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Chaos reigns when I take the reins! - Let's play Tear Ring saga, Ironman mode, while being terrible at Fire Emblem!

Saint Rubenio

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In other news, I got that tech wiz friend of mine I mentioned a while back to get an emulator on my computer. Don't have Fire Emblem yet, but that should change eventually.  Fates is scratching the strategy game itch in the meantime. I have a lot to say about the game, good, bad, and in-between, and I can easily see why there's still discussion going on about it years later.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Three Days in just three houses! I mean... Well, you know what I mean. In case someone's wondering, no, I won't stop with the LP just because Three Houses is upon us. Berwick didn't get me to stop, so why would this? I am, however, afraid that the influx of readers will decrease following the release of 3H, resulting in an exponential reduction of the average amount of thread views per hour, which will negatively impact my ego. In other words, don't get too distracted, TRS will still be a better game than 3H.

I'm interested in hearing your first impressions of the ga-

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Three Houses is awesome, by the way. Probably the ugliest game I've played in a long time, and the fact that it still suffers slowdowns despite being capped at 30 FPS is really funny in a really sad way, but I didn't expect a technical marvel, so that's okay. Other than that, the game's really fun. Not too hard, but it's not quite to FE8's level, or even normal mode FE7. Nobody ever doubles, for one.

As for the team, I am glad to say that, despite being a Sain, womanizing isn't quite all that Sylvain has to him. He's honestly pretty likeable, despite his occassional debauchery. At first I was worried about the meager size of the roster, but I ended up liking and using everyone. I've also got my sights set on Ignatz and Leonie, but thus far neither have budged. Also, Hanneman hasn't even given me the option to try to recruit him yet. C'mon, man, I want you on my team more than anyone else!

Sadly, there are some bad news to relay: Felix is very Navare. Picks fights with everyone, trusts nobody but doesn't have the social skills to build an army, is obsessed with fighting... he's completely one-dimensional, and that one dimension happens to be the one I despise the most. I simply cannot stand him. I'm using everyone in the Blue Lions except for him, and as soon as I get more people, he's going straight into the bench.

Anyway, yeah, 3H gets my seal of approval, for now at the very least. There are a few snags, but it's good.

Azcg36pp o


Yeah, visiting the site is a weird experience, since the games story is the thing I'm most excited about, but I don't want to be spoiled by anything. I unfortunately have, but they weren't huge ones. Just that Edelgards dislikes list has some non-funny reasonings behind them, I saw some of the post-skip designs (I wish there were more beards. Come on! I had mine when I was 15 or 16!), platonic endings make a comeback, and the game isn't afraid to get bloodthirsty with the named characters.

Also, Felix was part of said timeskip designs, and a history description had an... interesting plotpoint that could have gone about several different ways.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a bit of an overreaction, I would think.

Especially when the "waifu emblem" aspects of the series aren't that strong to begin with. You can pair two characters up for purely gameplay reasons that aren't "make the most powerful children", and I don't have to care about whether two characters would make a good couple or not to be interested in their supports and altered endings. There's a distinct lack of dating game tropes like dates, kissing, jealousy, giving gifts, having to pick the right choice, and so on. I'm mentioned it before, but it's barely above games like Pirates!, Sword of the Samurai, and The Guild in how relevant marriage is in gameplay.

Granted, I can understand why people dislike and/or are worried over the increased focus on this aspect. I would too if a game or series I liked became more popular but added some romantic mechanics while doing so. And I also understand the appeal of being able to official pair up two characters rather than having to resort to fanfiction and headcanons and the like. Yet the sheer amount of attention that "shipping emblem" gets genuinely amazes me, considering just how much substance is there in actuality.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, well. You'll get 'em next time.


On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...and that's it? Now I feel like when I first played through half of Berwick and had to stop when the game begun speaking in Japanese.


Long story short, Fates may not be in the same situation that Awakening is in regards to supports (especially as I'm unlocking more of them. They're not bad, but even if I enjoy a few of them (especially Arthurs. It's just hard to hate someone with a hammy voice were the voice actor is clearly having a blast, and then their actual character is someone who's genuinely helpful to people he doesn't even know, and doesn't complain or angst about his bad luck at all. He's like an old time superhero, expect with no powers and no other examples, so Arthur doing this on his own volition is quite admirable.) nothing has blown me away (yet)) but I do appreciate the perspective it gave me of others experiences, as I got luck with the conversations I read.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, I'm pretty sure we didn't. In the first ever trailer, he appeared for two seconds and didn't even have a name (although I already loved his design back then). Then he had his twitter intro and he was all like "I'M GONNA EXPERIMENT ON YOUR FLESH", and people instantly assumed he'd be a villain. It wasn't until recently that it was confirmed he has supports, normal scenes, and overall just acts like any other character.

Fair enough.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus Christ, that'd be a nightmare for many others. Including myself, honestly.

Well, "filled" might be an overstatement, but they're not an uncommon sight.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He'd only appear in the intro. It'd be like the Scream franchise, which always killed off a well-known actor in the first sequence so as to impact the audience. That's what would happen to Harry.

That would be hilarious, but also rage-inducing to fans. I don't believe people reacted too kindly to the new Star Wars films killing off beloved characters.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Most sword fights end when someone draws a gun.

Revolver Ocelot may want a word with you.

Also, DANGIT. I got distracted by Watching the full fight of Solid Snake and Liquid Ocelot! That's probably the real reason I take so long on these updates; I get distracted by watching other things.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Everyone enjoys poking fun at Maerchen, so...


So did that thief decide to join in and poke himself, then?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I recall I first met you in the > ^ v game thread, where you just casually went off-topic to tell me "hey I love your stuff!". I was throughoutly flattered. To summarize my first impressions, "dude who hasn't gotten around to replying but actually likes my stuff, so that's reassuring!".

As for current, I think you're a pretty intellectual guy. You're also surprisingly metal, with a taste for violence that I wouldn't have imagined from your mild manners and refusal to curse. Yours are some of my favourite replies, due to how detailed they are, even if that means I spend way too long on 'em!

Thank you.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Get it? No? Well, here's another one.


On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...well? What's the question?


I, uh, copy paste those questions so that I don't have to go off memory every time.

I was tired when I made the last update. Couldn't you tell?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It was quite the experience to answer them. Some were really hard, though.

Thanks for answering them! I know I didn't quote them

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Can you blame him?

Not at all.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Multiple choice questions can be both good and bad, depending on the teacher. Like exams in general. What I'm getting at is, exams suck.

We're given the resource we need, thankfully, and it's not something you can bullcrap your way through. Still, there's not much in the ways of reminders or educated guesses with written questions.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I was just pointing out that there has been blood in the past, but none of it compares to the new one.

Speaking of which, is the rest of the game as bloody, even more so, or was the opening the exception rather than the norm?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Because it's you, my dear murderous cinnamon roll. If you weren't excited, I'd be worried!

"Murderous cinnamon roll" is not a phrase I was

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In all fairness, I am not using him seriously, just out of necessity, because Runan has no other Thieves.

Thought so. Still, his scenes with Eugen gave us a chance to see more of Eugen, and that can never be a bad thing.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Those memes got disturbing. No wonder they were banned everywhere.

Aye. Thank god nothing else has reached that level.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Renault, yes. My favourite character from that, my least favourite FE. Take that as you will.

Isn't that also a Mods favorite character?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, you had to reply to two updates in this case.

And now I can do it again!

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahahah, well, if I play Berwick, it'll be more difficult to break it. That one's perfect, after all.

A worthwhile price to pay if the rest of the game is awesome.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, the new FE allows to move freely around the map to engage in combat. Which is... pretty pointless and cumbersome, and only exacerbates how awful the graphics are, but eh. E for effort.

As in, they actually move in diagonal directions on the map, they zoom into a section of the map for combat (which Fates and Echoes did first), or you can view the map with all the battalions shown? I'm a little confused on which of these you're specifically talking about here.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Isn't that Holmes's chemistry with everyone?

Yes. The only exceptions being Shigen, who can handle the acidity, and Runan, which can actually decrease it.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahah... you'll see, oh will you see.

Image result for that isn't very reassuring

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That'd be hilarious, but keep in mind that endings in TRS don't work quite like endings in FE

I see. Well, you'll see what they're like when we get there.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pfffwahahahahahahah... I loved that one.

Thank you.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He adopted the same sprite as Kreiss.

Goodness gracious can this game get lazy with its promotions.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, wow. Definitely looks like him. Kaga did it first!

Except Kaga did it first when he made Gaiden.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Err... I hate to have to suggest this, but... go back and read the Law bible. You'll find some answers there.

Right! Now I'm... kinda starting to remember...

I can see why TV shows have so many theory crafting surrounding them. People have to remember what happened while waiting for the next episode somehow.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I have no idea.

I think it was that LP canon and what Kaga actually did first gets muddled at times.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I can answer your last question: it's to sell the outfit DLC. The rest can be blamed on IntSys being bad at avatars.

Except that Byleth can reclass into other classes anyway, so they don't need to stay in their weird costume. And DLC won't change how it looks in heroes or cutscenes or other promotional material. Unless it applies to all classes, it almost seems like the outfit DLC is a waste of time.

I'm also mixed on the outfit DLC being one of the first things revealed in the first place. Even if part of me wished that Awakening had costume DLC (partially to give the female characters pants, but also because there was a lot of potential for different designs both silly and awesome that they could have gone with), I am glad that it didn't go the easy route and instead focused on making quality DLC, to the point that the game is one of the main reasons Nintendo decided that DLC could be done well. However, each subsequent game seemed to do DLC less and less well, and Three Houses coming out with outfit DLC first does not inspire confidence, to say the least.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I wouldn't recommend you go anywhere more public than this, like the subreddit. Oh, for the love of God, don't say anything there. They're obsessed with the whole topic of romance and same-sex options. You'd get lynched.

Duly noted.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, here's a man of culture!

Glad to see I am not alone!

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I agree. It's just great. In TRS, if it's an arrow or throwable weapon, you can even see the thing bounce off the unit and fly out of view!

Neat! Why wasn't that brought up before?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I guess is so the string doesn't get caught up with the clothes?

That's probably the reason, and it applies in real life as well.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, that link only sends me to the main Serenes forum page.


2:46 is when the joke starts, but you may as well watch the whole thing (If you want more context, watch this, but be forewarned it's half an hour long) :

And DANGIT! I ended up watching both videos!

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

...rely on what?


On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

He did kinda flip when Katri was taken. I can see why that'd be, he's probably contemplating his whole life now that he's failed miserably to uphold his promises to her, but yeah, it does feel like it comes a bit out of the blue.

I mean, I can understand wanting to make up for all the times he was a jerk to her, but "treasure" is a bit much.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I can only imagine that the day Eugen loses, he'll shed a single manly tear, put his hand on Shigen's shoulder and say "my job here is complete. You're ready, son. Go give that good-for-nothing blonde what for!".

And then he'll die standing, like a badass.

This needs to be a bonus scene.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahahahah, would you look at that, I make someone happy! In all seriousness, I really appreciate this. Thanks for the kind words!

You're welcome!

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gvunrqho o

See this guy? The imaginary line between this guy and the mountain marks the limit of the swamp tiles. Everything else? Swamp. Swamp, swamp, swamp. Our starting position? Swamp. I had to cut down on the amount of deployed units because Tom and Zachariah outright cannot move in this map. The Sages and Plum get a single point of movement, most others get 2, and Holmes and Garo get 3. That's it. But the enemies don't have to suffer those penalties, oh no. The Harpies and Dracozombies fly, so they get their full movement, and don't receive damage from the swamp. As well, Witches spawn next to the boss (where the first one is standing at the beginning) every single turn. Like I said earlier, Witches can't move through swamp tiles, but they can land anywhere they please, so if they teleport next to one of the units, they'll get a free shot at us - and with the swamp constantly dealing chip damage to everybody (except Yoda, for some unfathomable reason), it's only a matter of time before they're capable of one-shotting us. And even if they miss us, chances are we won't be able to reach them either, so that just means we'll have to pray to sweet Anna that she and the newest reinforcement Witch don't zero in on the same unit the following turn.

And that's just the start. After a bazillion turns, when the units finally manage to make it to firm ground, they'll inevitably get bombarded by Lancers, Dark Mages with their usual array of dark spells (including the extremely dangerous Death, which sports a high critrate), and that one unreachable Shadow Bishop standing to the left of the Witch, who has Meteor. The combination of physical and magical enemies ensures that everyone gets a shot at dying. There's no way to avoid any of this, unless you do something hilarious, like have Meriel fire off the Aura Nukes twice to kill everyone right then and there. And don't forget that, while this is all happening, the Witches will still be spawning.

...As bad as the swamp maps in Echoes are, I don't think I can complain about them as much anymore.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

So what's the strategy here? Simple: have Renee alive and in this army. Warp someone strong in and have them kill the boss. Then you warp Holmes to the seize point.

How did this kind of design philosophy made it out of the concept stage?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rkmb4f2z o

I'm trying to remember if this is the first time we've seen this frame. of his animation. Don't really have much to say other than it's neat to see what his wind-up looks like.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Eb1otkau o

Nice dodge. Now for the finisher!

It almost looks like Shigen cut himself out of the snake.

Or Nosferatu wasn't designed with every class in mind.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Aycnpogf o

G-Guh! Oh, blistering barnacles! NOOOOOO THE SWAMP!

What the heck the worm like thing in the top right is supposed to be? Is that what Nosferatu looks like on the map screen?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Tyiaoefe oZefpmayo oDreu9av0 o

But first, Garo. No, the dragon didn't hit him.

I swear, Garo is secretly a firefighter with the way he dodges dragon attacks.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ktxivhaz o

Wait... I know this guy! This is the garbage bag with stained glass on top of it for no reason! He was the boss of the chapter where Attrom and Juliattisnacordst died! He's back?!

Well, is this the coincidence of all coincidences. The guy responsible for making this chapter a pain decided to see his handiwork.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Nuytcwns o


Ppqfulav oY7zmehiq o

Thankfully, only Rishel receives damage, the rest all dodge. They dodge an earthquake. Don't look at me, I'm just glad that they did! However, this does takes us to the final dickmove of the chapter. And as you can see, it's a great one.

I can only imagine that everyone but Rishel did this:

Related image

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ndngvdky o

The friggin' boss of the chapter has earthquake. Every five turns, he gets a free potshot at every single member of the team. And for the event that someone makes it to him, by the year 4279 no doubt, he has Death. Y'know, just so he has a higher chance to ruin my run at the last second.

And as if all of this wasn't dumb enough, he's a recolor - nay, a literal sprite reuse, without any lines of dialogue beyond his painfully generic combat banter, named Perishte. Perishte! He's literally called "perish"! Can this get any more stupid?!

So... is this map sadistic, or just lazy?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ubwqalyc o3sbi55rk o

Second one goes after Shigen. He actually got hit? Oh, noes! Too bad she attacked at melee range. Shigen cut her to ribbons right after she was done having cute little snakes cuddle him.

I never thought that I would hear Nosferatu compared to cuddling.

Also, Snake Hug.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

4co3k8be o

Thankfully, this is the extent of the enemy's offensive this turn. No, that's not Holmes missing the cultist, or the cultist's helmet firing an arrow towards Holmes. It's TRS arrows being as dumb as ever.

Looks like they're wearing one of those fake arrow hats.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hbddbo9k oYrqnpgos o54wevpvy o

At least we finally got to see Holmes's ordinary crit. It's basically a spin followed by a double sword slap.

In other words, a fancy combination of his more goofy movements.

I am perfectly okay with this.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


Z6h8crfq o

O-OH GACK! Nyah?! He dodged...!? He did it! The absolute failure of a protagonist actually did something right! The hand of the Goddess has protec! We made it through, against all odds! Oh, I'm so, so very happy...! YES! YES, FUCK YEAH! HOLMES, ALL IS FORGIVEN, MY MAN! ALL IS FUCKING FORGIVEN!

I never imagined I would see the day when Holmes would get genuine praise in the form of bold, italics, and underlined writing with the font size increased. This moment...

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Aamz5uo9 o

...Was gone too soon.

Also, I suppose Holmes fell onto his face when the earthquake happened?

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
1j0vmz8a o


...oh, they're just taking the piss now...

On top of being the worst Lord, he also has the worst post-death spiel. Katri and Enteh both have their respective husbandos mourn them, Runan has Eugen utilize his resuscitatory powers, and then there's this. A lame pun. That's all Holmes gets. A lame pun.

Well, it's sad, but this goes to show just how seriously people take Holmes.

On 7/22/2019 at 6:10 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey, on the bright side, at least Holmes is no longer better than Runan when it comes to causing resets! That's... something nice. I guess... small victories, and all that... Urrrkkk...

Well, at least it was short. Could probably combine two updates into one.

On 7/23/2019 at 12:12 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Having taken the liberty of crossing out questions I answered (so I can keep track) I'll throw the rest in a spoiler tab... so as not to drag this out on anyone who doesn't want to read the closest thing I'll get to a second interview in a while.

Thank you for doing this! As I said, I was busy that week, and by the time I had free time again, it was already over.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Man, that opening was lame.

Anyhow, yeah! It's been two years already? I cannot believe it myself. Well, technically, it'll have been 2 years tomorrow, but still. It's cause for celebration! Here, have a celebratory update. Y'know, just as Three Houses has come out. Because I am a marketing genius. Is anybody even there? Helloooooooooooooooooooo!? Can anyone hear me!? I'm still here! Read meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...!

Two years, huh. Man, does time fly.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rjh3yvkt o

Here's the plan: I've moved Plum to Yoda's spot so that she may use Enarmor on Holmes.

Qe3uoghq o

If you recall, Enarmor halves all damage the target receives for a whole chapter. This will keep Holmes from dying horribly like in that fever dream of his. Garo will be holding fast to the Dolharken, which grants the same protection to its wielder. Between that and the healing, I'm fairly certain we'll live.

So, the plan is for Holmes and Garo to tank everything?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hcbg3eij o


Did... Garo grow an ax out of his arm and an extra forehead?

"Scarier" is an appropriate description.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Dfyrtlat o

Is this the first (and so far only) time that an arrow looks like an arrow in this game? Or is it just because one side of the metal is lighter than the other, giving off that illusion, and in truth both ends of the arrow have a point?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Qtgvkiob o4oym4ovf oYmio6ov7 o

Please nobody get hit, please nobody get hit, please nobody get hit

Who's "O", and why will their anguished screams "c"?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Pectehmf o

This is always a welcome sight.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
V7avbskk oXdj53kev oFs4ojydw o

First, though, Maruj does his one contribution to the map.

So I could have done the "Freeze, Snake" joke here, then.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Q5c7vs0x o9rb07sfq o3pmtxdpl o

That being all the spearmen. All of them.

Let's play "Spot the Differences!"


The spears are different colors.

The cultist in the third picture has different HP.

The crit effect in the third picture is slightly different.

The background is slightly darker in the third picture...

...Y'know? My original comment here was Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, until I took a closer look. Can you blame me?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
An26apoa o

Down with you!

It looks like Holmes is fancily cutting the cultists nails more than anything else.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hqb5ezvq o2yfv1cn9 oNfgyf3f6 o

Oh, Jesus... what is this? Ultra Instincts Garo!? How's he dodging all of this? Is he truly that determined to save the playthrough...? He's a true hero!

Was there any doubt that he wasn't a hero?

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Exibnhux oNe1oyyy0 o

HHHHOOOOAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YES! GARO! You're the best. The best of the very best, blistering damnations!

This update could have been called "Garo saved the day" but that would have been too spoilery.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ogedf3tf oQgqhwmmx o


Image result for clapping gifs

You earned it man. You fasteriskcking earned it.

Moments like these are why we watch you.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gmhhyxnn oOf course they aren't. They've been groomed for their purpose for years by the high priests.

Frghohog o

Gmhhyxnn oYou can't think of these Cultists like soldiers doing their duty, Holmes. Aside from the clergy, most all of the Cult's members(sic) are like these girls, slaves to the will of the Pontiff.

P1zzgcas o Out-of-nowhere lore explanation for why Witches are so dumb? Heh, TRS surprises me once more!

That's a lot scarier than "sacrificed to have their mind controlled by a god who turns out to have gone mad".

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oShigen, you're freaking me out. I understand what you're saying, but I won't let sympathy for my enemies stand in the way of what I came here to do.

04edcfbn oReevans, the Zoans, the Cult... None of that matters now.

Feyz05xy o

0zfd96rn o Why does Holmes sound like more of a villain than most of the major villains?

Guess he decided he would have make up for the lack of great villains on his route somehow.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gmhhyxnn oHey, I'm not trying to dissuade you. I completely agree. These guys need to be stopped.

04edcfbn oThen why are you distracting me?! Just do your job, Shigen!

0zfd96rn o And why are you freaking out? Is there any need for this?

I mean, I would be jumpy too after participating in this map, but yeah, Holmes does seem to have some sudden character changes recently.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...oh my fucking God you guys have no idea how happy I am right now. I could climb up my desk and dance on it. In fact, I think I'll do that. Woohoo! What a battle! What a strategy! I'm... fuck me, I'm great, after all. Yeah...

And you think we just watch you to see you fail.

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6 hours ago, Hawkwing said:


Yeah, visiting the site is a weird experience, since the games story is the thing I'm most excited about, but I don't want to be spoiled by anything. I unfortunately have, but they weren't huge ones. Just that Edelgards dislikes list has some non-funny reasonings behind them, I saw some of the post-skip designs (I wish there were more beards. Come on! I had mine when I was 15 or 16!), platonic endings make a comeback, and the game isn't afraid to get bloodthirsty with the named characters.

Also, Felix was part of said timeskip designs, and a history description had an... interesting plotpoint that could have gone about several different ways.

I started a (FFtF) thread about the spoilers I've encountered in the game. It's Endgame all over again.

6 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Revolver Ocelot may want a word with you.

Wasn't that a gun-fight ending when someone appeared with a sword?

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Except that Byleth can reclass into other classes anyway, so they don't need to stay in their weird costume. And DLC won't change how it looks in heroes or cutscenes or other promotional material. Unless it applies to all classes, it almost seems like the outfit DLC is a waste of time.

I'm also mixed on the outfit DLC being one of the first things revealed in the first place. Even if part of me wished that Awakening had costume DLC (partially to give the female characters pants, but also because there was a lot of potential for different designs both silly and awesome that they could have gone with), I am glad that it didn't go the easy route and instead focused on making quality DLC, to the point that the game is one of the main reasons Nintendo decided that DLC could be done well. However, each subsequent game seemed to do DLC less and less well, and Three Houses coming out with outfit DLC first does not inspire confidence, to say the least. 

Or the monastery for that matter. Byleth still is dressed weird despite having reclassed at this point and it annoys me to no end... though to be fair with all the potential classes it does make sense that they'd use the default uniforms out of battle.

I'd also debate the "getting worse" with DLC, given I liked the "Rise of the Deliverance DLC" in Echoes. I liked the fact, besides building up the backstory of several characters who weren't the game's main focus, as well as Zofia's backstory to begin with.. it had that whole "there's no levelling up so it's more of a puzzle on how to do the maps right with the resources you have".

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

I swear, Garo is secretly a firefighter with the way he dodges dragon attacks.

Firefighters use axes to break down doors while rescuing people from burning buildings. Garo uses an axe to rescue this LP. Theory sustained.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Well, is this the coincidence of all coincidences. The guy responsible for making this chapter a pain decided to see his handiwork.

And died for his crimes against Ruben's sanity.

7 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Thank you for doing this! As I said, I was busy that week, and by the time I had free time again, it was already over.

The excuse to use the gif I made of Ganondorf taking a level 9 CPU Mario's first stock in two attacks is all the thanks I needed. Seriously, I love that replay.

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Part 64 - Holmes route is lame.

And here I was worried about the size of the playable cast in Three Houses. The increase suddenly arrived, and it was huge. I spent the first 7 chapters with my first 8. Then in the span of one hour, I doubled that amount. Seriously, I'd been trying to recruit Ignatz and Leonie without any luck, but then they both joined at the same time, and then Catherine also joined, then I tried Shamir and she came along as well, then Flayn forced herself into the team, then Cyril just sort of walked to the bench, then Hanneman finally gave me the option to recruit him alongside Manuela... it was crazy!

Sylvain, despite being rather likeable for a Sain, has hit the bench. Hanneman did a great job with Leonie: she joined as a Cavalier with high lances and bows and insane stats. She kicked Sylvain's butt in every way. Ignatz, on the other hand, was a worse Ashe when he joined, but thankfully I intended to make him a Mage, so it really didn't matter. Hanneman's embraced the true ways of the monocle, becoming a Dark Mage. Missed a dark seal from the second Death Knight encounter (my Byleth's a Thief, but I forgot he could've stolen it off of him. Really not used to the GBA steal system, since it's so irrelevant 99% of the time), but oh well, that gave him more time to master Dark Mage. I did promote him to Warlock, but only to fix that hideous speed of his, reclassed him back inmediately. I didn't intend to use Manuela at first, but after watching her support with Hanneman I just had to use her. I like that the game acknowledges that she's a disaster, instead of focusing on the "big tiddy nympho teacher" part of her character. Her base strength is absurd for a Mage, so I decided to be a rebel and made her a Mercenary. She's better than Ingrid, at any rate. I intend to raise her reason level and make her a Mortal Savant.

Other than those highlights, I have some very conventional units: Lord Dimitri, Archer Ashe, Cleric Mercedes, Knight Dedue, Pegasus Ingrid (although she's so lame that I tend to just have her be an adjuntant for Seteth, a far superior flier), Dancer Annette (I had no idea who to make my dancer, but then she was all "oh I really really wanna be dancer", so that was that). I also occassionaly deploy Catherine, Shamir and Alois.

Oh, and Felix is dead. It was really funny, actually. I was playing with my friends watching. It was the chapter with Sylvain's brother and Gilbert as a NPC. As always, I'd left Felix at the entrance doing nothing. Imagine our laughter when reinforcements appeared on top of Felix, and Gilbert just continued pressing onwards, leaving him to die. Right after he died, Gilbert actually doubled back to face the reinforcements. And then he died. It was hysterical.

I don't know when he joins (I hope I didn't screw myself over by letting him die in that map, but I doubt it, I cannot see beating that boss before he kills himself on him), but I'm gonna use him. No questions asked. Gilbert won me over with that move.

Hey, Ruben from the future here! Been using Gilbert, and I want to say, pretty fun unit. 2 base speed is hilarious, but a Warrior instapromotion fixes it, and he's also probably the easiest Great Knight in the game. You just need to instruct him in riding a bit and he's all set. Very fun unit overall, this game's Dougy.


On 7/27/2019 at 3:45 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yep. I was between maps anyway, so I'll take this while I plan my next month.

You plan your months? I just do whatever I feel like doing at any given time.

Maybe that's why my Byleth has no more than C in anything and thus cannot proceed into any advanced classes.

Except for enemy myrmidons.

Yeah those double, right. Especially Ingrid. I don't know if I got royally screwed, but she's a Pegasus who can't double, can barely hurt anyone, and gets doubled to hell and back if she uses anything other than an iron sword.

I gather you didn't see his C support with Annette. It made him feel like a normal human.

I didn't. I don't know, but if that's the exception rather than the norm, I can't say I'm too sad about letting him die.

Yeah well, half the lyrics are Arkis. Well more than half. So... let's just say there's liberties taken with reality. Though I do like to believe he's well meaning. Just not the brightest.

No doubt that he's not a bad guy. He's just dumb and useless as a firefighter in Hell.

Well, yes and no. While it's true under multiverse theory there would be infinite number of worlds where this were fine, there'd also be infinite number of worlds where this were punishable by death. Silly the notion that every single instance of probability/decision making can result in a different time line... leading to untold combinations. That said... people tend to take it a bit further in fiction than could realistically occur.

So there are endless worlds where Kaga is dead?

I... don't think I like that. That means there are worlds out there that didn't get Berwick.

Lot.exe has a successor.

Hvq7vnyj o

It's been too long since we last saw this one.

Well... you did say they have bad A.I.

Yeah, and now there's an explanation.

The second time a Jeigan was the hero your LP needed. Who said they were bad?

Somebody in Gamefaqs, circa 2010.

It's not like there's much else for him to get at this stage anyway. He's rammed the caps for strength, skill, speed and mastery. He can't grow magic. If he got defense this would be a perfect level.


More like Tierring Saga.

Pffft. Oh, c'mon.

It'd be a hell of a plot twist if the Church in Three Houses turned out to be full Cult of Gerxel beneath the surface.

That'd be awesome. But nah, this game's mostly stealing ideas from Berwick. Maybe they'll pick up the TRS notes for the next installment!

How the hell did Holmes hear that explanation as "these are poor innocent people that you shouldn't kill", as opposed to "they've been indoctrinated so thoroughly they have no will of their own"

He's dumb.

Well, you did use that gag on Arkis and it is a once per LP thing.

I probably should've reserved it for Holmes, but oh, well.

You know what? I feel like parodying something... and seeing as I'm stuck on Zach's lament due to (ironically, given his irrelevance is the theme of the song), a lack of source material....

Bwahahahahahahah... I think we can leave it at that. It's very Zach.

Blame Granada (to Blame Canada from the South Park movie)

  Reveal hidden contents

Things have changed. It's ruining the game.
Holmes is screwing up the plot and his route is all the same.
Should we blame Kaga?
Or blame the LP?
Or should we blame the translation team?

Blame Granada.
Blame Granada

They say parents can eat shit.
They deserve Eugen's hit.

Blame Granada.
Blame Granada.

I don't care about this route,
The lord is a lout.

Don't credit Holmes, for helping Katri's parents.
He wasn't even involved. That plot just don't make sense.
And remaining bow locked out of spite?
My god this guy isn't very bright.

Blame Granada.
Blame Granada.

It seems all logic has departed,
Since Holmes' route has started.

Blame Granada.
Blame Granada.

(They're not even a real country anyway.)

Plum's brother could have been a fighter renowned far and wide.
But instead he joined up with Holmes and in battle died.
Should we blame the axes?
Should we blame the pirates?
Or the RNG that caused him to expire?

Blame Granada.
Blame Granada.

With all the plot-holes everywhere,
This route making sense is rare.

Blame Granada.
Shame on Granada.

For all the crap we must hack,
All the crud we must chug.
The stupid one must be undone,
We must blame him now and then,
Lest this idiocy happen once again.

That... was magnificent.

Also, can I just say I love how you copied the "it's not even a real country anyway" line and it somehow makes more sense than in the original song? Granada truly isn't a real country, it's just a territory in Reeve. They aren't even that powerful.


On 7/27/2019 at 4:21 PM, BrightBow said:


That's a surprisingly fabulous pose.

Hahahaha, you're right! I didn't notice. That guy is awesome.

In any case, congrats.


On 7/27/2019 at 6:11 PM, Pengaius said:

Congrats on 2 years of dying, here's to more. 

Hell yeah-- no, wait, I mean, no!

Also GG with the swamp, it will be missed

Missed by you, maybe. I say good riddance.


On 7/27/2019 at 8:23 PM, eclipse said:

Plum best healer confirmed.

Well... she's Holmes best, yes. Since one of them bailed and the rest couldn't join.


On 7/27/2019 at 10:38 PM, Hawkwing said:


Are you going to open all your replies from here on out with this?

In other news, I got that tech wiz friend of mine I mentioned a while back to get an emulator on my computer. Don't have Fire Emblem yet, but that should change eventually.  Fates is scratching the strategy game itch in the meantime. I have a lot to say about the game, good, bad, and in-between, and I can easily see why there's still discussion going on about it years later.

All right.

I'm interested in hearing your first impressions of the ga-


I beat you to it!

Yeah, visiting the site is a weird experience, since the games story is the thing I'm most excited about, but I don't want to be spoiled by anything. I unfortunately have, but they weren't huge ones. Just that Edelgards dislikes list has some non-funny reasonings behind them, I saw some of the post-skip designs (I wish there were more beards. Come on! I had mine when I was 15 or 16!), platonic endings make a comeback, and the game isn't afraid to get bloodthirsty with the named characters.

I'll try to avoid telling story spoilers here, if you're worried about that. I've eaten a pretty major one, and although it hasn't ruined my enjoyment of the story, since it's one of those spoilers that just makes me go "wait, really? How come they came to this? I can't wait to see the explanation..." (last seen when I spoiled myself the main antagonist of Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2. I knew who was the villain and I still was caught off-guard by the reveal, that's how good that villain is)

Also, Felix was part of said timeskip designs, and a history description had an... interesting plotpoint that could have gone about several different ways.

The detailed descriptions are awesome. I love how much you get to know about everyone. Really helps in fleshing them out.

Especially when the "waifu emblem" aspects of the series aren't that strong to begin with. You can pair two characters up for purely gameplay reasons that aren't "make the most powerful children", and I don't have to care about whether two characters would make a good couple or not to be interested in their supports and altered endings. There's a distinct lack of dating game tropes like dates, kissing, jealousy, giving gifts, having to pick the right choice, and so on. I'm mentioned it before, but it's barely above games like Pirates!, Sword of the Samurai, and The Guild in how relevant marriage is in gameplay.

Granted, I can understand why people dislike and/or are worried over the increased focus on this aspect. I would too if a game or series I liked became more popular but added some romantic mechanics while doing so. And I also understand the appeal of being able to official pair up two characters rather than having to resort to fanfiction and headcanons and the like. Yet the sheer amount of attention that "shipping emblem" gets genuinely amazes me, considering just how much substance is there in actuality.

Agreed on all accounts. However, Three Houses is creeping closer to giving "shipping emblem" more depth, with the tea minigame and the whole deal with gifts and lost items (seriously, everyone's always losing everything, what's up with that?). I did a couple of tea thingies to convince Ignatz and Leonie to join me, and I was outright embarrassed by the whole thing. Maybe it's just me, but the gimmick's seriously lame.

Also, why is everyone in love with the fishing minigame? It's so boring. You just press A, then time your subsequent A presses in the easiest rhythm minigame in existance, then you win. Rinse, repeat.

I've seen people saying that they're having more fun at the monastery than in battles, and while I agree that the monastery's surprisingly not boring, battles are definitely still the best part of the game.




So sorry.

