming next year.) Of course, I'll be content with whatever IS decides to do, and I'm curious and excited to see what they have planned.

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