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My Introduction


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Hello everyone! I'm BlazingSwordOfSeals, nice to meet you. I'm not much for lengthy posts, so I'll just get straight to the point.

Like a lot of members of this site, I'm a big fan of fantasy fiction and Nintendo, and one of my favorite pastimes is coming up with my own ideas for characters and games. I've been a fan of Fire Emblem ever since the GBA days and my favorite entries in the series are (as of this writing) Rekka no Ken/Blazing Sword and Awakening, while my least favorite is Shadow Dragon. I joined Serenes Forest to get some feedback on my ideas and maybe find some people who can help bring them to life (even if it's only as a few mock-up screenshots and pixelart sprites).

That's all I have to say at the moment. For now, have a great day everyone! I look forward to discussing FE and spitballing ideas off of you.

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