Long story short, Fates may not be in the same situation that Awakening is in regards to supports (especially as I'm unlocking more of them. They're not bad, but even if I enjoy a few of them (especially Arthurs. It's just hard to hate someone with a hammy voice were the voice actor is clearly having a blast, and then their actual character is someone who's genuinely helpful to people he doesn't even know, and doesn't complain or angst about his bad luck at all. He's like an old time superhero, expect with no powers and no other examples, so Arthur doing this on his own volition is quite admirable.) nothing has blown me away (yet)) but I do appreciate the perspective it gave me of others experiences, as I got luck with the conversations I read.

I understand.

Fair enough.

Make no mistake, he very much still intends to experiment on Byleth's flesh. He's just polite about it.

Well, "filled" might be an overstatement, but they're not an uncommon sight.

Still... sounds quite unpleasant.

That would be hilarious, but also rage-inducing to fans. I don't believe people reacted too kindly to the new Star Wars films killing off beloved characters.

People tend to not enjoy it when characters die as shadows of their former selves.

Except for the woman whose actor is dead in real life. She survived being in the vaccuum of space. Now they'll have to kill her off off-screen, which will be even more lame than her dying with Ackbar in an explosion.

I'm not all too familiar with the new Star Wars (or the old one, for that matter), so I won't go on a bible-sized rant like some people would, but that moment is so stupid.

Revolver Ocelot may want a word with you.

Pffft. What? Does he not have peripheral vis-- wait, no! He doesn't even need peripheral vision, the sword came from right in front of him! He was looking in that direction the entire time! Is he blind!?

Also, DANGIT. I got distracted by Watching the full fight of Solid Snake and Liquid Ocelot! That's probably the real reason I take so long on these updates; I get distracted by watching other things.

Focus, dammit! You made it through college, you're better than this!


So did that thief decide to join in and poke himself, then?

Could be, could be.

Thank you.

No probs.



I, uh, copy paste those questions so that I don't have to go off memory every time.

I was tired when I made the last update. Couldn't you tell?

I could tell, but what is the question? Answer me!

Thanks for answering them! I know I didn't quote them

It isn't a problem.

Not at all.

We're given the resource we need, thankfully, and it's not something you can bullcrap your way through. Still, there's not much in the ways of reminders or educated guesses with written questions.

Frankly, what I was getting at was that exams in general are a piss-poor way of evaluating a person's progress. Most people forget everything once the exam's done, because the learning isn't natural, but forced and half-assed in order to meet the exam's deadline. Exams are also a source of great pain, stress and disatisfaction for young people, because every kid is always told they don't need to excell at everything, but then they grow up and they are supposed to be awesome at everything, because one failed subject is apparently dishonor of the highest caliber. And if you live in a society that cares about marks more than usual? Just look at the suicide rates in Japan. They're absurd, and a great part of it is that most youngsters can't handle the pressure. Really, the main thing most learn from school is that life is crap and people have to do things they hate in order to survive. Because that is the "normal" thing to do.

Sorry. Went on a bit of a rant there. But I truly despise education. Ironically, that's basically the only thing being a good student all my youth has taught me.

Speaking of which, is the rest of the game as bloody, even more so, or was the opening the exception rather than the norm?

It's only the anime scenes that are bloody. No such thing as bloody portraits or models.

"Murderous cinnamon roll" is not a phrase I was

But you are!

Thought so. Still, his scenes with Eugen gave us a chance to see more of Eugen, and that can never be a bad thing.

We'll get plenty of amazing Eugen moments before the game's end. One in particular comes to mind...

Aye. Thank god nothing else has reached that level.


Isn't that also a Mods favorite character?

I dunno. Renault's a really interesting character, so I'm fairly certain he has his small fanbase. Not quite as big as someone like, say, Camilla, though. But that is only fair - after all, Camilla has a great backstory, huge character traits, and a most titillating character arc.

...what am I doing, you won't get the innuendos, you never do...

And now I can do it again!


A worthwhile price to pay if the rest of the game is awesome.

Yes, quite.

As in, they actually move in diagonal directions on the map, they zoom into a section of the map for combat (which Fates and Echoes did first), or you can view the map with all the battalions shown? I'm a little confused on which of these you're specifically talking about here.

Maybe you've already found out by now, but you can zoom in and out of the map. If you zoom in enough, you enter this awkward mode where you can move units along the grid the way you move in dungeons in Echoes. It's the same thing as just moving units normally, but it's more cumbersome and your visibility is reduced. I don't see the point, personally.

Yes. The only exceptions being Shigen, who can handle the acidity, and Runan, which can actually decrease it.


Image result for that isn't very reassuring

Is anything I say ever reassuring?

I see. Well, you'll see what they're like when we get there.

I will, yes, but I think it's more important that you do. You're the reader, after all.

Thank you.

Goodness gracious can this game get lazy with its promotions.

Yes, but it's not as bad as the SNES FEs, at least.

Except Kaga did it first when he made Gaiden.

Kaga did Kaga first.

Right! Now I'm... kinda starting to remember...

I can see why TV shows have so many theory crafting surrounding them. People have to remember what happened while waiting for the next episode somehow.

Yeah, except TV shows can take months to push out a new chapter. I take a handful of days.

I think it was that LP canon and what Kaga actually did first gets muddled at times.

Sounds plausible.

Except that Byleth can reclass into other classes anyway, so they don't need to stay in their weird costume. And DLC won't change how it looks in heroes or cutscenes or other promotional material. Unless it applies to all classes, it almost seems like the outfit DLC is a waste of time.

Character outfits only change in the battlefield, however. In the monastery and in scenes, Byleth keeps his awful sleeves.

DLC's still a waste of time, though. That much I agree on.

I'm also mixed on the outfit DLC being one of the first things revealed in the first place. Even if part of me wished that Awakening had costume DLC (partially to give the female characters pants, but also because there was a lot of potential for different designs both silly and awesome that they could have gone with), I am glad that it didn't go the easy route and instead focused on making quality DLC, to the point that the game is one of the main reasons Nintendo decided that DLC could be done well. However, each subsequent game seemed to do DLC less and less well, and Three Houses coming out with outfit DLC first does not inspire confidence, to say the least.

Well, apparently we'll get chapters and characters later on. Still doubt I'll ever get the pass. See, I'm not sure about anyone else, but playing as Suspend Girl is not a selling point for me. I already facepalmed enough when she appeared in a support, thank you very much.

Duly noted.

Glad to see I am not alone!

Not at all!

Neat! Why wasn't that brought up before?

Never came up. I always screenshot the projectiles flying out of view. Figured you guys had noticed.

That's probably the reason, and it applies in real life as well.

Sounds good to me.


2:46 is when the joke starts, but you may as well watch the whole thing (If you want more context, watch this, but be forewarned it's half an hour long) :

Metal Gear Solid: Dad Jokes.

And DANGIT! I ended up watching both videos!

Focus, Hawkwing! Focus!


Ah, that makes sense. He is, after all, the only evil Dark Mage who doesn't warp all over the place. They do it all the time in Three Houses. How come Hanneman can't, huh?

I mean, I can understand wanting to make up for all the times he was a jerk to her, but "treasure" is a bit much.

Yeah, at this point he more or less morphs into a generic shonen protagonist with a cynical side. Compared to Runan's more complicated relationship with Enteh, it's rather boring.

This needs to be a bonus scene.

Hahahahah... I wish.

You're welcome!

...As bad as the swamp maps in Echoes are, I don't think I can complain about them as much anymore.

How did this kind of design philosophy made it out of the concept stage?

Kaga was in charge of the game's development.

I'm trying to remember if this is the first time we've seen this frame. of his animation. Don't really have much to say other than it's neat to see what his wind-up looks like.

Not sure. Maybe not.

It almost looks like Shigen cut himself out of the snake.

He's badass enough to do it.

Or Nosferatu wasn't designed with every class in mind.

That's probably it.

What the heck the worm like thing in the top right is supposed to be? Is that what Nosferatu looks like on the map screen?

Yes. Map screen magic in this game is somewhat limited.

I swear, Garo is secretly a firefighter with the way he dodges dragon attacks.

Well, he does fight fire very often.

Well, is this the coincidence of all coincidences. The guy responsible for making this chapter a pain decided to see his handiwork.

Took me a little while to get what you were saying. But damn, you're right. Every time this asshole shows his face, it's a pain.

I can only imagine that everyone but Rishel did this:

Related image

Rishel tried, but he tripped on his long Sage cape. Maruj didn't because

W1vfq8mv o

Well, he had prior experience.

Yes, I did replay the first five maps of the game to get those frames. I found something interesting, too. More on that later.

So... is this map sadistic, or just lazy?

Both. Sadly, both.

I never thought that I would hear Nosferatu compared to cuddling.

Well, there you have it.

Also, Snake Hug.

Metal Gear is so weird.

Looks like they're wearing one of those fake arrow hats.

Hahahah, you're right!

In other words, a fancy combination of his more goofy movements.

I am perfectly okay with this.

So am I, honestly.

I never imagined I would see the day when Holmes would get genuine praise in the form of bold, italics, and underlined writing with the font size increased. This moment...

...Was gone too soon.

Like all good things.

Also, I suppose Holmes fell onto his face when the earthquake happened?

Could be, I can't imagine any other way an earthquake would kill someone.

Well, it's sad, but this goes to show just how seriously people take Holmes.


Well, at least it was short. Could probably combine two updates into one.

That would've meant playing through the chapter again right after that gigantic fiasco. Is that what you wish for me?

Thank you for doing this! As I said, I was busy that week, and by the time I had free time again, it was already over.

Ah, no problem. I'm doing this for y'all. And for the views.

Two years, huh. Man, does time fly.

Yeah... my first LP was basically over in a single month. FE6 took over half a year. This one's... looking to take almost a full year. Whoa. Time flies indeed...

So, the plan is for Holmes and Garo to tank everything?


Did... Garo grow an ax out of his arm and an extra forehead?

"Scarier" is an appropriate description.

Hvq7vnyj o

Is this the first (and so far only) time that an arrow looks like an arrow in this game? Or is it just because one side of the metal is lighter than the other, giving off that illusion, and in truth both ends of the arrow have a point?

Yeah, when it's a bow being fired, they aim the bow upwards, and so the arrow actually looks like one. It's crossbows that look silly. Also, Tom looks the same no matter the weapon he's using. So I can understand why you hadn't noticed till now.

Who's "O", and why will their anguished screams "c"?

You're asking too many questions.

This is always a welcome sight.


So I could have done the "Freeze, Snake" joke here, then.

The important thing is you did it.

Let's play "Spot the Differences!"

  Reveal hidden contents

The spears are different colors.

The cultist in the third picture has different HP.

The crit effect in the third picture is slightly different.

The background is slightly darker in the third picture...

...Y'know? My original comment here was Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, until I took a closer look. Can you blame me?

Looks to be everything.

It looks like Holmes is fancily cutting the cultists nails more than anything else.

Pffft... okay, that's hilarious.

Was there any doubt that he wasn't a hero?

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. Knew from the very beginning.

This update could have been called "Garo saved the day" but that would have been too spoilery.

Yeah, hence the actual title. Which was... also rather spoilery, but eh.

Image result for clapping gifs

You earned it man. You fasteriskcking earned it.

Oh, even a F* bomb! Thanks very much.

Moments like these are why we watch you.

D'awwwwww, you didn't have to say something like that...! Thank you.

That's a lot scarier than "sacrificed to have their mind controlled by a god who turns out to have gone mad".

These girls are completely insane, and most importantly, incurable. A tragic fate that Sierra narrowly avoided thanks to her admiration for Shigen.

Guess he decided he would have make up for the lack of great villains on his route somehow.

Hahah, maybe that's what happened, yes.

I mean, I would be jumpy too after participating in this map, but yeah, Holmes does seem to have some sudden character changes recently.

He's Holmes. Maybe he forgot what he's supposed to be like. Because he's dumb.

And you think we just watch you to see you fail.

Heheh, well, there's also the thread memes...


On 7/28/2019 at 6:05 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I started a (FFtF) thread about the spoilers I've encountered in the game. It's Endgame all over again.

This is why I'm lucky to be a Berwick fan. It is already extremely difficult to find spoilers at all if you're looking for them. If you're trying to avoid them even slightly, it becomes completely impossible to come across any. The perks of being a fan of a hidden gem. An actually hidden gem, unlike the meme, Celestia.

Wait, no, it was Celeste. Now I'll get murdered by Tumblr. Oh noes.

Or the monastery for that matter. Byleth still is dressed weird despite having reclassed at this point and it annoys me to no end... though to be fair with all the potential classes it does make sense that they'd use the default uniforms out of battle.

Frankly, I don't like any of Byleth's outfits, male or female. The normal male one has sleeves that break at least ten laws of physics and that stupid blue knife that he never uses, and the DLC one keeps the knife (which looks even more out of place in this design) and has that silly nazi hat that ruins the whole thing. I know it's supposed to be a Japanese student hat, but c'mon, it looks like a nazi officer's hat. In all honesty, I like the basic outfit better for Maleth.

But at least he was luckier than Femleth, whose default outfit is a disaster. The DLC outfit looks more formal than the hodgepodge that's her normal outfit, at least, but then you look down and see that Japan just couldn't resist giving her a short skirt and knee socks. That, like Maleth's reichhatten, ruins the whole deal for me.

Worst designs in the entire game, in my opinion. At least Manuela's design makes sense. Manuela's an absolute wreck of a woman, it makes sense that she'd dress up in an outfit completely unbefitting of a professor.

Seriously, though, there's something wrong with the fact that the only teacher who looks the part is Hanneman. Dude's old, what's going to happen to Garrech... Garek... uh... to the Officer's Academy, when he retires?

I'd also debate the "getting worse" with DLC, given I liked the "Rise of the Deliverance DLC" in Echoes. I liked the fact, besides building up the backstory of several characters who weren't the game's main focus, as well as Zofia's backstory to begin with.. it had that whole "there's no levelling up so it's more of a puzzle on how to do the maps right with the resources you have".

That's the sort of DLC that's okay. Just okay. Then there's the outfit DLC, which is Nintendo scamming people.

Firefighters use axes to break down doors while rescuing people from burning buildings. Garo uses an axe to rescue this LP. Theory sustained.

I very much agree.

And died for his crimes against Ruben's sanity.

I hope he did. Don't think I could stomach him returning again.

The excuse to use the gif I made of Ganondorf taking a level 9 CPU Mario's first stock in two attacks is all the thanks I needed. Seriously, I love that replay.

Smash has plenty of funny moments that can happen. I still remember fondly the time I was playing against a Luigi bot as Luigi. The bot shot a plunger while airborne, I then grabbed him from the floor, and then the plunger fell on my face and freed the bot. Hilarious.

Mostly unrelated, but I want to gloat about this: there was a time I was playing Mario Kart 8 with my friends. On the Wii U! Can you believe it? Anyway, we were in Rainbow Road, and I had a banana peel. My friend was in front of me, and we were in the middle of a glider part, both of us flying through the air. I thought I'd try something crazy, and threw the banana peel towards him. Against all odds, I managed to hit him. With a banana peel, with him flying in front of me. What even are the chances?

He was on my team. But it was worth it. I'm still proud of that shot.



Htsvctod o

To begin with things today, we have this. I forgot to screenshot the chapter's title card. I can't remember its name, so it's probably something lame like "The Catacombs of Gerxel", or "Bad Map Design 101".

Oh, sorry. That's the previous map.

E7ffcz4a oA piece of it, yes. It is called Agneyastra. We clerics of the Fire Shrine have protected the shard of the sacred blade for generations. You will need its strength if you hope to defeat Guenchaos's dark magic.

04edcfbn oI came here a few years ago looking for the sword, actually, but all we found was a rusty piece of metal stuck in a pedestal. We couldn't even get it to budge.

E7ffcz4a oThat is indeed the sacred blade. While you may not have been able to draw it before, I'm sure you'll be able to today.

Lfrbyufq o

0zfd96rn o Holmes, you've seen little girls transform into dragons, women warping all over the place, and a really boring man conveniently surviving death and recognizing a birthmark he couldn't have possibly seen. This is on the low end of the "weird" spectrum.

E7ffcz4a oDon't be so sure of that. It is far more than as it appears. But let's not tarry here, lest we be surrounded by the Cult's monsters.

Ylyibehv o

And with that, we begin.

Last map was tedious, horrendously designed, and had an inmense hatred for the player. This one? This one's boring, long-winded and an inferior version of a future map of Runan's. It's bad, but in a different way that doesn't make me want to gouge my eyes out to focus on a lesser pain.

There's nothing to the north. All those enemies up there? Completely pointless. I'll probably have someone fight them, just to break the monotony, but really, I could leave Zach blocking the way and that'd be the end of it. The only real obstacle prior to the boss is that one pedestal, on top of which stand no less than 15 rock monsters. We need to beat them all. In a narrow hallway. The initial formation looks cool, but it really doesn't work in the gameplay.

Wswhxjwt o

The boss--

No... no frigging way...!

They recycled the portrait again! For the third time! Inmediately after the second time!

Oh, son of a... Of course, and his name is also dumb as all hell! What kind of name is Baal? Dork, Perish and Ball. The three fuckin' stooges, they are not. What's next? Nutze? Blharf? Asole?

Anyway, Sorcerer boss, does big damage, dies if anything looks at him funny. You know how this is going to go by now. He does have an Azoth, meaning he's got two lives, but even then...

The most interesting thing about him is his weapon, Tumahann, the ultimate dark spell. It has longbow range and magically freezes people like Sylph. Sadly, Sierra is in the other route and has a Sylph tome of her own, so it wouldn't do us much good even if I cared enough to have Maerchen kill him.

Jolaaeyw o

Let's move.

Srfn7x4h o

Oh, no.

Hpmb904g oRagttfvu o

Oh-- oh, you... why can't you dodge anything, Krishna?! Was dying so nice that you want to go back? Well, fuck you, it ain't happening again.

D0eeqsqc oKwhxz2rv o

Garo, Julia and Zach will head north. Maybe Tom will go with them as well. Find something for them to do, because half of the group's going to be useless today. Unlike last chapter, though, they won't be useless because the map hates them, they'll be useless because the map is too lame and giving everyone something to do is a challenge on its own.

Jwsihb8p o

Here's the plan: Rishel is getting enarmored, and he'll Sunflame the entire Stoneborn army. That's it.

6mbvwgfn o

Like so. First blood is this.

Lf1zfki0 oP8oteapt o

Meanwhile, our (cooler) Sage kills the Dracozombie that attacked Zach.

8kygia47 oMhpat0se o

Heal up, you big failure.

Nfgod24o o

And that's the turn.

Emiu2fjv o

Thrilling action, isn't it?

Mqzczuco oYxajskpg oLfgkqtwa o

This is the chapter, folks.

3yuq3gbw oCra1mopv o

Oh hey, Slayer. That'll make this easier.

0kdytqyd o

...I stand corrected. Now they won't attack him.

Well. That's five down. Ten to go. Only problem is, I need another way to put those ten down quickly.


Zhsib8e6 oDwa4h3cy oRlyldvkk o

Zachariah gets hit critically. That kinda defeats the purpose of being a tank, but in all fairness, a lesser man would've died. Bottom line, you rock, Zachariah. Ergh, as a unit.

Lqeprbcc o

Hah! I always do enjoy watching no damage crits. Especially when he would otherwise have gotten double-critted by that one cheeky Gargoyle.

1wyyrhwq o

He also hurts a skeleton.

Acc9xsv6 o

Nine of these guys left. I still don't know what to do with them.

Duj7jzm9 o

Let's deal with them later. First, Zach blocks the upper enemies.

Xekrkieh oFrjdhbsx oIowzpgzo o

Julia, Garo and Tom deal with the enemies he left behind.

Bun3slcz o

Sigh... attack, damn you! Face Rishel! He can't be that tough, a tiny spell to the leg and a little drowning in the Absolutely Safe River was enough to knock him out for... God knows how long!

4c6ibfuu oGswfz4nr o

A ball attacks Zachariah. Not to be confused with Baal. He's too far away.

14wlsfmr o


Sp4me45l o

The Zach dance.

Hahahahah... perfect. What even is that zombie doing...?

One of these days, I need to make a gif of Maruj flying. Only problem is getting through the first four chapters quickly. One of these days... one of these days.

Ruben from the future here.

W1vfq8mv o

Ssozlwro o

Eight, but this is way too slow. There has to be a better way...

Ddjfvirp oVmptercb oOv1zvrb8 o

Maruj, you try. His defense is way lower, so the enemies should feel more inclined to press their luck. On the other hand, he cannot kill Stoneborns without a crit.

Ogcbvgog oPeymwway o

Thankfully, Wundergust has a ton of crit.

Adzzmbzp o

Oh, Lordie... somebody needs to go back and count the amount of good Maruj levels. Because I can only think of, like, two.

Ztk2gwr9 o5il0da39 o3drmni5m o

Ah, but he'll succeed his grandfather yet. In fact...

Ddej6elw oXvc2o9vn o

He's doing an absolutely amazing job! Keep those critical hits coming, my friend!

Zu2qwami o

He does leave one alive, but that's all right.

Dx64u4ca oMoregnjm o

Hwack! This guy had a killer axe, and a high critrate to match it. I was so scared, I forgot to take a screenshot of the stats, but rest assured, they weren't pretty.

Ofexezrv o47juruwd oZbub8dxm o

Oh boy. So scurry. Whatever am I to do in such a helpless situation?

4b8br8pk o

Well, first, Maruj takes on another Stoneborn, but he can't quite kill this one. A shame.

Y3y3966d oO40r2gzw oMmsk8jni o

Yoda finishes it off, Yoda-style.

Yppzpmbv oWmabvamn o

And there we go. Thanks to Sunflame's longbow range, the only remotely dangerous enemy is gone. Again.

09c4bzhz oGi8hjzrz o

Then Holmes finishes what Maruj started, and Tom does the same with Zachariah's leftovers.

Iexcdxd6 o

Why must you all strive to disappoint me?

Jqfz2iee oXoa9xqqr oXamjxvys o

Can we just talk about how Garo clearly missed the zombie, but the game thought otherwise?

Tfzdk6be oYpjaio4o o

That's all the upper enemies covered. You know, as if they weren't irrelevant enough already.

Lk2ohpxk oM8rbxvdp oVsrmdb1s o

And now, time for Maruj to be a badass. Heck yeah! Not only did he kill most of the Stoneborns, he did it in style! I am proud of you, my boy. You shall get the boss kill!

Nnqvg1hw oK1st3hdu o

Julia gets attacked by balls. She proceeds to bust them.

6tunou5u o

And she gets diddly crap in return. Great.

Sb7vsoov o

What is that guy doing? Is he trying to imitate plane Maruj? Well, I'm afraid there can only be one plane Maruj, and that is

W1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv oW1vfq8mv o

Also, he didn't have an earthquake line, like Perishte. This guy's such a letdown.

D43jpln9 oB2objdb6 oKyhpfn1x o

Unfortunately for Ball, he isn't in Perishte's map, so he fails to live up to the crap factor of either of his predecessors.

Nef3c84u o

Maruj left a couple of these guys alive.

Pnlssfce o

That is easily corrected.

Qrg1zdhw oSgsibz5g oXnn7ziuh o

Up north, more lame action.

1uhgis8i o

Look, it's Zachariah's personality and story relevance, made into a level!

I know, I already made this joke, but if he's going to keep getting this kind of level, I'm going to keep making that kind of joke.

Jnzhhoiq oWnhjg92c o

Garo level. That's a HP cap if I ever saw one! Well, GBAFE HP cap. Here, it'll keep going.

Pi589wvo oPairrqpl o

I've been skipping the walking. Frankly, I could've skipped the whole chapter, and nobody would've argued with me. This was boring as all hell.

V4ywm8uq o

I love this Harpy just chasing us. I can't be bothered to kill it. Too much effort.

Kli66bns o

Such a unique boss. He has a red sprite that doesn't fit his portrait! That's so different from Dork and Perish! Oh, but I'm sure his quote will give him characterization completely unlike that of those two.

Rzp7jlqd o

Yeah. I thought so.

Yvtrb8jj oJmdjvrsj o


Prrgchvf oMix1x7u3 oFozyqowh o

That's been a boss, all right.

Yn1lsfq6 o

Oh no, what a nightmare, he's back.

Dx4e12ti oAojfrwni o

His death quote doesn't even look like a death quote. In fact, it looks more like a battle quote than his actual battle quote! Of all the Dork clones so far, this one is the most pathetic!

S1wtlkdv o

Nope! No, no, no! That is not how we're finishing this update! I refuse! Where's that stray Harpy...

Vpdb3c6b o

C'mere, you. You are about to be important for once in your life.

Ci2owqmk o

Yeah, yeah, you're all very useful, yow it's an enemy ambush and all those cute things. I'm going to seize on your face, but first, Maruj needs to get another 20 EXP.

Kuzhjzjd oJ7vdwzfu o

There, done. Now please get something.

Wxt0fclc o

Speed. That's a great stat. I'm fine with this. Thanks, Maruj, for not being worse than Zachariah. Uh, this time.

Ouu2xd4w o

Time to holy sword our way out of here.

...next update, because that'll be the first text update in a while. That means no more text today. Also, next time we'll go back to Runan and Eugen. Ain't that marvelous? Tune in next time to find out what badasseries come out of Eugen's mouth this time around! See ya, and please do fare well!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin

*26A only

Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7




BONUS: While rushing the first four chapters to get the frames for the Maruj gif, I found something really interesting that I didn't know of before: Raffin has a battle convo with The Roger in chapter 3.

Gcpcm6nh o

T5yyleoo oYes, the last time we met was at the tournament at the capital. It all seems so long ago now. It's pathetic to see a knight of your caliber wagging his tail at Codha.

Uzyy8gjw oHow dare you...!

T5yyleoo oYou're better than this, Roger. You're the Paladin, one of Wellt's finest! The shadow of the Zoa Empire is spreading, trying to bring back the Dark Ages.

Nepvbfxh o

T5yyleoo oIt doesn't matter who wins here. If the Empire is not stopped, we will surely all perish.

Uzyy8gjw oSir Raffin, I... I wish I could fight with you. Truly, I do. But I have aided the chancellor... Committed his foul deeds for him... What I've done can't be forgiven. This is the path I've chosen.

T5yyleoo oI'm sory you feel that way.

Lce3fpag o

Yeah, about that...

Ja7xn2te oQ6bhyrbp o


Anyway, really awesome exchange, if you ask me. A shame most people wouldn't have Raffin fight The Roger.

One last thing before I leave you. This one is for our very own The Roger in particular.

Hezx8u4r o

Here. Use this as your profile's background. That is all.


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29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, really awesome exchange, if you ask me. A shame most people wouldn't have Raffin fight The Roger.

Well, I know I had Raffin fight him the first time I played. The Roger is scary at that point. Didn't seem like anyone else could put much of a dent into him.


29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Garo level. That's a HP cap if I ever saw one! Well, GBAFE HP cap. Here, it'll keep going.

TRS caps HP at 60 as well. So that stat is capped now too.
This means Garo now has capped Strength, Skill, Speed, HP and WLV. Pretty amazing. Too bad he is stuck with those low 1st tier caps.

Edited by BrightBow
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Will you PLEASE keep 3H spoilers out of this?  Or in a spoiler tag?  I don't get my copy until Monday.

(in other words, if it wasn't in the pre-release stuff, shove it in spoilers for now)

As for the chapter update. . .one out of three isn't a total failure when it comes to Maruj?

Edited by eclipse
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8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah those double, right. Especially Ingrid. I don't know if I got royally screwed, but she's a Pegasus who can't double, can barely hurt anyone, and gets doubled to hell and back if she uses anything other than an iron sword.

Ironically my Ingrid's pretty decent. She's able to go for solo jaunts thanks to a prayer ring. Don't know which of us got the standard one. On a side note, doubling doesn't seem to be a problem for most of my guys at this point. Except obviously Dedue (who needs doubling when even the Death Knight can barely scratch you?), and less obviously Sylvain. Though, he's not being doubled and has a fairly solid defense. So it's fine.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Imagine our laughter when reinforcements appeared on top of Felix, and Gilbert just continued pressing onwards, leaving him to die. Right after he died, Gilbert actually doubled back to face the reinforcements. And then he died. It was hysterical.

And suddenly I get how you managed to lose a unit. I mean even without the divine pulses I've managed to avoid it so far. On hard. With no prior knowledge of reinforcements.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Cyril just sort of walked to the bench


I had Cyril by the map with Sylvain's brother. Though he's kind of been benched at this point in favor of a certain monocle'd character.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I didn't. I don't know, but if that's the exception rather than the norm, I can't say I'm too sad about letting him die.

Let's put it this way. Every time I unlocked a support with Felix and someone not named Sylvain or Annette.. it was edgy enough to make me think "damn Ruben nailed this one". That said


there is a backstory to why he's like this, which is more than I can say for Vega.. unless there is a backstory there and I'm just missing it.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, can I just say I love how you copied the "it's not even a real country anyway" line and it somehow makes more sense than in the original song? Granada truly isn't a real country, it's just a territory in Reeve. They aren't even that powerful.

There was a reason I left it the same. Sometimes... a line works better in another context.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I dunno. Renault's a really interesting character, so I'm fairly certain he has his small fanbase. Not quite as big as someone like, say, Camilla, though. But that is only fair - after all, Camilla has a great backstory, huge character traits, and a most titillating character arc.

...what am I doing, you won't get the innuendos, you never do..

To be fair, she actually does have a backstory. The other's are definitely pure innuendo.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Two years, huh. Man, does time fly.

Like Maruj.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hvq7vnyj o

So what do we call Garo? Or is he already aptly named given the ninja spirits in Majora's Mask's Ikana Valley are called the "Garo".


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He was on my team. But it was worth it. I'm still proud of that shot.

Could say it was "worth a shot"

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's nothing to the north. All those enemies up there? Completely pointless. I'll probably have someone fight them, just to break the monotony, but really, I could leave Zach blocking the way and that'd be the end of it.

I can imagine Zach salivating at the possible relevance.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, son of a... Of course, and his name is also dumb as all hell! What kind of name is Baal?

Take a quick glance at what he's the God of and laugh at the poetry.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh-- oh, you... why can't you dodge anything, Krishna?! Was dying so nice that you want to go back?

Well, she did want to revive a dead lover. Being dead's kind of an alternative way to reunite.


8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
0kdytqyd o

...I stand corrected. Now they won't attack him.

Well. That's five down. Ten to go. Only problem is, I need another way to put those ten down quickly.


Awful smart for a bunch of animated boulders. More self-preservation skills than the average green unit.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Hahahahah... perfect. What even is that zombie doing...?

Getting a little too excited about the dance by the looks of it.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Ddej6elw oXvc2o9vn o

He's doing an absolutely amazing job! Keep those critical hits coming, my friend!

"I don't need no good levels, to take down a rock".


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Jqfz2iee oXoa9xqqr oXamjxvys o

Can we just talk about how Garo clearly missed the zombie, but the game thought otherwise? 

So great is the might of Garo that the very wind off his attacks can slay a foe.


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
1uhgis8i o

Look, it's Zachariah's personality and story relevance, made into a level!

So the entire reason I can come up with a title for a song, and idea, and yet no real lyrics? I feel like it's meta-humour at this point.

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On 7/28/2019 at 12:05 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I started a (FFtF) thread about the spoilers I've encountered in the game. It's Endgame all over again.

Yeah, I remember that thread. Honestly, I wonder why media creators are so insistent on having twists in their products when only a few months later almost everyone will know what they are, and future movies/books/games/whatever will reference them. Far from saying that twists are bad, but there are times when it seems movies and games and whatnot harm their rewatchability/replayability just to have a engaging first viewing.

On 7/28/2019 at 12:05 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Wasn't that a gun-fight ending when someone appeared with a sword?

Er, yeah, you're right.

On 7/28/2019 at 12:05 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Or the monastery for that matter. Byleth still is dressed weird despite having reclassed at this point and it annoys me to no end... though to be fair with all the potential classes it does make sense that they'd use the default uniforms out of battle.

Huh, I didn't know that that was the case. I can understand the reasoning for why, although I do find it a bit odd considering how the 3DS games accounted for reclassing. Granted, it looked weird at times (although that was part of the charm), but none of Three Houses classes strike me as ridiculous-looking so far (although I also haven't played the game, so I can't really comment there).

On 7/28/2019 at 12:05 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'd also debate the "getting worse" with DLC, given I liked the "Rise of the Deliverance DLC" in Echoes. I liked the fact, besides building up the backstory of several characters who weren't the game's main focus, as well as Zofia's backstory to begin with.. it had that whole "there's no levelling up so it's more of a puzzle on how to do the maps right with the resources you have".

I still need to find time to watch the story DLC. I've seen the supports, and I thought that they were among the best in the game. The other snippets I've seen also looked like it had great writing.

I was more criticizing how the game had grinding DLC when the base game already gave you enough resources to do so, and the Overclass DLC could really only be used in the postgame, as getting a final tier class to level 20 requires so much overleveling that I seriously question why someone wouldn't just beat the game right then and there.

On 7/28/2019 at 12:05 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

The excuse to use the gif I made of Ganondorf taking a level 9 CPU Mario's first stock in two attacks is all the thanks I needed. Seriously, I love that replay.

You're welcome!

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Hvq7vnyj o

It's been too long since we last saw this one.

I never really understood this joke, but I never thought that Garo's hair would look like that from a different angle. Or that he fittingly looks like a zombie if there was blood in his eyes and an axe shoved into his shoulder.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That'd be awesome. But nah, this game's mostly stealing ideas from Berwick. Maybe they'll pick up the TRS notes for the next installment!

Out of curiosity, what kind of ideas are being stolen?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Are you going to open all your replies from here on out with this?

No, just the ones where I was busy.

I also completed my PLC class Thursday, so I have two days of the week freed up in the evening.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll try to avoid telling story spoilers here, if you're worried about that. I've eaten a pretty major one, and although it hasn't ruined my enjoyment of the story, since it's one of those spoilers that just makes me go "wait, really? How come they came to this? I can't wait to see the explanation..." (last seen when I spoiled myself the main antagonist of Ace Attorney: Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2. I knew who was the villain and I still was caught off-guard by the reveal, that's how good that villain is)

Really, spoilers don't bother me too much, because I find that simply knowing a fact and seeing it play out can be two different things. That said, it's been a long time since I was really caught off guard by a story's twist (hidden depths of a character are a different, uh, story), and it'd be nice to experience Three Houses largely blind.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Agreed on all accounts. However, Three Houses is creeping closer to giving "shipping emblem" more depth, with the tea minigame and the whole deal with gifts and lost items (seriously, everyone's always losing everything, what's up with that?). I did a couple of tea thingies to convince Ignatz and Leonie to join me, and I was outright embarrassed by the whole thing. Maybe it's just me, but the gimmick's seriously lame.

