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So, Amiibo DLC curiosity.


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So, never posted a topic before, I have ghosted topics for a while however as most tend to do so, if I need to do anything, lemme know.

Now, after an eternity of avoiding Fates (I guess I didn't like it at the start?) I decided to pick it up  again, beat it again after a few years and I even played through the DLC (Great content mind you) and have found something strange yet curious.

In the Amiibo battles, Robin has unique chats with Inigo, Severa and Owain. Now, I thought they'd be all normal and such, and they are save for Inigo. Severa calls him a faker, and Owain as usual plays the act up, but Inigo seems really, really emotional about it. Even going so far as to say that Robin had always been able to see right through him, which last I recall, Inigo's only emotional support was with his father. His father support aside, am I missing something that makes them really close as characters? Maybe he mentions Rob in a support or two in Fates? Or is he just seemingly really close with Robin for unknown reasons?

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