Yeah, unfortunately the precursors to the tea minigame aren't any more comfortable. The private quarters conversations in Fates are pretty awkward, though fortunately they're also quick, and gameplaywise the feature makes sense (Corrin's personal skill only works when they have at least a C support with someone, so having the ability to gain support points outside of battle is a good way to address some potential issues). Removing the petting minigame was a wise choice, because I sure as heck wouldn't want that to last any longer than it needed to. Awakening isn't off the hook, either, since it had special artwork and a unique confession quote when the avatar married someone, and it's also awkward (if of the "that was still worth unlocking" variety).

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, why is everyone in love with the fishing minigame? It's so boring. You just press A, then time your subsequent A presses in the easiest rhythm minigame in existance, then you win. Rinse, repeat.

Being able to do everyday tasks in videogames seems to be appealing to some people.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

So sorry.

Apology accepted.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pffft. What? Does he not have peripheral vis-- wait, no! He doesn't even need peripheral vision, the sword came from right in front of him! He was looking in that direction the entire time! Is he blind!?

Or the cyborg ninja was invisible. That was also a factor.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Focus, dammit! You made it through college, you're better than this!

And I'm still recovering from the workload and bad habits regarding my free time that I had there. And trying to get back into completing the game's I start

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I could tell, but what is the question? Answer me!

Um, I put the questions into groups, and I labeled the trope questions as... tropes.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

It's only the anime scenes that are bloody. No such thing as bloody portraits or models.

I see. I was hoping there would be a "Blood On/Off" option for regular battles, but I suppose that would be putting resources into something that Fire Emblem isn't really known for. Out of question, how violent/bloody are said cutscenes?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I dunno. Renault's a really interesting character, so I'm fairly certain he has his small fanbase. Not quite as big as someone like, say, Camilla, though. But that is only fair - after all, Camilla has a great backstory, huge character traits, and a most titillating character arc.

...what am I doing, you won't get the innuendos, you never do...

"Great Backstory" - Her back is exposed.

"Huge Character Traits" - Her Chest

"Character Arc" - Her... chest again? Or "curves" or whatever.

Fasteriskck TV Tropes for giving me an idea of what innuendos are.

Speaking of Camilla, anytime she opens her mouth, I can't help but wonder if she has an R-rated childhood/backstory that Nintendo sure as heck ain't gonna say out loud, but can most certainly hint at. I know she's designed to be "sexy" and all that, but really, the only thing I can think of whenever I see her is that she needs some serious therapy.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe you've already found out by now, but you can zoom in and out of the map. If you zoom in enough, you enter this awkward mode where you can move units along the grid the way you move in dungeons in Echoes. It's the same thing as just moving units normally, but it's more cumbersome and your visibility is reduced. I don't see the point, personally.

Sounds... Odd. I guess they wanted to give the player an idea of how large the battlefields are. Or it's kind of like some aspects of Echoes, and they're testing player reception to certain mechanics/elements to see whether they should expand it in the future. Maybe they want to make a more actionized Fire Emblem game next time? 

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Is anything I say ever reassuring?

This phrase has worked both against and for you.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I will, yes, but I think it's more important that you do. You're the reader, after all.

...Did I mention that I tend to be tired when I write these?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, but it's not as bad as the SNES FEs, at least.

Huh, how lazy do those get?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Kaga did Kaga first.

So... Kaga went back in time and created the providence first?

Also, Wikipedia doesn't list Shousou Kaga in a list of what "Kaga" may refer to.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, except TV shows can take months to push out a new chapter. I take a handful of days.

This is the first (technically second, but I never got around to commenting on the last Lets Play) time I'm following something that hasn't finished its run years ago, so waiting for the next update to come out is a new experience for me.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, apparently we'll get chapters and characters later on. Still doubt I'll ever get the pass. See, I'm not sure about anyone else, but playing as Suspend Girl is not a selling point for me. I already facepalmed enough when she appeared in a support, thank you very much.

Don't know who Suspend Girl is, but we'll have to wait and see what the DLC is like.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, that makes sense. He is, after all, the only evil Dark Mage who doesn't warp all over the place. They do it all the time in Three Houses. How come Hanneman can't, huh?

Hanneman is practicing walking so that he can dodge 100% hit rates.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes. Map screen magic in this game is somewhat limited.

Better than having no animations at all.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rishel tried, but he tripped on his long Sage cape. Maruj didn't because

W1vfq8mv o

Well, he had prior experience.

Yes, I did replay the first five maps of the game to get those frames. I found something interesting, too. More on that later.

The gif came too late in the Lets Play, but it was still worth the wait.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Metal Gear is so weird.

The series combination of silliness and serious is probably why it's so beloved.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Could be, I can't imagine any other way an earthquake would kill someone.

The ground could have cracked open and swallowed him up, but that cliche seems to be happening less and less nowadays.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, even a F* bomb! Thanks very much.

Moments like these are why we watch you.

D'awwwwww, you didn't have to say something like that...! Thank you.

You're Welcome!

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Lfrbyufq o

0zfd96rn o Holmes, you've seen little girls transform into dragons, women warping all over the place, and a really boring man conveniently surviving death and recognizing a birthmark he couldn't have possibly seen. This is on the low end of the "weird" spectrum.

None of those things would cut his hand, while a rusty sword could cause an infected wound.

In other words, as long as said dragons, witches, and plot conveniences aren't aimed destroying him, he's good. But injuring himself with a legendary but old sword? He doesn't want the embarrisment of

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Wswhxjwt o

The boss--

No... no frigging way...!

They recycled the portrait again! For the third time! Inmediately after the second time!

Seems like even Kaga was burned out by putting all of his anger into Holmes route, and just gave up at the end.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, son of a... Of course, and his name is also dumb as all hell! What kind of name is Baal? Dork, Perish and Ball. The three fuckin' stooges, they are not. What's next? Nutze? Blharf? Asole?

It's a god mentioned in the Bible a multitude of times. Worship of him lead Israel astray throughout their history, which resulted in decadent practices throughout the land. They usually repented of their sin when disaster struck or their hardships grew fierce, but like a dog with its vomit, they often returned to their sins.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Mqzczuco oYxajskpg oLfgkqtwa o

This is the chapter, folks.

In other words, Rishel killing stone golem's by jazz handing and medieval tapestry sunning them.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
0kdytqyd o

...I stand corrected. Now they won't attack him.

Well. That's five down. Ten to go. Only problem is, I need another way to put those ten down quickly.


Guess even rock-heads get the memo about the futility of attacking a powerful unit sometimes.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Zhsib8e6 oDwa4h3cy oRlyldvkk o

Zachariah gets hit critically. That kinda defeats the purpose of being a tank, but in all fairness, a lesser man would've died. Bottom line, you rock, Zachariah. Ergh, as a unit.

I mean, there was the time where he attacked that rock that blimped in and out of existence, he's fighting gargoyles, which are typically made out of stone. He has the story relevance of a pebble, and like a boulder he's tough to crack. So Zachariah really is like a rock.

Also, I looked up what Zachariah means. It's "Yahweh Remembers". Make of that what you will.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
1wyyrhwq o

He also hurts a skeleton.

I can't help but think that Zach is having a dance battle with the skeleton in this screenshot.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Acc9xsv6 o

Nine of these guys left. I still don't know what to do with them.

Maybe they could have that rock concert that was mentioned 19 updates ago (give or take a few repeats)?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Bun3slcz o

Sigh... attack, damn you! Face Rishel! He can't be that tough, a tiny spell to the leg and a little drowning in the Absolutely Safe River was enough to knock him out for... God knows how long!

Hmm... considering that most stones would silk to the bottom of the river, perhaps the rock monsters refuse to attack Rishel out of fear or respect of him surviving something that they would not?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahahah... perfect. What even is that zombie doing...?


It's trying to protect it's groin from an attack, but misread its enemy, who went for dimensional warp dancing instead.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xoa9xqqr oXamjxvys o

Can we just talk about how Garo clearly missed the zombie, but the game thought otherwise?

Perhaps it was two zombies, where one was standing on the shoulders of the other, and happened to be invisible?

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Pi589wvo o


No comment.

On 8/1/2019 at 4:51 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, really awesome exchange, if you ask me. A shame most people wouldn't have Raffin fight The Roger.

Aye, that is an awesome exchange. Even though I'm trying to recall who Raffin is. He looks familiar...

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4 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

Don't know who Suspend Girl is, but we'll have to wait and see what the DLC is like.

Anna? (I mean because when you suspend the game she's there.. I think)


On 8/2/2019 at 6:51 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Nepvbfxh o

T5yyleoo oIt doesn't matter who wins here. If the Empire is not stopped, we will surely all perish.

Uzyy8gjw oSir Raffin, I... I wish I could fight with you. Truly, I do. But I have aided the chancellor... Committed his foul deeds for him... What I've done can't be forgiven. This is the path I've chosen.

T5yyleoo oI'm sory you feel that way.

Lce3fpag o

Yeah, about that...

Ja7xn2te oQ6bhyrbp o


Anyway, really awesome exchange, if you ask me. A shame most people wouldn't have Raffin fight The Roger.

One last thing before I leave you. This one is for our very own The Roger in particular.

Hezx8u4r o

Here. Use this as your profile's background. That is all.

I actually forgot to comment on this the first time because I noticed it between scrolling up and down, and read it out of order. I like how you can just about mistake him for a Camus off the Raffin exchange. Only, he's not. His loyalty is to Mel first and foremost.

Also thanks for the profile background.

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Part 65 - Mischievous children.

So, uh... I was playing Three Houses, and I came across this.

Iwnffdcu o

Maybe this class's mastery skill is self-destruct?

I can't openly tell you exactly what the class is. That's a SPOILER. Minor one, but a spoiler nonetheless. Here it is:

L1vp1evh o

It's Claude's personal promoted class.

Just... why? Why Barbarossa? What even is a "Barbarossa"? As far as I'm aware, that's just a name, not an actual word. I don't understand anything. Unless...

Efyjo0d7 o

No, that does not work... I shall have to think about this.

Anyway, in other news. I'm close to finishing Three Houses. Just have to deal with the final battle, in fact.

Now, if I posted this opinion somewhere more public, I'd get a ton of hate. Perhaps I'll still get hate here. I don't know. But I still feel like saying it.

I am disappointed. That is the word. Disappointed. I'll continue in spoilers, because I will be discussing the story.


The game starts spectacularly. It's not too hard, but not too easy. The monastery is bustling with activity and it's fun to walk around and see people. Not to mention, you have few activity points, so you need to think your decisions through. And the race to recruit the guys I wanted? A lot of fun, and so satisfying when they finally joined me. There were also plenty of fun maps, like Lonato's (killing a guy to dissipate the fog? Now that's an idea), and Miklan's (I liked that they moved the team out of his range when he transformed). They're fair, and while not all that remarkable, solidly designed. The story, too, was great, and took some twists and turns that I enjoyed a lot. Jeralt's death was heartbreaking, despite how obvious it was. And the reveal that Edelgard was the Flame Emperor? Dimitri losing his mind right then and there? Brutal.

Then came the timeskip. The game dropped the ball here. Hard. Map design took a huge dive. Gone were the good ideas from the pre-timeskip portion: now all that remained were unmemorable, uninspired maps that had no difficulty. It doesn't matter that the enemies are fantastic, the game hands you so many gamebreaking tools, it's hard not to trivialize the game. And every lategame map is "kill commander"! Nothing easier than just meteoring his ass, or shooting him from 5 tiles away, or warping someone on top of him! Enemy density is also so low, that despite the fact that the enemies are strong, they're extremely easy to handle, because they come at you two or three at a time. Even Demonic Beasts are no trouble at all, because Gambits are so overpowered. Overall, the game is a walk in the park.

Well, aside from the dickmoves.

I want to focus on this, because I find some design choices to be frankly inexcusable. There's a map where a plot-important greenie on a horse appears, and if you haven't made it to the boss yet, well, tough luck, he'll suicide and there's nothing you can do about it! There's another map where a boss warps on top of you with a bunch of troops, without warning. Then there's the one time a boss claims he'll start moving, but he doesn't, and his move is still nonexistent, like all stationary bosses. Well, turns out, that message was a feint - he begins moving two turns afterwards, in the enemy phase. Leonie dodged, but that could've been her death.

Even worse than any of these is the battle at Gronder Field. If you kill Petra (Petra in particular), Edelgard with cause the entire hill in the middle of the map to go up in flames. This doesn't just hurt your units standing there, it also renders them unable to move, so Claude's dumbasses can easily finish them off. As always, no warning that this was going to happen. You're just supposed to use divine pulse. And I did, because resetting a map because of something I had no way of knowing or preventing is not my definition of fun.

Oh, but the game doesn't just withhold information. Sometimes, it lies to your face.

Take, for instance, the last time you face the Death Knight. He moves, as he usually does, but he's inside a box with a couple Brawlers and a Mage, and an entrance to the front, so you're led to believe that you can approach the area safely. Maybe even take care of the Mage first? Nope! If you aggro the Mage, the Death Knight begins to pursue your troops. In an ironman run, this would've resulted in the end of Hanneman, Manuela, Ignatz, Mercedes and Dorothea. All of my Mages, and half my team overall, because I'm not psychic. Maybe I could've salvaged it, but then there's the little detail that the Death Knight is a Last Promise boss, in that his stats are ridiculous, he can counter even meteor, he has 50 crit, and is, overall, a complete pain to fight. Fake difficulty and lazy design. What a load of bullshit.

And in the next map? Petra appeared as a boss without movement. When I had Dimitri wait inside of what would've been her range if she wasn't stationary, SHE MAGICALLY GAINED FULL MOVEMENT. AND THEN WENT AND CRIT HIM TO DEATH. And no, the lines that indicate what enemies will attack the unit did not reflect that she was going to move. Want me to prove it? Here you go. I know the video quality is mediocre, but I think it conveys what it's meant to convey. Oh, and as if that wasn't enough, past a few turns, she begun to move. Just because she felt like it. Alongside every Demonic Beast in the map, who didn't have move either.

The game somehow manages to be Kaga hard and extremely easy at the same time. The only time this game ever manages to get me is with these bullshit moves. It's as if the team behind the game didn't know how to make it challenging, so they just took the easy way out and used the divine pulse as an excuse.

Oh, and the story also worsens as the game progresses. It's not quite as bad, I loved Dimitri's arc (even if he recovered a wee bit suddenly), but the monthly schedule does more harm than good at this point, the monastery becomes mostly pointless, the lategame feels extremely rushed (seriously, how can Dimitri just walk to the capitals of every country without facing opposition in the way? Are there no soldiers anywhere else? In other FE games, it would've taken him at least 2 or 3 chapters just to fight his way to each capital), and most egregious of all, Claude is a disgrace in the BL path. He appears twice: once, he gets played like a fiddle and begins killing Dimitri and co. because he can't tell they're not Imperials. The second time, he's getting his ass kicked by the Empire, until Dimitri saves his ass. Then he gives him the Failnaught and leaves the continent. For no reason. Just like that. And that's the end of Claude. Then the game tries desperately to convince me that he did something by having every character fawn over how awesome and shrewd and calculating he is. Fuck that nonsense, he was a useless nuisance in his very few appearances. I seriously hope Dimitri doesn't suffer the same fate in Claude's route.

Spoiler-free Tl;Dr: pre-timeskip the game is great, post-timeskip the overall quality worsens, with the story feeling rushed around the end (Claude is the greatest victim of this). Maps of this part of the game are unmemorable and extremely easy, except for the instances where they spring bullshit traps on the player without any warning or indication, to the point where sometimes, it lies to the player's face. The game basically forces the use of divine pulse to get around the unpredictable traps.

Now that I'm almost to the end of the game, I'm debating whether to give it a 6/10 or a 7/10. Because lying is something a strategy game should never do. Even Kaga doesn't lie. He normally doesn't give the player all the information, which is bad, don't get me wrong - but at least, if he says something, you can rest assured that it will happen as he claims. You can't trust Three Houses. It's a lying bitch. And that, my friends, is unforgivable. At least in my opinion.

I still would recommend the game, but please, do not hold back on the divine pulse. The game cheats, and it cheats more often than you'd think. Avoiding the divine pulse is asking to be forced to reset by the many beginner's traps. Oh, and it goes without saying, but I find it frankly laughable when I see people claiming that this is the best game in the series. It's far from it. Heck, even if I didn't count both Kagasagas in my top 3 FE games, Three Houses would still not make it there (at least not to the gameplay one). Binding Blade is better, in my opinion. Yeah. Binding Blade.

I truly look forward to seeing what people say when the hype dies down. Because right now, it feels as though nobody's even noticed these titanic flaws.

Sigh... anyway, enough ranting. Let's move to the rest of the things.


On 8/1/2019 at 11:15 PM, BrightBow said:

Well, I know I had Raffin fight him the first time I played. The Roger is scary at that point. Didn't seem like anyone else could put much of a dent into him.

I see.

TRS caps HP at 60 as well. So that stat is capped now too.

Ah, really? FEWOD says his average HP at max level is 62, and they didn't even put the number in bold like they usually do with capped stats. Guess we'll find out for sure later.

This means Garo now has capped Strength, Skill, Speed, HP and WLV. Pretty amazing. Too bad he is stuck with those low 1st tier caps.

They might not be as hot as promoted caps, but let me tell you, they're more than enough to destroy everyone.


On 8/2/2019 at 7:02 AM, eclipse said:

Will you PLEASE keep 3H spoilers out of this?  Or in a spoiler tag?  I don't get my copy until Monday.

(in other words, if it wasn't in the pre-release stuff, shove it in spoilers for now)

Ah! I am truly sorry. Since all I did was list my units (all of whom had been confirmed to be playable before release), it didn't occur to me that I might be overstepping my bounds. Forgive me, I'll put all Three Houses discussion in spoilers from now on.

As for the chapter update. . .one out of three isn't a total failure when it comes to Maruj?

Well... I suppose not. Most days he just goes out without any good levels at all. One point of speed is better than his average performance.

Then again, he also tends to wreck all sorts of havoc, so... I guess growths < bases < ridiculous Sage promogains.


On 8/2/2019 at 8:14 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Ironically my Ingrid's pretty decent. She's able to go for solo jaunts thanks to a prayer ring. Don't know which of us got the standard one. On a side note, doubling doesn't seem to be a problem for most of my guys at this point. Except obviously Dedue (who needs doubling when even the Death Knight can barely scratch you?), and less obviously Sylvain. Though, he's not being doubled and has a fairly solid defense. So it's fine.

Hmm. Guess I just had bad luck with Ingrid. Still try to use her from time to time, but Seteth is so much better, it's not even funny. They even got an A support, so it seems like her calling's being his adjuntant.

And suddenly I get how you managed to lose a unit. I mean even without the divine pulses I've managed to avoid it so far. On hard. With no prior knowledge of reinforcements.

Yeah, if I had wanted to avoid it, I could've. I just didn't care enough. Rodrigue didn't even seem to mind.

  Reveal hidden contents

I had Cyril by the map with Sylvain's brother. Though he's kind of been benched at this point in favor of a certain monocle'd character.

Ah, another man of culture, I see! Glad to see more people using the man. I cannot imagine he'll be too popular, seeing how he and his colleague are a bit of an awkward spot, since they aren't prepromotes like Catherine, but they aren't growth units quite to the level of the students either. Also, he isn't a waifu.

He's an absolute magical nuke for me. His speed is low, so he can't double people at all, and he's quite fragile, but he makes up for all that with sheer power. Between his sky-high magic (highest in the team!) and the Poison Strike skill he got from mastering Dark Mage (deals some extra non-lethal damage if he hits), he's basically guaranteed to leave anyone he can't outright demolish within kill range of everybody else. Also, Meteor.

Let's put it this way. Every time I unlocked a support with Felix and someone not named Sylvain or Annette.. it was edgy enough to make me think "damn Ruben nailed this one". That said

  Reveal hidden contents

there is a backstory to why he's like this, which is more than I can say for Vega.. unless there is a backstory there and I'm just missing it.

Then... he's Rutger?


No kidding. Absurdly overpowered units with horrendous dialogue, unlikeable personality and some terrible supports, but there's some backstory sprinkled among those, so that fixes everything. Not in my eyes, though. I also got them both killed in easily avoidable ways.

They really are one and the same. Only MASSIVE SPOILERS


You sure you wanna proceed?



Rutger doesn't have a dad that's an absolute badass.

Bless you, Rodrigue. With your ultimate sacrifice, you accomplished more than anybody else could. You made Dimitri's eyebags magically disappear.

Although, I so wish you had been playable... loved your design.


There was a reason I left it the same. Sometimes... a line works better in another context.

Yes, indeed.

To be fair, she actually does have a backstory. The other's are definitely pure innuendo.

Hahahahahahahah... oh, lord.

Like Maruj.


So what do we call Garo? Or is he already aptly named given the ninja spirits in Majora's Mask's Ikana Valley are called the "Garo".

Let's call him Go. Like Pokemon Go. Now THAT is scary.

Could say it was "worth a shot"

Ah, yes. The old catchphrase. It's been a long time since I last used it, hasn't it?

I can imagine Zach salivating at the possible relevance.

You sure he has enough personality to salivate?

Take a quick glance at what he's the God of and laugh at the poetry.

Aethin, you son of a gun...!

Well, she did want to revive a dead lover. Being dead's kind of an alternative way to reunite.

I suppose, but she won't have it.

Awful smart for a bunch of animated boulders. More self-preservation skills than the average green unit.
And that is really sad.

Getting a little too excited about the dance by the looks of it.

Hahahahahah... yeah. Took my words right out of my mouth.

"I don't need no good levels, to take down a rock".

That's... that's a belt, all right.

So great is the might of Garo that the very wind off his attacks can slay a foe.


So the entire reason I can come up with a title for a song, and idea, and yet no real lyrics? I feel like it's meta-humour at this point.

That's about all you can do with Zachariah.


On 8/3/2019 at 7:18 AM, Hawkwing said:

Yeah, I remember that thread. Honestly, I wonder why media creators are so insistent on having twists in their products when only a few months later almost everyone will know what they are, and future movies/books/games/whatever will reference them. Far from saying that twists are bad, but there are times when it seems movies and games and whatnot harm their rewatchability/replayability just to have a engaging first viewing.

In all fairness, it was only through the timeskip spoiler that I became interested in the game. And same goes for a lot of people. From a business point of view, it's a perfectly reasonable move.

Huh, I didn't know that that was the case. I can understand the reasoning for why, although I do find it a bit odd considering how the 3DS games accounted for reclassing. Granted, it looked weird at times (although that was part of the charm), but none of Three Houses classes strike me as ridiculous-looking so far (although I also haven't played the game, so I can't really comment there).

Yeah, it'd have been a nice touch if we could fully customize people's appearances. Both in battle and out of it. There are some people whose normal attires I like best (post-timeskip Ignatz, Hanneman), and some whose combat attires I prefer (), but I'm stuck with what I get.

I was more criticizing how the game had grinding DLC when the base game already gave you enough resources to do so, and the Overclass DLC could really only be used in the postgame, as getting a final tier class to level 20 requires so much overleveling that I seriously question why someone wouldn't just beat the game right then and there.

I really hope Three houses doesn't have DLC of this sort.

You're welcome!

I never really understood this joke, but I never thought that Garo's hair would look like that from a different angle. Or that he fittingly looks like a zombie if there was blood in his eyes and an axe shoved into his shoulder.

There's not much to understand. Some smear frames in GBA looked really scary, and thus the image was born.

Out of curiosity, what kind of ideas are being stolen?

Well, as usual, it was more of a joke, but there are a few. First off, hub town where you return after all your missions and where you do all your shopping? That's in Berwick. Can't explore it, but the core mechanics are the same. Having meals with the army? Already in Berwick, food gives people statboosts (kinda like the "cook with someone from the army" mechanic from 3H).

No, just the ones where I was busy.

I also completed my PLC class Thursday, so I have two days of the week freed up in the evening.

Ah, I see. Good for you, then!

Really, spoilers don't bother me too much, because I find that simply knowing a fact and seeing it play out can be two different things. That said, it's been a long time since I was really caught off guard by a story's twist (hidden depths of a character are a different, uh, story), and it'd be nice to experience Three Houses largely blind.

Yes, I agree. Good luck dodging those bullets!

Yeah, unfortunately the precursors to the tea minigame aren't any more comfortable. The private quarters conversations in Fates are pretty awkward, though fortunately they're also quick, and gameplaywise the feature makes sense (Corrin's personal skill only works when they have at least a C support with someone, so having the ability to gain support points outside of battle is a good way to address some potential issues). Removing the petting minigame was a wise choice, because I sure as heck wouldn't want that to last any longer than it needed to. Awakening isn't off the hook, either, since it had special artwork and a unique confession quote when the avatar married someone, and it's also awkward (if of the "that was still worth unlocking" variety).

In general, it's a mechanic I can't say I care much about.

Being able to do everyday tasks in videogames seems to be appealing to some people.

I guess, but I fail to see the appeal. I don't even care enough to grind professor level by fishing, because eating with the army nets so much, as well as support levels and motivation.

Apology accepted.


Or the cyborg ninja was invisible. That was also a factor.

But... was the sword also invisible? Doesn't seem like it when it flies into Ocelot. Was it invisible until the ninja threw it? Did Ocelot see a floating sword and paid no mind to it? Did he keep the sword near the ground to hide it from Ocelot's view?

And I'm still recovering from the workload and bad habits regarding my free time that I had there. And trying to get back into completing the game's I start

And sentences you start as well, I take it. Or, you just forgot a period. Please, refrain from repeating this mistake. Periods are important.

Um, I put the questions into groups, and I labeled the trope questions as... tropes.

Yeah, I understand.

I see. I was hoping there would be a "Blood On/Off" option for regular battles, but I suppose that would be putting resources into something that Fire Emblem isn't really known for. Out of question, how violent/bloody are said cutscenes?

You see smudges of blood ocassionally.

The first scene's the most blood you'll get, honestly.

"Great Backstory" - Her back is exposed.

"Huge Character Traits" - Her Chest

"Character Arc" - Her... chest again? Or "curves" or whatever.

You got it, mostly.

Fasteriskck TV Tropes for giving me an idea of what innuendos are.

Fasteriskck TV Tropes for giving me an idea of what innuendos are.

- Hawkwing, 2019

Speaking of Camilla, anytime she opens her mouth, I can't help but wonder if she has an R-rated childhood/backstory that Nintendo sure as heck ain't gonna say out loud, but can most certainly hint at. I know she's designed to be "sexy" and all that, but really, the only thing I can think of whenever I see her is that she needs some serious therapy.

I've heard about her backstory. No, her other backstory. It sounds rather interesting, but IntSys knows where most people's priorities lie. Why do you think Edelgard is the most promoted main character in 3H? 'Cause boobies. Not saying Edelgard is a bad character, but they were clearly trying to sell her as a waifu for extra moneys.

Sounds... Odd. I guess they wanted to give the player an idea of how large the battlefields are. Or it's kind of like some aspects of Echoes, and they're testing player reception to certain mechanics/elements to see whether they should expand it in the future. Maybe they want to make a more actionized Fire Emblem game next time? 

I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to make the most of the monastery running animations? Because there is little tactical value to the mechanic. It's the kind of thing you try out once, laugh, and then proceed to forget it exists.

This phrase has worked both against and for you.

Hahahahah... yes, indeed.

...Did I mention that I tend to be tired when I write these?

You have, and it shows. Still, do appreciate you taking the time to write them.

Huh, how lazy do those get?

Most of the promotions consist on sticking a cape on somebody. If they already had a cape, the cape grows bigger. That's it. Nobody gets new animations.

So... Kaga went back in time and created the providence first?


Also, Wikipedia doesn't list Shousou Kaga in a list of what "Kaga" may refer to.

Strange, considering he has an article. A really small one that's just four lines on him and a list of his games, but hey, it exists.

This is the first (technically second, but I never got around to commenting on the last Lets Play) time I'm following something that hasn't finished its run years ago, so waiting for the next update to come out is a new experience for me.

Awww, I'm flattered.

Don't know who Suspend Girl is, but we'll have to wait and see what the DLC is like.

Anna. Prior to Awakening, she was barely a character at all. In most games of the series, she only ever appeared in small cameos, secret shops, and to ask if you really wanted to suspend the game upon choosing the option. In Archanea, she actually exists, but she's just a quirky villager girl who is there mostly to expedite her boyfriend Jake's recruitment.

Yes, she has a boyfriend. A playable Ballistician turned Warrior (in FE12) from Archanea. As far as I can tell, they completely forgot about him in the newer games. And no, she never was obsessed with money in the old games. That's a new thing.

Frankly, I find it rather annoying that they keep trying to push her as a sort of "mascot" of the series when she barely even was a thing until Awakening, but okay. She sells, so who am I to argue against the profits?

Hanneman is practicing walking so that he can dodge 100% hit rates.


Considering everything doubles and kills him, he'd better learn soon. Ah, but it matters not. Who cares that everything kills him when he has TRS!Arbalest range with every spell and brings practically every enemy to 1 HP or less?

Better than having no animations at all.

That much is true.

The gif came too late in the Lets Play, but it was still worth the wait.

You can say that again.

The series combination of silliness and serious is probably why it's so beloved.

I think you can kill a boss by waiting a week before booting up the game again, right? Hysterical.

The ground could have cracked open and swallowed him up, but that cliche seems to be happening less and less nowadays.

I mean, Holmes was still visible when he died.

You're Welcome!


None of those things would cut his hand, while a rusty sword could cause an infected wound.

In other words, as long as said dragons, witches, and plot conveniences aren't aimed destroying him, he's good. But injuring himself with a legendary but old sword? He doesn't want the embarrisment of

Ohohohohohahahah! Perfect! A glorious typo and the sentence keels over right then and there!

Sorry, didn't mean to laugh, but that was great.

Seems like even Kaga was burned out by putting all of his anger into Holmes route, and just gave up at the end.

Considering the map itself is a fucking recolor, I'd say yes, he gave up.

It's a god mentioned in the Bible a multitude of times. Worship of him lead Israel astray throughout their history, which resulted in decadent practices throughout the land. They usually repented of their sin when disaster struck or their hardships grew fierce, but like a dog with its vomit, they often returned to their sins.

What a god. Ball. Sorry for the blasphemy, but... Ball. Jesus fuckin'--

In other words, Rishel killing stone golem's by jazz handing and medieval tapestry sunning them.

Yes, except that plan failed. They were impressed by his jazz hands.

Guess even rock-heads get the memo about the futility of attacking a powerful unit sometimes.

This game's AI is awesome sometimes.

I mean, there was the time where he attacked that rock that blimped in and out of existence, he's fighting gargoyles, which are typically made out of stone. He has the story relevance of a pebble, and like a boulder he's tough to crack. So Zachariah really is like a rock.

Can I just say I love these leaps of logic? 'Cause I love these leaps of logic.

Also, I looked up what Zachariah means. It's "Yahweh Remembers". Make of that what you will.



Okay, that's got to be the best coincidence in the world. Of course God would remember him, he's literally a tool of His!

I can't help but think that Zach is having a dance battle with the skeleton in this screenshot.

General frames are hilarious.

Maybe they could have that rock concert that was mentioned 19 updates ago (give or take a few repeats)?

Hmmm could be.

Hmm... considering that most stones would silk to the bottom of the river, perhaps the rock monsters refuse to attack Rishel out of fear or respect of him surviving something that they would not?

Huh... you may be on to something.


It's trying to protect it's groin from an attack, but misread its enemy, who went for dimensional warp dancing instead.

Of course you'd make a desperate attempt to ignore the obvious.

Perhaps it was two zombies, where one was standing on the shoulders of the other, and happened to be invisible?

Eargh... well, if that's so, we're lucky Garo missed. An invisible zombie could prove to be... ever-so-slightly dangerous?


No comment.

What? What even was wrong there? She was channeling her inner warrior's spirit through her sword to destroy the monster! That's very swordmasterish!

Aye, that is an awesome exchange. Even though I'm trying to recall who Raffin is. He looks familiar...

Sigh... here we go again.

Son of Count Marlon of Verje, Wellt! Adoptive brother of Esther! Top tier unit I benched because he's top tier!


On 8/3/2019 at 11:58 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Anna? (I mean because when you suspend the game she's there.. I think)


I actually forgot to comment on this the first time because I noticed it between scrolling up and down, and read it out of order. I like how you can just about mistake him for a Camus off the Raffin exchange. Only, he's not. His loyalty is to Mel first and foremost.

The game does a good job at convincing first timers that he'll be a Camus. But he ain't a Camus.

Still, he isn't quite as convincing as Norton, the throwaway boss. I fell for it the first time, and I'm fairly certain nobody could possibly figure it out on their own. Doesn't help that, at that point of the game, it's almost impossible to have a Sasha capable of taking him on.

Also thanks for the profile background.

No problemo.



Flfvmhrj o

Last time, holy sword.

Vjcgjdjw o6qr4edg0 o

Gmhhyxnn oGonna pull it out, Holmes, or are you just going to stand there in disbelief all day?

04edcfbn oAll right, I'm doing it... C'mere, you eight-hundred-year-old piece of junk...!

0zfd96rn o I sincerely hope he gets hurt.

Kidplju5 oH8ydalyu o

First, big explosion.

P9j36jve o

Now we just need tears and a book in the background and we'll have to roll the credits.

Vcpaxaox oHp29dsul oMbr66ygb o

The ring fades away and a rusty sword is revealed. This is all animated, by the way, in glorious 30 FPS. Looks good for PS1.

Jeqletln o2kgumxpk oJc8q3aao o

Oh shit fire! Holmes, look out!

6qkuwwua oSfi2vaps o

And now the sword is pretty.

Hojaz8lm oNlj08yjj o

E7ffcz4a oThe sacred blade has been revived by your courage and the love of lady Katri.

04edcfbn oKatri's love?

0zfd96rn o Nice, now he's starting to talk like Roy. That's always nice.

E7ffcz4a oThe Ring of Salia that Katri gave you. Yutona created those bracelets so that her daughters could control the power of the Guardian Dragons within them. It was Yutona's power that gave Carluon's blade its power to begin with, so it is only natural that the power of her bloodline should restore its glory.

0zfd96rn o In other words, the ring did it. Holmes's courage and Katri's misguided love for his dumb ass are unrelated. Check.

Pzpehdus o

04edcfbn oI'm feeling fired up now! Let's go! Into the catacombs!

Kmpjazch o

That's a name, all right. I forgot to check its stats. Let's see if I remember next time we see Holmes.

Gba99pd5 oGyk3iby7 o

One more scene before we go back to the Good Route, folks.
Ic02rr52 oEjkd5ros oRkaiwgok o

E7ffcz4a oIt's Old Zoan, written in the ancient script. These days, it's only used as a scribal and ecclesiastical language. I'll translate it for you. This first mural reads,

Zyeotsfd oYslwyk3r o

P1zzgcas o Here's a small detail that I really like. Perhaps some of you recognize this tale. Indeed, we've seen this before. Long, long ago, in fact: it's the scrolling text from the game's intro that I used in the OP.

Krvbmvdx o

P1zzgcas o Every couple of paragraphs, Claris and Holmes move to the next part of the mural, and continue reading. I don't know, I just love that the scrolling text is actually a part of the game. This kind of thing should happen more often. Here's the whole thing, so you don't have to go back to the OP (and so I don't have to transcribe it).

On 11/25/2018 at 2:04 PM, Saint Rubenio said:










Kskqjmes o

P1zzgcas o Even the backgrounds match the backgrounds from the intro. That's attention to detail.

E7ffcz4a oYou don't believe in the legend of Carluon?

04edcfbn oI'm sure he was a real person, but all that nonsense about gods and divine blessings is just fantasy. It's all propaganda made to justify keeping kings in power. Don't get me wrong, I love hearing old legends and traditions. It's just pointless to believe in them. For the entirety of human history, sorcerers have performed magic for the masses and called it the power of gods, even though it's all completely mundane. It's easy to fool the uneducated. Just get them to believe in a hero, and they'll follow him for generations.

Xuyhnea0 o

P1zzgcas o I like that the game acknowledges that this is a universe where magic is a thing, and describes it as something normal, far from the stuff of legends. It's something that should happen more often, too.

0zfd96rn o That being said, Holmes here is ignoring the fact that he knows, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the legends are true. Since, y'know, he's seen Katri transform with his own two eyes, and he's seen her bracelet magically repair the Agneyastra.

E7ffcz4a oIt is true that many of the stories of heroes are fabricated later. However, the tale engraved here is no fiction. These beautiful murals were crafted by Lady Salia herself, and they have stood unchanged for seven hundred years. They tell nothing but the truth. The love between Carluon and Yutona was real, eternal, and immortal.

04edcfbn oWhat does their love have to do with anything?

0zfd96rn o Oh, wait, sorry. That's my line. What Holmes actually says is this:

04edcfbn oI have no doubts about the love between Carluon and Yutona, but... Sorry, I got carried away.

E7ffcz4a oDo not worry about it.

0zfd96rn o Oddly civil, for Holmes.

E7ffcz4a oShall we go onward, Lord Holmes? We have a long road through the catacombs ahead of us to reach the Altar of Gods. It will take several days to get there.

04edcfbn oLet's get going, then. I'm ready for whatever's ahead.

0zfd96rn o You know, Claris is of the same class as Renee. We already lost Law for no reason. Is it too much to ask that this person who is traveling with us actually joins?

Byeypgza o

4lt3brpp o Son of a... you've no healers, you brainless waste of space! What are you doing, chasing potential new ones away!? Why must you copy all of Roy's bad traits? Runan's supposed to be the generic, lame lord! Runan! And yet he's terrible at it, he's awesome!

E7ffcz4a oWhy ever not?

04edcfbn oTo be honest, you'd only be a burden. If I have to worry about protecting you while we're fighting, I won't be able to focus as well during the battles at hand.

4lt3brpp o That is the worst excuse in the universe! You already do it with Plum! What even is the problem here?!

E7ffcz4a oIs that so? In that case, I will collect the artifacts that I came for and return to Castle Salia.

4lt3brpp o But... you were accompanying us to help Katri... what artifacts... nnnngggghhhh...!

E7ffcz4a oDo take care of yourself, Lord Holmes. And please... save Princess Katri.

04edcfbn oLeave it to me. Lady Claris, I know I don't deserve it, but could I make one selfish request of you?

0zfd96rn o And all of sudden, he feels like engaging in some healthy self-depreciation. This scene's just all over the place...

E7ffcz4a oYes, what is it?

Tt9xvnrz o

Kaermfja o
9xtjhyzf o
W8llv1wu o
Ypuzvkbe o
Ld2k9bhe o
Ksdaw4u3 o
Mbs95n91 o

And with that, we say bye to Holmes for a few chapters. Well, I personally say "good riddance, sucker!", but that's just me.




Yulj9odg o
Ejh40suy o

Q5xcrmek o

Xgr0vtv7 o
Svrr5jfx o
Nrkwpbk2 o
Lfmfpese o
Zyjo8bep o
Mbskc7lo o
Xk55emmy o
A1hfspfd o
Ksmswt5c o
7trdluad o
Mfyjestz o
I4e3nu4x o




83szbbor o

Time to check out what the bad guys are doing. Conquering Reeve is Runan's next objective, if you remember.

Odt9uaj9 o

Hi, Theodora. How's Xyon? Well, I hope.

Yzsfx7qs oPrince Barker, Prince Julius. It's an honor to see you again.

Mtiwvyhd oYou needn't be so formal, Resshea. Just because you're the Princess of Sophia now doesn't mean you're not still our sister. Now, please tell us about this Sennet.

Yzsfx7qs oOf course, Barker. I'll start from the beginning. You recall the fire that took the life of Arless's wife, Lady Selene?

Mtiwvyhd oOf course I remember. I'll never forget what I saw that day. Our brother turning over every single last charred board of that old house, his grief when he found his wife's body... I can still hear his cries of anguish.

Yzsfx7qs oRight, but what Arless didn't know was that Lady Neyfa's wetnurse had taken the two children and fled to safety.

Mtiwvyhd oThen why did she not return the children to their father at once?!

Yzsfx7qs oTheir attackers were still in pursuit, so the nurse went to the nearby village and hired a traveling swordswoman to protect them. The children were spared from harm, but the nurse was slain by her pursuers.

Mtiwvyhd oSo what happened to this mercenary woman?

Yzsfx7qs oIn her dying moments, the nurse told the mercenary the true identity of the children, and of their attackers.

Jfrd1mof o

4lt3brpp o Le shock!

Mtiwvyhd oCarla?! I don't believe it...! That woman, she... She killed Lady Selene?! She was the one who caused our brother so much grief?!

Yzsfx7qs oI'm afraid so. She broke into the mansion while Arless was away with the intent to kidnap Lady Neyfa from her cradle. Lady Selene stood in her way, so Carla murdered her.

Mtiwvyhd oWhy would Carla do such a thing? What could she hope to gain from it?

Yzsfx7qs oShe was under orders. Carla is a witch of the Cult of Gerxel. Not only that, she's one of Guenchaos's most trusted assistants. When Bahanuk's struggle to unify the Zoan Lands and wipe out the Cult began, she was sent to his side in the hopes of tearing Canaan apart from the inside.

Mtiwvyhd oSo that woman is responsible for Father's sudden change two years ago?

D3mnctsg o

4lt3brpp o Eighteen years whoring herself out to the Emperor!? Say whatever you want about her, but you can't fault her determination.

Mtiwvyhd oI see... But why did she try to kidnap Neyfa?

Yzsfx7qs oBecause Lady Neyfa bears the Brand of Yutona, marking her as a vessel for Rachis. Her blood was to be sacrificed in order to resurrect the Dark God.

Mtiwvyhd oResurrect the Dark God?! Is that even possible?

0zfd96rn o Man, imagine being in Barker's position. We've been learning all of throughout the game, but this dude's having it dropped on him all at once. Before this, he just thought his father had gone mad. Sadly, this also means that his plan to succeed his father and undo his wrongs was doomed to fail from the start. Gerxel would never have allowed him to get his way...

4q8x9dw3 o

4lt3brpp o What?! When did this--

Mtiwvyhd oWhat?! When did this happen?

4lt3brpp o Yeah, I'm with Barker, that's bollocks! They can't have just dealt with one of the plot-important Shamans off-screen like this!

Yzsfx7qs oSeveral days ago. Prince Sennet and I were making our way to the Wind Shrine when we were ambushed.

Mtiwvyhd oBut you were with her, weren't you? How could you let that happen?!

Yzsfx7qs oForgive me, Lord Brother... Try as we did, none of us could even get close to Guenchaos, let alone stop him...

0zfd96rn o Dammit! Two down, then. Two to go. Tia can handle herself, but I fear the script will pull a shenanigan like this to deal with Enteh...

Dqc9qbiy o

Rxgbkuej oPlease continue, Resshea.

Yzsfx7qs oRight... The swordswoman who had been entrusted with the royal children fled to her home in Erial and raised them as her own. She was Katrina, daughter of Lord Temujin.

Mtiwvyhd oThe Warlord?!

P1zzgcas o I like how this whole scene's Barker losing his head over everything, while Julius silently stands in a corner.

Iaif7a0t o

Yzsfx7qs oYes, though Lord Temujin was unaware of the children's importance until only recently. The two of them grew up into fine young adults, completely ignorant of their heritage. But when Neyfa turned fifteen last year, there was a shocking incident. Neyfa and Sennet had accompanied Lord Temujin during his campaign against the Kingdom of Istoria, and they were ambushed. In her fear, the Guardian Dragon Rachis that was slumbering inside her awoke, burning several dozen soldiers alive.

0zfd96rn o In other words, similar to how we discovered Katri's powers.

Yzsfx7qs oLady Neyfa was, understandably, distraught. That's when Prince Sennet started asking questions about their bloodline.

I1nw3hpm o

Yzsfx7qs oTemujin consulted the exiled Sage Eisenbach, who in turn contacted me. By the time I got to Erial, the children had already learned the truth. They were both in a state of shock.

0zfd96rn o So that's how everyone in Sennet's team ended up together... doesn't explain Silva or Alfred, though. Silva was an important figure of Canaan, so I can believe her joining Sennet simply because of who he is, but what's up with Alfred?

Mtiwvyhd oI'm not surprised...

Yzsfx7qs oBut despite that, Prince Sennet vowed that he would move heaven and earth to protect Neyfa from anyone who would threaten her. He took up arms soon after that.

Mtiwvyhd oSo he's declared war on the Cult and the Empire to defend Neyfa?

Hc4xlkon o

Mtiwvyhd oLike when he arranged for you to be taken in by the Kingdom of Sophia after your mother passed away. I'll never understand why Father did what he did back then...

Yzsfx7qs oIt was all carla's doing. Even back then, he was already under that witch's influence... I saw Carla murder my mother to get closer to Bahanuk, but when I told him, he dismissed it as a fantasy brought on by my grief. He thought it impossible that his beloved concubine could ever do such a thing. Carla convinced him that punishment was in order, and so I was exiled.

Mtiwvyhd oGoodness gracious...

0zfd96rn o He allowed himself to be convinced to exile his own daughter? What a guy. Truly fit to lead a country.

Nikoiig1 o

Yzsfx7qs oWe had been accompanying the Ledan branch of the Champions of Yutona, but we lost a great deal of soldiers after we separated. Recently, we've been gathering recruits from Sophia and Canaan, as well as a few from the other Zoan Lands. Once our forces have grown strong enough, we plan to assault the Canaanhall and free both Canaan and Sophia from the Empire.

Rxgbkuej oWhat would you have us do, Resshea?

Yzsfx7qs oI don't know how to proceed beyond that. I came here to seek your counsel. I hoped that the two of you would be able to tell me the appropriate course of action.

Rxgbkuej oThat depends... What exactly are you going to do about the Emperor?

Yzsfx7qs oThe Emperor is the Cult's pupper now. Nothing we do will change that.

Rxgbkuej oCould you do it, though? Could you kill your father without the slightest hesitation?

Sa4uzher o

Rxgbkuej oIs that so...? Sennet is resolved as well, I take it?

Yzsfx7qs oHe is. We both have already made our choice.

Rxgbkuej oIn that case, please send word to Sennet that I'll take care of the Emperor and Empress myself.

Mmc8codh o

Rxgbkuej oI've already been branded a traitor. I knew it would have to come to this eventually, so I've prepared myself. There's no reason for you to do it instead of me.

Mtiwvyhd oJulius, you've stayed true to yourself throughout this entire conflict. Not once did you falter in the face of the Emperor's wrath. But I... I've been a coward.

9gohls0d o

Mtiwvyhd oI believe that Canaan will be in good hands with Prince Sennet. I have faith in Resshea's word. Surely you sympathize, Julius?

P1zzgcas o Dunno about him, but I know I do. You're a great... villain? Is Barker even a villain? Well, either way, he's great.

Rxgbkuej oYou must do what you feel is right. My only desire is to preserve our Lord Brother Arless's honor. So, how can I help?

Onw15xpb o

Mtiwvyhd oWe must ensure that Sennet is able to get there first and solidify his position. Otherwise, their peace negotiations will be not between their reborn kingdoms, but rather the conquerors and the conquered.

P1zzgcas o I love this part. It's so tragic. These guys aren't opposing us out of some misguided sense of loyalty to Bahanuk, they're opposing us because they fear Runan will mercilessly trample all over Canaan if he's allowed the chance. Little do they know that, Runan being how he is, he'd likely go along with Sennet's plans even if he made it to the Canaanhall first. And of course, the result of this is...

Rxgbkuej oThen I will defend Reeve Palace to the death.

0zfd96rn o ...Julius ends up becoming a Camus.

V1xqjbya o

0zfd96rn o Ernst. Now that is a name we've heard before. Remember? He was Mintz's badass friend from way back when. Do we have to kill him, too...?

Mtiwvyhd oAs for me, I shall make for the Canaanhall immediately.

Yzsfx7qs oI will return to Prince Sennet's side as soon as I can and inform him of the situation.

E3olhndc o

Mtiwvyhd oShe's gone missing?! Now of all times...

0zfd96rn o I know, that was too sudden! We'll soon find out where she's gone. It's another little plot point that I absolutely adore.

Nqgw4p1b o

Whew... that was a long scene, but I love it. To recap, Carla is the mastermind behind everything that is wrong with Canaan (Sonia and the Black Fang, anyone? Except this is actually well-written), Guenchaos now has Neyfa so that's two shamans down, Barker is going to murder his father to put an end to the war, his daughter is missing, Julius will try to stall us alongside Ernst, Resshea is going back to tell Sennet everything and Holmes is still dumb. I think I got everything.

Mqmzt49z o

That's Ernst, all right, alongside his Third Corps. Guess he'll be our next boss.

Ulrubuf3 oJ68tnz88 o

But first, a Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure for Lee.

U0e4tguu o

Also, Krisheena now has the Salia Codex. I won't cheat by giving it to someone else, though. She's keeping it.

Pshvsk14 o

Once more unto the breach.

6dloxxqf o

This is it, guys. In this chapter, we'll be fighting Canaan's elite. The best of their best. And believe me, it's going to make for an extremely difficult chapter. Remember Murdock? Remember FE12's "the final battle" that wasn't actually the final battle? This is this game's answer to those chapters. Or, well, technically, those chapters are their games' answer to this one.

Anyway, yeah, this is going to be tough.

0qqqbsvu o1p8wfn8w o

Barker addresses the troops before departing to commit murder on his dad.

Mtiwvyhd oBut despite your magnificent successes, the victories you won have been undone. And I, Barker, am responsible. Because of my failures, all for which you have fought and suffered will be lost. My brave warriors of Canaan, you have my deepest apologies. But please, hear my last request.

I3v1b02a o

Mtiwvyhd oHere and now, I need you to fight for your fatherland one last time.

Xe9kjua1 o
0atdfq0r o

Vqfkjmmi oPrince Barker is returning to the Canaanhall, his heart heavy with grief. For His Highness's sake, we must stop the Reevans from advancing any further. The future of Canaan depends on us! Let us fight for the fatherland, even to the bitter end!

Obrkyqhg o

0zfd96rn o Is it too much to ask that you let yourself be recruited by Mintz?

0exsmi68 o

Oh hey, what's this? You weren't there before the map started.

C39hffdw o


...call me mad, but I don't think I like where this is going.

Heck, what did we ever do to this girl? Why does she hate Runan so much...?

On 2/20/2019 at 6:29 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

L6nd6ydx o It breaks my heart that my last deeds in service to Canaan must be disobedience to you and your father. Forgive me, Princess. But if I abandon Fort Balt, the Champions of Yutona will catch up to your father and the others as they regroup, and Canaan's hope for the future will be lost.

Fdg2ba6s o

K5ueiwj7 oDon't say that, Uncle Barbarossa! I don't want this! You're like family to me, and I can't stand the thought of losing you!

L6nd6ydx o No matter how much time has passed, you've always been a gentle soul, Princess. You're just like your late mother. Seeing what a beautiful young woman you've become fills my old heart with happiness.

K5ueiwj7 oNo... Barbarossa... You've always been there for me... Whenever I had nightmares, you were the first one to comfort me... How can I live knowing that you won't be there anymore?! This war is taking everything from me...

L6nd6ydx o Princess, a face as beautiful as yours shouldn't be sullied with tears. Now please, Princess... Go now to your father's side and be safe. You can't stay here, it's too dangerous.

L6nd6ydx o You there, guard! Escort Princess Stephanie to Zemsellia! That's an order!

K5ueiwj7 oBarbarossa...

...oh. Right.

Enk5rqlz o

Look, a distraction! Runan!

Uo2kczgr o

And Eugen!

Llibn6rp oYou think I don't know that, Eugen? I went there with Father dozens of times.

Ih49ob2i oIt appears you are of ill humor... Did you not make peace with Lady Enteh?

Llibn6rp o......

Ih49ob2i oForgive me, I overstepped my bounds. I should not be bothering you about personal troubles before a battle. My apologies, Lord Runan.

Llibn6rp oNo, you're right, Eugen. For now, I must bury those feelings. I can't be going into battle with an uncertain heart.

Ro3mfc7y o

Llibn6rp oI'm very fortunate to have you as an advisor and guardian.

P1zzgcas o Ah, yes. Here it is, everyone. The moment the game acknowledges Eugen's efforts. I love this scene. I love pretty much everything about this section of the game in general, starting with that scene with Resshea, Julius and Barker, up until we return to Holmes. This is probably the most epic part of the game.

0zfd96rn o Well, there is one tiny snag, but we'll get to that later.

Amzxfyqr o

P1zzgcas o How humble of you. Eugen, please. You're the best character in the game. Allow yourself to receive some well-deserved praise.

Ih49ob2i oNow then, the enemy's wooden batteries have begun to move into position. Do be careful, Lord Runan.

4lt3brpp o Wooden batteries? You mean... they've an army of Toms!? Of tanks!? Oh, no, the calamity!




Suduf9bk o
Jjbcirhw o
6cnw2qu4 o
G06pd7qr o
Ozs2trie o



Tdasrepm o
Jzkmftmc o
U2xgzbmd o
6spaxbbc o
2xj0eaul o



9bb4pxhd o
Qsy4hev9 o
Bnwt8gzn o



F9sruzyz o
M4uvkzbr o
Djxajljw o
Ky6xnzjq o
Ma1hxsro o
Vj8sccrg o
9bynaty1 o



Jaqcdyv4 o
3sjoy7sn o
Bplqgoih o
Elsdexup o
Mey8bqnf o
Fkwrbcov o
Pw4askmx o



2cd8okyo o



Gwruxdmq o



Msgqrcgj o
4jdhnkmw o



Csmfybl2 o
Vj0tai4n o
Axpjkvoe o
Jorcktcz o
3vqnecxv o




Next time, probably the most difficult battle in the entire game. Boy, do I look forward to it. Say a couple prayers for me before you go to sleep tonight, will ya? The goddess protec, and all that. Other than that, please fare well, and I will be seeing you once again next update! Look forward to it!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin

*26A only

Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, Meteor.

The fact Meteor isn't particularly common among the mages gives the guy a niche on it's own. But me, I went with him because I like to have a couple characters that aren't young when I can. Hence favouring the sub-par Cyan in Final Fantasy VI (despite the fact he may be the second worst character in the game).


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I truly look forward to seeing what people say when the hype dies down. Because right now, it feels as though nobody's even noticed these titanic flaws. 

Well, we both know because of private discussion that I came across one of the flaws and had much the same opinion of it. I came across a certain other later. Though through sheer luck it went to my advantage. I also saw a thread that had an argument on the game. Catch is it devolved pretty severely.


Ashe took out the dark mage in the box from outside while approaching after getting the treasure chests, seeing as his turn was ending anyway. This meant Death knight and his surviving cronies ran out into range of my team. Then Dimitri promptly ended his life with a brave lance crit (ironic because I used a brave lance because I wasn't counting in a crit).
Dick move accidentally used to my advantage. That said, now I've accidentally read about the Petra one next map and can't take it back. Oh well.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's call him Go. Like Pokemon Go. Now THAT is scary.

You mean because people keep finding corpses while playing it?

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I guess, but I fail to see the appeal. I don't even care enough to grind professor level by fishing, because eating with the army nets so much, as well as support levels and motivation.

Tell me about it. I didn't even realize you could do it until tonight because I only bothered when there was a quest involving fishing.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I've heard about her backstory. No, her other backstory. It sounds rather interesting, but IntSys knows where most people's priorities lie. Why do you think Edelgard is the most promoted main character in 3H? 'Cause boobies. Not saying Edelgard is a bad character, but they were clearly trying to sell her as a waifu for extra moneys.

Ryoma & Takumi: Camilla's Backstory. Did you ever think about how if you exchange the "y" for an "i", Ryoma becomes Rioma, which is an anagram of Mario?


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Frankly, I find it rather annoying that they keep trying to push her as a sort of "mascot" of the series when she barely even was a thing until Awakening, but okay. She sells, so who am I to argue against the profits?

I honestly liked her a lot more before Awakening. I guess the whole money hungry thing rubs me the wrong way.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think you can kill a boss by waiting a week before booting up the game again, right? Hysterical.

Yeah. I did that unintentionally once. I got sick so I didn't get back to the save file. All the meat I had in the game went rotten too.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yulj9odg o
Ejh40suy o

I'm dying. You explained the recolours again you madman.

Best of luck on what comes next. I'm short on witty remarks this chapter.

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Carla and Bahanuk were bumping uglies for 18 years? Having it spelled out like this does make it feel a bit strange how they seemingly never produced a child together. At least as far as I am aware. Hard to say with this cast.

Not that I mind. Things are convoluted enough as is. Bahanuk alone has at least four children already.

Edited by BrightBow
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Holmes was surprisingly sensible, all things considering.  Or maybe he's still deep in denial that Katri can randomly transform and snack on him.

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11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

7trdluad o

Oh no! Now he'll just be Sant Rubeno!

4 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Carla and Bahanuk were bumping uglies for 18 years? Having it spelled out like this does make it feel a bit strange how they seemingly never produced a child together. At least as far as I am aware. Hard to say with this cast.


Carla could have just used magic to not get pregnant/deal with the results, or it's also possible that she just used magic to make him pass out and just get away with a “you were great in bed last night" the following morning, that or extra Gerxel child soldiers. 

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7 hours ago, Pengaius said:

Oh no! Now he'll just be Sant Rubeno!

Carla could have just used magic to not get pregnant/deal with the results, or it's also possible that she just used magic to make him pass out and just get away with a “you were great in bed last night" the following morning, that or extra Gerxel child soldiers. 

Yeah, aside from the fact that


she became his concubine at 15, what the hell Bahanuk

By the way guys, I finished FFV. And accidentally beat Exdeath's final form with Doom. Doom! Just thought you should know.

(Also I'm super late but happy second anniversary! Here's to more years of hilarious trainwrecks!)

Edited by Goddess Serra
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On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Iwnffdcu o

Maybe this class's mastery skill is self-destruct?

Barbarossa means "Red Beard" in Italian, and Operation Barbarossa was the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union during World War 2.


As for why it's a class... Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Unless it's a reference to the WW2 operation or the dragon has a red beard, they just picked the name to sound cool.


On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Spoiler-free Tl;Dr: pre-timeskip the game is great, post-timeskip the overall quality worsens, with the story feeling rushed around the end (Claude is the greatest victim of this). Maps of this part of the game are unmemorable and extremely easy, except for the instances where they spring bullshit traps on the player without any warning or indication, to the point where sometimes, it lies to the player's face. The game basically forces the use of divine pulse to get around the unpredictable traps.

Sad to hear that the post-timeskip route is worse than the first half. Especially considering that I've heard that the set-up pre-timeskip is fantastic, and post-timeskip is when the unique maps appear. It also seems that that the timeskip section is shorter than it needed to be, and that 5 years may have been too large of a skip. 

Golden Deer Spoilers about Dmitri:


I don't know exactly how it plays out, but...


Dmitri dies off-screen. I don't know how, but it might be a deliberate anticlimax.

Further spoilers:


If you spare Edelgard, Dedue will stay true to his word to cut off her head after Dmitri's death. You don't actually get to see it, though.




On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

In all fairness, it was only through the timeskip spoiler that I became interested in the game. And same goes for a lot of people. From a business point of view, it's a perfectly reasonable move.

I was talking more in general, like how some movies or games have a twist that soon everyone knows about and even future products reference it to the point it may as well no longer be a spoiler. They can still have an impact, sure, but often times I wonder why they bother with twists in the first place if when they're becoming increasingly meaningless.

Revealing the timeskip was a wise business move, I agree. It showed that there was more to the game than what first meets the eye, and created excitement of what to expect without revealing too much. Which makes it all the more disappointing to hear that it's one of the weaker parts of the game.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, it'd have been a nice touch if we could fully customize people's appearances. Both in battle and out of it. There are some people whose normal attires I like best (post-timeskip Ignatz, Hanneman), and some whose combat attires I prefer (), but I'm stuck with what I get.

So... I take it the class designs aren't great enough that you would prefer to see them outside of battle?

Speaking of which, what are the class designs like?

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, as usual, it was more of a joke, but there are a few. First off, hub town where you return after all your missions and where you do all your shopping? That's in Berwick. Can't explore it, but the core mechanics are the same. Having meals with the army? Already in Berwick, food gives people statboosts (kinda like the "cook with someone from the army" mechanic from 3H).

Fates also had you giving meals to your units, albeit it was random as to who was the cook and who got the food. At least you could choose what resource to make the food out of, so the stat boosts weren't entirely random.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, I agree. Good luck dodging those bullets!

Unfortunately, I've been spoilered on most of the major plotpoints of the game, although I don't know much about supports or the actual context of how they play out.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

But... was the sword also invisible? Doesn't seem like it when it flies into Ocelot. Was it invisible until the ninja threw it? Did Ocelot see a floating sword and paid no mind to it? Did he keep the sword near the ground to hide it from Ocelot's view?

Rewatching the scene, the ninja was invisible when it dashed by Ocelot, and it was outside of the gunmans field of view. And yes, the sword was invisible too.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You see smudges of blood ocassionally.

The first scene's the most blood you'll get, honestly.

Aw. That's disappointing, but I guess not unexpected. If the game were to use blood more frequently, I would expect a few more design choices to come out of it. While I can easily see the current cast participating in a dark story, it's harder to imagine them getting sliced and chopped up and bruised and getting bloodied and so on.

I wouldn't mind a more violent Fire Emblem game, but I would expect that It would be a smaller project like Echoes, since I don't imagine that everyone would be fine with seeing their units get cut up or the enemy dying brutally.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Fasteriskck TV Tropes for giving me an idea of what innuendos are.

- Hawkwing, 2019

An... odd yet strangely fitting thing to be quoted on.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I've heard about her backstory. No, her other backstory. It sounds rather interesting, but IntSys knows where most people's priorities lie. Why do you think Edelgard is the most promoted main character in 3H? 'Cause boobies. Not saying Edelgard is a bad character, but they were clearly trying to sell her as a waifu for extra moneys.

Considering the discussion that's already come up about Edelgard's actions, I wouldn't be surprised if IS is at least partially testing how far waifuism goes with fans of the series.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to make the most of the monastery running animations? Because there is little tactical value to the mechanic. It's the kind of thing you try out once, laugh, and then proceed to forget it exists.

The only real use I can see of it is to get an idea of how your units view the battlefield and how large the fight actually is. So... nice for immersion, but impractical for anything else.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Anna. Prior to Awakening, she was barely a character at all. In most games of the series, she only ever appeared in small cameos, secret shops, and to ask if you really wanted to suspend the game upon choosing the option. In Archanea, she actually exists, but she's just a quirky villager girl who is there mostly to expedite her boyfriend Jake's recruitment.

Yes, she has a boyfriend. A playable Ballistician turned Warrior (in FE12) from Archanea. As far as I can tell, they completely forgot about him in the newer games. And no, she never was obsessed with money in the old games. That's a new thing.

Frankly, I find it rather annoying that they keep trying to push her as a sort of "mascot" of the series when she barely even was a thing until Awakening, but okay. She sells, so who am I to argue against the profits?

Ah, so that's what Anna is also referred to as. And yeah, I knew she ran the secret shop and that Jake was her boyfriend, as well as that being money focused is a recent thing. As for why she's a "mascot", I'm guessing that it's because she's one of the few reoccurring elements of the series that's remained largely consistent ().

I do wish they had more fun with her "gimmick", though. Something like multiple Anna's in the same game, trying to sell different things, some being rivals and others partners. Maybe one of them is in a hard to find and reach secret shop to carry out the original tradition and/or to get away from her money-hungry sisters, and then try to sell you something anyway. If they're going to keep this version of Anna, then they may as well get creative about it.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

You can say that again.

The gif came too late in the Lets Play, but it was worth the wait.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I think you can kill a boss by waiting a week before booting up the game again, right? Hysterical.

Yep. And for good reason.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ohohohohohahahah! Perfect! A glorious typo and the sentence keels over right then and there!

Sorry, didn't mean to laugh, but that was great.

Apology accepted.

Anyways, I was about to say that Holmes didn't want the embarrassment of dying via infection of cutting himself with a rusty sword.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yes, except that plan failed. They were impressed by his jazz hands.

So... I guess it was a jazz concert, then?

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course you'd make a desperate attempt to ignore the obvious.

I would have made a gif joke, but I couldn't find a good video of the scene, so I went with the second thing that came to mind.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

What? What even was wrong there? She was channeling her inner warrior's spirit through her sword to destroy the monster! That's very swordmasterish!

Errrrr, uuuuuuhhh...

I'll drop it.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Sigh... here we go again.

Son of Count Marlon of Verje, Wellt! Adoptive brother of Esther! Top tier unit I benched because he's top tier!


That explains so much! I thought he looked familiar! Looked like he could be both an enemy unit and a playable character.!


And all the thank yous and you're welcomes!

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o I sincerely hope he gets hurt.

Kidplju5 oH8ydalyu o

First, big explosion.

Holmes dying via explosion booby trap on an ancient treasure.

Now that's a fitting death.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Nlj08yjj o

Aw, he survived.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oKatri's love?

0zfd96rn o Nice, now he's starting to talk like Roy. That's always nice.

Or MGS1 Snake.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

E7ffcz4a oThe Ring of Salia that Katri gave you. Yutona created those bracelets so that her daughters could control the power of the Guardian Dragons within them. It was Yutona's power that gave Carluon's blade its power to begin with, so it is only natural that the power of her bloodline should restore its glory.

0zfd96rn o In other words, the ring did it. Holmes's courage and Katri's misguided love for his dumb ass are unrelated. Check.

Heh heh heh, well that's one way to work around the cliche of virtue unlocking something.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Kmpjazch o

That's a name, all right. I forgot to check its stats. Let's see if I remember next time we see Holmes.

I looked up the name. Apparently, it's a fire sword in Hindu mythology.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o I like that the game acknowledges that this is a universe where magic is a thing, and describes it as something normal, far from the stuff of legends. It's something that should happen more often, too.

Very much agreed. It seems to be only in largely magic focused works that things like that are addressed.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oWhat does their love have to do with anything?

0zfd96rn o Oh, wait, sorry. That's my line. What Holmes actually says is this:

04edcfbn oI have no doubts about the love between Carluon and Yutona, but... Sorry, I got carried away.

You had me fooled.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

04edcfbn oTo be honest, you'd only be a burden. If I have to worry about protecting you while we're fighting, I won't be able to focus as well during the battles at hand.

4lt3brpp o That is the worst excuse in the universe! You already do it with Plum! What even is the problem here?!

He never even had Lee on his team, where it would be reasonable to forget that not all healers can fend for themselves.

Guess Wyrs made that much of an impression on the dumb protagonist.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Kaermfja o

Odd seeing the "you can't turn back after this point" moment outside of the main game, but I'm not complaining.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ksdaw4u3 o


On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Yulj9odg o
Ejh40suy o

And you managed to explain the repeated portraits.

I wouldn't mind seeing a twist or development like this in one of the mainline games whenever bosses are reused.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

7trdluad o


...I hate to say it, but you've piqued my curi-

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Mfyjestz o

...Yeah, the first part of what he said.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

D3mnctsg o

4lt3brpp o Eighteen years whoring herself out to the Emperor!? Say whatever you want about her, but you can't fault her determination.

You could raise a child to adulthood in that time! Excluding the years afterwards where you provide them wisdom throughout life. Or how 12-13 years was considered adulthood for most of human history. Or how you technically don't need parents to survive in life.

...Where was I going with this?

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Mtiwvyhd oThe Warlord?!

P1zzgcas o I like how this whole scene's Barker losing his head over everything, while Julius silently stands in a corner.

It could just be because I've been playing Metal Gear Solid 2 lately (fun game, by the way, if a bit shorter than I excepted), but this entire scene is reminding me of how most of the longer codec conversations go about.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o In other words, similar to how we discovered Katri's powers.

Albeit with humans instead of zombies. Zombies that Katri summoned on her own, too.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Dunno about him, but I know I do. You're a great... villain? Is Barker even a villain? Well, either way, he's great.

Anti-villian? Antagonist in the plain definition of the word? Character?

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o I love this part. It's so tragic. These guys aren't opposing us out of some misguided sense of loyalty to Bahanuk, they're opposing us because they fear Runan will mercilessly trample all over Canaan if he's allowed the chance. Little do they know that, Runan being how he is, he'd likely go along with Sennet's plans even if he made it to the Canaanhall first. And of course, the result of this is...

Rxgbkuej oThen I will defend Reeve Palace to the death.

0zfd96rn o ...Julius ends up becoming a Camus.

Ah, that sinking feeling in your stomach when the audience knows something that the characters don't, and that it will result in deaths that could have been avoided.

I felt that right here.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Ernst. Now that is a name we've heard before. Remember? He was Mintz's badass friend from way back when. Do we have to kill him, too...?

This was not the way I was expecting him to come back.

Please may this end well...

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Whew... that was a long scene, but I love it. To recap, Carla is the mastermind behind everything that is wrong with Canaan (Sonia and the Black Fang, anyone? Except this is actually well-written), Guenchaos now has Neyfa so that's two shamans down, Barker is going to murder his father to put an end to the war, his daughter is missing, Julius will try to stall us alongside Ernst, Resshea is going back to tell Sennet everything and Holmes is still dumb. I think I got everything.

Has there ever been a time when "Holmes is still dumb" didn't apply?

Very much agreed that it's a great scene.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Mtiwvyhd oBut despite your magnificent successes, the victories you won have been undone. And I, Barker, am responsible. Because of my failures, all for which you have fought and suffered will be lost. My brave warriors of Canaan, you have my deepest apologies. But please, hear my last request.

I3v1b02a o

Mtiwvyhd oHere and now, I need you to fight for your fatherland one last time.

Captain Barker, Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the few times I've seen a character own up to their mistakes in this way, and damn if it isn't commendable and impressive.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Obrkyqhg o

0zfd96rn o Is it too much to ask that you let yourself be recruited by Mintz?

Please may this be the case. Please may this be the case. Please may this be the case...

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
C39hffdw o


...call me mad, but I don't think I like where this is going.

Heck, what did we ever do to this girl? Why does she hate Runan so much...?

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

...oh. Right.

This map/update has an odd mixture of tragedy and awesomeness in it.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ro3mfc7y o

Llibn6rp oI'm very fortunate to have you as an advisor and guardian.

Best part is that this feels earned. It's easy for moments like these to come off as the author patting themselves on the back, but not here.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

P1zzgcas o Ah, yes. Here it is, everyone. The moment the game acknowledges Eugen's efforts. I love this scene. I love pretty much everything about this section of the game in general, starting with that scene with Resshea, Julius and Barker, up until we return to Holmes. This is probably the most epic part of the game.

From what we've seen so far, I have to agree. This is pretty epic.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

0zfd96rn o Well, there is one tiny snag, but we'll get to that later.

Ah, well. Nothing is perfect.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qsy4hev9 o

And you also resolve that plot hole.

Curious to see what their ending will look like.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

3vqnecxv o


Can I just say that the first time I read this through, I was legitimately wondering when the game was talking, and when you were? Heck, I even had to scroll up to compare the text to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

Bravo, Ruben. Bravo.

On 8/6/2019 at 8:16 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Next time, probably the most difficult battle in the entire game. Boy, do I look forward to it. Say a couple prayers for me before you go to sleep tonight, will ya? The goddess protec, and all that. Other than that, please fare well, and I will be seeing you once again next update! Look forward to it!

A difficult battle that you're looking forward too? Intriguing plot developments all coming together at once? Great writing on all sides?

Forget the swamp map; this is the battle I'm making popcorn for.

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Part 66 - Tank you very much.

Row96jpr o

Hoo, boy...

Ah, but I still have a lot of time! Look, it's only been 4 days since I posted the last update, I can still--

American date layout. It's actually been 6 days.


In other news, I'm playing Path of Radiance! About time, I'd say. It's been too many years since I became a FE fan! Last time I played this game, I only made it to chapter 4 before I got bored. Then again, I only played Shadow Dragon up to chapter 6 my first time, and when I gave it a second chance it became one of my favourite FEs, so if that's anything to go by... I'm at chapter 9 right now, and thus far, I'm enjoying it. My team's a bit too tiny for my liking, but I'm fairly certain that issue will solve itself before long.

The box in which I respond to the comments that people write to me. Most people probably don't even open these. I see you, you lurkers, not caring about what I have to say to the non-lurkers. Not judging ya, I know it's hard to think up things to say, let alone do it every single time; but you know, there's fun to be had here as well. Like, just today, there's a lobster meme in there that I am sure you would enjoy. So go ahead and give this a shot, will ya? I assure you, you will be glad you did:

On 8/6/2019 at 5:36 PM, The Roger The Paladin said:

The fact Meteor isn't particularly common among the mages gives the guy a niche on it's own. But me, I went with him because I like to have a couple characters that aren't young when I can. Hence favouring the sub-par Cyan in Final Fantasy VI (despite the fact he may be the second worst character in the game).

I used him because his design is like a compilation of all my favourite designs in Fire Emblem. Also, he's awesome. His english voice is just... perfect. So pompous...

Well, we both know because of private discussion that I came across one of the flaws and had much the same opinion of it. I came across a certain other later. Though through sheer luck it went to my advantage. I also saw a thread that had an argument on the game. Catch is it devolved pretty severely.

Yeah, trying to seriously critisize the game while everyone is still blinded by love wouldn't be prudent. I'm considering dropping that video of movement shenanigans when things calm down, though. That has to be the most inexcusable, shitty, bullcrap trap in the entire BL game, for me.

  Reveal hidden contents

Ashe took out the dark mage in the box from outside while approaching after getting the treasure chests, seeing as his turn was ending anyway. This meant Death knight and his surviving cronies ran out into range of my team. Then Dimitri promptly ended his life with a brave lance crit (ironic because I used a brave lance because I wasn't counting in a crit).
Dick move accidentally used to my advantage. That said, now I've accidentally read about the Petra one next map and can't take it back. Oh well.

Glad you were lucky! Also, to be entirely forthcoming with you, I can't say I feel too sorry about spoiling that for you. I did what I could to avoid spoiling people, and, frankly? That's the sort of spoiler people could use. Imagine you approach the boss, thinking they don't move, and only too late you realize that they've magically gained the ability to walk up to your healer and murder them. That's a reset right there, if you're not using divine pulse.

You mean because people keep finding corpses while playing it?

Nah, I mean because it's bad and ugly. Or so I'm told.

Tell me about it. I didn't even realize you could do it until tonight because I only bothered when there was a quest involving fishing.

You didn't miss out on much. It's an exercise on boredom, and only the highest-level fishes are even slightly challenging to catch.

Ryoma & Takumi: Camilla's Backstory. Did you ever think about how if you exchange the "y" for an "i", Ryoma becomes Rioma, which is an anagram of Mario?

7yaayggq o

Don't ask me how I know about this meme. I don't even know where it came from!

I honestly liked her a lot more before Awakening. I guess the whole money hungry thing rubs me the wrong way.

Frankly, I think it would've been better if they made her a descendant of Archanea's actual Anna, who happened to also be named Anna. Maybe they could even have established that all of the FE continents are part of the same timeline, and all the Annas are just descendants of Archanea's Anna. She looks slightly different from game to game (due mainly to the artstyles, but still), so they could've used that.

Certainly better than the "I've a lot of sisters who like to travel all around the world!" crap. That's so bad, it feels like something you'd see in a bad fanfiction. Like... you know, my own fucking bad fanfiction, where I have a self-insert, OCs and a few Archanea characters just travel all around.

Huh. There's an idea. I should make Anna a part of the crew.

...maybe next LP.

Yeah. I did that unintentionally once. I got sick so I didn't get back to the save file. All the meat I had in the game went rotten too.

Hahahahahaha... sorry, man. All that meat.

I'm dying. You explained the recolours again you madman.

What, you thought I'd just forgive the game for having 3 bosses with the exact same portrait? Fat chance!

Also, take a moment to realize that I reused my explanation of reused portraits. Genius, right?

Best of luck on what comes next. I'm short on witty remarks this chapter.

You'll probably have more on this one.


On 8/6/2019 at 8:29 PM, BrightBow said:

Carla and Bahanuk were bumping uglies for 18 years? Having it spelled out like this does make it feel a bit strange how they seemingly never produced a child together. At least as far as I am aware. Hard to say with this cast.

Maybe she claimed infertility (which Bahanuk would've been okay with, given he most likely only wanted her for fun) and just punched herself on the gut every time she felt a little something growing there. Either that or magic. Whatever it was, I doubt she would've let herself have a child. Dealing with a toddler would've only inconvenienced her.

Not that I mind. Things are convoluted enough as is. Bahanuk alone has at least four children already.

One of them died before the start of the game, and the other one was exiled long ago. It's easy to forget Resshea is also his daughter. The fact that neither Barker nor Julius look anything like him doesn't help.


On 8/6/2019 at 10:08 PM, eclipse said:

Holmes was surprisingly sensible, all things considering. 

Right? I was impressed too!

Or maybe he's still deep in denial that Katri can randomly transform and snack on him.

Hahahahahah... he's probably worried that Lionheart will be angry if he lets Guenchaos kill her. He wouldn't get to ask for favors then! The horror!


On 8/7/2019 at 1:30 AM, Pengaius said:

Oh no! Now he'll just be Sant Rubeno!

Pffft... oh, you sneaky bastard... I was trying to be all edgy and you come with the memes. Always the memes. You're like a friend of mine.

Carla could have just used magic to not get pregnant/deal with the results, or it's also possible that she just used magic to make him pass out and just get away with a “you were great in bed last night" the following morning, that or extra Gerxel child soldiers. 

Good theories, all of these.


On 8/7/2019 at 9:14 AM, Goddess Serra said:

Yeah, aside from the fact that

  Reveal hidden contents

she became his concubine at 15, what the hell Bahanuk

Son of a... I didn't remember that! Bahanuk's just great. What a great leader. May he live long.

By the way guys, I finished FFV. And accidentally beat Exdeath's final form with Doom. Doom! Just thought you should know.

Now that is awesome. I'm sure Euge-- I mean Galuf was proud.

(Also I'm super late but happy second anniversary! Here's to more years of hilarious trainwrecks!)

Heheh, thanks a lot!


On 8/8/2019 at 6:08 AM, Hawkwing said:

Barbarossa means "Red Beard" in Italian, and Operation Barbarossa was the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union during World War 2.

Yeah, I know that, but that doesn't change the fact that it doesn't work as a class name.

  Reveal hidden contents

As for why it's a class... Honestly, I couldn't tell you. Unless it's a reference to the WW2 operation or the dragon has a red beard, they just picked the name to sound cool.

That's probably it. I personally prefer Kaga's use of the name. Barbarossa did have a red beard.

Sad to hear that the post-timeskip route is worse than the first half. Especially considering that I've heard that the set-up pre-timeskip is fantastic, and post-timeskip is when the unique maps appear. It also seems that that the timeskip section is shorter than it needed to be, and that 5 years may have been too large of a skip.

To be fair, the story is still pretty damn great. It has some snags here and there (like the villains, all but the main one are pathetic), it's far from perfect, but it's good, above average for FE. It's the gameplay that suffers a huge blow. Not to say that it was perfect pre-timeskip (there were worrisome shenanigans there, too), but I definitely did feel like it was better in that part. It didn't help that the paralogues are without a doubt the best designed maps in the game for me, and yet I only got one post-timeskip, and it was so poorly made, it made me sad.


Hubert appears as a boss, and he's outside of a fort with walls and enemies in the way, but the makers didn't account for meteor, warp, fliers, etc.

It's hilarious, if you have someone step close to his location, he says something along the lines of "oh so you're trying to kill those of us outside to scare off the ones inside the fort? Not a bad plan, but you didn't account for me". Bitch, I'd been meteoring your ass all turn, I only had to warp someone in because Dorothea missed with the killing meteor. Painfully bad design. And on top of that, Hubert doesn't die when he's killed for, what, the fifth time?

That's a big peeve of mine with Three Houses. Nobody ever dies when they're killed. No joke, there were, like, 4 bosses in the entire BL route that died the first time they were killed. Even the first chapter bandit didn't die in the first chapter. How lame is that? Make unique bosses, dammit, don't use the penultimate boss five times and have them just flee every single time. And no, those faceless bosses in every paralogue don't count. Heck - even those tend to live after dying, more often than not. Things like these make me appreciate Shadow Dragon's troupé of hideously-named uglies. Sure, they were all generic and terrible, but at least they didn't cheat.

I don't know about anyone else, but I consider gameplay to be the most important part of Fire Emblem, the reason I'll replay the games. That's why I've played games like 11, 6 and 12 countless times, but will be hard-pressed to replay Three Houses even with the promise of different routes. I don't care if I miss out on plot points or characters, I can look those up. If the gameplay's as bad in those other routes as the Blue Lions lategame was, then seeing the story is not worth the effort. In my humble opinion, at least.

Golden Deer Spoilers about Dmitri:

  Reveal hidden contents

I don't know exactly how it plays out, but...

  Reveal hidden contents

Dmitri dies off-screen. I don't know how, but it might be a deliberate anticlimax.

Further spoilers:

  Reveal hidden contents

If you spare Edelgard, Dedue will stay true to his word to cut off her head after Dmitri's death. You don't actually get to see it, though.



Oh, you've got to be... that's low.

Well, there goes some more of my motivation to replay this game. As if it wasn't low enough already.

At least D-man remains a badass. That's good to hear.

I was talking more in general, like how some movies or games have a twist that soon everyone knows about and even future products reference it to the point it may as well no longer be a spoiler. They can still have an impact, sure, but often times I wonder why they bother with twists in the first place if when they're becoming increasingly meaningless.

Yeah, that's true. It's always funny when movie trailers reveal 75% of the movie. What even is the point in watching the movie, then?

Revealing the timeskip was a wise business move, I agree. It showed that there was more to the game than what first meets the eye, and created excitement of what to expect without revealing too much. Which makes it all the more disappointing to hear that it's one of the weaker parts of the game.

Ironic, really. I played the game because of the timeskip promises. Then it turned out to be my least favourite part of the game.

So... I take it the class designs aren't great enough that you would prefer to see them outside of battle?

Pffffhwahahahahah, okay that was silly.

Nah, there are some. For example, Byleth's Enlightened One outfit is hilariously over-the-top, I'd love to be able to walk around with that instead of the Sleeves That Would Make Newton Blush. Dark Bishops are also extremely fashionable.

Speaking of which, what are the class designs like?

A little too bloated for my taste, for the most part. For instance, Warlocks have long straps hanging from their wrists, and feathers on their chests; the Brawler classline's outright fetish gear, the Dark Mage has a collar of skulls hanging over their crotch (for... some reason), Mortal Savants are terrible in general... oh, and don't get me started on shoulders. They made the most ridiculous shoulderpads for this game.

Still, there are times where I would've prefered those designs to the characters's own designs. Manuela's normal clothing fits her character, but it's just hideous, for example.

Fates also had you giving meals to your units, albeit it was random as to who was the cook and who got the food. At least you could choose what resource to make the food out of, so the stat boosts weren't entirely random.

I see.

Unfortunately, I've been spoilered on most of the major plotpoints of the game, although I don't know much about supports or the actual context of how they play out.

I'm sorry. The story is the best part of the game, unfortunately.

Rewatching the scene, the ninja was invisible when it dashed by Ocelot, and it was outside of the gunmans field of view. And yes, the sword was invisible too.

Ah, I understand.

Aw. That's disappointing, but I guess not unexpected. If the game were to use blood more frequently, I would expect a few more design choices to come out of it. While I can easily see the current cast participating in a dark story, it's harder to imagine them getting sliced and chopped up and bruised and getting bloodied and so on.

Yeah, they don't do anything like bloody portraits. That'd impact the ratings, if a child were to die.

I wouldn't mind a more violent Fire Emblem game, but I would expect that It would be a smaller project like Echoes, since I don't imagine that everyone would be fine with seeing their units get cut up or the enemy dying brutally.

Meanwhile, a certain Spaniard cuts a kid's throat and uses his reanimated, mangled corpse as a villain.

An... odd yet strangely fitting thing to be quoted on.

Hahahah, you're welcome.

Considering the discussion that's already come up about Edelgard's actions, I wouldn't be surprised if IS is at least partially testing how far waifuism goes with fans of the series.

I don't want to form an opinion without knowing all there is to know (read, when I look into the BE route), but


so far, I really don't like her. I don't care much for all her talk of "ideals" and whatnot, when she's willing to contract friggin' bandits to maul Dimitri and Claude to death, and does nothing to prevent things like the Remire disaster and Jeralt's completely unnecessary death in front of his son/daughter, who could potentially be on her side.

She's got a point in some matters (namely that the crests are terrible and the Church isn't all sunshine and rainbows), but she fails to realize that she's not the solution. She needs to be stopped just as much as the Church.

The only real use I can see of it is to get an idea of how your units view the battlefield and how large the fight actually is. So... nice for immersion, but impractical for anything else.

Basically, yes.

Ah, so that's what Anna is also referred to as.

Well, I prefer to refer to her as that, because that's all she was in half of the franchise's installments.

And yeah, I knew she ran the secret shop and that Jake was her boyfriend, as well as that being money focused is a recent thing. As for why she's a "mascot", I'm guessing that it's because she's one of the few reoccurring elements of the series that's remained largely consistent

I mean, she's remained consistent the same way the Fire Emblem has. You know, the thing that more often than not is off-handedly mentioned so as to justify the title?



I do wish they had more fun with her "gimmick", though. Something like multiple Anna's in the same game, trying to sell different things, some being rivals and others partners. Maybe one of them is in a hard to find and reach secret shop to carry out the original tradition and/or to get away from her money-hungry sisters, and then try to sell you something anyway. If they're going to keep this version of Anna, then they may as well get creative about it.

Those are good ideas.

The gif came too late in the Lets Play, but it was worth the wait.

And without fail, you said that again.

Yep. And for good reason.

Hahahah... so that's like in this game, where Barbarossa takes care of himself if you can't beat him by turn 30. I see the point.

Apology accepted.

Anyways, I was about to say that Holmes didn't want the embarrassment of dying via infection of cutting himself with a rusty sword.

A fitting ending for one such as him.

So... I guess it was a jazz concert, then?


I would have made a gif joke, but I couldn't find a good video of the scene, so I went with the second thing that came to mind.

I see...

Errrrr, uuuuuuhhh...

I'll drop it.

Yes, let's.


That explains so much! I thought he looked familiar! Looked like he could be both an enemy unit and a playable character.!

Yes, that is indeed Raffin for ya.

And all the thank yous and you're welcomes!

Woo! Such weird timing for this, but okay!

Holmes dying via explosion booby trap on an ancient treasure.

Now that's a fitting death.

Really, anything to do with him dying due to his thievery ways is fitting.

I can just picture his final words:

"I was... not stealing this... I'm no pirate... I'm a... priva... teer... guh...!"

Aw, he survived.

A shame.

Or MGS1 Snake.

S E C O N D   F L O O R   B A S E M E N T ? ! ? ! ? ! ! ? ? !

Heh heh heh, well that's one way to work around the cliche of virtue unlocking something.

I suppose, yes.

I looked up the name. Apparently, it's a fire sword in Hindu mythology.

Oh, so it is a name! How surprising.

Very much agreed. It seems to be only in largely magic focused works that things like that are addressed.

That's why it's nice to see it here.

You had me fooled.

Right? His actual line is so out of character!

He never even had Lee on his team, where it would be reasonable to forget that not all healers can fend for themselves.

Guess Wyrs made that much of an impression on the dumb protagonist.

Could be that.

Odd seeing the "you can't turn back after this point" moment outside of the main game, but I'm not complaining.

The only "you can't turn back after this point" moment in the game was that one time Shigen said "hey we might not have a chance to go back let's stock up on supplies now".


Dammit! I mean, dammit, Holmes! You can't speak!

And you managed to explain the repeated portraits.

Fun fact: I reused my explanation on reused portraits. Genius, right?

C'mon, someone HAS to think that it's genius!

I wouldn't mind seeing a twist or development like this in one of the mainline games whenever bosses are reused.

If I keep LPing, I'm probably going to have to keep on falling back on it.

Going to have to keep. That's a fun sentence.


...I hate to say it, but you've piqued my curi-

...Yeah, the first part of what he said.

Hahah, thanks. You'll see, you'll see.

You could raise a child to adulthood in that time! Excluding the years afterwards where you provide them wisdom throughout life. Or how 12-13 years was considered adulthood for most of human history. Or how you technically don't need parents to survive in life.

...Where was I going with this?

Don't ask me!

It could just be because I've been playing Metal Gear Solid 2 lately (fun game, by the way, if a bit shorter than I excepted), but this entire scene is reminding me of how most of the longer codec conversations go about.

Hahahah, oh well.

Albeit with humans instead of zombies. Zombies that Katri summoned on her own, too.

In all honesty, Katri had a more pleasant introduction to her powers. Neyfa has to sleep with the fact that she likely murdered a bunch of people by accident. Bad people, of course, but that sort of thing would do a number on a girl like her.

Anti-villian? Antagonist in the plain definition of the word? Character?

Let's go with character, because he isn't even antagonizing us right now, like Julius and Ernst.

Ah, that sinking feeling in your stomach when the audience knows something that the characters don't, and that it will result in deaths that could have been avoided.

I felt that right here.

That's the intent here, I believe.

This was not the way I was expecting him to come back.

Please may this end well...

Let's hope...

Has there ever been a time when "Holmes is still dumb" didn't apply?

Don't think so.

Very much agreed that it's a great scene.

Right? It's awesome.

Captain Barker, Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the few times I've seen a character own up to their mistakes in this way, and damn if it isn't commendable and impressive.

Barker in general is a great character. Conflicted, and his plan was doomed to fail due to Guenchaos's meddling, but there is no denying that he cares about his country and its people.

Please may this be the case. Please may this be the case. Please may this be the case...

We can only hope.

This map/update has an odd mixture of tragedy and awesomeness in it.

Yes, that's what I like about this portion of the game. They didn't even fall for the trap of making the Canaanites fight for "muh loyalty", they have an actual objective in mind. Which only makes it more tragic when you realize that they really don't need to keep Runan from advancing to save Canaan. Remember how, in his big speech after promoting, Runan claimed that he hoped to end the conflict with Canaan without unnecessary bloodshed? Seems like word of his claims did not reach Canaan.

Best part is that this feels earned. It's easy for moments like these to come off as the author patting themselves on the back, but not here.

Yeah, if they said this about, say, Merlinus, it'd only annoy me, but Eugen is the best, so it's all good.

From what we've seen so far, I have to agree. This is pretty epic.

Ah, well. Nothing is perfect.

Yeah... we'll get to that in the future.

And you also resolve that plot hole.

Yeah, it was pretty glaring.

Curious to see what their ending will look like.

We'll see. My money's on them being skipped.


Can I just say that the first time I read this through, I was legitimately wondering when the game was talking, and when you were? Heck, I even had to scroll up to compare the text to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

Bravo, Ruben. Bravo.

Hahahahahah, thanks for the really kind words, man! Really appreciate it.

A difficult battle that you're looking forward too? Intriguing plot developments all coming together at once? Great writing on all sides?

Forget the swamp map; this is the battle I'm making popcorn for.

Please do.


The main attraction:

Hyemwgia oM6vdzg9o oIxuc4lbp o

The inventory management. Some of the people who have no potions to drink (namely Kate, Enteh, Runan, Raphael and Lee) pick up money bags to open them during the chapter. Also, Sierra takes a Smith's Hammer and Leonie nabs her miracle charm.

The team's comprised of the usual go-toers, except for The Roger. He'll sit this one out. Partially because, at this point, he's a worse Mintz with mediocre skills and no supports (and I need Mintz today, to boot), but mainly because I don't want to risk losing him again. Frankly, after all he's done, I'd be perfectly happy with letting him rest for the remainder of the war.

8kbmh9vw o

Time for cartography. Last time I said that Total War is quite possibly the hardest map in the game, and while I do feel like Fort Balt is still more difficult, this is a worthy contender for the second place. At first glance, it seems like there aren't that many troops, but Ernst'll be getting a constant supply of the troops standing on the forts each turn until the end of the map, and they're not the only ones. With no less than 8 tanks, 4 ballistae covering the area and high-movement reinforcements, going east is a most unwise idea. It's best to head west, while having fliers / Sierra take down the ballistae and block the Wyvern Rider reinforcement (by far the most dangerous of them). The Bishop to the east of Reeve has a Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure, obviously, so it's best to try not to leave people running around with chip damage.

Nnybqzhj oT03pkejq oCrll04hm o

This is what our enemies are looking like. Look at that mess! Everyone has a chu-ko-nu, and with that iron shield, getting through their defenses will be extremely difficult. And the rest of the guys aren't too far behind. 29 attack can one-shot Enteh, and the bastard flies.

O6h1qvt6 o

These guys, on the other hand, are thankfully still painfully pathetic.

5qt4lyiy o

Within the northern forest lies a nasty bit of gameplay-story integration. Stephanie, being Barker's sheltered little daughter who's never seen combat in her life, is even worse than Sasha at base and has a 1 might sword. You can count the amount of people she could hurt on the fingers of one hand. The problem, however, is that she's going to be making a beeline for Runan. And she will attack him if you let her. She can survive one hit thanks to her miracle charm, but Runan is perfectly capable of knocking her in one hit, and he'll always double her unless you have him use a weighty weapon. Her misguided quest for revenge will land her right where her Uncle Barbarossa is in no time.

So how do we stop her from ruining her own life? You'll see in due time. It's going to take her a while to reach us, anyhow.

Bmn9hlo9 o

For the moment, let's work on the enemies on the hilltop.

Dr8pf431 oWgf0fsrt o

First, LAZOR BEAMS OF DETH for this guy. The spot where Sierra is standing is as safe as it gets, since only one ballista can set its sights on it.

C5x6xl7k oTqsmqukf o

Sasha gnashes on that ballista.

5ox0ilhy o

This girl. Just...

Nw0e1sbe o

And now we have an arrowspate. Cool. Tom's on the other route, so what do I even want this for?

Vcyxgjaj o

The best thing is that she has enough canto movement to escape the chu-ko-nu tanks' range. Why did I feel the need to call attention to this? I forgot she had the Goddess Shield, mainly. That thing's the best, I swear, it does away with Sasha's one remaining weakness. That thing that Holmes shamelessly... pilfered... from a sacred temple... in front of the temple's caretaker...

Well. At any rate, it is appropriate for Sasha to use such an item.

Debqghs8 oTj1njnrr o

Norton gains speed in order to be an even more broken unit.

Kvzv0lfq o4bi8joun o

Lee gets leevels.

Qj6dxcpj o

The rest open some bags. Keep in mind that we can get anywhere from 2000 to 4000 gold, so Runan was very lucky here. Great job, my man!

Ba1lqkcd o8qp6xeqs oGic5xe88 o

Of course, that profit of 908 gold was promptly lost with interest because everyone else opened their bags horrendously. Ain't that lovely.

Xzxpw0g3 o

Whatever. Time for San to promote.

Rtnfmgga o

You've been irrevelant throughout the entire playthrough.

Xh7f6qau o

But that is about to change.

Rvcjo1eq o

Onwards, brave Black Knight!

M7tregtg o

Ahahah, heck yeah! Now that is an awesome unit. This girl's known as "Narron-lite" for a reason. I suppose that means I should be ashamed of myself for using her, but after I neglected her for 3/4ths of her existance, I think she deserves a shot. Besides, her defense is bad enough that you can't really say she's flawless.

The watchful reader might've noticed that her portrait has changed. For some reason, she gets darker clothes to fit her promoted sprite, unlike... literally everyone else aside from the protagonists, whose clothes also change upon promoting. Not entirely sure why San got such special treatement. Guess my theory about her being the designer's favourite character might be true. In Berwick, everyone's portraits change on promotion, so maybe they were doing some testing here?

W16lgxpd o

The tanks begin to move.

Ybkoe3vu oThe Razelians are heading east! You lot, go south! Myself and a couple others will move east! We'll stand our ground alongside the sentries stationed there! If we do this right, we'll have them pinned! If anybody finds Princess Stephanie, return with her to General Ernst at once! You have your orders, soldiers! Let us not betray the Sword of Canaan's trust!

Gorc8rjy oYes, sir! For General Ernst! For Prince Julius!

Ybkoe3vu o...you, you're with me!

U2jvhw28 oAh, finally! I'll get to show the world what I'm made of! I've been training my whole life for this very moment. The whole world shall know my name before long!

Ybkoe3vu oYou, as well! I know this is your first day, but we need all hands on deck here! Come on, move it! For the glory of Canaan!

Rx79mwxc oYes, yes... grrr... I only joined this army to blend in... I didn't anticipate they would send a newcomer to the frontlines! Wellt turned out badly for me, Zemsellia turned out badly for me, and now it's looking like Canaan will be no better. Damn my luck! I haven't come this far... cheated death so many times... only to fall as a faceless soldier inside a hideous wooden box! There has to be some way I can escape this foul fate... gah, this rolling coffin is impossible to move...!

Eze22suz o6xdf0fof o

Axe dude goes after Kreiss. You were not worthy!

Jyprch1y oJtjt7e0p o

Yeah, that's not going to work either.

E1ah7wxu o

Stephanie begins to move. She'll be making her way to the bridge west of her starting position.

1pp14zcb o

Dear dear. It's too bad she doesn't fear you like she did before, eh?

Fcqjgkdc o

Everyone respawns.

Xlcroblb oSdsoxlcp o

Same deal as before. Sasha uses her canto move to hold down the fort.

Pvelmbc5 oIsrbuiuo o

Norton gains skill. I should probably have showed his stats at this point, but I was concentrated on the map. No matter, we'll see next time he gets a level.

Rpiikyyh o

This is a quick glimpse of what the Lukuud is capable of. 93 crit, folks.

I6t7vgrh o

Runan don't need no cursed swords, tho.

Cquxppx1 oAatfz3cn oXq7ykrew o

His jump isn't quite as unbelievable as Holmes's, but it's still pretty epic.

Qloptsqb o

Mintz kills the other guy.

Dve5pxqa oAxp4yc1m o

San downs the HP potion, because her HP is a bit too low, and her lacking defense cannot compensate for that.

2i7drqin o

Can you see the mistake?

G3xfgslt o

Yeah. I wonder what's up with my head sometimes. She can warp, Ruben, you idiot! Why did you have her stay there?!

Oqn5acjk o

She also can't dodge anything due to Sasha being nearby. Joy.

5ooluelj o


Vfhutuub oQbceqyck o

There goes the Azoth.

41cxz1da o

Thankfully, since being revived by the Azoth concludes the round of combat (the miracle charm just tanks a hit and the fight continues), she can't finish off the tank, so his buddy can't quite move in to finish the job.

Bz8welb3 o...what? Keep shooting, you idiot! You almost had her!

Lkbwgnih o...my God... she just... I-I nailed her through the head and she just... barely even flinched...! What kind of monsters are we facing!?

Bz8welb3 oWhat, you in love with her or sumthin'? Move over, you chicken! I'm gonna kill her myself!

Lkbwgnih o...g-gah...

Bz8welb3 oOh, brother... I can't even push him outta the way with this damn piece of wood! Why do we even use 'em?! They're useless!

U9nsatet oZldvxvlb oDjjhs0lx o

Man, those Mage Knights are useless.

3tadvyeq o

Remember when I was explaining the map and I said the fort reinforcements aren't the only ones? This is the remaining reinforcement chute: the back of the city. It'll keep spawning tanks. At first they'll only have simple bowguns, but they won't charge at us, but rather sit near Ernst to fire at us from a distance with their ballistae. Once enough of them have spawned, chu-ko-nu bastards will begin appearing instead.

3zxajmz5 o

It's here that I remembered Sasha is invincible against arrows. Well, not really, she's only invincible because of her 1-use leather shield, but even without it she only takes 3 damage per shot. Nothing to be worried about.

Reyhana3 o

The ballistae are gone. Good job, my dear murderprincess.

95bjsx1d o

Man, there's no stopping her, is there?

Ibjqoc3r o

Sierra will take over the reinforcement-blocking duties for now.

O9iduwyf o

Meriel kills the Axe Knight.

Lpfeczqd o

Oh, good lord...

Dvrgm5pp oQzko6v4i o

Ever since Three Houses came out, seeing the name Leonie in TRS is really weird. They're even quite similar, both being tomboyish young girls who use bows as their main weapon and look up to an older, bearded Paladin as their hero! There are a few differences between the two, though. TRS Leonie somehow manages to be more mobile than 3H Leonie even though I made her a Bow Knight. She's also stronger despite not having an overpowered +3 bow range. She's also a better character.


Also also, her hero isn't dead and is way cooler.

Have I earned the hatred of the entire FE community yet?

9u2lquch o5xmmyifs oR8xmwszh o

Mintz flurries the Mage Knight. He only crits when it's already too late to prevent damage or weapon degradation. Thanks.

R6ykslox o

At least he got a decent level out of that fiasco.

6lpbzjz2 oPk3rnhw5 o

Healing time.

Deakfr8k oX4evyory o

Norton teaches this fool what a real armor looks like.

Lkbwgnih oGwaaaah! I was... I-I never asked for this... sister... I'm sorry...

Bz8welb3 oNo! Oh, you bastards... you're gonna pay for this! I'm swatting y'all like a buncha flies!

4zl170dr oK6tycrit oCsng0mer o

There goes the Mage Knight.

503fppqt o

Only one of these can attack Kreiss, and they can't even scratch Norton. Lookin' great.

Dzk4hcpt o

That's that.

Boemcylq o

Bz8welb3 oYou! You'll be the first to bite it! I'm gonna shoot you down, girlie!

38ti9te7 oTeehee! I don't think so~!

Rx79mwxc o...! She's here!? Oh, goodness, no! No! S-She'll tear us all apart!

Ybkoe3vu oWhat are you mumbling about? Hurry, hurry! The sentries are under attack! We must go to their aid!

Bz8welb3 oLieutenant! About time! My brother, he's... he's gone... these fiends are unbeatable!

Ybkoe3vu oDastards... his sacrifice won't be in vain! Let's wipe them out! For the glory of Canaan!

Lofkppc6 oKjzyfgaj o

U2jvhw28 oLieutenant, I can't get through that guy's armor!

Ybkoe3vu oAttack! Keep attacking! If we let them through, they'll be at a stone's throw from General Ernst!

U2jvhw28 oDammit, this is no way to make a name for myself! At this rate, I'm gonna go out as just another nameless soldier, like baldie overthere...

Rx79mwxc o...we'll see who laughs last...

Ysgcmi9e o

These guys are trying to circle around us, but I've got a plan.

Ascdsd5o oEkyqimyu o

First, Sierra warps to Lee and grabs the Sylphid. Next turn, she'll warp back to the hill and use Vantage to her advantage.

2rryhxjk o

Look, it's San's first promoted skirmish! How's it feel, girl?

9rl1lahd o

Hah! Of course!

Rrc4linr oMhiqhqnm o62dsso6u o

...okay, that was actually kinda dumb. She just seamlessly slid to the left, horse and all.

Rexwgpu6 o

Eh. She's still earned some healing for her efforts.

Ye2bvskh oOy5irwbt o

Leonie heals up with her fruit, as well.

T5ufaozi oVgjihfag oC2vrcwqf o

Raphael and his daughter deal with the foolish tank who dared attack her.

Bz8welb3 oAaaaaaaaaaaaargh...! Guuhhaaah... nngh... b-brother... I'm--

U2jvhw28 oThey're getting through! The sentries are down!

Ybkoe3vu oRetaliate! Retaliate! We cannot give them a single inch!

Rx79mwxc o...what... what am I going to do...?!

Kbj5ekye oT3oaeqa2 o

U2jvhw28 oD-Did she just pilfer her remains!? Do these animals have no honor?!?

Rx79mwxc oNot her, she doesn't! She's as wicked as they come!

U2jvhw28 oYou know that insane child!?

Rx79mwxc o...it's a long story. Suffice to say, if she sees us, it won't be pleasant.

U2jvhw28 oOh, man... maybe I should just make a run for it... I-I don't wanna die!

Rx79mwxc oHmph. So much for "the whole world shall know my name".

Mmwqv3ep oOb0ls5j3 o

Norton prepares another one to be picked off by somebody else.

U2jvhw28 oUaaaargh...! Bwargh... I can't stay here any longer... I-I need to escape...! I don't want to die hereeeee!

Ybkoe3vu oGo! We'll cover your retreat!

U2jvhw28 oW-What!? Really!? What about you, lieutenant!?

Ybkoe3vu oI will never move. I''ll stay here for as long as it takes. I've fought for my motherland my entire life, I'll be damned if I don't keep fighting till the bitter end!

U2jvhw28 oLieutenant... to hell with it-- that's it, I'm staying too! Let's die with dignity, d-damn it all!

Rx79mwxc o...reckless idiots...

Dxl6sugd oIll5wdxr oXry4pzlb o

Kate Brave Bows down the Horseman accompanying the tanks, but now she's in a bit of a pickle...

Tlhoaouj o

At least we can keep these two from moving in.

Vkvy2aal o

No luck? No luck. No matter, no matter. He can die next turn.

U2jvhw28 oH-Hah! We won't be so easy to bring down...!

0eygyjgz oM2dmv572 oY9arxxxt o


Rizm0iok o1k5f47w8 o

We've cut off one of the tanks. Now that he's all alone, let's ruin him!

Rx79mwxc oU-Urgh...! I-I'm dying... they've cut me off from my comrades... no escape... no chance of victory... is this... is this it...?

Jedsptls o

Hmph... this one worries me. If both he and the guy I couldn't kill zero-in on someone, they're a goner... I pray everything goes well.

Pxgjwgl9 o

At any rate, the rearguard is doing just fine. Mintz and San will be taking on the horsemen pursuing us.

O1kperq1 o

Kate...! Nngh!

...wait... he didn't attack...? Why?

K107isbt oOgeqjzkb o

Oh, he went to get healed! Hahahahah, great! Perfect! Thanks, TRS AI!

Rx79mwxc oHah... haah... all right, I'm feeling better... but there's nowhere I can go... there is but one thing I can try at this point. May luck be with me...

V08eqwhy oUbtwjdgm o


U2jvhw28 oTake this! And that! And that! You'll never get past us! We'll protect Reeve to the end!

Ybkoe3vu oBoy...? What are you doing? I thought you were going to retreat!

9tzj2bgc oWx86lqie oLjbmbvqr o

As planned, these two halt the advance of the enemy cavalry.

4iscz5mb o

Ah, and this guy set up his ballista without even bothering to open fire! Perfect, perfect. I must say, this is going way better than I expected.

Mkzujqrj o

Commence operation Sylphierra!

I know, I know, it's lame, sorry.

Qwhsf6kr oXj2ybydf o

But first, she does this guy in.

8fbra3mq o

Oh, wow. Oddly defensive level.

Also, it's around this point that I remembered I still hadn't had her use her statboosters as I was supposed to. She's just had her hands too full the entire chapter. Maybe later.

Exfastjd oBkmnpmyz oVgybi2fg o

Anyway. Rearguard, retaliate!

Klkyzjky o


Thzceq45 oP7fiizun oYfkqlskt o


4wtwhspd o

Anywell, I mean... well, you know what I mean, Runan can finish off the wounded tank without going inside the ballista's range.

Qfui2vij o

So he does.

U2jvhw28 oUurrghhaaaaa! Sorry, Sir... I was not meant to... be the hero of the day...

Ybkoe3vu oNo...! Why didn't you retreat!? Why die such a pointless death?!

U2jvhw28 oPointless...? Hah... I died for my country... couldn't go out in a blaze of glory, but... I'm still... proud...

Ybkoe3vu o...Damn you! Damn all of you! You will never win! Even if we fall, General Ernst will stop you dead in your tracks! RAAAAAAAAAAARGH! FOR THE LAND OF MY BIRTH!

Oib5p5zr o

Eh. Not bad, magic's fine I suppose.

Oorncrgu oD5zjsukl o

Down goes the last tank. Now only the horsemen remain. Well, and the other tank, of course. This is only the last tank this side of Norton.

Ybkoe3vu oMmph... I have but one regret... General Ernst, please... don't let them... through...

Rx79mwxc oThey're both dead. And now, it will be my turn... I hope this works out.

12r2pisi o


I've a bit of a problem now. I can't kill the remaining tank, and I'd much rather not let him roam freely. Hm, what to do...

...oh! I know! Let's be cheeky.

Wysyp405 o

First, destroy his shield, so it doesn't get in the way.

Ckpnawdz o

And now... thief's dagger!

Rx79mwxc oHold! Please, hold your blade. I surrender. Here is my weapon.

Vxn9nnq5 oMwoo8duu o

Hahahahahahah! Neutralized!

Rx79mwxc o...perfect. As I thought, they're too busy pushing forward to pay an unarmed soldier any mind... And now, to wait for an opportunity to slip past their forces...

Rx79mwxc oI just pray that monstrous girl doesn't notice me!

7ko5hmxo o

Down south, Operation Sylphierra continues. Sadly, since one of the tanks was already standing in front of Sierra, three of them moved ahead before that one was noticed by the AI. Oh, well.

Enu6denx o


Gorc8rjy oFor Canaan!

A5c9ckhn o

God, Jesus Christ, fuck! Blistering barnacles! Noooo...! Don't miss the second one, don't miss the second one, don't miss the second one, for goodness's sake! Nggghaaaahhh...!

Gorc8rjy oHurgh... Lieutenant... I hope... you and your squad... have had... better luck...

Ezxrrcev o

Uuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhh... phew... all right. That could've been terrible, but for once, things went my way. Thank goodness for that one tank... I don't want to dare imagine what would've happened if all five of them had attacked Sierra!

Iihn07ur o8jlcv8rq oHloyqte9 o

The horsemen go after the only units they can reach. Norton took 3 damage, which I like, because it means he can get higher crits.

P9iasxru o

Another ballista has been set up. We should probably get a move on.

Xghytu99 oKb2uxg9b o

Ah, that's much, much better. Bring it on!

Png326bz oXnydbjnc o

These guys have been keeping Meriel occupied for quite long enough. Next turn, Enteh will sit on the fort.

9fvi0mig oYfs6vdtn o

Now that we've got the chokepoint under control, Runan can double back to wait for Stephanie.

3hyofif9 oVe6besww oTtglww81 o

Their cavalry is no match for our cavalry.

Gxjj4g4h o

We're almost through! Those stair tiles cannot be traversed on horseback, so we'll have to waste a bit of time dismounting to get to Ernst and the ballistae, but other than that, we're making rapid progress. I'm quite proud of my army and myself, actually! I expected to have a way rougher time!

Mcoh0hyv o

Oi! What do you think you're doing? Attack Sierra! I didn't think the AI was advanced enough to recognize that Vantage and Sylph make her invincible. Impressive, but it won't be enough to save their sorry behinds.

Omeosaad oPzcqulxn o

Norton! Don't dodge, man. I want you to get more crit!

Jyopibbk oQgqhi94s oWwdnicfn o

The remaining horsemen try their luck against Esther. They fail.

Dh41hq6e oXlibhals o

Oh, so these dudes do prioritize attacking over setting up their ballistae, so long as someone's within reach! That's good to know.

87r9blf4 o

Enemy phase is over. Time to intercept these guys before they can reach Enteh!

Abn60mxd o

I sadly had to use Sylph here, because she would've gotten slaughtered by the other tank if I hadn't. Oh, well. We have Hammerne and Lee, it shouldn't be a problem.

4f4ws9dg o

That's another level for Mery. Let it be a good one.

Cyduyrjt o

It's... better than the average TRS Mage level, I'll give it that.

Ahsclrju o

This point is ours.

Reybym0c o

You've done quite enough, Esther. Retreat for now! Mainly because you don't have Canto, and we'll need Canto to kill those three in one turn!

Rx79mwxc oAll right, I've slipped past their vanguard... now I just need to get to the bridge. I'll leave this thing blocking the way, and by the time they manage to move it, I'll be far away...

Rx79mwxc o...huh? The commander himself is here?! That'll make this more difficult. I hope he does not notice me...! I need an edge...

Mtvpjkun oDsemweou oKujgted5 o

Here we go. We may proceed. But first, Norton gains stats.

Plfmlvu4 o

G-Gaaaah! That's... unbelievable! Unfathomable! Unthinkable! So good! All the stats, man! Norton, you're awesome.

By the way, he's rammed his strength cap. Just saying. The only one who can match him is Holmes, and Holmes doesn't have his survivability, nor can he be on the difficult route. I'm proud of you, you magnificent, hideous bastard.

0yqcghmd o

Don't let your best corporal leave you behind, Sasha!

Rhp8atb2 o

Eheheheheheheh... it's criminal that this girl is this good. According to FEWOD, her max level average strength is fifteen. Fifteen! Can you believe it? Oh, and her max level luck's supposed to be 22, and her max level defense is normally one point lower than the amount she currently has.

Bottom-line, murderprincess is RNG-blessed. And I'm perfectly fine with that.

Eexxcubw oQropb1wf o

It must be the power of committing war crimes without shame or regret. Maybe she's been stealing the growths of every enemy she's murdered? Ah, the world may judge you, Sasha, but I know I won't. Hah!

Flj0lxfn o9xdsepgw oWiteqi22 o

Flurry chu-ko-nu. Leonie fired like 10 shots before she finally got a crit in. She probably could've just chipped the tank to death, though. That skill is so silly, I swear...

Brjyfmdt o

Best Est.

Daxwebfw o

Some healing as a reward for her efforts.

Ow3dkbrc o

Now, if I was dumb, I'd move Runan inside Stephanie's range, like this.

58p7blt2 oBlx8wvaj o

Then this'd happen. What, you thought this game wouldn't have the balls to have a little girl commit suicide on the main character? Well, may I remind you that this is the same game where you get a dancer by sending a girl to get kidnapped and enslaved?

Qa6xgwhr oBdgv5mmu o

Ahah... yeah... I, uh, I don't think so. She just says "Get out of my way...!" if anyone other than Runan attacks her.

Q1jjzmcj o

Hey, she might actually survive this battle, now that I think about it! She has the wardblade, which increases her resistance by 7. It's not displayed on the battle forecast, but she will only take 8 damage from Runan, because he's using the levin sword. Huh. Mayhap she'll actually live here! Even if he procs Adept, she'll live, because she can take two shots and the charm will tank the third.

Ersm0ofa o

...whoa, whoa! Calm down, Runan! Just because she can take it doesn't mean you should do it!

C4gmoj6z o

...oh my God, he procced Adept twice. He procced Adept twice!

Pcz5nqwr o

Blistering fucking barnacles, what in the world is this luck!? When was the last time somebody got adept twice in a single battle!? I mean, it doesn't matter, I was just doing this for educational purposes. I was always going to rewind as soon as I got her death quote. But still! What the fuck was that, Runan?! Keep yourself in check, damnit, she wasn't a threat to anybody!

Hvqi6kkb o

Fucking hell... thank goodness this is not what really happened. Why is it that even when I'm just trying to record a battle convo, things get completely out of hand?

Tfcahqwz o

That's more like it... Jesus, Runan. You're a sick, sick person.

Zere1eux o

This time around, she can't quite make it to Runan. Next turn, we'll deal with her the correct way.

Rx79mwxc oWait... isn't that-- the daughter of Prince Barker!? Yes, she fits the description like a glove! What in the world is she doing here?!

Rx79mwxc o...hmmm... well, whatever the reason, this gives me an idea...

Bjl9bq19 oK210pgio oQgkq0njn o

Other than that, Norton takes some punishment. Thanks! That's at the very least 30 crit.

Znfxnomd o

You don't need damage. Stop taking damage.

Wq923pvh oFomsqaiy o

Not the brightest move.

Dxhnfkpc o

This also happens. "High defense"? What did you say? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of Leonie blowing you up to bits.

8hewarzd o

This tank is attempting to flee from Sierra? TRS AI mystifies me so much, I swear.

50y2bgzf o

Dang! That's some damage! Even Sol won't be enough to fully heal her up...

Lhtnfmz9 o3yck5sun o

Scratch that. Rock on, Sunny-girl.

Csy5evu2 oMq1snhdg o

Norton dismounts so he can climb up to Ernst next turn.

Km1xefkr o

Esther won't be going up, so she settles for killing this dude.

C9gsukap o

Well! There may be hope for you yet, Esther.

I've... said this multiple times in the past, haven't I? Well, I like her, the mod likes her, so she's staying.

023l0dwu oFomsqaiy o

Leonie does what she does best.

Gi9bsvnd o

Hey, we haven't had Lee fight in a long time! Ready those magical muscles of yours, my man, for I have work for you. Finish off that tank Leonie softened up!

Yslchrng oZoj8xpi7 o

There we go. He prevailed, even under Sasha's negative influence. Who said this guy was supposed to fall off?

6fqgdkcm o5luz77jh o

No escape for you! Thunder Dragon!

Ml4l5egx o

Fine! Very good, I like it.

4c1jf6rm oX4avh5vm o

Well, then. I've put it off long enough. Let's deal with Stephanie.

Xj1l1pom o

K5ueiwj7 oBecause you're an invader, a murderer! You killed General Barbarossa, and now you're trying to kill Uncle Julius and my father, too! You have to be stopped!

Llibn6rp oThis is war. It can't be helped that there would be more than a few casualties. It's kill or be killed.

K5ueiwj7 oFine, then you might as well kill me, too! I'm your enemy, aren't I?! Fight me seriously!

Llibn6rp o......

0zfd96rn o Don't do it, Runan! She doesn't give enough experience to be worth it! Also, Barker doesn't deserve that! Also, she doesn't deserve that!

4fhtdiwr o

0zfd96rn o ...Eh? Captured soldiers? What captured soldiers?


Rx79mwxc oHail!

Ih49ob2i o...! Who are you? You're driving one of the Canaanite wooden batteries... state your purpose at once!

Rx79mwxc oIndeed, I am a soldier of Canaan, but I have surrendered. No weapons, see?

Ih49ob2i o...what is your business with me?

Rx79mwxc oCan you see that young lass over yonder, charging towards us? She's the daughter of Prince Barker.

Ih49ob2i oWhat?! Do you speak the truth!? I must let Lord Runan know at once... ergh, you! Don't move from here! I'll deal with you later!

Rx79mwxc oYes, of course. I wouldn't dream to defy your orders. I have, after all, surrendered to you...

Ih49ob2i oGood, good... the daughter of the crown prince...! I cannot believe this! Where's Lord Runan?! Oh, goodness, he's already face-to-face with her! Lord Runan...!

Rx79mwxc o...

Llibn6rp oThat's a good idea. Keep her with the other prisoners for now.

Ih49ob2i oAt once, Lord Runan. I must say, I didn't expect you to be so willing to take hostages, milord...

Lrjoz2wc o

Llibn6rp oI will admit, it feels wrong to hold her prisoner when she isn't even a soldier, but this is the safest option for everyone. Sometimes, you have to bury your emotions in order to ensure victory, right? Take her away, Eugen.

Vg6qgq0y o

Llibn6rp o......

Eto99pfm o

Damn, that was brutal...

Rx79mwxc oHeh heh heh... perfect. Now that those two are preoccupied dealing with little Stephanie, I have the perfect opening to get to the bridge. They didn't even kill her, as I feared they would! Ah, clearly, Yutona is on my side.

Aq2zwhxh o

Rx79mwxc oAnd now, to--

Bgdv367n o

Rx79mwxc o...What? Why isn't it moving!? Dammit! Move, move! No...! I can't believe it! I'm stuck! I'm stuck in a patch of mud... Oh, for goodness's sake... why now?! MOVE!!

D5rin8na oKh8vqcn9 o

Norton.png, only without his trusty horse.

Tpofneuk oAuwigked o

That went pretty well.

Rgooi5fn o

Even Lee impressed me once more. Fairly certain he could've gotten hit critically, too. Not sure, I was too busy holding my breath to take screencaps.

Tsufobnt oNlefqyod o

Three ballistae. A shame they won't have a chance to fire upon anybody!

Eicap9nx oE4mzgnkj o

Offensive maneuvers, everybody! This guy's out.

Veezocqa oPkheiuki o8uv6smg0 o

This guy, too.

7wvrwjar oHz6pi1ju o

And this o-- oh, shit! Kate!

Scxktspp o2c5ihcam o

Damnit, four shots aren't worth the AS tanking.

Okay, they are, but still. Hold onto your sword, Kate. It'll be better for everyone.

Sdmtufcy o

More strength, more defense... what's not to love?

Olajriey o

San, too, levels up.

Tkg3idl1 o

Well, she clearly knows what she wants. All the offense, and to die if anything coughs her way. Frankly, I think I like Norton better.

Fvjfoy8j o

Oh, look. It's Leonie's useless skill. I really can't understand why she gains this one from leveling up, but starts with Flurry.

Of5eafvx o

...oh. She one-shot him.

Still underwhelming, but that's a silver bow use saved right there. Thanks, Leonie, for not being wasteful like your pacifist counterpart!

Dmafcvu4 o

Good God...! She has better defenses than Mintz now! Is she ever going to stop!? Now all she needs is one more point of move, and she'll be my best Paladin. Pfft!

Wysrxwvs oRmwuvnku o

Buckle up, Kate. We ain't done yet!

Ndwioxru o

Ehhhh magic woulda been better, but at this point Lee can already top off almost everyone, so who cares. I'm fine with some more survivability for the best healer.

Fazqcnec o

1 HP? Runan...!

Rx79mwxc oHe's... he's off? T-They're off? They must've forgotten all about me... fortune spares me once more, but I really must get out of here!

Ndokgykw o

Rx79mwxc o...sooner than later! Rrgh... useless hunk of wood... perhaps I should just leave it here...!

N5jsrmgy oB2momfua oW9ws73up o

Ah-hah! Surprise Sierra! Say goodbye to your last arrowspate!

D4elgpkb o

That's been the turn, folks. Lee is going to be absolutely fine, by the way. The Mage Knights deal exactly 1 damage to him.

Bzl5n776 o

D'aww. That's not fair. I mean, I can do it too, but... that's not fair!

...wait, who even was this? Ruben from the past, you dolt! Why didn't you take a screenshot of the patient? We know there's a healer already!

4vk967gf o5fgsf24a o9rgcxunw o

Well, whatever. People try killing people. And fail.

Smmwv221 o


Gmcn3tlm o

Oh, whew... haah... okay, maybe that was an overreaction, but after all the deaths, can you blame me?

75jeobmm oZzk0jckd o1xvh5lti o

Hah! That was almost enough to kill him! Leonie's an unstoppable beast! But is she unstoppable enough to stop Ernst? Well... more on that later.

Pmvuuupw o

That tank's color is odd.

8vs6bhfb o

Who are you? What really hurts? Your face, from holding your titanic forehead? And what's up with your neck? I can't explain it, but something feels horribly off about his neck...

9fhx0x47 o

Well, uhh... it's turn 10. We're roughly halfway through my screenshots. We've done quite a lot, so what say you we leave it here? It's only fair that a map so critical would be a two-parter.

Next time, we face the Sword of Canaan, and figure out what's up with that weird dude in the purple tank. Till then, may I propose that you fare well? Hahah, buh-byeeeeeeeeee~!

Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin

*26A only

Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The rest open some bags. Keep in mind that we can get anywhere from 2000 to 4000 gold, so Runan was very lucky here. Great job, my man!

I'm sure this must have come up already, but could you remind me why you don't just sell the bags?


Anyway, good thing Sierra had some canned Dullahan with her. That was scary.

Edited by BrightBow
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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Glad you were lucky! Also, to be entirely forthcoming with you, I can't say I feel too sorry about spoiling that for you. I did what I could to avoid spoiling people, and, frankly? That's the sort of spoiler people could use. Imagine you approach the boss, thinking they don't move, and only too late you realize that they've magically gained the ability to walk up to your healer and murder them. That's a reset right there, if you're not using divine pulse.

Also the fact Petra was a pain enough to fight under normal circumstances. I got the impression of what enemies were feeling when I sent in Ingrid, took advantage of Alert Stance+, and just let her dodge tank everything. Is it any wonder she turned out my MVP for the last 6 chapters?

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You didn't miss out on much. It's an exercise on boredom, and only the highest-level fishes are even slightly challenging to catch.

I know that part from the fishing tournament. I can't really imagine using this to grind up professor level, because having messed around with it it's slow. Yet I only managed A by the end of the game. How the hell do you reach A+ without it?


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

7yaayggq o

Don't ask me how I know about this meme. I don't even know where it came from!

I think it's because Ryoma's armor plating looks kind of like a lobster shell.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What, you thought I'd just forgive the game for having 3 bosses with the exact same portrait? Fat chance!

Also, take a moment to realize that I reused my explanation of reused portraits. Genius, right?


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I reused my explanation on reused portraits. Genius, right?

C'mon, someone HAS to think that it's genius!



10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
5qt4lyiy o

Within the northern forest lies a nasty bit of gameplay-story integration. Stephanie, being Barker's sheltered little daughter who's never seen combat in her life, is even worse than Sasha at base and has a 1 might sword. You can count the amount of people she could hurt on the fingers of one hand. The problem, however, is that she's going to be making a beeline for Runan. And she will attack him if you let her. She can survive one hit thanks to her miracle charm, but Runan is perfectly capable of knocking her in one hit, and he'll always double her unless you have him use a weighty weapon. Her misguided quest for revenge will land her right where her Uncle Barbarossa is in no time.

She also looks kind of like Sasha... and is also a princess. Could this be a clone of the legendary murderprincess?


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Nw0e1sbe o

And now we have an arrowspate. Cool. Tom's on the other route, so what do I even want this for?

Better in your hands, than the enemy's.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The best thing is that she has enough canto movement to escape the chu-ko-nu tanks' range. Why did I feel the need to call attention to this? I forgot she had the Goddess Shield, mainly. That thing's the best, I swear, it does away with Sasha's one remaining weakness. That thing that Holmes shamelessly... pilfered... from a sacred temple... in front of the temple's caretaker...

May the shield of the Goddess Protecc (I took to trying to cut off any line about the Goddess' protection in Three Houses as close to "protec" as possible. The instant stop to the voices made it funny to me because of that reference)

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Debqghs8 oTj1njnrr o

Norton gains speed in order to be an even more broken unit.

Your antivirus has been updated.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Kvzv0lfq o4bi8joun o

Lee gets leevels.

He's been Leening on that Leevel cap to long to BeLeeve. But his Leenience to the enemy is now ended.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ybkoe3vu oThe Razelians are heading east! You lot, go south! Myself and a couple others will move east! We'll stand our ground alongside the sentries stationed there! If we do this right, we'll have them pinned! If anybody finds Princess Stephanie, return with her to General Ernst at once! You have your orders, soldiers! Let us not betray the Sword of Canaan's trust!

Gorc8rjy oYes, sir! For General Ernst! For Prince Julius!

Ybkoe3vu o...you, you're with me!

U2jvhw28 oAh, finally! I'll get to show the world what I'm made of! I've been training my whole life for this very moment. The whole world shall know my name before long!

Ybkoe3vu oYou, as well! I know this is your first day, but we need all hands on deck here! Come on, move it! For the glory of Canaan!

Rx79mwxc oYes, yes... grrr... I only joined this army to blend in... I didn't anticipate they would send a newcomer to the frontlines! Wellt turned out badly for me, Zemsellia turned out badly for me, and now it's looking like Canaan will be no better. Damn my luck! I haven't come this far... cheated death so many times... only to fall as a faceless soldier inside a hideous wooden box! There has to be some way I can escape this foul fate... gah, this rolling coffin is impossible to move...!

Another generic idiot brigade... and the return of the royal librarian of Wellt? Well looks like Sasha's quest to find him may be over at last.


10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rpiikyyh o

This is a quick glimpse of what the Lukuud is capable of. 93 crit, folks.

I see what made Lentzenheimer think he was relevant.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bz8welb3 o...what? Keep shooting, you idiot! You almost had her!

Lkbwgnih o...my God... she just... I-I nailed her through the head and she just... barely even flinched...! What kind of monsters are we facing!?

Bz8welb3 oWhat, you in love with her or sumthin'? Move over, you chicken! I'm gonna kill her myself!

Lkbwgnih o...g-gah...

Bz8welb3 oOh, brother... I can't even push him outta the way with this damn piece of wood! Why do we even use 'em?! They're useless!

girl_morgan.png is a great file name and completely distracted me from making any witty remark about this explaining the Azoth ending combat.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Dvrgm5pp oQzko6v4i o

Ever since Three Houses came out, seeing the name Leonie in TRS is really weird. They're even quite similar, both being tomboyish young girls who use bows as their main weapon and look up to an older, bearded Paladin as their hero! There are a few differences between the two, though. TRS Leonie somehow manages to be more mobile than 3H Leonie even though I made her a Bow Knight. She's also stronger despite not having an overpowered +3 bow range. She's also a better character.

  Reveal hidden contents

Also also, her hero isn't dead and is way cooler.

Have I earned the hatred of the entire FE community yet?

No. FE Leonie can't Flurry. She's still one of my best units on my current Golden Deer run... but that flurry would have been nice. Broken, but nice. Also I just realized, they even have similar hairstyles, when you account for the colour difference. Just cut a bit on Tear Ring Leonie... and voila. Crackpot theory time?


Three Houses Leonie is a recolour of Tear Ring Leonie using the same mechanics that have produced an endless supply of Morgans and Garbage Bags.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Deakfr8k oX4evyory o

Norton teaches this fool what a real armor looks like.

Lkbwgnih oGwaaaah! I was... I-I never asked for this... sister... I'm sorry...

Bz8welb3 oNo! Oh, you bastards... you're gonna pay for this! I'm swatting y'all like a buncha flies!

You call that a tank? This is a tank.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

U2jvhw28 oD-Did she just pilfer her remains!? Do these animals have no honor?!?

Rx79mwxc oNot her, she doesn't! She's as wicked as they come!

U2jvhw28 oYou know that insane child!?

Rx79mwxc o...it's a long story. Suffice to say, if she sees us, it won't be pleasant.

U2jvhw28 oOh, man... maybe I should just make a run for it... I-I don't wanna die!

Rx79mwxc oHmph. So much for "the whole world shall know my name".

I want to see this kind of reaction in a mainline game when you take something from a fallen enemy.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

U2jvhw28 oUurrghhaaaaa! Sorry, Sir... I was not meant to... be the hero of the day...

Ybkoe3vu oNo...! Why didn't you retreat!? Why die such a pointless death?!

U2jvhw28 oPointless...? Hah... I died for my country... couldn't go out in a blaze of glory, but... I'm still... proud...

Ybkoe3vu o...Damn you! Damn all of you! You will never win! Even if we fall, General Ernst will stop you dead in your tracks! RAAAAAAAAAAARGH! FOR THE LAND OF MY BIRTH!

Is this a Camus wannabe questioning another Camus wannabe's pointless death without any realization he's also intending to die an equally pointless death?


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rx79mwxc o...perfect. As I thought, they're too busy pushing forward to pay an unarmed soldier any mind... And now, to wait for an opportunity to slip past their forces...

Rx79mwxc oI just pray that monstrous girl doesn't notice me!

Like she won't get him eventually.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oi! What do you think you're doing? Attack Sierra! I didn't think the AI was advanced enough to recognize that Vantage and Sylph make her invincible. Impressive, but it won't be enough to save their sorry behinds.

Oddly enough, I've had incidents where the A.I. refused to attack Dedue or Gilbert during my Blue Lions run. So that's one thing going for the game I guess.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Plfmlvu4 o

G-Gaaaah! That's... unbelievable! Unfathomable! Unthinkable! So good! All the stats, man! Norton, you're awesome.

By the way, he's rammed his strength cap. Just saying. The only one who can match him is Holmes, and Holmes doesn't have his survivability, nor can he be on the difficult route. I'm proud of you, you magnificent, hideous bastard.

Further proving the point no one hits like Norton.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Rhp8atb2 o

Eheheheheheheh... it's criminal that this girl is this good. According to FEWOD, her max level average strength is fifteen. Fifteen! Can you believe it? Oh, and her max level luck's supposed to be 22, and her max level defense is normally one point lower than the amount she currently has.

Bottom-line, murderprincess is RNG-blessed. And I'm perfectly fine with that. 

Eexxcubw oQropb1wf o

It must be the power of committing war crimes without shame or regret. Maybe she's been stealing the growths of every enemy she's murdered? Ah, the world may judge you, Sasha, but I know I won't. Hah!

It's obvious my joke about her being the Goddess' Executioner came true. She is a divinely powered angel of death soaring forth on leathern wings to send those whose time has come to their maker. Shame this game doesn't have one of those scythe weapons like the one I had Dimitri using.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Witeqi22 o

Flurry chu-ko-nu. Leonie fired like 10 shots before she finally got a crit in. She probably could've just chipped the tank to death, though. That skill is so silly, I swear...

Still wish three houses Leonie could do that.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Hvqi6kkb o

Fucking hell... thank goodness this is not what really happened. Why is it that even when I'm just trying to record a battle convo, things get completely out of hand?

Tfcahqwz o

That's more like it... Jesus, Runan. You're a sick, sick person. 

Runan's split personality is really getting heated by this war.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lhtnfmz9 o3yck5sun o

Scratch that. Rock on, Sunny-girl.

It's like the RNG is trying to make up for something.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Yslchrng oZoj8xpi7 o

There we go. He prevailed, even under Sasha's negative influence. Who said this guy was supposed to fall off?

Lee strikes SwiftLee and DevastatingLee.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Bgdv367n o

Rx79mwxc o...What? Why isn't it moving!? Dammit! Move, move! No...! I can't believe it! I'm stuck! I'm stuck in a patch of mud... Oh, for goodness's sake... why now?! MOVE!!

Guy should have really surrendered. He'd probably have faired better.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Rgooi5fn o

Even Lee impressed me once more. Fairly certain he could've gotten hit critically, too. Not sure, I was too busy holding my breath to take screencaps.

*FairLee certain he could've gotten hit criticalLee
That would have been inconceivabLee horrible.

11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Good God...! She has better defenses than Mintz now! Is she ever going to stop!? Now all she needs is one more point of move, and she'll be my best Paladin. Pfft!

She'll be The Roger? Because The Roger is always best The Paladin.


12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
Gmcn3tlm o

Oh, whew... haah... okay, maybe that was an overreaction, but after all the deaths, can you blame me?

No. Not after the Ashe incident in my own run (2% hit... 1% crit)


12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:
9fhx0x47 o

Well, uhh... it's turn 10. We're roughly halfway through my screenshots. We've done quite a lot, so what say you we leave it here? It's only fair that a map so critical would be a two-parter.

Next time, we face the Sword of Canaan, and figure out what's up with that weird dude in the purple tank. Till then, may I propose that you fare well? Hahah, buh-byeeeeeeeeee~!

What? Two-parter? Damn it. Murder-princess hasn't even caught up with the Librarian. Well... now we have a plot-hook.

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Well, unfortunately I missed the popcorn the first time reading this.

My car breaking down, my ride taking two hours to get there, and it raining when they finally did probably didn't have anything to do with it. (This all happened yesterday, by the way. I work an hour of voluntary overtime, and that was my reward).

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Row96jpr o

646 *Uses Google Translate* Records for a single level!? Dang, you were not kidding around with this update!

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In other news, I'm playing Path of Radiance! About time, I'd say. It's been too many years since I became a FE fan! Last time I played this game, I only made it to chapter 4 before I got bored. Then again, I only played Shadow Dragon up to chapter 6 my first time, and when I gave it a second chance it became one of my favourite FEs, so if that's anything to go by... I'm at chapter 9 right now, and thus far, I'm enjoying it. My team's a bit too tiny for my liking, but I'm fairly certain that issue will solve itself before long.

Nice! I don't know that much about the Tellius games, so I'm interested in what you have to say about them.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The box in which I respond to the comments that people write to me. Most people probably don't even open these. I see you, you lurkers, not caring about what I have to say to the non-lurkers. Not judging ya, I know it's hard to think up things to say, let alone do it every single time; but you know, there's fun to be had here as well. Like, just today, there's a lobster meme in there that I am sure you would enjoy. So go ahead and give this a shot, will ya? I assure you, you will be glad you did:

Me from a year ago almost feels personally attacked, if not for the fact that I actually read the responses.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't ask me how I know about this meme. I don't even know where it came from!

In Awakening, one of the minor villains commented behind their masters back that their leaders red armor made them look like a lobster. When Ryoma came around and had similarly styled armor that happened to be red, fans didn't need any encouragement to make the connection and thus the meme.

Making the whole thing even more hilarious is that Ryoma is supposed to be inspired by lions.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a big peeve of mine with Three Houses. Nobody ever dies when they're killed. No joke, there were, like, 4 bosses in the entire BL route that died the first time they were killed. Even the first chapter bandit didn't die in the first chapter. How lame is that? Make unique bosses, dammit, don't use the penultimate boss five times and have them just flee every single time. And no, those faceless bosses in every paralogue don't count. Heck - even those tend to live after dying, more often than not. Things like these make me appreciate Shadow Dragon's troupé of hideously-named uglies. Sure, they were all generic and terrible, but at least they didn't cheat.

Reminds me of the "Corrins army never kills anyone" joke of a plot point that Fates keeps repeating, even though the joke weapons (which are actually surprisingly useful and are almost the unsung heroes of the game) and debatably a few clubs are the only non-sharp weapons in the whole game, and several character specifically mention killing in their battle lines. No matter how hard the game tries to convince me otherwise, I can only say "Suuuuuuuuuure" whenever it's brought up. Bosses still tend to die most of the time, though, while named characters tend to survive a few appearances, so it's almost like the opposite of Three Houses.

The only saving graces to the whole things is that it does make a scene where Hans slaughters all the soldiers you "supposedly" "spared" actually kind of surprising, and helps make Corrins whining angsting more bearable since there is good reason behind it. It also makes me further curious about the games behind-the-scenes development, because I wonder if they were planning on having a way to choose between sparing and killing your opponents in gameplay, but scrapped it late enough that they couldn't make any story changes, but early enough that the core gameplay remained intact. Really, a whole documentary of the making of Fates would be intriguing to watch.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know about anyone else, but I consider gameplay to be the most important part of Fire Emblem, the reason I'll replay the games. That's why I've played games like 11, 6 and 12 countless times, but will be hard-pressed to replay Three Houses even with the promise of different routes. I don't care if I miss out on plot points or characters, I can look those up. If the gameplay's as bad in those other routes as the Blue Lions lategame was, then seeing the story is not worth the effort. In my humble opinion, at least.

I find it highly ironic that I'm currently playing Fates, a game with a lackluster story yet excellent gameplay, at the same time Three Houses is making the rounds, which seems to have a great story but debatable gameplay. Throw in the fact that I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at the same time, which has solid gameplay and an extremely meta story, and it makes the whole thing even more entertaining.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, you've got to be... that's low.


Again, I don't know if it's the tragic "they deserved a more glorious death than this" kind of off-screen death, or if it's just a cheap move. Heck, it could even be both.


On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

A little too bloated for my taste, for the most part. For instance, Warlocks have long straps hanging from their wrists, and feathers on their chests; the Brawler classline's outright fetish gear, the Dark Mage has a collar of skulls hanging over their crotch (for... some reason), Mortal Savants are terrible in general... oh, and don't get me started on shoulders. They made the most ridiculous shoulderpads for this game.

Looking at the class pictures currently on the main site... yeesh, and I thought that Fates had some odd design choices. I mean, it seems at least half of them look solid, and a few have reasonable amounts of fanservice, but others... what was the thought process behind them, and where did the design philosophy from Echoes go?

Also, a few of those shoulders look like they could take a units head off if they moved incorrectly.

Also also, are Mortal Savants this games version of Dread Fighters?

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Meanwhile, a certain Spaniard cuts a kid's throat and uses his reanimated, mangled corpse as a villain.

Riiiiiight, there's good reason for the warning on the original post.

I seem to tend to enjoy stories/games/movies/what-have-you that make logically make sense in the media itself, but when describing it to others, it comes off as weird or disturbing. Blustone, anyone?

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:


I was going to add that the Fire Emblem in comparison is different every game, and the weapon triangle isn't exactly something you can make a mascot out of. Guess I though I didn't need to bring that up, but forgot to remove the parenthesis

Interestingly, Gaiden/Echoes doesn't have any of those things.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Those are good ideas.

Thank you. Only real snag I see is that it would work best in a more open-ended Fire Emblem where you could explore more than one town, village, or city, and the shopkeepers in each one would be different. As hilarious as having Anna being the shopkeeper everywhere would be, the joke would wear out it's welcome quickly, even if they all have their unique differences.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahahah... so that's like in this game, where Barbarossa takes care of himself if you can't beat him by turn 30. I see the point.

Well, you have to choose to do the "wait a week" trick on your own (or kill The End in a much earlier scene, and his boss fight is replaced with a different encounter), but yeah.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

I see...

No, it wasn't anything like that. The idea was to change the dialogue of a scene to apply to avoiding commenting on something questionable. I actually would have used in twice in that update, but as I said, I couldn't find a good video of it.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Really, anything to do with him dying due to his thievery ways is fitting.

I can just picture his final words:

"I was... not stealing this... I'm no pirate... I'm a... priva... teer... guh...!"

"I... thought... I... could... avoid... consequences... by.. be..ing.. a... st..ea...lth... p..la..ne...

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

S E C O N D   F L O O R   B A S E M E N T ? ! ? ! ? ! ! ? ? !

"Do you have any questions, Snake?"

Q U E S T I O N S ? ! ? ! ? ! ?

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Fun fact: I reused my explanation on reused portraits. Genius, right?

Image result for continuity silver quill

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

In all honesty, Katri had a more pleasant introduction to her powers. Neyfa has to sleep with the fact that she likely murdered a bunch of people by accident. Bad people, of course, but that sort of thing would do a number on a girl like her.

I'm trying to joggle my memory, but Neyfa was reluctant and/or worried about transforming the first time we saw her, right? I know there aren't a lot of characters that can turn into dragons in this game, but I don't want to mix them up.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The team's comprised of the usual go-toers, except for The Roger. He'll sit this one out. Partially because, at this point, he's a worse Mintz with mediocre skills and no supports (and I need Mintz today, to boot), but mainly because I don't want to risk losing him again. Frankly, after all he's done, I'd be perfectly happy with letting him rest for the remainder of the war.

Fair enough. The Roger has earned The Break.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
5qt4lyiy o

Within the northern forest lies a nasty bit of gameplay-story integration. Stephanie, being Barker's sheltered little daughter who's never seen combat in her life, is even worse than Sasha at base and has a 1 might sword. You can count the amount of people she could hurt on the fingers of one hand. The problem, however, is that she's going to be making a beeline for Runan. And she will attack him if you let her. She can survive one hit thanks to her miracle charm, but Runan is perfectly capable of knocking her in one hit, and he'll always double her unless you have him use a weighty weapon. Her misguided quest for revenge will land her right where her Uncle Barbarossa is in no time.

Ah, this game's gameplay and story integration. The level was already hard enough for the right story reasons, but this is a nice reminder of what Tear Ring Saga does so well.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Dr8pf431 oWgf0fsrt o

First, LAZOR BEAMS OF DETH for this guy. The spot where Sierra is standing is as safe as it gets, since only one ballista can set its sights on it.

Laser beams are an excellent way to start off the map.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Vcyxgjaj o

The best thing is that she has enough canto movement to escape the chu-ko-nu tanks' range. Why did I feel the need to call attention to this? I forgot she had the Goddess Shield, mainly. That thing's the best, I swear, it does away with Sasha's one remaining weakness. That thing that Holmes shamelessly... pilfered... from a sacred temple... in front of the temple's caretaker...

Well. At any rate, it is appropriate for Sasha to use such an item.

Amazing how coincidences add up.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ba1lqkcd o8qp6xeqs oGic5xe88 o

Of course, that profit of 908 gold was promptly lost with interest because everyone else opened their bags horrendously. Ain't that lovely.

To bad Bagman was busy elsewhere.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Rvcjo1eq o

Onwards, brave Black Knight!

Hey! The shoulder guard changes a little! As well as her horses, uh, "armor".

Did her hair color change, though? It seems a little off.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

The watchful reader might've noticed that her portrait has changed. For some reason, she gets darker clothes to fit her promoted sprite, unlike... literally everyone else aside from the protagonists, whose clothes also change upon promoting. Not entirely sure why San got such special treatement. Guess my theory about her being the designer's favourite character might be true. In Berwick, everyone's portraits change on promotion, so maybe they were doing some testing here?

Considering the villagers in Echoes may have been testing reception towards the idea of students in Three Houses, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

This still highlights how strange the promotions are in this game, though.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ybkoe3vu oThe Razelians are heading east! You lot, go south! Myself and a couple others will move east! We'll stand our ground alongside the sentries stationed there! If we do this right, we'll have them pinned! If anybody finds Princess Stephanie, return with her to General Ernst at once! You have your orders, soldiers! Let us not betray the Sword of Canaan's trust!

Minion Misadventures Returns!

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rx79mwxc oYes, yes... grrr... I only joined this army to blend in... I didn't anticipate they would send a newcomer to the frontlines! Wellt turned out badly for me, Zemsellia turned out badly for me, and now it's looking like Canaan will be no better. Damn my luck! I haven't come this far... cheated death so many times... only to fall as a faceless soldier inside a hideous wooden box! There has to be some way I can escape this foul fate... gah, this rolling coffin is impossible to move...!

As well as the librarian!

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Rpiikyyh o

This is a quick glimpse of what the Lukuud is capable of. 93 crit, folks.

It may as well be a lightsaber at this point if it can kill things that easily.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Cquxppx1 oAatfz3cn oXq7ykrew o

His jump isn't quite as unbelievable as Holmes's, but it's still pretty epic.

His cape looks like a scarf in the first screenshot, the second is really epic, and is Runan holding onto his cape in the last picture? It almost seems like it got in the way.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
G3xfgslt o

Yeah. I wonder what's up with my head sometimes. She can warp, Ruben, you idiot! Why did you have her stay there?!

Maybe you decided she could start walking, for once? It could help improve her dodge rate.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lkbwgnih o...g-gah...

Bz8welb3 oOh, brother... I can't even push him outta the way with this damn piece of wood! Why do we even use 'em?! They're useless!

I didn't realize they were siblings until later, so the "oh, brother" went over my head.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
3tadvyeq o

Remember when I was explaining the map and I said the fort reinforcements aren't the only ones? This is the remaining reinforcement chute: the back of the city. It'll keep spawning tanks. At first they'll only have simple bowguns, but they won't charge at us, but rather sit near Ernst to fire at us from a distance with their ballistae. Once enough of them have spawned, chu-ko-nu bastards will begin appearing instead.

So, they use strategy to pick you off from afar instead of dashing to their deaths?

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Lkbwgnih oGwaaaah! I was... I-I never asked for this... sister... I'm sorry...

Bz8welb3 oNo! Oh, you bastards... you're gonna pay for this! I'm swatting y'all like a buncha flies!

The first time I read through this:

"It's always sad to see them go, although I already thought you did the 'I'm sorry, family member' routine, and...


And then I laughed for a while after the realization.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

38ti9te7 oTeehee! I don't think so~!

Rx79mwxc o...! She's here!? Oh, goodness, no! No! S-She'll tear us all apart!

I can hear the horror music starting up for the Librarian.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

U2jvhw28 oDammit, this is no way to make a name for myself! At this rate, I'm gonna go out as just another nameless soldier, like baldie overthere...

Ah, Morgan number "this one wants his name to be remembered". You are both on the mark and way off it with that statement.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rrc4linr oMhiqhqnm o62dsso6u o

...okay, that was actually kinda dumb. She just seamlessly slid to the left, horse and all.

Guess horses were never really trained on how to kill someone stealthily.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

U2jvhw28 oD-Did she just pilfer her remains!? Do these animals have no honor?!?

Rx79mwxc oNot her, she doesn't! She's as wicked as they come!

U2jvhw28 oYou know that insane child!?

Rx79mwxc o...it's a long story. Suffice to say, if she sees us, it won't be pleasant.

U2jvhw28 oOh, man... maybe I should just make a run for it... I-I don't wanna die!

Rx79mwxc oHmph. So much for "the whole world shall know my name".

Strange how videogames rarely bring attention to the fact that you tend to loot corpses all the time. The only game that did so in recent memory was KOTOR 2.

Poor Wally the Wyvern. His master turns every map into a horror game for her enemies, and he's stuck in the middle of it.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

U2jvhw28 oUaaaargh...! Bwargh... I can't stay here any longer... I-I need to escape...! I don't want to die hereeeee!

Ybkoe3vu oGo! We'll cover your retreat!

U2jvhw28 oW-What!? Really!? What about you, lieutenant!?

Ybkoe3vu oI will never move. I''ll stay here for as long as it takes. I've fought for my motherland my entire life, I'll be damned if I don't keep fighting till the bitter end!

U2jvhw28 oLieutenant... to hell with it-- that's it, I'm staying too! Let's die with dignity, d-damn it all!

Well that's a quick rotation from deciding to retreat to deciding to die bravely.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
0eygyjgz oM2dmv572 oY9arxxxt o


Oh, wow. My statement about the Lukuud being a lightsaber really was on point.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qwhsf6kr oXj2ybydf o

But first, she does this guy in.

Looks like the fairy turned the wyvern into wind.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rx79mwxc oThey're both dead. And now, it will be my turn... I hope this works out.

For all his cleverness, the Librarian never learned to never to tempt fate, did he?

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rx79mwxc oHold! Please, hold your blade. I surrender. Here is my weapon.

Vxn9nnq5 oMwoo8duu o

Hahahahahahah! Neutralized!

Rx79mwxc o...perfect. As I thought, they're too busy pushing forward to pay an unarmed soldier any mind... And now, to wait for an opportunity to slip past their forces...

And you keep finding ways to explain the in-uninverse mechanics.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

3hyofif9 oVe6besww oTtglww81 o

Their cavalry is no match for our cavalry.

It's hard to beat a knight, a man who can turn one spear into three, and a person with a lightning sword.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Qa6xgwhr oBdgv5mmu o


A pink, poofy(?) dress/skirt is not something you should wear into battle in general. Much less if you want to be taken seriously in a revenge story

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Ersm0ofa o

...whoa, whoa! Calm down, Runan! Just because she can take it doesn't mean you should do it!

So did Stephanie or Runan activate the flashbang?

Because if it's Stephanie, then they're really digging in to show how little she knows of tactics and fighting.

If it's Runan, than he attempted to stun his opponent to non-lethaly take them out of the fight, but his bloodlust got the better of him.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Xj1l1pom o

K5ueiwj7 oBecause you're an invader, a murderer! You killed General Barbarossa, and now you're trying to kill Uncle Julius and my father, too! You have to be stopped!

Llibn6rp oThis is war. It can't be helped that there would be more than a few casualties. It's kill or be killed.

A blunt yet true line from Runan

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

K5ueiwj7 oFine, then you might as well kill me, too! I'm your enemy, aren't I?! Fight me seriously!

Llibn6rp o......

Llibn6rp o I mean, you're not making it easy, coming into battle wearing a pink dress and all.

Llibn6rp o.....

Llibn6rp oThen again, Sasha also wore something similar when she started out, and now, well....

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
4fhtdiwr o

0zfd96rn o ...Eh? Captured soldiers? What captured soldiers?

I did not expect the fanfic story and the main game to align this much, and I'm loving the result.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ih49ob2i oAt once, Lord Runan. I must say, I didn't expect you to be so willing to take hostages, milord...

I take it that's usually because whenever Runan tries, something akin to this happens:


I've heard that doing this in the game itself is like a rite of passage or something akin to that.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Bgdv367n o

Rx79mwxc o...What? Why isn't it moving!? Dammit! Move, move! No...! I can't believe it! I'm stuck! I'm stuck in a patch of mud... Oh, for goodness's sake... why now?! MOVE!!

I think I hear the Jaws theme starting up.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Rx79mwxc o...sooner than later! Rrgh... useless hunk of wood... perhaps I should just leave it here...!

Ah, the debate whether to stay in the car when the monster comes and die with some protection, or exit and try to escape on foot, with the risk of dying an even more brutal death.

I did not expect The Librarian of Welt to turn into a horror game protagonist.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
Gmcn3tlm o

Oh, whew... haah... okay, maybe that was an overreaction, but after all the deaths, can you blame me?

Not really, no. I mean, I wouldn't have given it a second thought personally, but I also haven't had your luck.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

8vs6bhfb o

What number is this Morgan?

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Who are you? What really hurts? Your face, from holding your titanic forehead? And what's up with your neck? I can't explain it, but something feels horribly off about his neck...

Guess being tall and being stuck in a tank isn't the most pleasant of combinations. And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if his nickname was "Giraffe" in school with a neck like that.

On 8/12/2019 at 3:35 PM, Saint Rubenio said:
9fhx0x47 o

Well, uhh... it's turn 10. We're roughly halfway through my screenshots. We've done quite a lot, so what say you we leave it here? It's only fair that a map so critical would be a two-parter.

Next time, we face the Sword of Canaan, and figure out what's up with that weird dude in the purple tank. Till then, may I propose that you fare well? Hahah, buh-byeeeeeeeeee~!

Two parts, eh? Well, there's always next time for that popcorn.

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1 hour ago, Hawkwing said:


A pink, poofy(?) dress/skirt is not something you should wear into battle in general. Much less if you want to be taken seriously in a revenge story

Looking at it like that, yeah, that is a different skirt of the one Sasha used. Well, it looks more like they glued an additional skirt piece to the normal mini skirt. I guess that extra skirt piece is on a different layer and when Sasha fights, the layer is simply made invisible.

In any case, it's weird that her appearance is unique like this. I mean, they didn't even consider her important enough to give her a palette that matches her portrait. This is the exact same palette that Sasha uses, as far as I can tell.

Edit: Also, she is missing Sasha's cape, even though she actually does have a cape like that in her portrait. So clearly this wasn't done to better match her appearance.
Trivial as it may be, I would really like to know what the story behind this weird setup is.

Edited by BrightBow
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Part 66 - Stache of Canaan.


On 8/12/2019 at 10:17 PM, BrightBow said:

I'm sure this must have come up already, but could you remind me why you don't just sell the bags?

Because gambling is fun!

Nah, I normally sell them. I sold the ones I left with Holmes. But there's not really much of anything left to buy with Runan, so I figured, might as well.

Anyway, good thing Sierra had some canned Dullahan with her. That was scary.

Canned Dullahan is how I will refer to the Azoth from now on. That's genius.


On 8/13/2019 at 6:27 AM, eclipse said:

Alright Esther, that's enough.  Time to stop sandbagging.

I sure hope she does!


On 8/13/2019 at 9:40 AM, The Roger The Paladin said:

Also the fact Petra was a pain enough to fight under normal circumstances. I got the impression of what enemies were feeling when I sent in Ingrid, took advantage of Alert Stance+, and just let her dodge tank everything. Is it any wonder she turned out my MVP for the last 6 chapters?

It's a wonder for me, she was awful the whole way through. Seteth kicked her ass right off the park.

I know that part from the fishing tournament. I can't really imagine using this to grind up professor level, because having messed around with it it's slow. Yet I only managed A by the end of the game. How the hell do you reach A+ without it?

I spammed meals by the end of the game. 2000 per pop. Got A+ around 4 chapters before the end.

I never really bothered to break monsters' armor, though, so I couldn't get the Archanean regalias. That's so arbitrary. Frankly, I prefered Mercurius when you got it by killing Astram in chapter 9. What, there's another way?

I think it's because Ryoma's armor plating looks kind of like a lobster shell.

I suppose it does.




She also looks kind of like Sasha... and is also a princess. Could this be a clone of the legendary murderprincess?

She definitely does not have her power. Or the war crimes.

Better in your hands, than the enemy's.

That much is right.

May the shield of the Goddess Protecc (I took to trying to cut off any line about the Goddess' protection in Three Houses as close to "protec" as possible. The instant stop to the voices made it funny to me because of that reference)

I wish I had that idea. It would've improved the game.

Your antivirus has been updated.

Norton's had quite a few updates by now. My favourite was the Horse Update.

He's been Leening on that Leevel cap to long to BeLeeve. But his Leenience to the enemy is now ended.

Ah, the Lee puns have made their return, I see.

Another generic idiot brigade... and the return of the royal librarian of Wellt? Well looks like Sasha's quest to find him may be over at last.


I see what made Lentzenheimer think he was relevant.

This is what happens when a good unit gets the Lukuud. Everything dies.

girl_morgan.png is a great file name and completely distracted me from making any witty remark about this explaining the Azoth ending combat.

I know, it was a genial idea.

No. FE Leonie can't Flurry. She's still one of my best units on my current Golden Deer run... but that flurry would have been nice. Broken, but nice. Also I just realized, they even have similar hairstyles, when you account for the colour difference. Just cut a bit on Tear Ring Leonie... and voila. Crackpot theory time?

  Reveal hidden contents

Three Houses Leonie is a recolour of Tear Ring Leonie using the same mechanics that have produced an endless supply of Morgans and Garbage Bags.

Pfff... okay, that's amazing. Besides, that theory allows me to say that 3H Leonie is a bad clone of TRS Leonie, which makes me very happy.

You call that a tank? This is a tank.

Not just a tank, a high-move, tactical nuke tank with a landing strip for planes fliers on his shoulders.

I want to see this kind of reaction in a mainline game when you take something from a fallen enemy.

It'd be great, indeed.

Is this a Camus wannabe questioning another Camus wannabe's pointless death without any realization he's also intending to die an equally pointless death?

Yes. All the yes.

Like she won't get him eventually.

Maybe she won't. It depends on what I feel like writing.

Oddly enough, I've had incidents where the A.I. refused to attack Dedue or Gilbert during my Blue Lions run. So that's one thing going for the game I guess.

The AI cheats and is also self-aware. I hate it even more now.

Further proving the point no one hits like Norton.

Truly nobody! Heck, even with his low speed, this game's enemies are so slow, he doubles more often than not!

It's obvious my joke about her being the Goddess' Executioner came true. She is a divinely powered angel of death soaring forth on leathern wings to send those whose time has come to their maker. Shame this game doesn't have one of those scythe weapons like the one I had Dimitri using.

Sasha makes up for the lack of hilarious-looking weapons with war crimes.

Still wish three houses Leonie could do that.

Eh, I'm happy enough with her. She joined and already she was so better than Sylvain, he went striaght to the bench for her. Hanneman's a better teacher than Byleth, clearly.

Runan's split personality is really getting heated by this war.

We must end it, to protect him.

It's like the RNG is trying to make up for something.

That string of deaths that took Lionel and Mel from us forever?

Lee strikes SwiftLee and DevastatingLee.


Guy should have really surrendered. He'd probably have faired better.

He had a plan and then everything went horribly wrong.

He's the most relatable character in the game for me.

*FairLee certain he could've gotten hit criticalLee
That would have been inconceivabLee horrible.

To lose Lee right now would be a reset, frankly.

I'd like to say I'm joking, but if it comes to that, it's going to be... really fucking hard not to rely on the good ol' dishonorable reset counter. So let's all pray he doesn't die. I'd like to complete one LP where I don't break every self-imposed rule.

She'll be The Roger? Because The Roger is always best The Paladin.

The Roger is so great, I've benched him out of fear of him dying. Again.

No. Not after the Ashe incident in my own run (2% hit... 1% crit)

You did tell me about that. That reminds me of that one time I was playing Thracia, and Xavier got hit by a 1% hammer... but he proceeded to proc Pavise and tank it. I laughed so hard.

What? Two-parter? Damn it. Murder-princess hasn't even caught up with the Librarian. Well... now we have a plot-hook.

We have the mysterious purple tank, the Royal Historian of Wellt (whose name everybody always seems to get wrong), and of course, Ernst himself. I think that's enough plot-hooks to make for a fine roundabout.


On 8/14/2019 at 2:20 AM, Hawkwing said:

Well, unfortunately I missed the popcorn the first time reading this.

My car breaking down, my ride taking two hours to get there, and it raining when they finally did probably didn't have anything to do with it. (This all happened yesterday, by the way. I work an hour of voluntary overtime, and that was my reward).

Hmmm... your car broke down... the Royal Historian of Wellt's tank broke down...

I think you're the Royal Historian of Wellt.

You're bald!

646 *Uses Google Translate* Records for a single level!? Dang, you were not kidding around with this update!

Files, actually. "Archivo" means file in spanish. Well, among other things of course, but in this context, it's files.

Nice! I don't know that much about the Tellius games, so I'm interested in what you have to say about them.

PoR's being cool so far. Titania is a goddess, too. The waifu tier for Tellius goes Titania's hair > Titania > Oliver >>>>> everyone else.

Also it's better than Three Houses

Me from a year ago almost feels personally attacked, if not for the fact that I actually read the responses.

Then allow me to personally attack present you: A year ago I was still playing FE12, and I'm fairly sure you weren't around for that one. So yeah. You're wrong. You from a year ago doesn't feel anything.

In Awakening, one of the minor villains commented behind their masters back that their leaders red armor made them look like a lobster. When Ryoma came around and had similarly styled armor that happened to be red, fans didn't need any encouragement to make the connection and thus the meme.

I understand.

Making the whole thing even more hilarious is that Ryoma is supposed to be inspired by lions.

So he's the leader of the Red Lions house?

Reminds me of the "Corrins army never kills anyone" joke of a plot point that Fates keeps repeating, even though the joke weapons (which are actually surprisingly useful and are almost the unsung heroes of the game) and debatably a few clubs are the only non-sharp weapons in the whole game, and several character specifically mention killing in their battle lines. No matter how hard the game tries to convince me otherwise, I can only say "Suuuuuuuuuure" whenever it's brought up. Bosses still tend to die most of the time, though, while named characters tend to survive a few appearances, so it's almost like the opposite of Three Houses.

The only saving graces to the whole things is that it does make a scene where Hans slaughters all the soldiers you "supposedly" "spared" actually kind of surprising, and helps make Corrins whining angsting more bearable since there is good reason behind it. It also makes me further curious about the games behind-the-scenes development, because I wonder if they were planning on having a way to choose between sparing and killing your opponents in gameplay, but scrapped it late enough that they couldn't make any story changes, but early enough that the core gameplay remained intact. Really, a whole documentary of the making of Fates would be intriguing to watch.

A documentary on the creation of any FE would be awesome. I still want to know why Horsemen can raid villages in FE12, but only sometimes.

I find it highly ironic that I'm currently playing Fates, a game with a lackluster story yet excellent gameplay, at the same time Three Houses is making the rounds, which seems to have a great story but debatable gameplay. Throw in the fact that I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 2 at the same time, which has solid gameplay and an extremely meta story, and it makes the whole thing even more entertaining.

Get yourself a PS2 emulator, and you will find a game that has both in great quantities.

  Reveal hidden contents

Again, I don't know if it's the tragic "they deserved a more glorious death than this" kind of off-screen death, or if it's just a cheap move. Heck, it could even be both.


Looking at the class pictures currently on the main site... yeesh, and I thought that Fates had some odd design choices. I mean, it seems at least half of them look solid, and a few have reasonable amounts of fanservice, but others... what was the thought process behind them, and where did the design philosophy from Echoes go?

I wish I knew. Some of these designs are horrible.

Also, a few of those shoulders look like they could take a units head off if they moved incorrectly.

Yes, that's what I said.

Also also, are Mortal Savants this games version of Dread Fighters?

They're swordfighters who trade a bit of strength of speed in exchange for a little bit of magic and the ability to use spells. They're a hybrid class. And also highly lame.

Riiiiiight, there's good reason for the warning on the original post.

Yeah... I figured, knowing what I've done in the past, I should warn the newcomers. Even just the death edits could already be enough for a lot of people.

I seem to tend to enjoy stories/games/movies/what-have-you that make logically make sense in the media itself, but when describing it to others, it comes off as weird or disturbing. Blustone, anyone?

Hahaha, most stories sound weird when you describe them with just a couple sentences.

I was going to add that the Fire Emblem in comparison is different every game, and the weapon triangle isn't exactly something you can make a mascot out of. Guess I though I didn't need to bring that up, but forgot to remove the parenthesis

The Whitewings were a mascot back in the day. They're the playable units with the most appearances, after all.

Interestingly, Gaiden/Echoes doesn't have any of those things.

Yeah, that one just has bad map design.

One of these days I should get around to playing it.

Or the original Gaiden. That'd be easier, at least. Emulating NES is a piece of cake.

Thank you. Only real snag I see is that it would work best in a more open-ended Fire Emblem where you could explore more than one town, village, or city, and the shopkeepers in each one would be different. As hilarious as having Anna being the shopkeeper everywhere would be, the joke would wear out it's welcome quickly, even if they all have their unique differences.

Open-ended FE? Oh, please, no. Open-endedness doesn't work with every genre in the world. Let's stop with that craze, shall we? Give me some linear FE goodness.

Well, you have to choose to do the "wait a week" trick on your own (or kill The End in a much earlier scene, and his boss fight is replaced with a different encounter), but yeah.

Oh, that's right! I remember that, you can just snipe The End early on and the game lets you. A different game would've put an invisible wall, or an instant game-over if you killed him. So kudos to Second Floor Basement: The Game.

No, it wasn't anything like that. The idea was to change the dialogue of a scene to apply to avoiding commenting on something questionable. I actually would have used in twice in that update, but as I said, I couldn't find a good video of it.

Then I guess I don't see.

"I... thought... I... could... avoid... consequences... by.. be..ing.. a... st..ea...lth... p..la..ne...

"Urgh...! Parents can... eat... shit...!"

"Do you have any questions, Snake?"

Q U E S T I O N S ? ! ? ! ? ! ?

"S n A K e ? ! ? !"

"Yes, Snake. That's your name."

"n A m E ? ! ? ! ! ? ? ? !"


". . . ?"

"All right, I'm done."

"D o n E ? ! ? ? ! !"

Image result for continuity silver quill

What a wonderful thing it is!

I'm trying to joggle my memory, but Neyfa was reluctant and/or worried about transforming the first time we saw her, right? I know there aren't a lot of characters that can turn into dragons in this game, but I don't want to mix them up.

Yes. She was coerced into transforming for about 5 seconds by Maerchen's brother, and then Runan seized and Sennet appeared out of nowhere to save her.

Fair enough. The Roger has earned The Break.

The Roger The Paladin On The Break.

Ah, this game's gameplay and story integration. The level was already hard enough for the right story reasons, but this is a nice reminder of what Tear Ring Saga does so well.

Yeah, Tear Ring Saga truly loves this sort of thing. I also really dig how the game doesn't forget Barbarossa. It's always nice when this sort of thing happens.

Laser beams are an excellent way to start off the map.

I agree.

Amazing how coincidences add up.

Coincidences? 'Twas fate, my man.

To bad Bagman was busy elsewhere.

He could've saved us from such a capitalist tragedy.

Hey! The shoulder guard changes a little! As well as her horses, uh, "armor".

Did her hair color change, though? It seems a little off.

It changed a little, but it's just a few pixels. The color is the same. It is somewhat off from her portrait, that much is true, but it always was. I suppose it's just more obvious with the more contrasting colors she has after promoting.

Considering the villagers in Echoes may have been testing reception towards the idea of students in Three Houses, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

I doubt that is the case in Echoes, since the villagers were already a thing in Gaiden. They were just being faithful to the original. That's like saying FE11 was testing the reception towards badass old mages with Wendell so they could go on to make Hanneman. That's not right, Wendell was already a thing in FE1. Heck, they actually tried to nerf Wendell in Shadow Dragon (and failed)!

This still highlights how strange the promotions are in this game, though.

They kinda are, I agree.

Minion Misadventures Returns!

As well as the librarian!

At this point, I think it's just extremely meta humor that nobody can get the Royal Historian of Wellt's title right. Nothing ever goes that guy's way. He's quickly turning into my favourite character.

It may as well be a lightsaber at this point if it can kill things that easily.


His cape looks like a scarf in the first screenshot, the second is really epic, and is Runan holding onto his cape in the last picture? It almost seems like it got in the way.

I'll post a gif later.

Maybe you decided she could start walking, for once? It could help improve her dodge rate.

Well, it didn't improve it in any way. Mostly because of Sasha.

I didn't realize they were siblings until later, so the "oh, brother" went over my head.

Well, I only decided to make them siblings after writing that one, so we could say it also went over my head.

So, they use strategy to pick you off from afar instead of dashing to their deaths?


The first time I read through this:

"It's always sad to see them go, although I already thought you did the 'I'm sorry, family member' routine, and...


And then I laughed for a while after the realization.

Now the question is: did you realize that was a girl Morgan before or after that moment?

I can hear the horror music starting up for the Librarian.


...and the video's gone, just as I'm proofreading. Thanks, Nintendo! I have to say, I really understand why you do this. After all, it's only fair. If people were to listen to your music in Youtube, they wouldn't buy the Official Soundtr-- oh, wait, that's right! YOU DON'T SELL THOSE! THERE'S NO WAY TO LISTEN TO YOUR GAMES' MUSIC OUTSIDE OF THE GAMES THEMSELVES! IF PEOPLE LIKE YOUR MUSIC, FUCK 'EM, ISN'T THAT RIGHT!?

Thankfully, trying to delete something frmo the internet is basically impossible, so here's another one.

Ah, Morgan number "this one wants his name to be remembered". You are both on the mark and way off it with that statement.

That was the intent.

Guess horses were never really trained on how to kill someone stealthily.

Mounts aren't usually trained in killing, that's the rider's job.

Except for Wally. Sasha wants him to join in the fun. He'd rather die himself.

Strange how videogames rarely bring attention to the fact that you tend to loot corpses all the time. The only game that did so in recent memory was KOTOR 2.

Moments like this should be more common, yes.

Poor Wally the Wyvern. His master turns every map into a horror game for her enemies, and he's stuck in the middle of it.

He's half the monster for the enemies, but deep down, all he wants is for it all to end.

Well that's a quick rotation from deciding to retreat to deciding to die bravely.

Character development! For, uh, y'know, Morgan #524

Oh, wow. My statement about the Lukuud being a lightsaber really was on point.

It was!

Looks like the fairy turned the wyvern into wind.


For all his cleverness, the Librarian never learned to never to tempt fate, did he?

He does seem fond of taking risks.

And you keep finding ways to explain the in-uninverse mechanics.

Sometimes by accident, even!

It's hard to beat a knight, a man who can turn one spear into three, and a person with a lightning sword.

I like how you make Norton sound like the most mundane of the three, when he's really the most formidable of them.


A pink, poofy(?) dress/skirt is not something you should wear into battle in general. Much less if you want to be taken seriously in a revenge story

Well, it does its job: to emphasize the fact that she should not be going out to murder bipolar princes.

So did Stephanie or Runan activate the flashbang?

Because if it's Stephanie, then they're really digging in to show how little she knows of tactics and fighting.

If it's Runan, than he attempted to stun his opponent to non-lethaly take them out of the fight, but his bloodlust got the better of him.

It was Runan, with the thunder sword.

A blunt yet true line from Runan


Llibn6rp o I mean, you're not making it easy, coming into battle wearing a pink dress and all.

Llibn6rp o.....

Llibn6rp oThen again, Sasha also wore something similar when she started out, and now, well....

In fact, Sasha still wears her pink little dress while riding a fearsome wyvern (that's not quite as monstrous as her). Runan should know better than to underestimate pink princesses by now.

I did not expect the fanfic story and the main game to align this much, and I'm loving the result.

Yeah, that was kind of an accident. Happy little accident!

I take it that's usually because whenever Runan tries, something akin to this happens:


Pfffttt... that's probably it. The man has two cursed swords, I doubt surrendering to him would work.

I've heard that doing this in the game itself is like a rite of passage or something akin to that.

Maybe I'll do it too, if I ever play Metal Gear.

I think I hear the Jaws theme starting up.

That's what you hear. The Royal Historian hears this.

Ah, the debate whether to stay in the car when the monster comes and die with some protection, or exit and try to escape on foot, with the risk of dying an even more brutal death.

I did not expect The Librarian of Welt to turn into a horror game protagonist.

Ejryma1p o

I'd buy it.

Not really, no. I mean, I wouldn't have given it a second thought personally, but I also haven't had your luck.

That's right.

What number is this Morgan?

I... have no idea. Lost count a long time ago.

Guess being tall and being stuck in a tank isn't the most pleasant of combinations. And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if his nickname was "Giraffe" in school with a neck like that.

He's just... all around weird.

Two parts, eh? Well, there's always next time for that popcorn.

Believe me, this is the part where you'll want that popcorn.


On 8/14/2019 at 3:25 AM, BrightBow said:

Looking at it like that, yeah, that is a different skirt of the one Sasha used. Well, it looks more like they glued an additional skirt piece to the normal mini skirt. I guess that extra skirt piece is on a different layer and when Sasha fights, the layer is simply made invisible.

In any case, it's weird that her appearance is unique like this. I mean, they didn't even consider her important enough to give her a palette that matches her portrait. This is the exact same palette that Sasha uses, as far as I can tell.

I never noticed her sprite was different from Sasha's. Probably because I never let her attack Runan before.

Edit: Also, she is missing Sasha's cape, even though she actually does have a cape like that in her portrait. So clearly this wasn't done to better match her appearance.
Trivial as it may be, I would really like to know what the story behind this weird setup is.

How... how strange. Kaga is a fickle man.



8vs6bhfb o9fhx0x47 o

Last time, this... person, appeared on the map. I'm fairly certain this line is bugged, as it's the same as his death quote as an enemy. Either Aethin made a whoopsie, or Kaga just used his death quote for his introduction and called it a day.

Ueyocdjg o

That looks recruitable enough. But I haven't been given a single clue as to who might be able to do the recruiting! Who is it?

Well, I'll just tell you. It's Mintz.

Ly1dqaes o

You know, Mintz. Who doesn't have the big "talk to" box in his supports screen. Don't you just love it when a game introduces a mechanic to help with cryptic events, and then foregoes utilizing it for the most cryptic events?

Jwcxu10n oUvxqixfn o6banv7jn o

Whatever. Let's first take down the ballistae.

Ismwovsb o

Let's try this. Might help with the clean up of the mooks.

Jiwvp20k o

No worries, Hagar can't die from just this.

Es6gnhmy oP5l7va8t o

Most of the tanks just dodge. That's... okay, sure.

Rx79mwxc oG-Gah! What is this ungodly tremor?!

Wgewkevj o

This guy did get hit, at least.

Rx79mwxc oA-All right, it seems to have passed... I just hope I haven't sunk deeper in the mud... earthquakes! They can cause earthquakes, as well! What's next!?

Vk6jmxof o

Look, a gif!

Vpqmmvjr o

Hmmmm... tempting, but that would kill Hagar. And that would be, uh... a tragedy?

Lwetxg9v oJfr5wneu o

Instead, let's have Lee use more traditional magic to murder this guy.

Zuhigwbt o

Soon, we'll face Ernst.

Eagowmrn o

Ah, hey, nice! Thanks for healing the recruitable first!

B9yj7ye9 oW5w64ftc o6zobalgq o

Hmph... annoying tanks. Now that Hagar has appeared, there's no point in allowing them to continue appearing.

Xoupkg8i oIejeoa10 o

Plan time. First, Sierra attacks this guy from afar. This guy was actually hit by earthquake (fairly sure he was the only tank that got hit, too), so she can finish him in one blow. That's handy.

9wvd9hnr o6ktaa8x3 o

Next, Mintz flurries this guy to death. Thankfully, Wrath and a little luck allows him to finish his opponent quickly.

Cn0vvfar oVvq6upgn oUbobnay8 o

Finally, Norton runs up to Mintz and swaps his pilum out for a rangeless weapon.

Gh1bq3i8 o

And there we go. Mintz has no range and worse defenses than Leonie, so I'm fairly certain Hagar should go after him. Even though they're bros, but that goes without saying. Kaga never did move on from the good ol' Matthis syndrome.

Vshljjf6 o

Down south, Kate and Esther are doing things.

Fwbt9slz oD0gocyzy oDy1vnoyr o

West, Runan is retreating to the bottom of the map. It is important that he does this. You'll see why.

Viizl5vp oAaarnycq oThqjunde o

Esther and Kate fight off some riders. Well, Esther does. Kate cannot retaliate.

Jof24sur o

All according to plan.

Qpv0vxcs o

2ac9auyu oSo get ready, 'cause I'm not holding back!

Jklj37b9 o

It's like The Roger, but lame. Come to think of it, how is he aiming if he can't see a thing?

Wmfedyox o

Get on my team, you idiot, before you hurt yourself.

9loupbvt o

2ac9auyu oIs that you, bro?! Everyone else said you died in battle, but you're still alive and kickin'! What are you doin' here?

9wemniw4 oI deserted back in Senay, and now I'm just doing a bit of this and that. Nothing too extraordinary. But forget about me, Hagar, look at you! Told you they'd make a soldier out of you. You can't make a living by chasing skirts forever, you degenerate.

2ac9auyu oThat's rich, comin' from you, bro! Everyone knows you were the biggest ladykiller in the entire Black Knights! Ha ha ha...

Gkmruxe0 o

2ac9auyu oYou can't drag me into this, bro! I'll be executed for sure, now!

9wemniw4 oYou'll be fine, Hagar. But if you're so worried, why not join us? We've got pretty ladies everywhere!

0zfd96rn o The only legal ladies in Runan's team are Esther (I think), who would just slap Hagar to hell and back if he tried anything; Kate, who is a depressed mess at this point; and Sierra, who's taken. I like to think Mintz is just bamboozling his "bro" here. It's very much like him.

2ac9auyu oHmmm... Thanks, bro! I think I'll take you up on that.

Ueyocdjg o

So, the Panther! Serenes and FEWOD list conflicting growths for him. Now I'm worried that this has also happened in the past. Oh, well. Not like people come here expecting a seriously informative playthrough. I'll just take the Serenes growths.

HP 55% - Strength 35% - Skill 30% - Speed 40% - Defense 40% - Magic 5% - Luck 40% - Mastery 40%

FEWOD says his speed growth is 5%, so let's hope Serenes is right.

Anyway, Hagar. Hagar's... a hilarious joke? He joins 5 chapters from the end, as a low-level unit with low bases. But he has Paragon and better growths than Tom, so he's obviously great, right? Yeah, no. He's a tank. He has all the problems Tom had to begin with, only I cannot have him take every single terrain skill in the game for memes. And with his horrendous bases? He's really bad. I'll stick with Norton, thanks.

I will, however, make the argument that he's better than other late joining units, like Lina or the next one we get, simply because he can use ballistae, which gives him a small niche. He's not good with them, don't get me wrong, but he can be used for something, I guess. Units like Lina and the next recruit we'll get are pure combat growth units, which makes them worthless. As far as bottom of the barrel goes, he's not quite the bottomest of them.

Frankly, I'm feeling half-tempted to use him with all those arrowspates Sasha mugged off the ballistae. We'll see next chapter.

Vpfvkdac o

Let's see how he does against Erns-- nope. Nope, that ain't happening.

Well... I think it's about time. Let's see his stats.

Fdvpmlj8 o

Jesus. Mother. Fucking. Christ.

Remember Murdock? Murdock's a friggin' diaper-wearing, one-toothed toddler in comparison to this absolute man.

Ernst is, bar none, the strongest boss in the entire game. There is exactly one boss that surpasses him in raw power (next chapter's boss, as a matter of fact), but there's an alternative strategy for this boss that severely debilitates him. Ernst? There's no way to cheese him, and waiting till turn 30 for him to self-destruct won't work either. You have to fight him. And what a fight it's going to be.

Ernst is ready for everything you may throw at him. His raw stats are incredible, he's better than literally all of my units. There are very few units who will be able to survive a single round of direct combat against him. His skill set is godly, with Sol to recover all of the health you may manage to take from him, Pavise to deny your lucky crits, Nihil to prevent you from Wrath'ing him to death, and Adept so he has a chance to just plain erase your units. He's also packing weapons and items for every situation: the wardblade and the magic shield are more or less useless, because no Mages in this game can use Canto, so attacking him with one is suicide; however, even the Sylph is useless against him, because the wind shield makes him all but invincible against even that (fairly certain Sylph is exactly why they gave that to him). He also has a shieldblade that'll make him completely invincible against all sorts of damage, if you let him wield it. However, both this and the wardblade are melee weapons, so he'll seldom get to use them, in this playthrough at least. Instead, he gets to pick between a magic sword to kill Norton, and a javelin to kill everyone else. Joy.

This is the reason this update is a two parter. Remember how, at the end of the last update, I said we were about halfway through the chapter's screenshots? Well, see how we're barely five minutes into the second part and we've already made it to Ernst? Yeah. Draw your own conclusions.

And no, you cannot recruit him with Mintz. This badass's a Camus. Thanks, Kaga.

Jhr8d81a oEvqw4zf0 oUtfeeqes o

Before we face Ernst, let's make sure no more tanks come out of Reeve to assist him.

Fx1psfie o

There we go, these guys have been cancelled.

Tlj4umco oOvqynnet oFzcy3hdp o

Finally remembered to do this, too.

Shbq4ohk o9ehq8kii o

Kreiss double-crits the remaining tank, and--

Rlnzmkyf o

Son of a...

Nl89choh o

Of course, and this useless idiot can't kill him either.

Uf7wwraf o

At least he can take potshots at Ernst. Completely useless potshots, but...

6foqccsj oLut7nfli oIfs8gyoj o

More fighting, down south.

Uu84ias9 o

That's actually pretty awesome! Proud of ya, girl. She's like a faster and luckier, but weaker and squishier Mintz right now. It's not the worst situation to be in.

5dfo38bb oUe0fpbbq oMha8clsj o

These poor guys are so useless. They're the cannon fodder of the 3rd Corps.

Kblb8dwk o

I am terrified of that man.

Hoxgogcx oYxu7zilb o

No, not you. You're going to die in about a minute.

Tyshkpas oAiwzpubm o


Shit, I need to pay more attention. All of my focus is on Ernst, but these guys are still dangerous on their own right!

0eotonfs o4lwgi14x o

And lest you forget, they're still coming out.

Yqqivg1s o

This is Sierra with the Sylph. She needs to hit three times to kill him, and she can't even Vantage him due to his absurd speed. Yeah, this won't do.

5iwbl2ni o

In fact, I'm fairly certain that the one and only unit in the entire team who can fight him without dying horribly is Leonie. She has just barely enough speed not to get doubled by him if she's using the silver bow. She can't hurt him right now because silver shield, but once we break the thing, she'll be able to do some damage, too.

That's the plan, by the way. Leonie will be 1v1'ing Ernst. We'll be here for a while, folks.

Vk4c0cog oZtbdeny7 o

While she fights Ernst, the rest will do their best to keep the generics at bay.

J3ngse8y o

Vantage? Cool, I guess. With low enough HP, she could probably crit people dead before they could attack her.

Up65hr9b o

Of course, her power is low, so I'm not sure how reliable this strategy will prove to be.

079d58mh oMmch7l4c oXzkibx9u o

Some fighting shots.

Ifo2ogju o

Oh, Kate... bias is the only thing keeping you onboard at this point...

By the way, anybody else find it incredibly funny that she's as slow as Norton right now? Hysterical. Urgh...

Bsiuwx85 o

Next turn. Next turn, we'll get started with Ernst. For sure.

Mremzovk oV3y7ihae oRj1p5s9x o

This happens as always.

2p92sqjz o

For educational purposes, this is what happens if you try to attack Ernst from up close. That looks promising.

Lvo9y6ho oGrtalnzh oV5rtqdan o

Don't worry, don't worry. I won't spend the entire update just fighting randoms.

Whca5is7 o

Nngh... all right. Let's begin with a volley of chu-ko-nu bolts. I'll have to swap her back to the silver bow ASAP, but at least that'll be it for the silver shield.

Hd5orqm9 o

His sprite is magnificent.

Rddnzwoi o

Vqfkjmmi o...But that does not mean I will let you through today. Come, so-called Champions of Yutona! Show me what you're made of!

P1zzgcas o Amazing.

2og3k9w5 o

More amazing!

Unrelated, but Ernst always looked really fat to me. Look at that belly! He doesn't look like the kind of guy who could take on the entire player army by himself. I guess this proves that it's no good to judge a book by its cover.

Tkfatuqh o

...d'oh! That silver shield tanked most of the crit! Why didn't you get it after breaking it?

Xdypfkkm oHf20mxyj o

Never mind, it wouldn't have made a difference.

Xsfuim4o o

Look, I'm using Hagar for something! He's useful!

M70dn1zx oMbtzqsdk o1nttbhu5 o

I would've liked to wait for Sasha to get to this guy, but if he heals Ernst, I'm going to die inside, so he's going down right now.

Kgronqyf o

Another point of defense? Sure, don't mind that!

Pebxwfhh o

There's one more thing about Ernst that makes him a huge pain in the neck to fight. Watch:

Oxnwxbom o

He heals a fuckton of HP from the gate. Look at this nonsense! She healed 8 HP just now! Fairly certain the exact amount of HP he recovers is 12 HP. He gets a free vulnerary + 2 HP every single turn. This is not fair.

Yojtt6i6 oNgdcvmpz oTogjquzm o

This will be Esther from here on out. At this point, I'm going to start skipping much of the enemy phases, and focus on the battle with Ernst.

Hznmdkg5 o

Ernst has decided to start with the levin sword. I don't understand why, it deals way worse damage than the javelin.

Kjbefsgx oKvr51br4 o

Son of a gun...

Sumfs8ra o5bswh6wu o

Oh, hey. That was... surprisingly fast. Thank you for being a badass to match the Stache of Canaan, Leonie. Perhaps this'll be over sooner than later.

Iazewtae o7rysuvn8 o

Player phase time. Heal up, both of you.

Tb4j1sbh o

I don't expect this to work, but at least he won't die. And just in case, I had him take Leonie's charm for a sec, so even if Ernst procs crits twice or something crazy like that, Mintz will make it. Two crits and Adept will kill him, but what's the chance of that oh my God he's going to die isn't he.

E3b1ikhv o0aqpyqps o

Vqfkjmmi oSo be it. Not a single person shall get past me. Not even you, my friend. If you will not retreat, then your only path is through me!

P1zzgcas o Simple convo, but really cool nonetheless.

Gvfzcwq9 o

C'mon, Mintz! You can do it!

Am35om9g o

Vqfkjmmi o...hesitating, Mintz?

9wemniw4 oSorry, man. I just don't think I can skewer you in good conscience.

Vqfkjmmi oHmph... it gladdens me to know that you feel that way. But I have sworn to defend this gate, and that I shall do!

9wemniw4 o...come, then. I can take it.

Zy85n64u o

That was a success.

Iubruaq8 oDzv8kpop o

Ri5bp6h0 oSir Mintz...

9wemniw4 oAh, I'm sorry, Leonie. I can't do it. Please...

Ri5bp6h0 oDon't worry, Sir Mintz. I will do it. You can leave this place, if you want... I'll be fine.

9wemniw4 oNo, I think I'll stay here. If nothing else, I can cheer you on. If I allowed you to fall here, too, I'm not sure if I'd be able to sleep with myself ever again.

Ri5bp6h0 o...thank you, Sir Mintz.

Nc7uflui o

That's a level. Took her a while to get it, but now that she has it, Esther is really putting Paragon to good use.

Qli0xkmm o

Hoho! Nice! That's awesome. A few more like this, and you'll be good to go.

3ox86enw o

Another level.

Zk5nu7up o

Good for a TRS Mage.

Ckllzivg o

All right, Runan made it to this corner of the map. He'll wait here.

Lgfikgtb o

Oh, goodness...

Blhsk6xw oKbwufo5m o

It's a battle of titans.

Bldtrmkh oEoovqf04 o

Heals for both. With the fruit, to save up Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure uses.

Ijahr8pn o

Here's a really fun idea. With the levin sword, Ernst has lost just enough avoid to give Hagar exactly 1% of accuracy against him with the stonehoist. Add the Mintz support to that, and Hagar gets the slightest chance to hit Ernst for 10 damage. Let's go.

Zsjj5xld o


Jzaz3ffv o8mpbseh3 oQ1juhrod o

Everyone heals up.

9aibig6g oComghdon oBk08kkra o

Esther's doing a lot of work today.

88bjdddq o


Ts6ippqc o

Oh, no... he's realized that he has a javelin that's way more effective against Leonie.

3ykuemyx o

No! No, son of a bitch, no! Aaaarrrrgh!

7wwu3gjc oCanjz80b o

We're not making any progress.

U8a9auua oDsyhvlft o9mobn1y0 o

What even was I doing here?

Uypidhk7 o

Whatever possesed me to try that, I'm glad I did it.

Ywgvvonm oCqqpixld o

Ernst equipping the javelin has increased Hagar's accuracy by 1%. Now he'll hit, I'm sure...

V6eyjsrr o


Lfezympm o

Oh, Mintz wasn't supporting him this time around! Perhaps next turn, with a solid 12% chance to hit, Hagar will be able to do something.

Djcibfcz oTdamkujt oAediu0fh o

Sasha finally leaves the Wyvern Knight fort, to get a piece of the action.

Rx79mwxc oOh, Yutona save us, she's on the move! Please, don't let her come near me...!

Zjnpkiqj o

I can actually use these in this route, so that's awesome.

Dgtkhwyj o

Sierra returns here to take over Sasha's duties while she's off being a nightmare to the enemies.

8mbuakxv o

My beautiful progress, gone...!

W6q8swi2 oDumx3bib oThks7jjg o

Another pile for the pilum. I mean, the other way around.

Hcc954ch o

All I do this turn is this.

J9olctck o

So sad...

Rrtxwnw0 o

Gulp... no, not the 1%...!

Bqeta1nf oHoedyzfq o

Whoa, whoa, she got doubled! Thank goodness for the Goddess's proteccion... that could've killed her if he hit her critically both times!

9glfn1h4 oNzpaxt5s oZwoz5z2w o

Ernst, like Kreiss, has the power to multiply his javelins before throwing them. More interestingly, Leonie has dodged his throw, so she can attack again in the player phase.

Yhzzrbmx o5ptfrkcr o

Like so!

Ntfy1uje o

Ohohohohohoh! She's just cheating the RNG, now! Not even Adept can stop her! Suck on that, RNGoddess!

...no, no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! So sorry! Please don't screw me over, please don't screw me over! Let me beat Ernst! I beg of you...!

2vxwjilm oFppqjsi5 o


W12kdzwc o

Sasha gets a good level. Killing Ernst with her to get all of his gear would be hilarious, but sadly, she gets murdered by him, like everyone else not named Leonie.

Jl4hhr69 oNlgrd2ar oFt4kjs4q o

Esther is still choking the point. Getting those secondary Enteh heals.

Avupozg0 o

Nngh... this only gets more painful the more I see it...

A4ui4xkm oNvjcb0qb o

Doing a good job there, Esther!

Qmyfriez o

...this notwithstanding...

Ccubb5ab oYks0uhnu o

I really don't get why he keeps juggling between his weapons. What's the advantage of using this over the javelin? Is he just feeling merciful? 'Cause I'm not complaining, if that is the case.

Fa23e2du o

Well, anyway.

Kaozzfdi o


3yxjz9x0 o6uzsuxkh o

Awesome. We need all the dodges we can get.

2ilanycz o

9wemniw4 oAhh... I can't just stand by and watch you fight alone, Leonie! I've got to do something!

Ri5bp6h0 oSir Mintz!

Jhaeqiqi o

9wemniw4 oNngh... Ernst! Why? Why do you so stubbornly oppose us?! We are not the enemy!

Vqfkjmmi oSo you say. But you are no friends of ours, either. We won't let you so-called Champions ruin Canaan!

9wemniw4 oErnst, you don't understand! We would never... Lord Runan would never do that! That's why I joined him! To restore the old Canaan! He's not the man you think he is!

Vqfkjmmi o...I am sorry, Mintz. But Prince Sennet is the safer bet for us.

9wemniw4 oPrince Sennet!?

Vqfkjmmi oIf you won't stand down, all we can do is fight. En garde, old friend!

9wemniw4 o...

Blqv856l o


Cflrwkds o

9wemniw4 oI tried, Ernst. I really did.

Ri5bp6h0 oSir Mintz, please... there's no need to force yourself...

9wemniw4 oNo, there isn't. Don't get killed, Leonie.

Ri5bp6h0 oI won't, Sir Mintz! I promise!

9wemniw4 o...

Zvch6pl7 o

Thunder tome for us.

Kfvpg4fu o

Meh. Might as well try this. It might hit Ernst, if we are lucky.

Rx79mwxc oN-no... she's too close, she's too close! And there are others with her! They'll tear me apart if I don't get out of here... c'mon! Just a little push forward, and I think... I'll be...

7mqd10ud o

Rx79mwxc oYes! Yes, I'm free, yes-- Wait! What's going on now!?

5bb2xmjc o


Yqid0izr o

Rx79mwxc o...m-my head... unnhh, I'm bleeding... w-what madness am I witnessing...

0bmwe9jd oNvluixud o

Didn't get Ernst, but at least we got rid of some heat. It's... something, I suppose.

Rny8fxgy oHyizxmpr o

I'm going to have Esther retreat, just 'cause.

Rx79mwxc oThey're all coming this way... Oh, I hope I can still run after that...

Wwdrlnz1 o

Oh, for fuck's sake... he's back to full again!? What turn is this?

J1qsczy4 o

Turn 20. And we've made exactly no progress at all. Good lord... I'll be here all night!

38di7hi3 o

Rx79mwxc oYes... yes, oh yes... I made it...! Thank you, Blessed Yutona!

38ti9te7 oHey! Look there! Someone's trying to escape! After him, everybody!


38ti9te7 oRunning won't save you~! Tee hee hee~!

Khqnph0q o

Ju0m09ko oWhat is this? He left his wooden battery behind! We cannot follow him!

38ti9te7 oI can! Hee hee hee hee~! Come out, friend! I just wanna play~!

Dymo2jvo o...Lady Sasha... is it my fault that you're in such a pitiful state?

X4svuaba oWe'll move this big piece of garbage and join you, Lady Sasha!

38ti9te7 oI'll leave some spares for you~!

Dymo2jvo o...father Lee, you need to say something to her! This war is draining away all of her sanity! If someone can save her from herself, it might be you! Please...!

Q7cix2tv oI am sorry, milady. She may very well be beyond saving at this point. I'm ashamed to admit it, but... she terrifies me.

Dymo2jvo o...Queen Liza... I... I am a complete failure...


Rx79mwxc oAah... haah... o-oh, goodness... she shouldn't be able to see me through the trees, but... if she does, it's... it's all over...! Goddess, please have mercy on me...! If I get out of here alive, I swear I shall never again resort to deceit and manipulation for personal gain! I will behave, I will be the greatest person this side of Lieberia! I-I will make monthly donations to the church-- and bountiful ones, at that! Just... don't let that demoness find me...!

Y0djkysz o5bnhpwuw o


Gunollwo o

Oh, good lord, she just barely survived! Not that it would've mattered, since she has that miracle charm, but...

Awt17kcm o

Oh, wait, right. She gave it to Mintz and I forgot to have him give it back. Perfect. I almost lost Leonie to a stupid mistake. Isn't that great?

Pe6zwdhb o

Pft... heh... I'm such a dumbass. Oh, fuck me sideways...

Fs8menqv o


Zdwz4kt4 o

12%! They've hit us with worse odds... surely, I may get even slightly lucky here?

Al2plynt o

Joder... coño! La puta madre, verga! No me lo puedo creer!

B6z4krnt o

More, more healing!

Wkzy76js o

And now, have this. Norton won't fight Ernst, so he doesn't need that.

9b1ksjyk o


1kcjnmel o2awjfxes o

I could've lost the miracle charm there if he procced Adept again, but we really need to start doing damage if we want to ever finish this chapter. So long as she's protected by the charm, I'm fine with being aggressive.

Ipmu58jm o

This isn't why it was important to bring Runan down here, but it's a nifty side effect: this guy, who was attempting to circle around the hill to get to Enteh, has been intercepted by Runan in time to save her.

Gs9idz3m oUhk5uvsn o

And now he's down.

Uh1wwnkz o

More healing for Leonie.

Hak2qrit o

Oh, no... I didn't consider this. We're running out of staves to heal Leonie. And once we do, it'll be the end...

Jhddwinb o

Okay, so here's the plan. Lee will hurry south so he can borrow Enteh's staff. When that one breaks, I'll... I have no idea.

C1d74aek o

Esther kills a horseman who was nearby.

Whtapls8 o

X4svuaba oThere! We can catch up to Lady Sasha now!

38ti9te7 oAh, don't bother. I think I lost him. D'aww... what a chicken.


Rx79mwxc oHaah... haah... haah... keep running... keep r-running... don't worry about... head wound... can treat it later... run... run!

Mfr4v2hf o5fdnjr5b o

Nice, everyone dodged! More people are going towards Runan, which is fine, he can take care of himself.

Oqr27ro9 o

Although the only one I really care about is Leonie. She's the one that matters. Her dodges mean less Paces a-Hundred Yet Still I Cure uses I have to waste.

Pk5hie5i o

For the love of... this is ridiculous. Preposterous! Preposterous, I tell you!

Ql1tjcne o

At least she's dodging everything.

Rcuja9ij o

...hey! I just had an idea!

Mqkz7ivp o

Look, Sasha has a smith's hammer! She can hand it over to Lee so he can repair Enteh's staff, when the time comes!

7v2hfbve oUsjvjg0i oGfgu2tgh o

We'll get to that. First, some fighting. Oof... dangerously low there, Esther.

Q3at6zhd o

Nice, very, very nice! Looks like she really did listen to you, Eclipse. She's stopped sandbagging!

Scmmitsp o


Oh, wait. She survives with 1 HP.

...I still will need to heal her, and that's a use of the one long-range staff I still have...

E32alemc o

Pffft...! Right, it didn't occur to me. She can still do this. I worried for no reason.

K8z6ovsj o8rtdgtfu o


V1sxi2gd o

...oh, God. As if we didn't have enough problems...

Why didn't he attack, though? I'm fairly certain he didn't attack Hagar. Either that, or I forgot to screenshot it.

Whatever happened, this is really, really bad. Hagar can only survive so long as he still has his iron shield. Once it breaks, he's dead.

Nhqgd2op o

In other news, more dodges!

2cdatsco o


Best Paladin, fellas.

T6iw9jau o

Hagar keeps failing.

Frytbomz o

Sasha will make it to the healers next turn.

Gyoxajzf o

It looks like Runan is holding on to the horse's head.

Euzj00yw o

That stunt has given him a good level.

Zdeejvfz oBxlu5bcg o

Oh, please...

Xwpz3el3 oCjszxpvz o

Okay, the shield didn't break, and it has 4 uses, so I suppose he really didn't attack last turn...? Why?

Anyway, yeah. He can take one more battle. And I've nobody nearby who can eliminate that enemy, so...

Eh, it's not like Hagar is a good unit or anything.

Kpve7jrg oFmxcubqq oSqoyxrma o

Enemies are attacking Sasha, for some reason. They must have a death wish.

Esupvcv5 o

Goodness gracious... she's just... so powerful! Not powerful enough to take on Ernst, but there's no shame in that.

Kkiti6bv oWko4ohj0 o

Bah... she got hit.

Ydvhjjca oUe1c8ol4 oRedqbcmy o

For fuck's sake, we were just starting to get him low-ish again!

77lp4q83 oUr1rnubl o

At least we can heal Hagar, since she dodged.

So2brbmy o

There we go. 15 more heals for Leonie. I sure hope they'll suffice.

Igzrknzi o

Runan continues killing while that happens.

Hwybxxss o


Chfxcqqh o

This is it, folks. If I can't kill Ernst right now, Hagar is dead. If he lives, then... given how low the chance of killing Ernst right now is, I suppose he'll be entitled to a deployment slot...?

Vwrkbc9p o


Vnq1yzwz o


G4olc2vd o

We did it. We finally did it. The battle with Ernst alone took me like 40 minutes in real life, but it's done.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... the most epic send-off in FE. You thought Barbarossa was awesome? That was nothing compared to this. Watch well.

Dywhexd3 o

Like back with Barbarossa, his death quote autoscrolls. At first, it's slow, as if he's having trouble speaking.

2wmxtb89 o
Hn81vhve o
3m0zy0pq o

It speeds up here.

Glzkisja o

Underwhelming level for this kill. This is when the move level should've happened.

Jo46jqxx o
Lzvnr30a o

Jesus! What's happening? Second phase!?

Q7ihq7vm oU3212yj8 o


V8mfgitz o

Yeah, this is why I made Runan walk all the way to the other side of the map: so I could show off this stupidity. This map is a seize map, but it might as well be "kill boss", because when you kill Ernst, Runan automatically runs up to him.

Hqf3ulr5 o

Ih49ob2i oIt appears that the enemy commander is personally guarding the gate. That man fights like a demon... Everyone is too scared to get near him.

Llibn6rp oWe can't let this continue. We have to break through! I will face the enemy commander myself.

0zfd96rn o No, Runan! You don't have the stats!

Glnxlz7p o

For some reason, Eugen's portrait instantly disappears as the line ends.

4ttqma82 o

Lljylvxj o

P1zzgcas o Ah, yeah. Here it is. The Stache Sword of Canaan, folks: He died standing in front of the gate. His determination was such, that he would not let us pass even after bleeding out. His corpse continues defending Reeve. How absolutely amazing. I only wish there was artwork of some sort for this moment.

Llibn6rp oIt's no wonder that the enemy soldiers had such overwhelming motivation, with a general such as he giving orders...

Ih49ob2i oPossibly... Though that may not be the only reason.

Oymuguou o

0zfd96rn o If only you knew. If only you knew.

Llibn6rp oLet's press onward, Eugen. Save the philosophizing until after we've taken Reeve Palace back.

Ih49ob2i oRight behind you, milord!

A14fpsan o

Man, that was an incredible moment. Ernst may not have the most screentime, but he makes the most of what he has. Heck, "the most of what he has" is probably an understatement. That conversation with Mintz way back when gives him so much personality.

Rkardgjx oKwyfhvng o

Before the map ends, let's repair this staff.

Mmealqqj oFje4ia2g o

Also do this. I remembered just in time!

Nq7ofkjn o

Ahahahah! We've won! I did it! I beat one of the hardest chapters without casualties! Even Hagar survived! Man... this is awesome. I'm awesome. Fuck yeah.

Next time, we assault Reeve proper. Ready or not, here we come, Prince Julius! Till then, you know the drill: farewell, and I'll see you guys around! Bye~!




9wemniw4 o...a legend to the bitter end. So long, old friend. It was fun while it lasted...

Ri5bp6h0 oI'm so sorry, Sir Mintz...

9wemniw4 oDon't be. It had to be done. He would've never stood down. Heck, he didn't stand down even after you got him! I don't hold this against you. It's what he wanted.

Ri5bp6h0 oIf you say so...

9wemniw4 oLet's go, Leonie. We don't want to lag behind.

Ri5bp6h0 oAll right....




Rx79mwxc oGuh... guh-hah... nngh... huff... n-ngah...! Keep running... don't stop...! She can still... see me...! Aah... ahh... m-my head... hwargh...!




Death count: Attrom
                        Indiana Jones

                        The Roger The Paladin

*26A only

Reset count: 3 (Runan: 1 - Katri: 1 - Holmes: 1)

Dullahan's done with my incompetence: 7


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Canned Dullahan is how I will refer to the Azoth from now on. That's genius.

I got it from Order of the Stick. One strip referred to a bottle of "Keoghtom's Ointment" as "Cleric-in-a-can".

Anyway, Ernst is even more scary then I remembered. He is probably the reason god invented Save Staffs. Still, couldn't you have used the Defense Staff and shields to tweak the odds in your favor? And what about the Luna Sword?


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

9wemniw4 oYou'll be fine, Hagar. But if you're so worried, why not join us? We've got pretty ladies everywhere!

0zfd96rn o The only legal ladies in Runan's team are Esther (I think), who would just slap Hagar to hell and back if he tried anything; Kate, who is a depressed mess at this point; and Sierra, who's taken. I like to think Mintz is just bamboozling his "bro" here. It's very much like him.

Come to think of it, Tear Ring Saga does actually have quite a few more playable female characters then previous and future Fire Emblem games.
For Tear Ring Saga, I counted 27 playable female characters and 35 male ones.
Thracia had 16 female characters and 36 male ones. And I'd wager the ratio gets more loopsided the more you go back.
In the future Path of Radiance had 14 female characters and 32 male ones.
Funnily enough the amount of male characters seems pretty constant across all of the 3 games I just counted. Which is convenient, makes it easier to compare the ratio. Tear Ring Saga isn't that far off from a 50/50 ratio while in those other games less then 1/3 of the cast are female.



Edited by BrightBow
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